The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 07, 1898, Image 3

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HOT WATER in Ten Minutes
Special in
In order to make room for our spring
slock of Muslin Underwear, we offer our
present stock at the following prices:
25 cent values .i8c$i.25 values
,, :
" 24c fc
D '
Si. 00
38c j;
78c !!
.:&:..$ .90
I.50 " :.?.:... 1:10
I.75 " ,..U., I.35
2.00 " ; I.59
2.50 " . 1.98
3.00 " 2.29
During January and Feb
ruary wo will give lo every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
committees arc aleo requested to be
present ns matters of importance wid be
Mr. Geo. W. Rowland, who biiB keen
city. A. A. Jayne appeared for the
prosecution. Green waived examina
tion and bound was over to appear be
fore the prand jury under sf200 bonds.
Weather Tonight and Tuesday, rain
and cooler.
The roadbed of the railway from Ab
erdeen to Iloquiam bus been complet
ed. Try oar one pound squares "Queen
Hrand" butter,, at Dalles Commission &
Grocery Co.
A new Populist paper, The Independ
ent, mude its first uppearunce at Monte
lano Wednesday-
HnvHtnrk valley, which seldom ex
perietices snowfall, was visited with flv
inches a few days ugo.
The Methodists at Ilwaco have lately
been having a revival and !!3 persons are
eaid lo have been converted.
Smoke the ixipulur brands, Prize Med
al, Rose Queen and Guarantee,. For
eale by uli llrst-class dealers.
The total receipts at thuChehalis post-oflir-e
iast year amounted to $it"S7, as
compared with flW-'S in 18U0.
When yun see a good thins: push it
along. Tiiereforu call for the Prize
Medal and Ruse Queen cigars.
lleports from the John Day valley
Mate that all kinds of stock is goin
through the winter in line shape.
The Spokane board of fire underwrit
ailing for some time, and recently suf- j ln default of the bonds he will probably
fered a stroke of aptplexy, we learn was t nave to spend the time in jail. He ib
much worse last night. However, his tne man who came here with Harry
physician pronounced a slight improve-, Hesse, the outlaw who was shot by the
merit in his condition today, and his 1 officers in this city, and 'is au unfortu
friends are more hopeful. j nate opium fiend.
A splendid practice game was played A large audience attended the Con
by the Dalles football team yesterday gregatioiiai church laBt night to listen to
at the fair grounds. The team is in eermon by Rev. Curtis whicli had
fine shape, aud will put up a strong 1 ut-en delivered some Sundays since, and
game. Their signals are perfect, and was repeated by request. The subject
they will undoubtedly make it lively for was "Deal Fairlv With Thy Master,"
and the discourse was one which none
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
Committee for the Grand Army En
campment, April 19, 30 and 1.
any team that condescends to meet
The official scores at the Umatilla
House allevs for the week ending Feb.
7th, were as follows : Monday, C. John
son 04; Tuesday, Maetz64; Wednesday,
L. Coniini 55 ; Thursday, F. Pundt 5G;
Fiiday, C. Johnson 5S; Saturday, C.
GroehleroS: Sunday, C. Frank G3, and
The gang of Japs who were engaged in 1
the construction work near this pluce,
were sent to Cascade Locke yesterday to
do some work repairing the track at t
that place. Their removal will knock (
the bottom out of the rumor that was i
afloat, 'that they were going to work j
einkinir a shaft for the newly discovered '
coal mines.
n Vhort time men will be put to
work tearing down the old bridgH across
Mill creek basin. Much of tho lumber
in this structure Is almost a? good us new
j who heard can well forget. He made a
I touching appeal to his listeners to deal
j fairly with their Master, and themselves
j as well. The rapt attention which the
audience gave, and the .silence which
lollowed as Mrs. B. S. Huntington sang,
Jin her sweet, expressive manner, the
' solo "What Wilt Thou Do?" was evi
1 deuce of the deep feeling which pervaded
I the audience.
I Another rich gold discovery has been
' made at the head of Spanish Gulch, in
Grant county. In one week the lucky
' discoveror took out $1800. All that can
be said about the location of the claim,
is it is near the head of Spanish Gulch,
as ite discoverer will not tell the location,
ft is now a settled fact that there are
Klondikes right here in Oregon, and if
the many who are going on wild goose
chase to the land ol snow and ice would
remain here and prospect our own state
' I .1..... ..... t,. t. u.v .if. .11
to the new wharf, which that company ( ' '
, ,, . , ... AM to J lie Da ee, as it will be the great out-
. . wi i.Aua hit li Inir Hi n chnrr I inu Au '
fitting point for that section.
Mr. Frltx' Fuuerul.
,,.,.. . . , .... .11 , ..I i , ,i ... , i this fact would be demonstrate to a c
trs will present a we -siirned net tion toll and wi 1 be used for otlier pur poses, i .
..!... ,, . .. ,1 . i 1 1 . .i i. r x- i; i tainty. fcnoulu tnose mines prove as
partuient bo increased.
The cigars manufactured by S. F.
r'outs are all high grade goods, and are
placed before the smoking public en
tirely on their merits.
TheTacoma council has practically
aballulied tho position of city electrician.
An ordinance; was passed Saturday night
cutting on" the salary.
Tho Seattle city council Thursday af
ternoon decided to postpone indefinitely
the matter of exacting license from for
eigners soliciting trade there.
The foghorn, boilers and engine ut tho
"tatport lighthouse, at tho eutrance to
"'ay's harbor, are in place, and nearly
nrerywing ready for the lighting. j
A cannon weighing twelve tons passed
trough this city this morning. It is j
"out Pennsylvania und is on its way to
" "uuuiuii at Fort Stevens, near As
toria, The cheeks for a dividend of twenty
lr cent for tho Dalles National Bank,
'"veil today. This is tho third dlvi
"ona, amounting ou tho whole seventy
P cent.
tho pile driver crew have a considerable
amount of work to do, they will not be
back to begin this work before the first
UXnrch. ilie Iuneral ot 11,0 'utu Jacob fritz
, took place from the Catholic church at
During the past week pome remarka- 1 . . . ,
., i . .1 i i it 1 10 a. m. today, and the largo uumbor of
be scores were made at the club alleys. , . , " . ,. , ... ,
,. , ,, . , , , , ., i friends present showed in what high es-
On Mondav Mr. RIakeley, who has the , . 1 . .,
. , , , . i ,i i i , I teem tho aged townsman was held. Jho
reiiutation of being n good roller, field : .. . , , . ., ..
,' , i.i ' G. A. R., of which Mr. I'l itz was a mem-
the board wi h tne unprecedented score . . . , , , . . ..
, , . , , , . , 1 ber, matched in a Iwdv from their hall
of 14. n Tuesday Judge liradshaw, ! '
' , , . ' , , , , . , to the church, and were present at tho
one of the best ro ers in the club, scored i . , , . . ' . , .
" . , , , , , funeral services, which weio conducted
15, which was also placed on record, i , ,, ... ,, . , , , ,
,,' ,, . i i f bv Rev. b. JJronsgeest, who delivered an
The high are : W ednesday Mrs. - leU((H, nn( yyrv 0)rittto addrcMt
Theo. Seufert bi ; 'i hnrsday Tol.n.e 52; ; T)jo BwvceB ftt h(j
.rldny Stephens 50; Saturday, P. De- ,)roceeeioil W0UIld it8 way t0
HunO'J; Sunday, folmie 50. Ue C(tholc cemM wherH aU tmt
n interesting Populist meeting was was mortal of Jacob Fritz was laid to
In view of the fact that the state en
campment of the Grand Army of the
Republic will be held in The Dalles on
April 10, 20, and 21st, the following
committees have been appointed :
Executive J W Lewis, C H Brown,
T J Lynch, of the GAR. C W Diet
zel, C F Stephens, R Maye, A S Mac Al
lieter, of the D C & A Club. Mrs. Var
nev, Mrs Kelsay, Mrs C F Stephens, of
W R C.
Ways and Means W S Meyers, of the
GAR. I J Norman, N Whealdon, J C
Hostettler, of the D C & A C. Mrs Ul
rich, Mrs Patterson, Mrs Nichols, of the
W R C-
Decoration F T Esping, C II Brown,
R L Aiken, of the G A R. H W French,
P W DeHufT, of the D C & A C. Mis
Steph'ens, Mrs Learned, Mrs Bunch,
Mrs Joles, Mrs Dufur, of the W R C.
Reception D J Cooper, T P Crum, J
R Warner, J M Patterson, W A Madron,
of the G A R. B S Huntington, K
Jacobsen, A M Kelsay, C W Dietzel, F
Menefee. H H Riddell, of the D C & A
C. MrH Varney, Mrs Learned, Mis
Briggs, Mrs Myers, Mrs Lewis, Mrs
Patterson, Mrs Nichols, Mrs Parent,
Mrs. Dufnr, of the W. R! C.
Entertainment, Music and Program
T J Lynch, J W Lewis, of the G A R.
0 1) Doane, C J Crandall, R G Daven
port, N J Sinnott, of tho I) C & A C.
Mrs. Patterson, Mrs Varney, Mrs Bar
nett, Mrs Stephens, of the W R C.
Acconiodatioi. Mrs Nichols, Mrs UN
licli, Mrs Kelsay, Mrs Grimes, W R C.
The executive committee will be
called together in a few days.
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plonlv of hot water,
and a great fuel saver.
Have one put in yoilr
stove by
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.
has the bes$Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to he found in a
first-class Dry Goods Store.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall S Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes,
TheJ'aclHc nheot metal works, with
WMqunrtWB at Bun Francisco, bus or
wed the necessary machinery for n
'nch factory, to be oetubhshod at
A ntHftliiis of the executive committee
tue Kheep Urowere' Association will
7" m the club roouu
eTenl. The chairman
7:80 thin
the other
ield in tho court hoube Saturday even-
ng. H. S. Turner, of Dufur, presided,
Sand u number of speeches were made.
After the Populists had finished the
IbiiHinese of tho evening the bl-metallic
nieuKiiu met and transacted business.
Mr. Turner remained in the chair for
both uicetidgs. At present it seems that
tho Silver Republicans, Populists and
Democrats have virtually agreed to
unite. This will bo more fully deter
nJuejLat the regular convention.
Elmer Green who was arrested last
Saturday by Sheriff Driver in Portland,
hud his preliminary hearing before Re
corder Sinnott this afternoon. He is
charged with burglarly of tools from the
cannery of Kverduig aud Farrell, in this
Catholic cemetery
mortal of Jacob
j rest with military honors.
The pall bearers were selected from
among the o Id friends of the deceased
and members of the G, A. R., and were
Robert Muys, J. Doherty, E. P. Fitzger
ald, 0. C. Uobart, J. Mardeu and M. T.
Had it not been that many were kept
away by business, which could not be
left, the church would have been filled
to overflowing. As it was, the funeral
was well attended, for Mr. Fritz' friends
are legion, und all were arxious to show
their esteem for so good a friend, so kind
a neighbor, so brave a veteran, and so
true a gentleman,
DeWitt' Witch Hazel Salve
Cores tll, Scalds, liars.
!Sonii He ijuli i ineiilH lliat will lie round
'Die universal article of diet in that
country, depended upon and indispe ns
able, is bread or biscuit. And to make
tho bread and biscuit, either in the
camp or upon the trail, yeast cannot lie
used it must be baking powder; mid
the powder manufactured by the pro
cesses of tho Royal Raking Powder,
miners and proepectors have learned, is
the only one which will stand in that
peculiar climate of cold und dumpings
and raise bread and biscuits satisfac
torily. These facts are very important for
every one proposing to go to Alaska and
the Yukon country to know, for should
he be persuaded by some outfitter to
take one of the cheap brands of baking
powder, it will cost just as much to
transport it, and then when he opens it
for use, ufter all his labor in packing it
over the long und difficult route, ho will
find a solid cuktd muss or a lot of spoiled
powder, with no strength and uselees.
Such a mistako might lead to the most
serious results, Alaska is no place in
which to experiment in food, oi try to
economize with your stomach. For use
in audi a climate, and under the trying
and fatiguing conditions of life aud labor
in that country, everything must be the
best Mid most useful, and above all its
imparative that all food supplies shall
have perfect keeping qualities. It is ab
surd to convey over such difficult and
expensive routes an article that will de
teriorate in transit, or that will be found
when required for use to have lost a
treat part of its value.
There is no better guide to follow in
these matters than tho advice of those
who have gone through similar exper
ience. Mr. McQupston, who is called
"the father ol Aluska," after an exper
ience of yea's upon tho trail, in the
camp, und in the use of every kind of
supply, says: "Wo find in Alaska that
the importance of a proper kiud of bak
ing powder cannot bo overestimated. A
miner with u enn of bad baking powder
is almost helpless in Alaska. Wo have
tried all sorts, and liavo hern obliged to
settle down to use nothing but the
Royal. U is stronger und carries furth
er, but above all things, it is tho only
powder that will endure tho seveie
climatic cliunges ol the arctic legion."
It is for the'sumo reasons that the U.
S. government in its relief expidltions,
und Peary, the famous arctic traveler,
have curried tho Royul Raking Pow der
Tho Royul Raking Powder will not
cake nor loose its strength either on
hoard ship o.- in damp climates, und
is the moat highly concentrated and ef
ficient of leavening agents. Hence it is
indispensable to every Alaskan outfit.
It can bo had of any of the trading com
panies in Aluska, but should the miner
procure his supplies belore leaving, ho
should resist every attempt of the out
fitter to palm off upon him any of the
other brands of baking powder, for they
will spoil und prove the causo of great
disappointment and trouble,
The kindness of our friends lias done
much to help us bear the burden placed
upon us by he death of our little daugh
ter, und wo wish to express our grati
tude to them. May such a sorrow never
come to them.
Mis. and Mr.s. II. W. Wi:i,is.
To Dure tt Cold ill Out) liny.
Tuke Laxative liroino Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,
Tbut I what 11 wu made fur.
Spiny Yutir Tiutia.
All persons having fruit trees which
aio infested with San Jose scale uro
hereby notified to spray the same with
a solution of lime, sulphur and salt with
in sixty days ufter the dutoof this notice.
Emim: Soiiaxxo.
Commissioner for tiie fourth district.
The Modem Way
Commends Itself to tho well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
formaly done in tho crudest manner and
disagreeably as well. To cleanse tho
system and break up colds, headaches,
and feveis without unpleasant ufter ef
fects, use tho delightful liquid laxativo
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,'
Tliut la whut It ".is uimlu lor.
The Latest a
Novelties in
I. C. Nickelscn
Book & CTlusie Company,