I m m ENJOYS Both the method and results Arlien Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prompOv on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, disjwls colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual c. ... r tt:- ;.- .t. uauipacn-u. V1 ' only remedy ot its kind ever pro- uuxeu, piem-nig 10 uiu iumc uuu ao- i,atl oi. iru:;7erent depends upon ceptable to the stomach, prompt m 5 our oun know ledge .snd&l.i.l. lLclud its action and. truly beneficial in its incr the air to present fermentation is effects, prepared only from the most , on'. the A 15 C of sueccss. Fj-1-.itj3t.st healthvand acreeable substances, its look as well as taste delicious, and, in many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist wco may not have it on hand will pro- curt? it promptly for anv one who . , J Wishes to trv It Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI6 SYRUP CO. SAN FRAKaSCO. CAU IDWSVIUE. TT. NEW YORK, K.t. The Dalles Daily Chids. THE II A LLT.s, OKEfiOX AderU'ins Hate- Ar met One inch or le?s in Daily . f 1 m Over two inches, aad under four inches. -. 1 CO Over four laches aad under twelve inehe. . Over tirpltp Innhiw Sft BiaV AND WCESLT. One inch or les, inch 12 SO i Over one inch and under four inch ... 2 CO i Over four inches and under twelve incho 1 50 I Over welve Inches s 00 l'EIiSO.VAl, MESTIOS J.il. todav. Murchie catne down f.-oni Wasco Mrs. Geo. T. Wrili and d-iuphter left for their home at Portland today: Dr. V. Gesner of Prineville, who has foeen in the city for several days, re turned to his home today. H. Dixon and wife of Portland, who came up to attend the itinera! of Alice , returned home todav. H. W. Peteron arrived in this citv from Salem yesterday to take the place of Dow Palmer at "the Western Union omce. Sheriff Driver went below vesterdav. and we are informed be intended to at tend the bancincof Wachlineat HiUboro to Jay. "Mr. C. L. Meade, who ha been in the city to attend the funeral of Alice Wells, left on the morning train for his home in Portland. Minor Lewis, a prosperous Prineville -et'icfcrnen who has been in the city with a ierge consignmeat of beef cattle, left for his home this morning. Mi? Lennah Bain, who has been visit ing the Misses Roberts: in this city for fceveral days, returned to Portland this morning. She h a teacher in the Port land schools and has taken advantage of a few davs vacation to visit her Dalles ' ' nds. lu Metiioriaiii. In memory of Hazel Adams, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Adumas, who died with pneumonia February 3, aged 11 months and 3 days: Call not back the darlin; cnjel,-, Anchoiedafe, with trials o'er. On the border land we left her,J Rocn to rntet aud part no more. Far beyond this world oft-hang; J'l-ar above our cricf and care.J V.'e hall meet our abent darliu? Ia oar Father' mansion fair. Father, mother, cas to mourn your'lois. Eer uiuls are ended: her alekne it jsist: And she hac gained the beautiful crown at last. It M-ms bard that the muit be taken o young; V: ' Ms His will, and WU jirale muit lie lung. Ana v. iien your trlalii arc o'er and your race U run, Etrive to rnw.-t little Hazel ia the life she' btsun. A Fiiiend. Ont-of-towo vited to call line sold bv dealers in cigars are in and esainiue the choice F. Fonts. 20 Ibe P.ose Queen is the bent make on the market for live cents, and when you emoke them your money stays at home. 20-tf King Cole brand Baltimore oysters, j the best on the market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them At Varoey & Co.'s. 11-tf Yon can't afford to risk your life bv , allowing : aid to ueveiop into pneamo nlaor consomption. Instant relief und a certain care are afforded by One Min-1 Hte Cougli Cure. Snipee-Kiuerely Uruu Co. ' DWitt' Witch Hazel Salve Cwm PHm, bcaldi, Burw. Wanted. Young lady to learn minting, finish ing nntl retouching. Must be stroiic, with good eyes, and not uliaid of work. Reference required. Giitoku. Photographer. t PL T, I. -c-u vimpumuiWK. Yon can't cure consumption but yon can avoid it and cure any cither (.inn of thriat or lunc trouble by the Ue of -ne Minute Couch Cure. It cures qnicklv That's what yon want. Snipes-Kiners- Jv Pros Co. Your I.t Chance. All negatives low in my possession uia.le by Mr. Honehton or I). C. Herrin P'ior to" Jan. 1, 1SU5. wnl be destroyed. It'ouwisli to duplicate print, orders must be placed before March 1st. Girrono. Photo. Artist. febl-lm Chapman Clock. HINTS ON FRUIT CANNING. A IV w ThlnK" Thnt the Housewife Should Kenietntier. In cumin? fruit, remember that it is hard and disagreca. le work at best, and nr.U-FK you can. 102:1' v. i thin Mirht of its hichest pcst.ibl!ities, "the frame is not wmVu th caJlllh.- Wh ,,K.r it ,8 uruer IO tio mis. n uiusi rciuiii iim ihk ural flavor and appearance, and be sweetened with granulated sucar. Fruit fcr canning must be freshly picked, and a little tinder rather than over ripe. All berries except strawberries should be larse and firm. With these the smaller the better. P.laekbcrries. no i ... , . ,. , , matter how hne or oi what kind, ure never satisfactory ana paiataoie. '". mine mraroi swoooioci: in me alter i . .l.i .. . . ai,. K"0n ef said day nt the jiremi.-es hereinafter do- Cherry pits add much to the flavor. . o:ibtd in DalleV City . Yvasco C'outy, Ortpon. to and when removed from the fruit a the hichest bidder fur cash in band, all of the handf ul should be tied in a piece of net SMrW.VoWic1 and put in the center of each jar. Pear j on the out half f,i of It three (S) in block seels Fhoulu be used in the same way if the core is removed. Cherries are richer and handsomer colored if the sir up is made of half currant juice. rrt. i.:n r ..t ,.l...i.1 ui- Ti Ui L!.cv.. p.iprj mmuuu.u tc Jett on and pierced wjtlt a lorK ue- fo-p thev a-e cooked The skin; of all io. e tney a. e eooKeu. i ne SKins oi ait other common varieties should be re- morwl If rilnni.t and nenohes are im - a wire basket or sieve. After remain ing- two minutes or so dip in cold wa- ter and coutlv rub off the skins. . .. , , ... . , , A stiver Iniife should be lised to shred pineapple and pare pears and quinces reaches should be r.ut in sirup as ttoon as pared, and jiears and rjunces into cold water, ,'to preve-it tli-eoloro-tion. Peaches are firmer anJ richer if allowed to remain o-.er niprlit in the simp before they are cooked. Five or six pits should be distributed through each quart jar. xue jjios.1. uuiua ''-iualJ vor is obtained bv cooking the fruit rr-i. . .7..,?. ... i a t n in the jars. itus metnou iso coe-s avvav v.-itn tne ureaKairetronjnanUiini:, .-mil mills pwatlr to" its annesranee. c.. .lr Pears and quinces are no exception to fl.io wi,T.. nc lintt, t -v n, nr.. nn!l-- . u., uu.. i iy t-ooKeu tenner in clear '.vaier, u ss - .1 c l,..fu ,,, ii.iv uui jii miu i. AH old iars should be th0rou2b.lv . , . , , , . ... ' cleansed v. ith soda and boilinjr water. s.tiA the air-rjhtness of everv jar sliould lie tested with water before they are filled with fruit, which should be r laced in the jar as fast as it is prepared, and the jar filled to the neck with .sirup. A flat-bottomed kettle or an ordi nary clothes boiler art convenient for ceoianr, and a board fitted to the bot tom loosely and closely filled with inch ! aurer holes out iates all dttnper of break- ' ape. I'ut the rubber and cover in po- 1 anion, leaving the latter loose; fill the ' boiler in warm water to the neck of iKi. n-il liriit irMillf itriti! t!i frlll tan be easily pierced with a fork. 2Co , deSnite rule for cooknfr t-n be .';""-- ; Ttn minutes is usually Ionj.- enoni'h j . . " 1 i 1 . . 1 . : . .. r 1 r 1 ivi iiernen, jiuu 111c lime i cijiuit.-u i larger acd more solid fru't.- depen-.Ia i-Ton their ripeness. Esperience soon taaUe one exnert. Take each iar out 1 onto a hot nlate. fill to overflowing ! with boiling water, and ficrcw down tbe top. Tighten ns it coolcn. cud in vert to be urc that it is air-tight. i L .. i i C ' ' ; 1U '-'-iuv !"- iipuw. - i-1 junouti titan one' Is apt to think, and ! .- -t m a cool, dry jlaee. Tlie Ilavor . f fr'.ut ia more improved if the oxypen ; j rertored by removing the cover an ' her cr two lx?fore it its weeded. j .f -i'-h fruit is desired, the following .j'lnnitii'B of nugar for each pint jar e. i'.; i.' Bati.sfactory, but c mgnr is not j tl.e '"Keeping power,"mueh less, or ! even none, may beiwed: Strawberries, I : eu a ouw'; rupberries, fourottncee ; I v hrtlebwriee, four onni-es: eherrie. ! s: c ucts: riacl.es, five fcu'io'v; Ucrt lett pears, fix ouuees; sour pears, eipht oune's; plums, eltfht ounees; qu'nces, eight ounce3. N. Y. Times. Ask your Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. catarrh EI'S CrCaill BSldl contaltu no cocaine. mercury nor any t,tlser injurioua dra. It U qaickly Abcorlxd. Give Keiict at once. tae w. rut",, rni nuunn Allay IntUmmation. WVd Wllf Ileal and I'rottcu the Membrane. ItcUim tfio fatiM of Tut and bmell. Fall 8lie wt, ; Trial 1 SUe !. ; at Dm At' or by cull. I &LX BUUVUMM, it Warns tNt,Kr Tort 1 H- n fmv t.lirii1fl h.. trt-r.tr .it ! DOttH-i With IlutchiMUl stoni.i'is T) S , i 202 oi5i: frfxe 14 .Tiilnx; li-.-.-. f,.nr u;hjc. uiiu iuusv suuuiu m&i uv iiu. jii ' inui Tables ihh IkhI m: Sheriff's Sale. Notice l hereby given tl.at bv virtue of mi ex ecution IsMied out of the Clrrtilt Court of fie Stti of Oregon for Wrco Conntv, In the Milt therein 'tending, whctelu It. A. OjrikhI i plaint ill and lit Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn, George II. Dunn. Harvey VV.liiinit mid Marr Dunn ninl X. , mum. Harvey Whenldon. a administrator of the estate niiimm it. lmnn. ucccacu, are dvli'tidants, commnmlltiR me to sell the rvnl lrniH;rr bete - liiHlter described, 1 w ill. on S.iti;rv!nv. tin-,"tl day of February. lM". at the hour ol o'eloek In the afternoon, at the coiuthou-e itimr In Dalles (. Ity Oreemt, sell to the hlphcst bid 'er for rush in liiinil, nil of lot C. and (lie et linlt of lot ft. in block S! of ltiinitioii lllull Addition to Hallos OI;y. Brecon tnjrclhcr with nil and Mncnlu- the tenement.., bemlltament and nv luirlviiiiiH'cr tbeivUtitnbetoBRliiir. or In any ut.o HtitMrfHltilnt. to ciiM.fi thp sum of 111 11 til. Mttfi aeeruiut: intcrcs., una to nitornc . ut".anil iV.SOvut and ditinr?emctit ami the nccrulnsr cots. T. J. HKIVKK. 3in-ll Shcriit ol Whsco Comity. Or. Administrator's Notice. Xntliv M hereby ci . en t'nat by nil order of the , County (.'onrt of ttu Mute m unpon, for t iu hiibeen dul niioMt n.tmiiilt.-iilur i( the estate of Iho.. i nll!vii. jr.. ileeeaMti, All 1 ix.'rniif hevin; el:iim 111:11111st the otnte of Hld dece.t-eiJ. are liejeby untitled to iireeut them In i me with the j.rnir vonelwrs nt the othce of iiununewn vviU..itt,hiix mmt fro... Dutul Jauliarr 11'. 1:K HOKATIO FA1SGIIEK, Admlniotroinr. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. Notice Is hereby given that under ntid be vir tue of an execution aud order of suit- ijued oat of the Circuit Court of the htate of Orejroa for Douf:ln County, on the 17th dav of Januurv. aud to me directed iini n judement reh derftl therein on the 1th day of Jammrv, l'.t, which judctucnt wi dulv enrolled and docket ed iu the Clerk V ortiec of midVourt on the nth day of January. l'Ja. in an action theretofore .-nuinr. wncrejn Hartboloiueo I'arodi wa- J''"1"""';,81 Joeyh olco vns iiefendiint. X did! mi the lath day of January. !'.. duly lew u;ma cud u 111 on Monday the lst day ot hebrurv, fourteen ill'- in liuchlin Addition to Dulles City, oreson. beinr the same huildiur owned bv the said JoMjtih folcu. and ty him and hi- les- ies heretolore and now ocruplcd and used ns a . o'ulii and eatbonanns: laannfiictorr and confee- liouery More, tosetlier with the fnllnnin - i paratus, hstuies. ninriiinery and utenslb there jn( tf wU. OB(f K nU(, u enctatot and one II : and cs. fountiin. one li. and , bottlinc, table-1 ' Uatehuison attachment. 1 Tuft .. rup iunij. 1 , fmcv pumr Jjve coptitr ,JUI:talu, niar'bit. ; d.i Innntain "nfumler" one yihon tiller on ! 9n'.WI!aU0-or. eafe. thrw steneels. : ! tract jars two class tiitehers. oi.e twicel.ii' oz. sixjd oda bri.i jwiirniiiiiki.. 1 nvt tlir,-, irtmtKs on- irif ! boHtd seven ch.iir: one ennl thertuianeU: . cieuro sroor.s . ,: cream diclijv. one set knives and forls line r. . evin in-' one conriv hook' l1- duen i'. one set di'sKenl i.ieec: nuei'ns- i ior osner oisae: awun-y n xe-ior quart iir , ties- distillins t.miiratus: tattle wuVh ne pi. i psratus: four show cses- u.ie lemon nni-er. ...:huieinLK" tpai.iit To.:pr- tun-.- iiri ,in i thrte stoves: one truck: to marble sinb let1 water tank: one copper eiimct gpn- stand ue J taut fcr stinminfrsvmp: 4 yrai j rs with f..n cet: iee crushers: 3 Mime jur. i stone 3ar , hydrometers IihjI.s; tno phuncs one ax mid one . hatchet: one hand saw. one brucc aud bit. fau ccts, hose. etc. : onei-tenui enf neand boiler, i'j! horse jiower: one Ice cream iieezcr. one jnekei kettle: three one eallon demijunn: fimrnln-s 1 holders, two tob;icei kiilvt seven whiskt ; (Lwiriuis. uui- iut:aiiuii six J r.lt;uii ciauio- i 3 dojeu soda bottle or. o much of said nboe decrib.d proivrty as shall be necessary to y.u : , jj,,, ,n eseeMlnS. writ and ' i order nf sale, to-lt: lour hundred menu 'vn dollars ad thirteen i-Jnt.s. mid interest: i rneieon at tne rateo' tec jer etnt Kt annuui, i since Januury 4th. 1'Jj. and the further sura ! ! one huiidrtd and twent -three dlj'iars.Ci;lt uud ' di-bursemenl of actum. 'osethei with uceniln; I (xu and espen of sale, said sale will be ! made subject to any interest in said nroiertv i nave as ie?-e.- xnereox. , Ua!d a.l t:i,-v- Wasco (.ounty, Oregon, January ia, i:vi. T. J. Ir.I'KIi, (Jau U sheriff of Vara County, Oregon. JJ),is OEiSEMiourriii: & itn:i)V, Physicians and Surgeons. si-tcial attention given to surgery. I'.oonis il and '. Tel. 3. Vest Iilicx THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. l';ij;t a Week . 15C l'apero a Vrar .mone '"weeklv" pa pert It stands firet anion ln f frequency of in freotienr.e nf iiiiliiicHtlon freibnese, variet and reliability of cor. i tentfc. It is practically a daily ut the low I priee o a weekly : and its vast list of territory of tbe Union and foreign coun - tries, will vouch tor the accuracy and fatrnesfc of itf newe coinmtie. It ib epleudidlv illustrated, and amotiL' its epecial features are a fine humor ' pajje, exhaustive market rei-orte, nil the latest fashiont for women and a Ion . series of stories by the greatest livinp American nnd English authors, i Cunan Doyle, Jerome K. iterome, j btanley Weyiimn, Mary I'., W II l:lu j Anthony Ilium, 11 rot ilurte, j Brainier .llaitliew, Ktc. We offer Uiie unequaled nevvsimtierand Tho DalleeTvvice-a-U'eek Chronicle to pether one year for The resular . price of the two papers is f'i.QQ. i TBe Columbia Pac., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAXUFACTUKKRH ok Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. f Special of t , ' : ' j ' I I i It Grandall DEALLRS l.V ., ... r 011 1,-mric nf rviliUJ Ul UNDERTAKERS Funeral Supplied s EMBALMERS TO' The Dalles, Or. mho C. F. t Boots and Shoes JHade to Order. A IVrfect fit guaranteed. Ilepairing neatly done at ehort notice. M ? 1 Union St. bet, lstand2d 1 4'VV , W ..ghjis. mM- Butehers and Farmer's ..Exchange.. Kt) on drauulit the celcliratt! (JOUMIUA HEklt, nek mm I tilfjea the hvn Uxr in TIio Dalle, ut ttu-niiul jiri-c Come in, try it ami be convinced Abo tln-nu-nt hranrU of W iiien. Llouom and Cisuif. Sandujiehes of nil Kind-- ulMnyn on hand. OHLV ONK ro A tdll. Rmww Piaiaiw, cima HtMatiM, tn$m Mi bmmiH. si HanplM r, , ncU. box at druHCiaUor by mail , aoorwa m, W). rail, ra. Try Eclillllng'n hut tea and baklnt; pOHUat , Bick or "Junt Dou'tllll I V I Peel Well." rllL.ll peatur Of The Chronicle ofticc is the Job priptii? D?partT)e9t. We have better facilities for doing artistic work in this line 'than any office in Eastern Orc - if on. and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. Ue Qomparisoi both as to high grade work and reasonable prices. fyropKle pub.(?o. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. 5 Patronize the IiflUNDRY. A l' K'l.lof Unit. ,wt r.. n.tinitv. v w.irt at rtiijcitl r, us Wash lolitfti-d Futn 1 and ilclr. eivd (rec T-leilnuie Au, 1 111, H. D. Parkins, Agt, A NEW MARKET. TFRUIT, VEG-ETABLE3, Jr OULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order. rrrimt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washington Sts, FRENCH Sir rr W., BANKERS. ntASKACTAOBSEBALHASKINa BUUl.NCtf ' letters of Cr.-dit ineued avuilable in the EuHtorn Stittet. Sight Exchange and TelfKrnphu lrariBferB Bold on New York, Chicauo, bt. Louis, ban Fruneitico, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle auh,, and various poiute in Oregon and WaauiDuton. Collectione ma-le at all pointe on fav orable terini. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N s Pullman Elegont Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. I'At'l, MIN.NKAI'Ol.l ntlt.l Til I'AltC.O nuAMi run tMtOOUNTON WINNll'EO Hi:i.KNA itn Itl'TTK TO ; Through Tickets !cillCAlt WAhlllNHTON l'IUI.AIi:i.lMIlA KV VIIKK HIIXTON AM) A 1. 1, i 1'Ol.VT!' EAST ami SOUTH For liilortnnUon. tlmecardk, iniipi-niid ticto'j, ' cal on or write to V. C. ALLAH' AY. Agent, The Dalle, Oregon D. CHARLTON. As-M. G. P. A., iVi. Mt'rri()ii Cor. Third, I'ortlMid Orcsoa ro THE ERST! GIVES THE CHOK E OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Ratesjo all Eastern Cities OCKAX STKAMKlil l.u J'lirtlntid KirrV riu liv for SAN FRANcisco, cal. teamera monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Jfonir Kong vm North ' ern I'aeifie .Stenuiehip Co., iu connection j with O. It. & .V. For tall dutnlli. call nn O. U A Co, Art u' Tile pHtlei. or uddret j IiJtlM), CAItUU. A, Vi.. Gen. Act" Northrat''nc sti'iiiiiMii I TIME CAItll. No. I, tu SiokMoe and Oieat Northern ar'ivri 1 nt."ii. m li-avek ut 6 30 n. jp. No. to IVtidie j ton, Ittifcer City and fnlon l'ueit!e,arrivtiit I No S. Irom BiKikaiiu mid Great Northern i r riu at 9 jo it m., iii!irl ut n. in. V i irom IlaSi' r lily uud L'niu. I'ueille, arrUfi at in u. in., di'iiartt at 3. a) a. in. No, -a und '.'1, moviiiK ei.t of The Dalle. u.l ; i .r inifMsiiKurk. mj. it nrrlvex at ti ui , driarUHt 1.1. ji. m. ; l'iiMuiivrh lor Ilojipncr take No J. lea ig i ueri- m 1. iii . m. W. II. UL'IILUL'KT, Gen. I'ms. Ak i'ortland. Orfk'ini Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Thiouirh hy '(layilght via 0r. Valley, Kv I aud CrOM Hollow.. I)OU;i.As AI.I.KN, Tim Uatli'. c. i. wnri'Ki.A w. Ani.,i otii(,'C leave The liuIUn Irom I'matllla II ' at . a. m., nlk-i from Antt-IoiK; ut 7:a0 a. in. v e-v Monday, VYdnudHy und Krlduy. (;oiinwtl"ii Iiiwli nt AntL-lol lot I'rliifVilfi-. Mitchell li .(i ! ixiiuu buyond. i;i( c niiMUioim made at Tut I'ulluit with railway, trains and bout. htKKtk (rom Anlclope reach The Pallet. Tu.s day, 1 Uurwiayh und naturiluyii at 1 :! i. in. Illle tO UOrCtlUtCH do Moro. . do (inn! Valley .tl " I ' ' , 3 io . -I -0 1 . u) :, w uu i.uill do (JroM llolUmn. ; Aliteloi to (.'rout Hollow n' I.UIll do do do do Oram Valley ... . Moto. . llC.1('tllll-(- . ... 1 U' llallea w 6 11 JOSEPH SHANNON HAh Ol'KllliU A HARNESS SHOP IN THE EAfcT KNI). In the Colum bia Keeil Yard, oi'lte galtmaralie'a btockyntdk, where he U reudv to do All Kinds of Harness Work. 0 a gM