r HOT WATER in Ten Minutes. Special in Do" You Catch On? Aim MUSLIN UNDERWEAR; In order to make room for our spring stock of Muslin Underwear, we offer our present stock at the following prices: 25 cent values u 35 d $1.00 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5, IBilS WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Girl u noted. Apply to the European House. jan.H-lw Washington navel oranges, 10 cents per dor-eu ut Maier & Benton. 2-L't Jell'iiud Guy Stewart have bisn buy ine horses in Dayton for the Klondike trude. One linn in Aurora, Oregon, has chipped 20,000 bushels of potatoes tbiB War lias been declared between tho pas and electrie light companies of Whatcom. Try our one pound squares "Queen Brand" butter, at Dalles Commission & Grocery Co. I'rinoviile has waited a long time for telephone service, and now proposes to have it via Lung Creek. Wanted Light housework, with time for study. Wages according to time f'nen. Apply at this ollice. 3 3t The eitiy.eus of Pnlouee gave a ball Wednesday night for tho benefit of the eutlerera from the Spokane lire. At the Hherilf's sale thip afternoon in in the caseof Osgood ve. Dunn, the prop-! erty was hid in by the plaint'ill", at i i The war in Culm lma unt. nrnvKiiied S. F. Fouls from secuiing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which he manufactures evening so enjoy auie lor an present, it Into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars. ' "U8 a financial success, as well as a social 20-tf ! one, as about 18 was cleared and turned Just received some of the Internatiun- Into tho treasury of tho Circle, al Domestic Heaters, direct from factory. : The mothers' meetings, which ar" bo We have put one in for Mr. Ad Keller of i ing held in many places by wide-awake tliia city, tuid know them to do what is women, are of great assistance to moth claimed for them. Maler it Benton. ers in training their children. Many an One hundred and fifty head of mutton earnest, conscientious woman feels that uoeowere shinned to Portland todav the greatest impediment between her tho steamei I),i1I.m Pin- Tl.i.v -,.rn 'hipped to tho Portland yards by the! Columbia Packing Co., of this place.' j ri... "'eiunerai oi Jiaze , in ant daughter ' .. ..,,. UI1U of Mr rwi i m i a i ... thought more than want of heart 'causes Uke nlZ , ,V !r .. "Vt '"or-.'nd misdeeds. To meet thLi uvi i tfl Jill I i fU,,'"y U8hh",Ct' dent need of women, mothers' meetings V ilen d. ?l , P' "V ?l,,,(rr0? ve arisen. This department of work Winds of the family are invited to at-. Jn uur );i(y ha(,g -t8 IneelIm.e tllu lt,t ,.! Iridav of each month. Tho meeting AUwhodeeiro to tuke part in t ! yt.jierduy ut thu CuiiKreKatlonul church roinetrol Hi,0VV( whIch wiU bo KW(in in nttuldod ,, m of jllto,oBt. no near future in this city, are invited j pn hHu school children sang, very to meet in Schanno'H hall, over lirown's I m!ltiy umi ,,uite eirectively two songs, re, Monday night, nt 7 :30. Matters . .., rtmdl.red 0io recitation. Miss ""portanco will be considered. Those who have noticed the startling dodgers distributed by tho Salvation Aray will ll0 doubt nvnil themselves of the opportunity to hear tho tragedy, Murdered at u Birthday Party." to- Cako "d Bervod during the evening. Tentiiuony b beliiK taken before I). S. . vt l0day 1,1 tLe 0ft8e of Wheuldon Taylor. This la an action brought . il ,tllu Uon,Pyment of a notu given "T c'uant. k, u. Uufur appeara rtbe plaintiff, while A. 8. Bennett la iSc $1.25 values $ .90 .24c J; 3Sc 55c f 78c :; 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 a a a a a PEASE & MAYS. the nttorney for the defendant. All those who have been invited to take part in the Old Folks' concert, which will take place at the opera house on the 18th, are requested to make special effort to be present at the Con gregational church this evening, when the first rehearsal will be had. Today the weather forrnBn very notice able contrast to those bright sunny davs which we have been enjoying during almost the entire winter. The rain is occasslonally pattering on the roofe, the dark clouds bang over us on every side, while the mud seems to increase mo mentarily. On the whole, it makes a person think he is in webfoot. At the request of a number of the con gregation who attended services at the Congregational church Sunday morning, January 11th, Hev. W. C. Curtis will, tomorrow evening, repeat the sermon preached on that occasion. The subject of the sermon is "Deal Fairly With Thy Master." The choir is preparing special tmiBic for the occasion, and the friends of Mr. Curtis bespeak for him a large audience. A large audience attended the Cedar Circle entertainment in Fraternity hall laet night. A well-arranged and creditably-rendered program opened the even ing's proceedings, affr which the bowl ing alleys were started up. Those who did not care to roll enjoyed a delightful dance, and everyone seemed to enjoy tliemsolves in a marked degree.- He- frehment8 were served during the even- uig, Bin much credit is due the ladies of the Circle who did fo much to make the anil lier weal moiiier lies in wunv ui thought and the right kind of stimulus 10 e,lc1' nd- U is tl,IH' as B,1' nursuit of man or woman "want of and rendered Cheese read a very earnest, thoughtful paper on "The Mother's Influence." lCi'tlmrii, Altrlitloil! All members of Wasco Tribe, No. 10,, I. O. It. M.. are requested to be at thei wigwam tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock as business of importance will eme be fore tho tribe. To Curu a t!oll In One l)iy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab led. All druggists refund the money If they fall to cure. 20c. I.IO T-35 !-59 1.98 2.29 I JACOB FRITZ DEAD. ... eap''u"y I ami rnuay nveniOK. f At about G o'clock yesterday evening Jacob Fritz, an old and respected pio neer, passed away at his residence in this city, surrounded by members of hie family and a few of hie many intimate rinnfle I iTr? Fritz has been suffering from dia betes for several months, but until a few days ago hopes of his recovery were en tertained. At that time a change for the worse came, and on account of his advanced age and the seriousness of the attack, all hope fled end his children were telegraphed for. Everything that medical aid could do to prolong hie life until they reached his bedside was done, , but in spite of this he grew gradually ! worse and passed away before they ar ! rived. Mr. Fritz was "0 years old, being born , in Germany Oct. 14, 182S, and coming to this country when quite young. He came to this coast with Grant's regi ment in 1852, and was one of the few survivors of that regiment. Jfe served ! in the army at Vancouver barracks and afterwards at Walla Walla. Later he came to this place, and has since made, , it his homo. For a number of years I after the soldiers were withdrawn fron ' Fort Dalles ho had charge of the mirri son buildings. In IS 75 lie entered the ! employ of the 0. S. N. Co., and ulna i that time has been in charge of the com missary department ot this company , and the O. Jt. & X. i He was married in Vancouver in 18jtl to Saiah A. Colline, and theit marrier life was blessed with ten children, seven of whom survive him Louis anil John of this place, Charles of Boise City ; Idaho, Mrs. Agnes Baldwin of Portland 'Mrs. Fla6chutz of Denver, Mrs. Knight and Mary Fritz of this place. i Mr. Fritz figures among the pi nieen lot Oregon, and having lived so man: 1 years in The Dalles, seemed to be a land ' mark which w ae almost inseparably con jiiected with its history. Ho was one tr ' those affable, kind-hearted men, who al ; ' ways have a kind word and friondlyv smile for everyone tney meet, inosooi our readers whoeo childhood days were spent in Tho Dalles will call to mind ' tli. i n1i.icu,il ivnrild nf M r f?iitrs tia I114 Icame to and from his work and stopped j to speak to the children playing along ' j tho streets. He was a friend alike to old j ' and young, and beloved by all. I The funeral will take place from tho J ' .1.11. ,.i i. ... in hi I.... a II i ivainunc ciiurcu v iu n. m. tuuiiusji nn friends ' attend. of the family are Invited to I'lll(ili AlvettUKM. A large number of delegates from thu Silver Republican, Populist and Demo cratlc parties are in the city today. The Silver Republicans called a meeting at 2 p. ui,, which was uiienueu uy ueiegaies rouiull three partlee It seems to be their aim to appoint three delegates Irom each party to hold a joint meeting to decide a to the candidates who will serve in the next campaign. Their en- During January and Feb ruary we will give to every person buj'ing One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixtv-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON deavor will be to nominate candidates ! from all three parties and thus to bring around a fusion of the three. At 7 :30 this evening the Populists will have their meeting, and later all three will hold a joint session to consider the possibility of uniting the three parties. At the time of going to press the Sii- jver Republican meeting had scarcely Vjegun, so that a definite report could i . . i pot oc given inuay. SHEEP.GROWER'S ASSOCIATION- Meeting; Held I. ant Nlglit Committees Appointed. A meeting was held at the club rooms last night and committees appointed for the meeting of the National Sheepgrow er'B Association, to be held in The Dalles.Iarch ls2d and 3iL Indus trial Agent Judson7f tiiB'O R. k N., was present and predictn one of the largest meetings ever held in The Dalles. He is emphatic in stating that the iiotel accommodations will ho scarcely suf ficient for the occasioti. About fifteen of the best speakers in tho United States H ill be here, and a large con course of people from Washington, Ida ho, Montana and our own state. T'lie following are tho dilferent com mittees appointed : Executive Committee A. S. Allister, chairman. Chus Hilton, Mne L K Crowe, W Ijnl and C W Dietzel. Finance Committee George Blakeley, chairman. M A Moody, J G Ifosteit ler. Printing Committee Satn'i L Brooks, chairman. It G Davenport, J A Dou- thit, J F Hawoith. Decorations and Badges A J Tolinie, chairman, f Van Norden, Hal French, Fr;ink French. Entertainment and Music C J Cran dall, chairman. O D Doane, Win Biig teld, John Hampshire, J Hartuett. Accommodations N Whealdon, chair man. G J Farley, F Menefee, Max Vogt, F II Dietzel," F Chrisman, It II Guthrie, II Muier, J Bonn, A Buchler, USDufur, A Keller, J T Peters, K Schanno, W A Johnston, J S Fish, Kd Phiriiian, Tom Wood, D J Cooper, T A Ward, S Bolton, A Bettingen, sr., C iSmbllng, .1 M Toomey. ' NEWS "NOTES" Commercial reports show less failurea ,luri" J,u,""rf u' l,,iH W"' "' 111 tho BUI" mo"U' of 1U1' i''Hng year, The latest reports state that prompt "ction on tho part of tho United Statea i brought Germany to terms on tho i r 111 L om-Htinn. i There were several OregoniaiiB on tlio JJuor of the t-enato Thursday during tho discussion of the Cor belt ease. Besides Senator Corbett there were Senator Mc Bride, Representatives Tongue and Ellis, and ex-Senator Mitchell. Other interested listeners were J. B. Mont gomery, Charles Newell and. (. II. Gil fry, all Oregonlune. Representative Kills haa nf late been pressing the matter of tue consideration of the Iudlau war veterans pension bill in the house. The chairman of the house committee on pensions lias received u INTERNATIONAL HEATER. SOLE AGENTS. REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. cuho C. F. Grandall&Barget DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies letter from Governor Lord, of Oregon, in which he urges the juatice and equity of the hill, and asks for its early consider ation. THE CHURCHES. Lutheran services in tho basement of tho new church tomorrow as follows: Morning services at 11:00, Sunday school at 1L':10. German service at 3. Class niuetinn in the evening at 7 :.'!0. Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil burn pastor At 11 u. m. and 7:'M p. in, regular services: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; young people's meeting at liillO. M. E. church, corner Filth and Wash ington streets, J. II. Wood, pastor Ser vices as follows: Class meeting ut 10 a. in.; morning service at II ; .Sunday school, 12:20; Junior League, 1 ; Ep worth League at0::?0; evening service ut 7:!!0. All are Invited. At the Chiistian church tomorrow there will be tho usual service of Sunday school and Endeavor, al 10 a. m. and (i p. in. respectively. Church services at 11 a. in. mill 7:30 p, in, Subject for morning sermon, "The Church of Christ as an Organized Jiody." Subject for evening sermon, "Tho HIblo tho Only True Source of Spiritual Knowledge." Sunday services at the Congregational church, corner Court ami Fifth streetp, us usual: At 11 a.m. uud 7 :.'!() p. in. worship, and a sermon by thu pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school immedi ately after the morning service; meet ing of the Junior Christian Endeavor ut 3:30 p. in; of thu Young I'eoplu's Soci ety at (1:30. All persons not worshipping elsewhere aro cordially Invited. Tim Minium Way Commends Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly ami oU'ectually what formaly done in thu crudest manner ami disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, huadaches, and fevers without uupleusaut after ef fects, uso the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, Made by Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. Everybody reads Tub Ciuio.nici.e, No more cold ovens. PI only of hot Wcitcr, $ and a great fuel saver. Have one put in yom' stove by m m a. a a III PI I W UIIUIIU, J. T. Peters & Co. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. flobes, Burial Shoes, Ete. 11 ,X HUNTINGTON 11 S WILSON Hr.NTJ.NGTON A WILSON, AT'lOKN'KYti AT LAW, Till-: DALLES, OUEGOM Oflioi) uvi-r First N'at, Dunk. I.1 A TIC) it NICY AT LAW, TIIK lALLl-:-',01lKf-?ON' Oliicu ovci Wist Nat. ll'iiiK. Jy:s-(ii:isKNii(iM'ri:K .v kukiiy, Physicians iind Surgeons, Special attention given lo Miigury. ltnoms 21 mill 2J, TV!. ff.'S. Vogt llhick, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Pllea, Scalds, llurni. How do you keoji track of tho evcnt3 of the year? Yon may not have been in tlio habit of keeping a tiier account of your expcutlHuios. You'll liud it pins io do hi. Wu all doblio to bo care ful and economical. It's thu greatest; possible iihsieiaut In economy to keep u leconl (if expenditure. It'u a conven ience, to know the happenings. A day hook, diary and a calendar urn nee ccsaary and hhould be provided. A I I. C. NICKELSKN'S you can ilium ehtap. Ily tln Way Do ynu need ti IHhltior any other good book? We have all the interesting and valuable volumes which you may need in your lihruiy. If iheru Is anything you need they are yours fur a reasonablu jincu. Call and see nhat wu have to of- I. C. Nickclscii Book fit fnusie Company.