if m The Dalles Daily Gfaradete. TKe only Republican Daily Netctpapei on Warco Countv. ASTERS OFFICE 30 to S.U Temple Court, X. Y. Citu. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clnbblnc Kate. Chronicle nnil Oregonian V- -5 Chronicle and Examiner - -o Chronicle and Inter Ocean l.So Chronicle and Tribune 1 "5 Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5. 1SDS A FEASIBLE PROJECT. The Chkoxiclk notes with satis faction that the business men of The Dulles arc taking an increasing inter est in matters connected w ith the welfare of the citj-. Frequent dis cussions are heard at the Commercial Clnb and elsewhere over plans to aid the material interests of The Dalles, and tb2 result of thisjiwakening can not help, in the course of time, from being beneficial. One of the topics most frequently under dissussion is the influence which the new railroad from Biggs into Sherman county will have upon The Dalles. While it is generally believed that the damage done to the trailing interests of this city will not be so great as some alarmists"predict, 3'et it is conceded that substantial injury will result. There seems but little doubt now that the road will he continued on through Moro, Grass Valle, and tap the wool territory farther to the south. It has been the intention of the management of the Columbia Southern to project their line as far as funds will permit, and, in all prob abilit', a great deal will be done the present season. Just what effect this extension will have upon The Dalles ma' be a mat ter of difference, but all will agree that it will in no wise add to its com mercial advancement unless this place be made the terminal point in stead of Biggs. The project, which has been pro-1 posed and talked about some, of i building a road from The Dalles up to Deschutes, then probabty up the Fulton canyon into Sherman county, connecting with the Columbia South ern at Moro or some convenient point, seems to be a meritorious one. If this read were built, and a traffic arrangement made with the Colum bia Southern whereby .he wool shipped from interior points should come by the new railroad to The Dalles, instead of going to Bigcs. then this city would be in a position to hold the trade of the great inter ior country, which it now possesses. It is just as well to take stock once in a while and see where we stand. There seems to be a well-founded opiuion that the present season will see the Oregon Pacific pushing across the Cascade mountains and tapping the rich stock country of the central part of Eastern Oregon. Should this he done and r.o way be provided for bringing this trade to the Colum bia river other than by wagon roads, it is unquestioned but that The Dalies will suffer severely in her commercial interests. But if the Columbia Southern were built to Prineville, or to some point where the traflic of that section could be obtained, and then a line built from The Dalles to some point in Sherman county connected with the former read, The Dalles would be in a position to fear no competitors. This plan has the commendation of some of our shrewdest business men, who are willing to place their inlluence and money behind it. What is needed ' more than anything else is spirited action. If the thing is worth doing, it is worth doing nt once. It would not take much capi tal, and the returns would be sure. The Columbia Southern was built under circumstances enough to dis courage most men, yet the under taking was successfully completed. We trust this matter will be per sistently agitated among our business men, and Tin: Cjiiioniclb will do it? share. In this, connection, we note nn excellent article on this subject in the Times Mountaineer, the spirit of which we henrtilj indorse. R VSISESS JMPRO VI.XG. Every industrial icport shows con tinued improvement m all lines of trade. Jo better argument is need- . ed than statements like the following ; from a non-partisan commercial journal: . ' ''The industrial situation is satis-, factory. Extensive strikes have taken place in the New England cot- ' ton industry against a reduction of wages; but the consequent curtail-j ment of production is benefiting j manufacturers, and there is little' anxiety over the future. Other in dustries are well employed. The j outlook for the iron trade continues hopeful. Wheat agaiu passed the, dollar mark, touching 1.0-1, and ex- J ports present and prospective are ceedingly heavy. Last week 4, 000.000 bushels were shipped from American ports, compared with less than 1,000,000 bushels same week last year, The visible supply of wheal in this country is 37,800.000 ousueis against o',4uu,uuu ousiicis a vear aco. Bnckleu'f Annu naive. TJie beat salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fee; sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilbh'.iae, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui"8 piies, or no pay required I It is guaranteed to pive perfect satisfac , tion. or money reiuudea. Price 1'5 cents per box. For sale oy Blakeley and Honehton. druireists. FREE. FREE. G) (9 We Will Gtve- Subscribers TO All anuxuisuiifc fcUUbcnuxng; and na vine un in ad- paving vance for the Weekly GhroDiele A Copy of in $ Any Qiiestion You may Ash It Encyclopedia Standard $ American Annual. On All News Stands. 3? & & fct t& J6 jC Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. Tfe most uidtly sold Annual Reftr ince Book and Political Manual publisltd. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. flu Wf jc Will l " Taking the flfledieine. You net cood results from tnkinc your medicine if the prescription ie properly . tilled. You want al' the good you win j possiblv get from the remedy. You; want the filling to be properly done, j We cive it the most carelui attention. J KEL1ABLE PHARMACISTS. i Jfj SBCOlld StTGGt. j THE DALLES, j-loliday 5TV Si 7 f s ,SY " ' is m ss ss ss ws ss -M- s tSiiImproueme9ts. ' Fx holiday eniovment creater. You i want paper which makes your home t pleasanteratjall times. You need such 1 shades and designs as will give more ! beauty and more comfort in your home, j We show yon styles that exceed any j ever seen here at prices never attempted i for such quality. ' D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlanfl anfl Astoris Navigation Co.' stis. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE . ar.7vrr.zn i The Dalles, Hood Klvcr, Cascade Locks nml I'urt-, land dally, fcfni buncluy. i ( DOWN THE VALLEY ! Are you going eastern nminini ' 11 to, save money nml enjoy a benutitu) trij on the L'olumblu. The wet-bound train urrivea at Tbe lMHcs in ample time (or panieiijien! to tilke the ateamer, nrrivlni; In Portland In time for the outKOliiK Houtberti and Northern trtiln: Kaxi. I tound i.ukiciiKC-ts ariivliiK In The Dule In time For further Information apply to J. N. ItAr.NKV, Agent, Oak Htrect Mock. I'ortland, Oregon, Or V C. AI.I.AWAY. (Jen. Ast., The Dalles. Oregon Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL r yPv i ihV' I1T I 1 1 Jeweler watebmake All work promptly attended to, and wMtttnud. 174 VOGT BLOCK. Wholesale. CUines and Cigars, THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. . I Ifl Si IllVf JL X -JLX I I FURNITURE S CARPETS PRIIffZ ( NITSCHKE Are goinp to cloe out their busincEB, and they are otl'iirinc their lnrce stock nt COST PRICES. Now ie the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All Mersons knowinc themselves Indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their account. Jle postoffiee piarmay, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drags and JWedieines. Toilet Articles anil Perfumery, pirst jjr; of Imported apd Dornestie Qiars. i , Telephone, 333. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 7. Z. DONNLL, PESCllPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. j Opp. A. M. Williams & Go., l 1 EH . . . . I Wffki y km flnpaN n LARGEST CIRCULATlOHjOMNnmCAL PAPER IN THE WEST fLkdj?aHyRePt'b!ica,l'a?V0Cati"2)iBt it can always be relied on" ttu1Twv d5tMneS 0t ,haJ PV' fair and honest reports of aS I S w.th ability and earnestness , litical movements JMj$Jtji 5 THE WEEKLY INTER jrKEKEWSAfDEEST It Is Atorally Clean and as a The Literature of its columns .; equal to that of the Lest maw xlnets. It Is Interesting to the ci7 ilrcn as well as the parents T HE im ER OCEAN is a ano While it bfinfrc tn 7r ,ii tT f. ".5 WMB ne ano ab est 255 f -i u,ions . e day, it is in full sympathy with the tdcas and aspirations of Western people and discusses hterature and politics frotn the WesSandoSinLS WTEk OCCAM AK I'rjci.ornnllv ly mull. humlny liytin.il. miy m.t HU,By ,y ,,, - BUSCH and BEER on draught and In uottlos J I I I VA I H UL U ICVXV .. OF New Vogt Block. THE DALLES, OR OCEAN GUPPLlPs i CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. WESTERN NEWSPAPER, tU TUC mdwio rti BEST OF TSZIR KIBllT 1 0 1 1 t.OO por yenr S "1.7:': Jo.oo J.ir yir 1 The Shasta Route or TUB- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Traill leave nml are iliie to Mtrlvo nt Portland I.KAVK. KtVE OVI.'UI.ANl) KX-1 nri'M. Halem. Itoe- 1 Iiiitlt. AhIiIiiiiiI. Sue rmiiL'iitii, OkiIoii.Hiiii rrtiiit'lHi'ii, Mnjnve, 0:00 P St. 1.(111 Allgl'IOSiM l Hltd, .1 1'Hxn. I H II ml I way Ktii rn forS M'w uric-nun i i:t ItoM'linrc hikI way 8130 A. M tlllllK i Viu WoiHllnmi fori 1'. M Dnlly 'X(Yit Suiiduyj. Dally t'M'Cpt Hmuliiy-'t Mt.AiiKi'l, Hiiverimi. i".t fido, liniwiiB- vIlltySprtiiKlleM nml Natron J i 7:R0 A. .M. W1!- I :.!.. IXI)Kl'i:XIKS'K I'A9sr.XflKlt. Kxprevt twin Dnlly (except Sunday). I-.Wii, in. .I'lirtliitnl At.) S.3,'m.m 7:,W ii. m. ?Al Me.MltinvlUe l.v.J .VSOn.m i, III. (Ar lliilciKMnlflii'c.l.v.) 1 .4) n. in. ""Dally. tHiiiiy. cxT!t Kumt.iy. lllX'Nti CAIW OX (HiDKX KOl'TK. itixman nt'iTKT Hi.i:i:ri:us AXD SKCOND-CI.AS bl.KKl'I.Mi OAKS Attached to nil TlmiUKh Trains. ! "'t't nim-ctlim nt Mm Kritiinlkci with Orel. 'iluntnl mill Orlt'iitul nml l'liclllc iniill hti-nuihlilp lliiwIorJAl'A.NiimlCHIXA. HiitlliiR ilutos oh ! hi vllriitlou. Uiiti-H i.iul tli'lci'tn to fcnUorn lKilnth unit Ku. HUIM Mill UCKl'lR l r.Mi:rii immii linn roiK'. AImiJAI'AN. C1IIXA. llONUU'I.l' mtd Al'sTltAI.IA, rim Ik olitHlmil (rum J. II, KIKKl.AXli, Tlcki't ARvnt. ThrntiKh Tlcki't OIIht, l:il Third mrwt, where thrniich tlekutB to nil ihiIiUn In the Knsteni Htiitoh. CtniiKta mill Kuroe can he cihtaliiwl t lowint nitt-s (rom J. 11. KIKKUXI), Ticki-t ARcnt. All iiIkivo trnliiK iirrlvu nt mid duiwrt Irirni (irmid Cuutrul ritntluii. I'lftli mid Irvine struct VAMHlT.1. 1HVIBIOX. I'nkciiRLT Dunit, loot ol JudvrMin ktrcvt. U'nve lor OSWKtiO, (hilly, excciit Hutiihiv.M 7:0n. m.. 12.:, I M, 6 lft, fi:Z p". m. (mnl l:M p. in. on hiuiiriliiy only, mill !i:li)n. ui ami :i::to i. in. on Humluyii only). Arrive nt I'orthiiid Qiillv nt TiMO nml B;:ni ii m. . mid I K, I !.", 0:-.'U mid T ..V, .. in., (mid 1U:U," u. m , 3iJ A. ID i. in. on Stuiitiiyft only). U-nve (or fihurlilmi. week ilnyH, stt.SOp. m Arrive ut 1'iirtlund, MM u. in. l'nvc (or AIU1.IK on Monilny, Wwlnenlnv nnil Krlnnv nt H: Hi n. in. Arrlv ut 1'ortlmid, Tut ilnv, 'f hnrrdiiy mid Hiiumluj it 3:05 p. m. Kxcept Htmiliiy. "Kxcept Hiiturdny. K. KOKHI.KK, i, II. MARKIIAM, AhnI. (j. K, A 1'hkii, Ast Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-Kioersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, ; SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, IFIRE 'CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. i HI. OLE nsr unt. J. S, HC1IKNK, I'renideiit.' II, M, llK.Al., First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BuRlueoe tranuueted Depofllta roceivud, Bubject to fciiglit urm or Uneck. CoIlectloiiB made and proceeds promptly biKlit and Telegraphic Excltango oUl oo New York, Ban Frttuclaoo ani port. i i WIU. D. P. Tunyimnu tu a limmuiiii -D, M. MIMJAKH, GKO. A. LltHE.