i I am CI For People That Jtref I fc Bio or "Just DontWII I V Foel WolL" I IkLll OMLV DUE FOR A DOBK. Rtnor Pimples, cam HMttche, Djipeoila an Ceitltcrm. zSetv box at lru?iisor lr malt batuple Frc, addre Or. BomiUo Co. .Vitus. Ia, Just as Good OISTB ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liiver and .bowels, cleanses the sys sti: iykxi: Ciune to my pmce .lanvnry a durk bay mare, about lo linnils high, white spot in fiu-e, tint' white html foot ; brand ed A on left shoulder; shot- on left front foot. Owner can have same hy paying " all chtirges. J. T. 1f.yxoli-, M-4 ltn Tlie Dalles Or. las Scott's and You can't cure consumption but yon c.tn avoid it and cure any other form of thr -at or June trouble In- t!ie use of One tem effectually, dispels colds, head- 'Minute Cough Cnru. It cures quickly. ache3 and fevers and cures habitual iThats what you want. Snipes-ICinurs- constiation. Syrup of Figs is the ly Dr"W Co. only remedy of its kind ever pro- ! 1Vuu(ll j dueed, pleasing to the taste and ac- yonnB ,.1(h. ,0 ,earn 'pr;ntinP) finlsh. J ceptable to the stomach, prompt in ! ing and retouching. Must be stronp, ' its action and trulv beneficial in its , with pirn! eyes, and not alt aid of work, effects, prepared orilv from the most '"enee required. healthyindagreeableBubstances its,' ,s.lf btr'Slm. ' many excellent qualities commend it . ' There is no need of little children be to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL iMUISVlUE, AT. HEW YORK, K.Y. The Dalles My Ghrc&dte. we sell it much cheaper," is a statement sometimes , made by the druppist when ocott's Emulsion is calico for. This shows! that the druggists themselves regard Scott's Emulsion I I of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phitcs of Lime and Soda as the standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the " standard n because he knows it has been of untold benefit, should not for one instant think of taking the risk of j using some untried prepa-' AS& ration. The substitution . ard preparation twenty five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. Re sure vou cret SCOTT'S Emulsion. See I that the cvan and fish are on the wrapper l toe and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & HOWNE, Chemists, New York. If I I inp tortured by scald head, eczema and I i skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witeh Hazel Salve K'tves instant relief and cures per manently. Snipe'-Kinersly D.-up Co. LOST. A dark brown, young mare, while stripe in face, white hind feei ; brand EV, conn-cted, on left (boulder: weirht about 1000 pounds. Finder will be paid t 111 the ' mint? Court of thr tor cure ny wntius! to . A. Cam 11 bell Citation. fi Special peattir 1 1 B a 95, Portland. Or. j.m22-lm TIIK DALLES, OISKRON Ail vertUInc ltnte. One Inch or lcs in Daily . . ,n ,o Over two inches unrl nnrlpr fimr fiintiiw 1 m ) Over four Inches and under twelve Inches. . 75 Over twelve inches fO DAILY AND WEEKLY. One lnoh or l(K. tt im-h rj Over one lath and under four'inchis. . -Fwiline sold bv S uver lour jncnes aud under twelve inchss 1 .0 1 CO Lite of Orernn for the County of ucu J;i the mutter of the estate of W. J. Muiu-, de j eeaed, citation: iToJame Meln. Carrie McDonald. Ida Hub-rt i aud to all unknown holts of W .. Jlelns de ' lea-tti, grretins ' In the name of the f-inte of Oreson, vou are i hereby cited and required to iipinr" In the : County Court of the State of Ortvou, for the ! County of M-co at the eouMrixmi tli.'reof, nt ; Dal city, in the County of WhsCo, on Mondav. j the Tth day of Miirrh. 19, at 10 i clH'k in the ' forenoon nf th.it i!:iv. ftnMi tititi tliHm ti. n!inu- the matl:et for five cent, and when vou i cause, if any exist, why n onlerhhould not lw K'm-z Cole braud Baltimore oysters, the best on tne market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them. At Varney & Co.'s. 11-tf lhe Rose Queen i; the be5t make on smoke them your money stays at Out-of-town vited to call home. 20 tf dealers in cigars are in and examine the choice F. Fonts. 20 Of The Chronicle oflico is the Job prii7tii7 D?partTeit. We have better facilities for doing- artistic vorl in this line .than any office in Kastern Ore gon, and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. Ue Qr)alli7e $ompariso9 both as to hiirh grade work and reasonable prices. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N s J Pullman Elegcnt Tourist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car til. I' AVI. minm:, roi.i llCI.CTll llliANll I'llll Clt(KST(N IVINNII'KO in:i.i:.v. hii utriTi: j Through Tickets toillLMOO tVAfilllNflTON : l llll.AIIKl.rillA : YOKK j HUSTON AMI AI.I. , roiNT.s ka.st mm noiitii For liitiirmntlou, time curdx, niKptnud ilclici, cal on or write to V. G. A 1. LA WAY. A cent, The Iialies, Oregon on I A. 1). CHARLTOX. AHHt. fi P. A.. Morrlnou Cor. Thlnl. I'ortluuJ Oresnu Over welve inches rEKSOXAt. MC.NTIO.N I. H. Tafle of Celilu is in the city. D. M. French went to Portland today. Justice A. J. Brighani of Dufur is in the city today. Mrs. M. 31. Kern of Dafur is at the "Umatilla Hone. A. A. Bonney is in from hie home at Tygh Valley today. C. P. Balch is among the delegates at the convention today. Clyde T. Bonnev, son of A. A. Uonnev of Tygh, is in the city. H. S. Turner, editor of the Dispatch, is in from Dutur today. A. C. Judson, industrial ai,'ent for the O. R. & N., is in the city today. Brent and I. J. Driver, brothers of Sheriff Driver, are in the city today. "Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huott and daush ter were in from tneir home at 8-Mile yesterday. M. J. Anderson of Dufur is in the city today attending the Silver Republican convention. Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Mays, Jr., have returned from Portland, and are visiting tboir relatives in this city. Mrs. 0. C. Hollister and little dauh tei, Florence, weut to Hood River on the morninp tram to visit friends. Mr. F. J. Chase and family left this city this morn-n-j; for Olympia, where they will, in all probability, make their Jjojne. Mr. Thos. Harl?n of MoMer is iu the city to attend the meeting of the Silver .Republicans, which is beini: heitl at the conrt house thie afternoon. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what it was made for. INDIAN POLYCJAMISTS. C. Mi'in. n. admlnitratir of said e-tnte. tn tlie real . property belonging to the e.Mate nf V . J. Jleln-. . i deceaMl. for the jiuri-o.-e of jnyintf the ehiirve-. J ' cxi ene and einim npnintt the i-'nte. which said proirty is descrlled a follov. to wlt. i Tl.u ,.n.th .. f ,tt 11,. ,1. ,1... smithwest fjuurter of the northwest ciiurl-r. the northwe.'.t inrterof the Miuthwe.-t (iiicter. tlu south half of the vritheast quarter, nud !h- south half of the southwe-t qiiHrti'T. nil Iomi i tion 12. t 1 south, rang- 12 e.nt. V. M I Witness the Hon. Kobert Ma. Jiidce of tin I County ''mrt of the Stite of ortiwn. for thr A. !.. I TO Till. SUBSCRI BE ElVort no llndr to Stop tin- Pf nrtloc In the Imlin.li Territory. The othcials of Perry, O. T., together j with those of the Indian territory, will, i it is reported, make an earnest ef- uUlxed, this 11th day of Jununrv ' l ...... , l t 1M - V sSAL) Clelk. jauiiVlt SUMMONS. fort to stop pohffamv anion? the In- I TN THE CIRCL'IT COl'l'.Tof the state nf Oie dians. Polvramv is practiced among ,' j sou for Wa-co County. nearly all of the tribes, and especially j unioncr the Chfer;nes and Arapahoes. Hewitt Golden. Offcurtant. ij i- w. X.i.r. ,;,....! To DflwIttGoiden. the aixvc naniHi ilrfendiint: Maj. A. L. Woodson, agent for these i tne name of the Ktte of Oiegon, v,u are tribes, says there are Indians among hereby refjuirtd to uppoir and mi-wer tfie com them Who have from two to half a doze.. ! $&XJZt& '.he nl dV o.'.he wives. Maj. Woodson sa vb tlie Indian.'- i nxt term of ald court followiinr the esidration refuse to give up their cra wives, nnd Jti say they will not obey tne territorial laws in this respect. The major sas there are only about eases of jwlyganiy among hio In dians. They are qppesed to a change. They come to him vying that they have heard nothing from Washington nfuout it, aud ate inclined to question the territorial law. They imagine FOE THE TWICE WEEK BAST! t,IVKa Till, t IIOK K OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES FOR THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA- cHHONiCLiE : Spokane , Minneapolis i St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City the 11th day of February, l-i: and If you full to ; so u'.jvar and miwer, or othenvl-e plead, in -aid cau-, the t lalniiff fur want thereof will apply to the Court for the relief pmved for .u the com plaint liled hertln. to-wit. Iha' the funds of ' mntrimony vxiiUnc between plalntiil' and de fendant be dissolved, that the plalntiil be swnrilvd the custody of th- mli-or child men tioned in said complaint. Zola Maud Gold-n: inai me jiiainun nave nun recover ner cnsli- and I r r 1 T"i CWTT T V 1 "V "V' dhbursements mxdeaud exinued in thi mlt. V XlJ.ilJj. J L LiZj uIKl i . 1 And roaj) the benefit of the following CLUBBING HATES. CHRONICLE and N. V mid for such other and further relief a- to thc court may s.-m tniuitaule. . . ... , . 1 iimmoiis i. kirvi-ii tiriin vr.n riv riiiii ton everytlimg must eome :rom n usn.ng- , on tnm,)fbv nnler of lion V. I "lird"m Thrice-a-Week World. Weekly Tribune CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian S2 . 1 ton. .Most Indians who were living in vil lages hix years ago are now on their al lotments. The only unruly ones are P.00 Cheyennes at lied Moun mid Cau- tonement ilied as I use to ti.Ke tiie.r aiiniiueniti oi jiuiii. They ure liopetul thut they will nguin 1. ' . I tf X 111 T 7 1 ju'jkcui siiiu eouri, wiiiea .finer oeitrs uai' oi ' I r m L U I i ,r, MIlil ! 5piemU!r2ath, 197. and was made and d ited at u JV auu i chamtwrr In Lallii. City. Wasco County, OieKOh. i ; on me aio i;uy ui xejiienioei , i-ii,. ; KItKIl W. V. II.SOK. i it Attorney for 1'Iulntifl' F. Weekly' Examiner 00 10 25 25 . Thevarepraeticnllv as uneiv- they were years ago, and re- ! A(lniiniS(rill'ix' hk Of Heal Estatf. i.Ke uie.r aiinuuejiiK oi jiuiii. liopetul thut they will aguin i ;-t)llt.c. .s hereby nivcn that unde be plaeeil under ei'.iiiuu instead of mil- J ''' an order of the county Court itary agents. Their rctusal to adopt Si&yim M, Thirswend, of Cirosbeck, TexjE, eayE that when he has a spell of indi gestion, nnd feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Kis ers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do civ.li.ed wos is due mostly to chiefs, who hnov. be gone the moment the Indians separated on their allotments. Notice Is hereby clvcn that under ami by vir- oi lueMaic e oi, the sith lit fh 1itr of Dr. W. K. Kluehurt, deceased. I will oll at WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER 8 Low Rateslto all Eastern Cities ot:i:.N KTKA.H Kits EnTf riin : lii'Kii' 1'iirtliimt u for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steuiiiers monthlv from I'oriland to Yokohama and Hong Koiik viu Nortli ern l'neific .Steamship Co., in eo'iiieetnii with O. 1. .v. N. V. k Co. Agt 11 PAPERS the same thing. Kinersly Drug Co. Do youi :nipes- Teclier' Kxuuilliut Inn. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a publiu exam ination at the courthouse in The Dalles, beginnine, Wednesday, February.9, 180S, at 1 p, in. Dated this 31st day of Jan., 1S9S. C. L. Gii.imuT, School Snpt., Wasco County, Oregon. You can't alford to risk your life hy allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded hy One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. j Caili In Your checks. All conntv warrants registered prior to Nor, 13, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, 18?3. C. L. Pnuui'8, County Treasurer. ,. rh..!.- t.oti-or v ill Puoucauciion.nl tnecourtn. uwnoor In imI e that then power . ill city. In tald county and mate, on theiith d.iy of J-ebmary, I-'i. at 1 o'clock p. m . to the hinn- i et bidder, all the ril etate belonKini? to ald eitatoand deerib.d as follows, to-tvit Lot A. li. C. I). E. K. It. II. I.J. K nnd I- In ' i:i-etrlc I.lisltt in tin- Arctic. lllix:k IV,. iu Hie Kurt !nlie ililit Electricity played an importnnt part j J'V,111'""0" lo """ (-llJ' ' county and in the Arctic oyuje of the I'ram, Ur. j Tlie wcat half of the nutheuiitiiiartcr and the ! Hansen's s.r.nch veiel. The electric . WTXrtT lights were daily used on hoard, accord- County, Oregon. ing to the niektrotekni.k Thrift of I JVlnXW .ftX u' by' ' Christiumu, until May. loUu, vhvu tlu-1 n.ortgHgeon the preml"e. wearinp out of the gi urinfe' and the fact j -')'. OreKon.Jan.-'T. j.,.,, : that jiortions of the apparatus were I Jmr-ll ' ' 'Adrnlnlitrnirlx. ' needed for making Knowshoeis made ii j ' necessary to titspenhe wun tne use oj the dynamo, which wah v orked by a windmill. Though at timet the ac cumulators froze .-olidiy, yet the acid blended ice proved a flue electrolyte Electricity, too, fired the mine shots which freed the Tram from the ice lloes. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous tittle pills. Notice of Final Settlement CATARRH Ask your Druggist for ageceroiu 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains i.o cocaine, mercury nor any other Injurious dm;;. It la quickly Absorbed. Give ItelUf at once It openi and cleanaea the Niual I'amge. Allan InflamnuUon. Heal and I'roiecu the Membrane. Ilcitorc the BeoMa of Taite and Kroell. Full Blue Kk. : TrUl fllzelbe.; at UniKsUU or by null. mtMRimixmi,tt WarrwMrMt,nrTorL Notice l- heieby ch'en that the undemlciied, biltnlnbtrrttor of the muiteuf Frank Ireland, dtcea'Cd, ha- llled hi liiiul account us such ad rnlni'trator in the county court of the riiaic of Or'Tfon lor Wuico (.ouniy. and Die judge there- I of has upijlntcd ilonday. the 7th day of Match, , Wj'., at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the, county courtroom in the coii'thouse In Palle ' f'lly. m said county and Mate, an the tune and pint for the hearins of objection to tmil final ' account find tlieneltlcmentthercoi. All heir , und crtillti;i of thcilet-catcnl.and all other ir o:i interinted in ald e-Hate, are hereby notified I to file their objections to said final account, If any they have, on or before the date nxtd for the hearing and settlement thereof. i Dalle Oily. Oiegoii, 1'eb. 3. !. Oi;01'.GK II'.KI.AXI). ) jcW iw li SAdmliiimrator. ,' Butehens and Farmer's ..EXehange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COl.fJlIllA llhi:il, ncknowl edirwl the heat Ixxt In The Dalleii, iittheimurtl price. Come 111, try It nnd be convinced. Aho the Klni-nt brand of Wiuoe, Llouors aud Clzars. SaDduiiehes of nil Kindt uhmj'fc oi hniid FRENCH & CO., For lull delallt. call on O. The Iulleo, or address IiOlisO.N'. ( Altl.ll.l. ,v CO., (ien, ArjtK North Pjicllic ritealnhhip t TIJIK CAItn. NO. I, t(l SlltMlIC Mill! (in-:it V.i-tli.rn ,,r- I nt.'i JTip in., Ieni at &:S0 p. m. No. , to JVudio I Ion, Hnl.fr City ami rnlon I'aclllc.arrlvesiit i. Ii j n in., depart at 12:it) it. m, I No :;. froin bpokane aud (ileal Northern ir rivekiitO'lDn. m., depart at lirj.1 n. ni. V- ' I from ltak r City and I'nlo. I'liciilr. arrivi at u Ji a. in., ilej.arlH at a.M u. in. Nos. it aud ai, niovlni,' emit of The Pallex, w..i - iHiMwiiKurii. .-so. '."3 arrives nt op, m ! departs at 1: 15 p m. ' : 1'iivkciiK.iii. for llc-iipuer take No 2, lea. ; here nt li .Ml p. iu. W. il. Ii;itl.lll KT, (ion. I'iuh. Ac I'ortiand, Oreyou BANKERS. ri'.ANSACTA gknekaluanki.no huhinkk Dalles, Mora and Antelope STAGE LINE. nm "VHtle,.Kert lKMMil.Ah AI.I.KN, Tli Dalle.. ). M. VIUTEt,AV, Antelope. htuwd leave The llnlh, und Telerapl.it 1 1J,1 ": ", ;"1"0 Anteioi,e nt ; ,;io a. in. u e-y Jew York. Chii aeo ;V, '"'''O-. Weilii.-.day and Friday. (.onnw-ti.. oii, Seattle Wawli,, and various pointH ! ''",k''i wlth fiihvuyn, trains niid biaiw. i . '""i1 AliIelOK! reach The Dallvi- Iu s diiyt, I huti-dayh and Katurdayii nt I ::W p, in. Lettere of Credit ienued uvailahle in the EaHtern Statee. Kiltht K.chaui;e JriuiHlers old on Ni St. Louia, San Francisco, in Oregon and Waahitifton. Uollectiona mii-le ut ull COLD i HEAD Notice of Final Aocount. Notice U hereby 'given that the undcrIi,'nei, administratrix of the tatnte of Y. Oruy, de ceatot, hat llk-d her llual account in the County Court of tlieritaleof Orcxoii, for Wutco County, und the lude thereof hak appninltd jlonday, the 17th day of January, lk3), ut the hour of 1 o clock p. m. as the time for htaiinj; obJeclloiiH to said Dual account and the letllcmeut tla-reol. All heirb, creditors mid other poikou Iuteu-nU.nl in tald csutc arc hereby notified to appear on or before-the dayet for ald hturliiK and w;t tlementand file ihelr objectloini, If any they have, to tald final account, or to any particular item thereof, upeclfyiue their objection thereto. Halle City, OreBon. Dec. 16,li'J7. dclvil il, n, (.KAY, Adminiittutilx. Tne coiumDja Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANL'FACTL'ltEKti OF Pine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON x)R!ED BEEF. ETC. Boots and Shoes IHade to Order. A Perfect (it Kunriuiteed. Jtopalrini,' neatly done at short notice. Union St. bet. latand 2d ,. ,. ... , I'.ATr.K or KA UK, Uiillwi to Dodohuies do .Moro. .. , do (irntii Valley do Kent . , do (;ro,i, HolloHk Aiitul to Criina llollciwk do Kent do (irasi. Valley do .More. ... do IieanhuKej. do Hallcn ... l i! .'" . oi) I a I .'i .' i . w 5fl I I') i 0 i HARNESS SHOP JOSEPH SHANNON HAH OI'EHED A IN TH KAHT KNl, In the Coluin b a Kl ard, oppnxlto Biiltiniirnlie'n ntockyartU, where- lie In ready to do All Kinds of Harness Work.