s . I The only Republican Daily Sewtpapei on Watco County. ASTERTOFF1CES30 to 2SJ Temph Court, X. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. IVrekl.v Clubbing Kate. Chronicle and Oregonian $2 "b Chronicle and Examiner. 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean l.So Chronicle nnd Tribune . 1 "5 Chronicle and X. Y. World 2 00 crwhclming superiority, Japan can ....! put a well equipped army in luc new, ! rcuch superior to anything that Rus- j sia can supply. Japan has not for-1 j gotten how, under the threats of; these throe combined powers, she holding only "Wei hui-wei until the' indemnity should be paid. Since, then she has enlarged her navy ; a , i determined cabinet it in power; and the chance may hive come which FEBRUARY 4. 1S9S t SCfmed to be hers at the close of her ' , wit. Pjiino. wlirn f!hina and' isITUATIOS. ' ' ' Japan will unite agaiusl foreign ag- Tradc is the key to the situation ; gression, and with Great Britain to j in the far East; and very critical the 1 help them. It is true that still China j situation is. ! iJ but nn eggshell that can be cracked , All the greater powers but Great , by the slightest blow; hut this may Tiritnin want to nossess the whole or not long be so. The regeneration Taking the JVIcdieinc. FRIDAY THE CHINESE Wholesale . ftlflLT LtlQUOfrS, COines and Cigars. 'THE celebrated ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OV TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train Icavc Mid nxv One t" arrive1 nt I'ortlmid LKAVK. , XIVK on draught and In DOttlos i.... .1.:, Illil 11113 maj ill ft! filled. You want al the good yon can nossJhlv tt from the remedv. l ou a part of China. Tiiev want it, ex- that has come to Japan may yet , wanl the fillinc to Ik? properly done ! Anheuser-Busch. Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic You getcood results from taking your -beverage, unequaled as a tonic. edictn if-the prescription is properly - a , OVKKI.AN1) K1 I iiros SMli'in, Uoje-! 6:00 1 . SI. kmiicIhw, rnmiMito, OkiIimlSiui Miijnvo, HIMI, Urll'HtlK ivntl S:SO A. SI. Dally l-XII'pt ' ) New V Ktut J liOM'liurg iiml way tii' tlllllK . . , . r'lH W(Mxltiitrn for) : .Mt.Anct-l, snverimi, ' WvA vo. Itrmviif- vllli',S)rtiiKtlltl i. Natron . . . 17:30 A. SI. iCorvnlll" IXtlltlOHK anil way i I I1. SI Dally rxcuiit Rumtiiyti. :f0 IV St l.VDKl'KNDKSCK I'ASSKNUKU. Kxjiress train Dally (oxct'iit piiihIu ). i-.vin. m. tlx. .iwtiaiiu .vr.) n.in, m HI p. in. A1 .uraiiiiiiwii- lAf WUJCl'VHUVIIl l ...... t cei-t it be Russia, for tbeir trade. ' come to China; and it may comej Iiussia wants it in part for pride rapUly if the pressure of foreign ng-j of greatuess. Whenever any one of ! gressiou throws China into the aims the three, Russia. Germany or Prance, of Japan and Great Britain. j gets possession or control of new tcr- The impending partition of China ritory, the first thing done is to close seems just now to be delayed by the j its norts to foreicn commerce, act of Great Britain, who declares 1 French commerce is free in French j that she will fight rather than allow Jfj ggjjgjjrj gjpgg( Africa, German in German Africa :!o'.Ler powers to shut her out of the j hut the commerce of other nations is 1 Chinese trade to which she has, and We give it the nfost careful attention. STUBL1NG & WILLIAMS. V.MI II, II! 4 . a. in. I ) J t r ,V " ' RELIABLE PHARMACISTS Closing Out Sale -OF- the dalles. FURNITURE CARPETS excluded b- high duties. This fos ters their own manufactures and their own shipping at the expense of all others. But Great Britain does no such thing. When she takes pos session of India, she opens every port equa'ly to all nations. Canada or South Africa or Australia, as soon j as they have parliaments of their 1 ! to which she will insist on having, ! equal rights. This is the key of the situation. A few weeks will show whether Russia will back down, or whether we shall have war. We prophesy peace, for Russia is not readv to fisht in Chinese waters. holiday Improuemeits. PRINZ NITSCHKE ! Are "going to cloe out Uieir business, nnd they nre oflerini: their lnrce stock at i COST PK1CES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowing themseives indebted to euid firm are requested to call and settle tbeir account. I ;w . m ! :inlly. liHiiy,x'iit.mmny. I DINING C.VKs O.N OODEN KOl'TE. 1 I'tM.LSlAN IirKFin' HI.KK1'KUS j AND fiKrOND-C'l.A-n iI.KKIINCi CARs Attncliwl H TtirmiKii Trains. Direct rnnnrctlon nt mui FnmciTo with Orel ileiititl auit Oriental anil Purlin- mall Mraiimlilii ' lilies for JAl'AN and CHINA. rinlllliB dates on . nt ..llfiitiMn. I flatw.hiid tlctctn tn hasterii JwiInU and I.u i riUKi. AI.mi JAI'AN, CHINA, HONOU'LL and i Al'aTKAUA. can lioohtaliiol Irom J. 11. KIKKl.AND, Ticket ARcnt. Thronch Ticket Oflirc, VM Third tret. w here ! throuch ticketii to all jiolntJ. In the Kiiktcrn . States, Caiiarta and Kurope can be obtained at lowest riitet. Irom , , J. II. KlKKhANn. Ticket Acent. I All above trains arrive nt and depart Irom oratid t'cntral Station, Kiltu wid Irvmc stn-ets There is no need o: little childrm be iu tortured bv scald head, eczema and own, put their tariffs on British as jkin eruptions. DeWitt'e Witch Hazel freely as on French imports. Great; Salve gives instant relief and cures per- Britain believes in free commerce, ' nianently. Snipes-Lmersly Drug Co. commerce, asks no favors, but trusts solely to j the enterprise of her people to create and preserve markets. She has sue-1 ceeded better than any other nation. ! Slttbashhree-fourths of the commerce with the far East, and she wishes to keep it. In order to preserve an equal right with other powers n Chinese mar kets and China, with her immense population, is expected to be the great market of the world for Euio pean manufactures Great Britain lias her treaties with China granting lier privileges equal to those of the most favored nation. Those treaties would lapse if portions of China should be alienated to other powers. The' would not properly lapse un der terms of a lease, such as that bj which Geimany has taken the sag nificent port Df Iviao chau; and Cer- inany-i,J!der Eu?Uih PresiUre .yields the point. Great 2'ntain has now declared tliat her .trade in China shall not thus be excluded. Gieat Britain lives on her trade, and she cau protect it. She has publicly declared, wjth the direct Cf war, thai shS will j liot allow Russia to close any Chi nese ports. What she asks for U more Open treafy ports where all commerce shall be equally free to enter, subject only to the equal tariff which China puts on all commerce. She offers a creat and needed loan to China, but on this condition, among i others, that three new open ports: shall be created, one of them Talien-1 wan, which is in Northern China, t which Russia proposes to secure for 1 herself. To this Russia strenuously objects, -because she wishes to bej able, before long, to control its com-j merce for herself. Great Britain has : the fleet; she has Japan behind her;! she has behind her the moral support of the United ."states. All these powers wish free com merce with China; and Great Britain and Japan have a fleet in the Chinese waters big erough to allow them to j do what the- please. It looks like a show of force. The European powers hve imagined that Great Britain was such a lover of peace that she would submit to anythiii''. But the FREE. FREE. We Will Give To All Subscribers and pa3-ing up in ad vance for the Yoii want paper which makes Jtye postoffiee pi?arma(;y, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors, i Pure Dugs and JWedicines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery, i piist Ijr of Imported ar;d Domestic ?i$ar$.j Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. I VA.MIIIU. DIVISION. I'arsctiRcr DeiKit, loot ol JeBerxm street 1 Ijenw for OSWKOO, dally, csrept Sunday, at , 7. M a. m.: 1- ;. l.V, 6:i;. 6:a5, p. m. (and U::s) p. m. on Saturday only, unit j m a. m .and S::in )u m.ou Miuduyn only). Arrive at ! I'ortland oallv at 'fiMOand himin ra.; and UX ' ! 15, C:'.!) ami 7 at i. in., and 10 05 u. m , 3 15 I 5 10 p. in. o:i Sundays only). ' Leave lor BherMaii, wi-ek days, at 1 .30 p. m ! Arrive at I'ortland, !:: n. in. Ix'ave lor AIItl.IK on Monday, WeUiiesdayand Krlrtaj at J 10 a. m. Arrlv- at I'ortland, Tutu dav, Thuriulay and Saturda) it ZXt l. m. Kxcvpt Sunday. Exrcjit Saturday. It. KOKHLEIt, Mauacer. (f, II. MARKHAM, Atitt. G. K. ,V 1'iikk. Act your i - l holiday enjoyment greater. Yon j want paper which makes your home ; pleasanterjaall times. You need such j shades and designs as will Rive more ,' beauty and more comfort in your home, j We show you styles that exceed any J ever seen here at prices never attempted j for such quality. i Weekly GhFODieleii w A Copy of Be World i Regulator Line PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper : Window Glass Tie Dalles, Portlanfl anfl Asto ria Navigation Co.' imwm 5y Encyclopaais 3 iliSll- m rge- ; I 7vt. z. donnell, ISoipes-'taiy Drug Co. P$ESC$lPTIOfl DRUGGIST 129 Second Street, TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY, Witt Answer Any Question You may Ash It 'Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OK sirs. Regulator (6 Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUE.R LINE BETWES.V Tte UdUii, Hcml Kiver, Cascade Ixok and Port land dally, "chh Bunday. Standard American Annual. 29SdZ9lieieitB!ilBSR(IBllltili ( DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going (EASTERN OREGON ? ! and enjoy r. b-.-autlful trij on ! e vrt-uoutid train arrives at ' es In amjilfc time lor imsBcnt'ers to tnke ner, arrivnrg In I'ortlmid In time tor the I ; honttiCTii und Northern trln; I.'nat- j Ready Jzn, , 1398, On AM News Stands, British government has spoken, and Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. It to, jave money and enjoy r. ucautllul trij on ! the Colnrabla. The vret-boutid train arrives at The Dalle the iteamer, oulKOIliK uomneni unu .-.luiiii'iii ni"'. j.iw.- ( to take the Kant-hound train. i For farther inlonnatlon apiily to J. X. HAKKEY, Agent, Oak ctrect Dock. I'ortland. Oregon, Or W C. AU.AW AY. (i n. Ar;t., The Italics. Orecou 1 8JS ...the:.... ;Qj . M Weekly Inter Ocean m LARGEST CIRCULATION OF AKY POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WEST It is radically Republican, advocating sMBut it can always be relied on m the cardinal doctrines of that Farty for fair and honest reports of all po- with ability and earneslness litical movement jtjtjljljljtjlj THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE MEWSAND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of its columns is equal io that of the Lest muu zincs. It is interesting to the chil dren us well us the parents Harry Liebe, i behind it is the total sentiment of the empire, and with it is Japan; and itj seems probable that Ruuia unci her allies, Germany and France, must yield. Besides the combised Gieat Britain and Japan PRACTICAL THE.INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives Its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it Is in full sympathy navy of with its rTbe most widely sold Annual Refer nc Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. Watchmaker $ Jeweler ' AH work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. 2"??2 SI.CO-MICE ONE DOLLAR KR YEAR $1,00 fi"i ;Sii THE DAItT AWD S0HDAY EDIT10HS OF THE IMTEk OCBAH ARE ZEST OF TEEIK kOHD. j THE DALLES, OEEGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. J H. KCHCNK, ' i'renldt'iit. I'rlcnof Jlitllv l,v mall. J'rlooor SuikIbt by mall fa OO per ymr uy iiiiu nunuay iy iuhii ffl.oo prr yar 44,00 per year 9j i II. M. Hka'v, First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bauklng Business transact" Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on da? of collection. Hiifht and Telegraphic Exehange sold on New Vork, Ban Francisco and port land. D. P. Thompson. Jao. 8. Bchkhc. En. M. Wilmamh, Go. A. Libs' II M. I3KAI.L.