The Dalles Daily Ghradcle. The only Republican Daily Knctpapet on Wasco Countv. EASTERX OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple Cowl, X. y. Cilv. E. KATZ. Agent. ?2 25 n or Weekly Clubbing Hate. Chronicle and Orogouinn Chronicle and Examiner.... o Chronicle und Inter Ocean . 1.S3 Chronicle and Tribnuc 1 75 Chronicle and X. V. World 2 00 MONDAY FEBRUARY 7. 1S9S XOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. of tunehincry lies rusting in shod?, canals and ditches. It is now assert ed that with the machinery oti hand the remaining work can be accom plished in eight or nine years for $130,000,000. An American party of thirteen contractors and engineers, representing some American capital ists, is inspecting this canal. The Panama officials arc offering them every facility to see the works, and the newspapers are telling t'jem the superiority of the Panama route to the Nicaraquan one. Taking the JVIedieine. Every city in the state, of any im portance, is making preparations for growth and advancement during the year 1SDS. Some are making a greater endeavor than others, and it is hut fair to presume that the re sults obtained will be m proportion. .La Grande is glorying in its coming lieet sugar mill; Pendleton looks foi a still larger business for its already prosperous wooleu and scouring mill ; Baker City is providing for greater development of the mining interests adjacent, while Astoria expects the completion of the railroad to bring grain elevators and all the appurte nances connected with a large ship ping port. Compared to these places what is The Dalles doing? True we have one of the finest set of club rooms to be found in the state, and arc build ing a public school which would be envied b' any of the cities named. Improvements arc continually going on, in our business and residence dis tricts; but, however gratifying they are, their influence is but local. The time has come when The Dalles must reach out to increase her trade in certain diiections ami to hold what she ahead bus in others. For tiiirty years this city has enjoyed the exclusive business of a large sec tien of countn, now threatened by the building of railroads, which will divert the golden treasure which has heretofore been ours. A few 3'ears may make a great difference in the commercial import ance of The Dalles. We have made many mistakes in the past, but can not afford to make one now. It is, we believe, a necessity that some steps be taken in the direction of building a railroad which will coun teract the influence of the Columbia Southern and Oregon Pacific, should the latter be extended. Six or seven years ago the people of this section were suffering from the exorbitant charges of the rail road company. All prayers for re lief were unheeded, till, forced at last to help themselves, the business men of this citj reached into their pockets and raised the money for the establishment of the D. P. & A. N. Co., running boats from hereto Port land. At that time the venture was considered a hazardous one, but b the working together of common in terests the D. P. il- A. 2s. Co. was made to bring about the desired re lief; and not only that, but it has proven a success for the stockhold ers, till now it is one of the most prosperous transportation companies on the coast. "What was done on water can be related on land, and there is little doubt that a railroad reaching from here to Sherman count' and connecting with the Co lumbia Southern, would be a paying venture, as well as the means for making the future of The Dulles secure. At least the subject is one which will bear investigation, and we trust our public-spirited business men will not allow the opportunity to pass. The relief expedition to Dawson City may be 'unnecessaiy, but if it calls to the government's attention the need of stationing troops in Alaska, it will have served its pur pose. With the coming together of such lawless elements as are to be found in Skaguay, as in all towns of quick growth, the civil authorities will be unable to preserve order, and until the conditions of the country are brought to a more stable basis, the presence of government troops arc necessar. if ir w Wholesale Cllines and Cigars. Yon get pood results from taking your medicine if the prescription is properly tilled. You want nl' the good you can possibly get from the remedy. "You want he tilling to be properly done. We ive it the most careful attention. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and ' HOP GOLD BEER and in oottlos Anheuser-Busch Malt Nn trine, a non-alcoholic ; beverage, unequaled as a tonic. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. frBtii Irnvp nml iirv iliic t" itrrivo nt I'nrtUiul , OVKItl.ANI) KXO Hire!.. Pnlfin, Ilivic- ' miK. Antihunt, Hiic ; rnmi'iito, OKilt'ii.Hnn I PrimelM-), MdIhvo, f Iai AiiRflcs.Kl f'KH. I Sew urlcutih nml 1 l Knitt J lloMi'lmrK hikI wny Mil- 'IIIUIK ( Via Wixxlbiirn fori Mt.Aiipcl, rUlvi'rtoti, ; Writt fi'ln, llrmrili" ylllu.StirliiRfli'ld ami j .niruu ) i .- n i vi ICorvnllls mill wny j I,:. A. jatntlmiH VV.OO 1' M ;:;o A. M Dully I'XlH'Ilt i ntvr. V. M Dully fxri'pt Sumluyt,. :S0 1' II. INDKl'K.N'DKNCK rASSl'.NOKK. Kxprm trnln IMIiy (cxcupi an mm ) l.v. 1'oitlHinl . .Ar.i S:2-.. in n;Hi n, in l --Un. m. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. l-.fflp. III. (l.V. l'OttlHlHl . Al.) !7;r P. m. A McMlimvlilo l.v.f 'h-xop. m. (Ar lii(lii,tnlcia'i,..l.v. j Minlly. I Dully, rxrupt htuuliii . If Tour Last Chance. All negatives now in my possession made by Mr. Honchton or D. C. Herrin prior to Jan. 1, 1S95. will be destroyed. If ou wish to duplicate prints, orders must be plaoed before March 1st. Giffoud, Plioto. Artist, febl-lm Chapman Block. ttuclcleu't. Arnica salvo. The beat salve in the world for cuu, braises, sores, ulcers, gait rhenm, feei aores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui hs piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to cive perfect satisfac tion, or niouey refunded. Price 25 cents I per box. For sale ny Biakeley and Honchton. drcccists. FREE. FREE. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street THE DALLES, jdoliday Improuemepts. Closing Out Sale -OF- FURNITURE f CARPETS PRINZ t NITSCHKE DlN'INti CAIIS ON OfiDKX ItOl'TK. ITU-MAN 1UTKCT Hl.KKl'KKS AM) SKi:OM CLASS hl.KKHMi CAllh Attached to ult TtiruuRh Tinlitk. Iilrret CMincotlim t Friwelwi wllh Orel, ili'iitnl nml Oriental mill l'liuitli' mull Mti-numlilp lliii torJAI'A.s mid CHINA. Sallliic ilntet, on lit pllrntlnn. Kntw- i.iul tlrkct to l.nMeni lmliits nml Ku rime. Alo JAl'AN, CHINA, and iAl ri lwVI'lA. villi IK." iimiunni iiimii J. II. K1HKI.AKI), Ticket ArbiU. , Thmiich Ticket Ollirc, 131 Third mrcut. where I throncli tlekelK to nil points in the Ktmtero ' tilMh-j., Cniiaila ami Kuruif hill be fihtaluei! at j owti.t rates (rum J. 11. KTItKI.ANI, Ticket AKClit. All ahovo tmliiM arrive at nml depart Irom Urimd ecu tnil iiiatlou. Klltli nml Irvine trw;t YAM1I1I.1. IitVISlON. rnstliKer l)cN)t, loot ol JellyrMin utrect. G) 9 -We Will Give- T"i Subscribers ami" Persons subscribing and pa-ing up in ad vance for the Weekly Ghfoniele A Copy of Are goinc to close nut their businesp, and they are ollorini: their larce stock at I COST TRICES. Now is the time to buv good Furniture cheap. I ! All perrons knowinc themeeives indebted to said firm are requested to call and j ..l1'1',,,'"' ''(Ji, 'f"ifi, fi!Us,1,'"s"orI,p:r"in! settle llieir account. i (anil ll p. in. on Miiiiriiuy niuy, mm v.m a. m and 3-:m p. m. on Siiiidayh unly). Arrive Bt ! i'ortlmiil aailv at i,:IO ami h;atl a in. . und 1 'XI. r M 15, fiis) mid 7.55 V. in., (mid 1U:1 n. m , 3-15 I b ID p. in. on tiiiiiilayh only). l.eave lor Sheridan, week dnyn, at l:H0 p. bi Arrive at l'ortliiml, U:: 11. in. U'svc lor AIItUK on Monday, Witlncdnv and rrlilav at 9: 10 a. in. Arrlv at I'ortlimd, Tuen dav, Tlmrhday and Saturdnj it a:05 p. in. Kxeept Siiiidar Kxwpt naturday. Jtye postoffiee parmay, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drugs and JVIedieines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pirpst T) of Imported arjd Domestie iar$. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. It. KOEH1.K11, JlllIIHi'LT. (.. II MA HICHAM, Asst. (.. p. & l'n.. Act The World You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment creater. You want paper which makes your home pleasanterat'all times. You need such shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at prices never attempted for such quality. ' D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Regulator Line-V PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. llmanae 0 Encyclopedia F nisi Tk Dalles. Portlani ani Astoria Navigation Co.' . -- ,--vvi..J Encyclopedia Will Answer Any Qiiestion You may Ash It. 1 1 j rzrr-I Pi The Panama canal is again before the public, notwithstanding the re pented assertion of its absolute fail ure. Ot the fifty-four miles from Colon on the Atlantic to Panama on the Pacific, only fourteen miles have been finished. The work has been going on now since 1882, and up to 1889 there were continually at work no lens than 10,000 laborers. Then the work was mostly discontinued, and today about $100,000,000 worth Standard W- American & Annual. 7VL Z. DONNE'LL, PESCHIPTIOH DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Drugs Paints Oils Wall Pape Window Giass :Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, Oil sia Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN i The Dalles, Hood lilver, Cascade Locks and J'urt-1 lani) dally, r.unda)-. ' PRICE g B) GENTS Ready Jan. 1, 1398, On All News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. 'Tbe most widely sold Annual Retf tnct Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. ( DOWN THE YALLET Are you going ' on to (EASTERN OREGON? If o, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. Tfie wisit'bound train urrlvt at The Dalles in am ult time for ltaMCiiEen, to take the xtenmer, arriving in Portland In time for the outKoing Southern Hnd Northern trin: Kat bound luutetigert arrivlni; In The Dules in time to take the Kaat-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HAK.VKV, Agent, Oak Street Dock. 1'urtland. Oregon, Or W C. AI.LAWAY, Gen, Agt., The Dalles. Oreeon Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchmakerfJeweler All work P'omptlT attended to, and warnuitad. 174 VOGT BLOCK "THE 0 1 WFFk i Y IhlTFR fiLFQN i ul CE&US ....liilWWWIll Zmm.m. LARGEST CIRCULATIOHJDMIJOLITOL PAPER IK THE WEST It is radically Republican, advocating "vrfBut it can always be relied on the cardinal doctrines nt c.triv (nr W, -nA - r ... with ability and earnestness,, , litical movcmentiJtjt&JljtJljtjtj THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES all THE NEWS AND CEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as u Family Paper Is Without a Peer. s X ft I 3 The Literature of its columns in equal to that of the best maga zines. It is Interesting to the chiU dren as well as the parents. Sflipes-K'ndy Drug Co. 129 Second Street, I THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, jFIRE BRICK, i ;fire clay, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. he. a-n, is nsr nsr. THE 1N7 ER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, Shlk it bngs to the family THE NEWS OF I HE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discuss ons of aU questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint, i??fSa5;I AK?SiAmoiis or tu jntek ocean ak best or TSEIR VMV. Price of UmIIv hy mull $4.00 per year Vrlae of Sunday b, wall...... .... aoJJ Kr llur Ially and Hunday by imUt... ... ... . $0.00 per yltr z s 1 J, 6. tiCHEMK, i'rettldent. II.M.Hk''.' C'lislllf First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Uankiug Bub1iibb traneucted Depoaita received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. . Collection!) made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange nolu oft New York, Ban Franoltoo and port laud, D. P. TuoMmoM. Jmo. 8. Bchkncc Eu. M. Williams, Oio. A. Liu H M. Bkai.l.