The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 04, 1898, Image 3

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    Special in
In order to make room for our spring
stock of Muslin Underwear, we offer our
present stock at the following prices:
25 cent values 18c ? $1.25 values
3S " u 24c y J'S0 "
SO " " 38c u
0 , 0 y, 2.00
a 5cis 2.50 "
S1.00 ' 78c j! 3.00 . " ,
$ .90
, I.IO
During January and Feb
ruary wo will give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth ot goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Fill DAY
I Til
EBKUAltY -1, lS'JS
Girl wanted. Apply to the European
House. janUMw
Weather Toiitirht.fuir anil cooler; to
morrow, rain or enow,
Washington navel oranges, 10 cents
per dozen at Maier k Denton. 2-2t
Marriage license was issued today to
Henry Speieluger and Miss Inn Doyle,
both of this vicinity.
Wanted Light housework, with time
for study. Wages according to time
given. Apply at this otliee. 3 lit
The war In Cuba hae not prevented
S. F. Foute from securing a choice lot of
Havaua tobacco, which he manufactures
-into Prize .Medal and Guarantee cjgare.
Testimony in the case of Baldwin vs.
Dalles Citv if being taken before Iteferee
D. S. Dufur. II.' II. Klddell appears
for ttie plain tin", while Dufur k Menelee
are attorneys for the city.
Just received some of the Internation
al Domestic Heaters, direct from factory.
We have put one in for Mr. Ad Keller of
this city, and know them to do what is
claimed for them. Maier & Benton.
The effort of Attorney Cutting to be
cure a stay of execution in the case of
Wachiiuf, the iJIilleboro murderer,
availed nothing, aud, according to re
ports, the execution was to take place
The annual election of officers for the
city of Long Creek, Or.', .will be hel
February 8th. It bids fair to be hotl
contested, as there are several can
dates in the field for each of the respect
ive olllces.
This morning 750 head of the Mats'
eheep were shipped to Portland on t
Regulator. They averaged, about 100
pounds each, and nt four centH per
pound they would average four dollars
a head, which is considered a very good
The degree team ot Cedar Circle are
making every effort to inako a grand
success of their social in every regard.
A good programme will bo rendered and
all who attend may bo sure of having an
enjoyable time. At the Fraternity hall
All those who have boen invited to
take part in the Old Folks' concert,
which will take place at the opera house
0,1 the 18th, are requested to make
'fecial effort to be present ut the Con
Rregatioiial church tomorrow night,
Men the first rehearsal will be had.
"T. W? Crofton of Centerville, Wash.,
arrived in this city yesterday With a
team of tine largo dogs, well tralueu and
1" perfect condition to lead an Alaska
train. lie was met in this uface by
0. Walton and O. F. JJlakfeney of
Moro, who will accomoanv Iilm to
Alaska.' They will leave (or BlAguay on
'e KTUer tomorrow night, And from
City. Tin: Chronicle wishes them a
successful trip.
At the request of a number of the con
gregation who attended services at the
Congregational church Sunday morning,
January 11th, Rev. W. C. Curtis will,
next Sunday evening, repeat the sermon
preached on that occasion. The subject
of the sermon is "Deal Fairly With Thy
Master." The choir is preparing special
music for the occasion, and the friends
of Mr. Curtis bespeak for him a large
audience next Sunday evening.
We are sorry to announce the Berioue
illness of Mr. Jacob Fritz. He has been
ailing for some time, but for a month or
more lie seemed to be improving. Dur
ing the last few days, however, he has
grown gradually worse and yesterday his
condition was such that his children
were telegraphed for. His daughter,
Mrs. Agnes Baldwin, of Portland, ar
rived last night. Ills son, Charles, who
is in Boise City, and his otfier daughter,
Mrs. Flashards.oflDenver.will be here as
soon as they possibly can.
We understand that the club bowling
team hae challenged the Umatilla
House bowlers for another tournament,
but the latter seems to be afraid of los
ing the laurels the' won in the last tour
nament, and insist on laying low. We
would like very much to tee the club
have another chance, aud if the Umatil
la House bowlers have not lost their
sand there is little reason why they
should not accept the challenge. The
Umatilla House team should not assert
their superiority on one trial, and we
sincerely hope they will agree to another
tournament in the near future.
IliiPlnem Transacted Lat Night--IIMIh
Tim liruiin W'rtlilluK,
On Wednesday, February 2d, at the
Bruno residence at Grand Dalles, in
Klickitat county, Mrs. Kose Brune,
widow of Charles Brune, was united
in marriage to Mr. Henry Brune, a
brother of Charles Brune.
ceremony took place at the home
of the bride, and was attended only by a
few of the most intimate friends of the
family. Jtev. A. Horn, of Goldendale,
officiated and made the happy couple
one. Tiik Ciiko.sioi.e, as ih always the
custom in such cases, gives them its
benediction aud hopes their years of
married life may be numerous aud hap
py. . . . .
The .Modem Way.
Commends itself to the well-informed,
to do nleasantlv and effectually what
1 formaly done in the crudest manner and
disagreeably as well, 'lo cleanse the
svstem and break up colds, headaches,
land fevers without uupleasant after ef
fects, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.
Came to my place Janvary 23d, a dark
bay inare, about 15 hands high, white
ipot lu face, one white hind foot; brand
ed A on left shoulder j shoe on left front
foot. Owner can have same by paying
all charges. J. T. IUv.noi.uh,
ffcb4 lin The Dalles, Or.
The regular monthly meeting of the
city council was held last night in the
council chambers. Mayor Nolan pre
sided, and the councilmen present were
Kuck, Johne, Johnston, Wood, Thomp
son, Stephens and Clough.
The minutes of the meetings held dur-
j ing the month of January were read and
approved,1 after which S. S. Johns, of
the committee on streets and public
property, made a verbal report stating
that the committee had decided to cover
the brewery grade as far out as the city
limits, with crushed rock. The commit
tee also made a favorable roport allow
ing the Zion Evangelical Lutheran
church to put a gasoline tank on Seventh
street. ,
II. L. Kuck, of the special committee
on lights, stated that they were unable
to consult with Mr. Parrott, who has the
project in hand of lighting the city by
gas, and they asked for another month
in which to reKrt.
At this time Councilman Saltmarthe
came hi. J
S. S. Johns, of the committee on
streets and public property, moved that
a special ordinance declaring Seventh
street, between Union and Court, a
sixty-foot 6treet according to the ori-
J ginal plat, and granting the privilege to
I the Lutheran church to place a tank on
j said street. The ordinance was placed
on final passage aud received the vote of
the entire council.
The claims of the finance committee
were read, approved and ordered paid
by the council.
A bill of Geo. T. Thompson for $3. 75
was read, and by recommendation of the
street committee ordered paid.
S. S. Johns reported concerning the
spring on Ninth street, and stated that
nothing could bo done with the same
until the sowera were properly prepared.
A motion was then made that the
recorder bo informed to correspond with
the Portland authorities concerning. the
license for the nickcl-iu-tho-slot ma
chines, and an ordinance will, in all
probability, bo drawn up concerning the
As this concluded the business for the
evening, a motion was made and cairied
to adjourn.
The following bills were allowed dur
ing the meeting:
CFLauer, marshal $ 75 00
Geo Brown, engineer 75 00
J S Wiley, nightwatchman 00 00
C J Craudall. treasurer 20 00
K B binnott, recorder.
Mays & Crowe, uidse 11)
Dalles Water Works .'(2
Dalles Lumbering Co, mdse
J A Hebner,
J A Like,
C B Fleurer,
L M Wilson,
Chas Jones,
J A Lane,
H L Lane,
A JohnFton,
W H Higby,
A A Kenechtlev,
J Burns,
J S McMillan,
J A Dellineer,
A A Cathcart,
California Kestrurant,
do 35 60
do 30 00
do 35 40
do 42 40
do 42 GO
do 24 40
do 20 00
meals 5 40
Tim Contract for Construction liua lieen
j The Klickitat county commissioners
Wednesday let a contract for the imme
diate construction of the Goldendale and
Lyle wagon road. The road is to be
completed by June 1st of this yearj The
lucfiy"bTl3er was Contractor Jiason of
Hood River. Mr. Mason has had much
experience in grading, and among his
workmen is a band of Japs, who will
soon bo placed on the work along Big
Klickitat river, in getting out from Lyle
and reaching the wheat belt proper of
the valley.
Business men of Goldendale are much
elated over the assured prospect of the
proposed road. It has been predicted
that this year's Klickitat wheat crop
would be marketed at Lyle.
! The wool nii'ii who Mimmur their
flocks about the Mount Adams country
will in many instances ship their late
spring clips of this season to Lyle; pos
sibly the entire clip of Klickitat, if
I the road should be complete' 1 in time
for this year's maiket.
HOT WATER in Ten Minutes.
Do You
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plontv of hot water,
and a great fuel saver.
.Have one put in your
stove by
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.
And reap the benefit of the following
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World..
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune
CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian
CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner
..2 00
... 1 75
... 2 25
... 2 25
Electric Light Co
Maier iv uenton,
J T Peters & Co,
Wood Bros,
Dalles Packing Co,
W A Johnson.
F A Bandrock, labor 1
M Ulough, uo
Dufur AMenefee, prof service.
Gunning & Hockiuan, labor.
J u inoiupton, do
J J liecker, do
A C Arbell do
William Norman do
do 28 78
1 60
15 00
60 00
40 15
27 40
10 J3
2 00
5 1)9
Gus Wachline, the Hillshoro murder
er, was hanged nt 11 o'clock thin morn
ing. The Cuban war according to present
indications is rapidly drawing to a
The steamer Elder will sail tomorrow
night with the largest cargo of freight
aud passengers she has yet taken to
Senator Caffery contends that Gover
nor Lord has uo authority to appoint II .
W. Corhett to a seat lu the senate. A
vote will soon he readied.
Among the fruit exporters in Califor
nia the news of the action of thu German
government in prohibiting the exporta
tion of American fruit created uo Alarm,
The general sentiment is that California
sent too little fresh fruit to Germany to
feel the prohibition.
W. T. Giles, of Freeport, III., is dead
at the residence of his son, W. H. Giles,
in Chicago, after a brief illness. Mr.
Giles is an old and well-known newspa
per man aud had the distinction of hav
ing established more newspapers than
any man in the country ,( He was in hit
76th year.
Captain Palmgreen, of the schooner
James A. Garfield, while at the wheel of
his vessel and crossing Gray's harbor,
was thrown over the vessel's cabin.
suffered internal injuries. Ho is now
resting easy at St David's 'hospital nt
Tmiclmri.' K'xuiiilniit Ion.
Notico is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of all
persons who may oiler themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a public exam
illation at the courthouse in The Dalles,
beginning Wednesday, February i), 1808,
at 1 p. m.
Dated this 31st day of Jan., 1S0S.
C. L. Gii.iikkt, School Supt.,
Wasco County, Oregon.
In a recent letter from Washington,
D. C, to an old friend, Major, G. A.
Sttider, for twenty years United States
Consul at Singapore, says : "While at
Dos Moines I became acqainted with a
liniment known as Chamberlain's Fain
Balm, which I found excellent against
rheumatism as well as against soreness
of the throat and chest (giving ma much
easier breathing. 1 had a touch of pneu
monia early this week, and two applica
tions freely applied to thu throat and
chest relieved inu of It at once. I would
not bo without it for anything." For
sale by Blakeley A Houghton.
To Curo h Cold In One liny,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fall to cure, 25c,
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That It what It whs made fur.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Til lit lit whut It was inaile for.
How do you keep track of tho events
of tho year? You may not have been
in the habit of keeping u strict account
of your expenditures. You'll Hud it
nays to do so. Wo all desire to ho care
ful and economical. It's thu greatest
poHsiblo assistant to economy to keep u
record of expenditures. It's a conven
ience, to know tho happenings. A day
hook, diary and a call ndar nu iuo
cerfurv ami should he provided. At I,
C. N'ICKELSEN'.S you can then, cheap.
It y Hi i tViiy
Do you need a Bible or any other good
book? Wn have all the interesting and
valuable volnmea which you may need
in your library, If there is anything;
you need thuy are yours for a reasonable
price, Call and see what wo have to of
fer. I. C. Nickelscn
Book Sc. CTlusie Company,
ay thev will iro straight to Circle
Three of hie ribs were broken, and he