lis it TUSH II It 31 m QNf- EM 1 OKS enjoys TJnfti ttir mntbrvl rmrl mcnlts wllPn Svntnof Pics is taken; it is pleasant s e t.f. ,wi nta rnntlf vot lirOTTllltlv Oil thoKidncvs. Liver and Bowels." cleanses the sys- Cj. tern effectually, dispels colds, head , ivm.tni. aches and fevers and cures habitual y0nng lady to learn printing, finish eonstination. Svnip of Fics is the inc and retonchinc. Must be strong, onlv remedr of its kind ever pro- -. i . j auceu. picasing iu uio usi-- y , ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and trulv beneficial in its ' effects, prepared onlv from the most healthvana asxreeauieBuosxances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most nnnlnr wTTinlr Irnnnm : Hlyrupof Figs is for sale in 50 ' cent bottles bv all leadinc drug ' gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- ; cure it promptly for any one who ' wishes to trv it Do not accept any ' substitute, CALIFORNIA FHS SYRUP CO. SAK FNAXS1SC0. CAL WV!3YIU. KT. ;tV YORK, K.X. rhs Dalles Daily Chrck-jte. THE DALIES, OKEGtlX I Ail vertNlns Kate. One tuck or las in Daily H JO i Over two Inches and under tour iuche. . Over four liiche and under twelve inches Oyer twelve inches . 1 CO 0 DAiiY A.ND WEEKLY. One inch or les, per inch S2 3) Over uue inch aud uader four inches. ... 2 CO Over (our inches aud under twelve inchei- ..IM Over -welve inche . 1 00 rEKsosAt acxnoN B. F. Pike oi iioro is in the city. heriff Hulder is in from Moro to day. J. W. tTmatilla. Landir of Bakeoven is at thej C. M. Walker, the Prineville nier--cbBCt, is in the city today. Mrs. J. A. Christians of Portland is in the city visiting friends. J. Herman, traveling freight agent for the 0. S. L., is in the city today. George Conser, cne of Heppner's lead- ring business men, is in the city today. Harrison Dnfur came np from Port land last night and left for Dnfur today. P.. I). Cooper of Independence is visit In? his brother, D. J.' Cooper, in this city. H. L. Knck returned from Portland I last nipht, where be has been for several V days. Miss E-lna Moody of Salem came np on the trahi last nlirht, anil is vi-itiir re.atives in the city. Mr?. J. M. Filloon 'and Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaucb went to Portland this .morninc to visit friends for a few days. "Rnrfapntative F. N. Jonesol's liridce arrived from Portland lat nifh, wuere ne lias ueen aiieuuiuj: iuc mcuc convention. . H. A. LiaiH, of the Chicago and , 2orUiwestern Railroad, ia attending to, matters of business contiected w ith that ; nnemuiecuj Aire. C. P. Balch of Dnfur, who has 1 l C ' n Hncniril r ' 2ortIand for several montng, came np last night. She ia greatly improved in health. William C. Wills, who h a memr of ; .1... 1 1 oIIt of ;r,n niiH hut. in snltn attpiidiiiff a meeting of lllltl LKJtliL. , If HI HIU l.JH, w i w his home at Hay Creek. - 1 . I ,1 ! . : . .nr. n.... Ir l.,C I " O t' I f ' In this city, February 3, 1S05, of pneu- moma. Hazel, ttie iniaut uaugnter 01 Mr. and Mrs. Cha afle Adams, aged about 11 months. Tbe funeral will take place from the family residence, on the hill, Suuday, Feb. 0th. Out-of-town dealers in cigare are in vited to call and examine the choice line sold by S. F. Fonts. '20 lbe Eose Queen is the beit make on the market for five cents, and when you moke them vonr money stays at home. 20-tf Choice Shoal water Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give ue a trial and we will endeavor to please yon. King Cole brand Baltimore oysters, the best on trie market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them. A Vnrnor & Co.'B. U'tf CMb la Your Ctieckn. 1 AH conntv warrants registered prior to 2ov. 13, im, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases alter Jan. loth, iflOg C. L. PHlLLti H, County Treasurer. . . . - - ----- J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeek, Texas, says that whn he has a spell of mill-1 gestiou, and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt'e Little Early Ris ers at night, and he is all right, the next morning. Manv thousands of others do , the same thine. Do yu? mi pes Kinersly Drug Co. LOST. A dark brown, young tnare, e lwni .; , ueirni stripe in face, white hind feet EV. connected, on left shoulder about 1000 Rounds. Finder will he paid for c.ire hv wriiiui: to V. A. Campbell, Box t5, Portland, Or. jn22lm You can't afford to risk yonr life by allowing a cold to develop into pneunio- nin or consumption. Instant relief and n certain cure are ntioruca oy line .uiti nte Cough Cure Snipes-Kinsrslv Drug ' ' -n ? eyes, am Keierenee required. and not ait aid of work. Gtrronn, Photographer. 25-tf Chapman Mock. Wakxing: Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn- ings of danger and save themselves suf-' ferine and fatal results by using One Minute Couch Cure. It is an infallible i remedy for coughs, colds, croup and at! throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin- ersly Drug Co. Your Last chance. An negatives row in mv possession made by Mr. Honchton or D. C. rJerrin p-tor to Jan. i, jssm. wiii i en. It on wish to duplicate prints, orders , must be placed before .March 1st. GtrroiiD, Photo. Artist, febl lm Chapman Block. Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since be bad bis tu; sle with ciiolera morbus. He say; I e drove miles after be was taken sick, rnd never came so near dying in bis life. A f,r f htc trhpn l,P nut in th- conn- trv he will take a bottle of Chiimberlaur- Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy with him. Missouri Valley (Ioua Timss. For sale by Ulateley & Hough ton. A il ertl"-u' Letter. Followinc is the list of letters remain j ing in the" postoffice at The Dalles i:n-1 called for Febrnarv 3, 1S9S. Persons! . f .u " ;j, caiiinu iu; iiic "iimu ufllv which they were advertised : Bonimerenine. E Bachelor, Mrs L Hanks. Mrs O D Bnrdien. Mrs A J Byre, John Carter, A EI Cittn, Miss .Utile Oate, rreu Carnsnter. beo uyiswortn, u k Dale, K Venn, mt i Evans, Mrs B Hardy, J F Hardeety, Mrs H Hallman, Miss X Hardtle," Jno. Henroid, H D Heartman, Mr Hutcheson, Samuel Klein, W Kelly, V M Matna, Mrs M E McCown, John Nave, J D Osborne, D Palen. Williams Poole, Alta P.av, Mis Emma Robinson, Mrs E J Sm'itb, Frank lavlor, Miss Lulu Tate. Mrs K W Vanzant, Mrs C Williams, Jay J. A. CsOsSEK T3iouand nrt Tryln-r It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the mo effective euro for Cutarrh and Cold in Uead. we have pre pared a generoUs trial hize for 10 cent.-;. Get it of your drojgist or Bend 10 cents to ELY BP.OS., 50 Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from c.ttarrh of the worst hind ever since u boy. oud I never hoped fur care, bat ElyN "(-'ream Balm seems to do even that. lii.inr a?('j&itanc?s nave it with excel eut remits. Oicar Ostrum, -iu naneu ii.c., umwiju, ui, 33, Cream Balm is the acknowled-d enre'for catarrh and contains no cocaine. luercnry nor any injurious dniR. Trice, CO cents. At dnigiji.sts or by marl. DeWitfs Little Early Rise The tamous httu pills. rs, OUST LIK WINGS. A Frenchman Who I nmleu viirintr to Fl- Aenlimt He 'lnit. Louis Tierre Mouillard, n French icr- ;,ir,t nt finirn 1ms. savs the Pniladel- ! t,;B orel in ented a flvintr machine. ' omprisinff uu aeroplane of com e ur- fnecH. attached to the body of the avi- facen xtor and nrraaged to permit movement of the plane in a liorizontcl direction unly with .reference to the body cf the aviator, the apparatus (lepencii-g no(e ly for support upon wind pressure, nnd not upon anv uov. nwartl th. ut upon the cir, el. her by flapp.r.g v.-ngaor rc vohin? nroocllf r wbeek. T" a breast plate, provided v. ith an art:0' ;r.! ' tern j 'id, ere h!rfrcd v.fgs, rncb Tti . ".icnl axis, bo ns to be parable of fonvnrd or 1 baehwartl motion, the wlnjr frames of I aluminum tubing licing cov rr ;1 v. ith i The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to silk or other HUttaLlc fabric. When the 1 pether one year for -'.00. 'Hie regular planca are- thrust forward t'- x.?ro- pri of the two papers is .00. drome rises; when they arc pulkd bad; it descends. The v.trga nrc centre lied by a spring, upo'i v.bich, the i:ivcni;ir , uayji, "the Jlfo cf tL tiviatrr dt p: :uU" j ind which n.u..t be strong enough to nold the two v. j!.s w ith their edges on a Htraifjl.t nt n sjieeu 01 ir.nen 11 n hour. 'Jlie nerojdixnc- can glide upon the nlr bv a fall from n height fitifllclent to procure a speed which fihall cause the air to Hupport the njiparatus, or. by n i.-Ulf..l utilization of the force of the wind, which must blow at least ten j miles an hour. The weight of the np- j tin rat UK Khould not exceed 55 poundn, I and it is intended to nail with winds varying between ten and twenty-live milefi an hour. Just as Good as Scott's and we sell it much eheaoer is a statement sometimes made by the druggist when Scott's ' Emulsion is called for. This shows . . . . .-t ( ..A Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- Fnn --'-"- standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the " standard " because he knows it has been of untold benefit, should not for one instant think of taking the risk of using some untried prepa ration. The substitution of something said to be "just as good" for & stand ard preparation twenty -fh'c years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. tjn? ATSI'Appct j c. and i.o, an drurctsts. j scott & howne. chemt, New York. i j c-r-inn Sct'i.-input in Indians.. i ' Four'towus m two counties in In ' diana make , , R German settlement . r-..w .... wnere uernian customs prevail exciu- ; sively in the home habits of the people, j although all the inhabitants speak En?-1 lish end the children karn English as ' well as German. The town,-? are Ferdi j nand and St. Kerry, in Dubois eonnty, and St. Jleinrad and Mcria Hill. in Spencer conntv. Ferdinand, the old-; ' eiit 01 lnt o.vns. v. as lounucti cj a im;-- sioniir iuie.u . u.ur. and vves na:nvd in honor of Fertlinand I. ' of Austria. There arc no Americans in ' it, and there are only two jamilies of Americans St. Meirrad. v. hich is the seat of a Benedictine monastery. r.ecd ttr Pr-ktf, I A nervous your.p 'a' called a physl- dan for a ir!ipb; r.i'pvrt. tnt one which she magnified, in her own es ttaotton. into a serions one. "Hun," said the do-ror tor. scnanttBT-ving him a prescription, "to the nearest drnu t-tore'siul bring b;.-!: the ir'!--iup ns quickly as yon car:." "Is there mmb danL'er?" replied tp """"g lady, in alarm. "Yes." ssWl the doctor; "if y-:r servant is no. qt;icli it will be tiseles? " "Oh. doctor, shall I die?"aspcd the pa tient. "There i. no dnrij-er of that.'" said the doctor, "but you may get well before John returnK." Insanity In rclntl. Insanity is lucrersic.R' in Ireland Ttnr-jich Btntfst:. iar;s fcav that, or.e se- I rious caue of lur.ay i the abu. .if I tea, another an ctf-'ir.'lnluf nee in a!- j j cohol, a tbird the '-apnoiiitment oi bavinir tried e.rnitrrc'it n and -failed. ! J,:!?' lKIENIIItKFEK A Ut KUV, j Physicians and Sunreoii?. H'-ciai atttnti'ju (r".ei! m surgery. I".ooni-Jl and i:, Te! C. v"St !!1m'k THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fi-WEEK EDITION- lb I'aceit u Week. ISO VaKtx a ar . . ,. 4 , ., It ptandg hrfct nrnonp 'ueekiy' najierr 111 fcize, frequency of iiuMieutiot; freshness, variet uinl reliability of fit. tente. It e practically a ilr.ily at the low nnce o a weekly; and ltg vast Met ol , subscribers, extendtuu' to every state und 11 for "the ; gt.. of the Union and foreign couu accuracy and s. Itji splendidly illustrated, and Rinong its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fasblone for women and a Ion j series of stories by the greatest living , American anu .cngnsu autuors, Cuuan Doyle, Jeroiuo K. .lerume, ) ritanlfy Wyumu. Mnry K. U'llkln j Anthony Hone, llret llurte, i ISrauilrr Mnttlivw, Ktc. We offer this uneqnaled newspaper and Tie CoMia Packing Go., PACKERS OF j-j rjlr l DCCC rJci 11 A DLLP i MANUKACTUKEEU OK , . - , - Ratiaap-es . 1116 IjarQ ana DaUEJagUS. Curers of BRAND j XJ A TUTC1 Ifr TQ A OOTT JB1ED BEEF. ETC. M 1 A-t$ . - 1 f Special pea to ) Crandall DEALEi:? IN" All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalies, Or. Funeral Supplied has LUho C. F. I t Boots and Shoes Jflade to Order. A Perfect fit vruaranteed. Kepairinc; neatly dune at fchort notice. ti! rt 1 1. t i. . ,1 ,1 5 ..chas. m- Butehens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kteim, ilMUUht the celfbmu-fl I.OI.IMHIA HKER. nckiiowl Cfliied the heat Ucr In The IuiIU-a, nt the uitiul iriee Come In. try It nnd ho cot.v iiintJ Al the I HiKit hrund o mui. Lt'iuoo uinl Cigar. Sandujiehes oi ul' Kind nlwuys on hand. 1 .ONLV OMR POIt A DOSK. Pinal. eurM Hmtmtttl. OvmaaaaJa mm4 CoWnmh. cii. t wit druniauoi r br mU 1 Try Scblllloe's liett lea ana baUOK powasr Dr.QUNN'S:- I VnvPAnnlnThBt AreRll JA Bick or " Juflt Don'tWII I V Fool Well." I I LLO y Of The Chronicle office is the Job prii7tii7 D(?partTei7t. We have better facilities for dointr artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore gon, and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. ULe Qomparisor) both as to high grade work and reasonable prices. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. the best Dress Goods! has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a nrst-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. Patronize the Troy All kll wind ol wors Whlt r-U'rt- n utA-fmltr faroily work ut reduced Uui eoilet'tvd ana (lellvcied Iteu, Teleiliiiuj Sn. 11U H. D. Parkins, Agt, A NEW MARKET "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY KJ'none 12. Third and Washington Sts. j FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ri'.ANSAfT A GENKI'.ALBANKINO UUHl.NEd ' Letters of Cr;dit iesued available in the Eaatern States. 1 Sight Exchange nnd Telegraphic! Trawlers Hold on New York, Chicago, j St. LouiR, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, beattle n ash,, and variou poiute j in Oregon and Washington Collections tnnde at all pohite on fav- orabi. terms. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegont Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car .ST. I'A V 1. MlNK.l'OI.I IMM.fTII KA OK AND tMUt UltOOKVTON WINMrEO IIKI.KNA im lUITTK TO jThrough Tiekets ! t:itio.;o WAslllMiTOS I'llll.ADKI.rillA SEW VOItK IUTON AND ALL i l'OINTS UAST and SOUTH For Inliirmntion, time curds mups and ticket-, 1 cl mi r write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agwit, The Dalits, Ort'KOii on A. D. CHAKLTO.W Asst. G P. A.. ZA, Morrison Cor. Third, I'ortlnnd Oruso i TO Till ERST! OIVEo THE ( H'JlC'E OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN ! RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIa- Spokane Minneapolis Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City i St. Paul Chicago Low Rates Jo ail Eastern Cities OCKAN STI:a.MKKi l.riitr 1'iirtluiid l'.erv rim 1BV tut !SAN pkancisco. cal. SteiunerB monthly from Portland t Yok'ihiiiug nnd Hong Koni: viuXorth ern PhcIAc Steain-bip Co., in cor.necti ai with 0. U. & N. Kcir lull dntntls (.nil uu O. H it V. h Agt nt The Dullw. or itddtexi IiOD'iOX, CAUUM. A i n , lien Ann. Niirth 1'BC llic Bteitiiihhip ( TI5IK UAltll. No. -I, to HfHitiuiu mid liieat Northern rtH-' at.i-aSji. rn., leiive nt A:30 j. m. No. z. to Teiil ton, linker I'll) nnd L'lilou rrilic,urrlveiiut l 1 1 11 m., (le)rlh ut h. m. No 8, tfniu SK,kne mid (ireiit Nnrtlicrn, ii rivm ut 9 V0 11. in., dfirti. ut li.i'i 11 m. No 1, from Hnkr flty unit Unlo. l'udllc, urrlves ut li A) u. m., d'.iaru ut VM n. 111. No, mid '.'I, inovhiR timt of Thu Dntltw. ... curry jiuowtiKerb. No. 3 urrlven ut S p. ia dt-iHrt! ut I l' . in. pM.HHTii'i.rh fnr lliinrifH.. fnL' fji. 'I I.mi, I here ut :Su 11. 111. w. a. .ii'i'.uirin, tien. fu. ak rortlniul. Orik'ou .iDalte, Moro ud Metope STAGE LINE. 'J hroiiuh by duyllfiht vln Utast, VulU-y, Ki( aiid Crow Hollown. j IMHtCI.AH ALI.KN, Tin. Ilalli-H. j C. M. WIIITKI.AM', Alitelojin. I htRi leuve The Dullei, Iroin t'lmitllltt Hoi' .iit'u. m.. also from Antelotx' t 7.il0 u. 111. ec I Monduy, WwlneMluy nnd Kridiiy. Connwtin' ' mwle ut AliteloiKi tor I'rlnuvllle, Mltchull un'1 iniiais ooyoim. i ioe v iitievtlutik iniidc ut '1 u liiilKn wltb rulluiiy, tralim nnd hout. ritiiKe from Anteloio reucli The Dnllcn Tn iliiyx, Thun-dayn and euturduyii ut 1 ;) , in KATIIS (IK I'A KB. pulUb to Deschutes tl I do Moro 1 - I do Griim Valley . I do Kent ., ' do Croik IIo1Ioh . I AlltulOK to CroM HoIIowh 1 , do Kent 'i ' do Urntt Vulley : 1 I do Moro o ; do I'vchiieit, I do Duller. JOSEPH SHANNON HAS OTKIIKD A HARNESS SHOP IN THE KAKT END, In the Colum bia Keed Yurd, oiiolto KiiltniRrahe'ii aiockyurdk) where he U reudr to do hi v j u ii--l. jflU nds of Harness work. 1 .-- BMMa.MtMgMMM.MMMQMtaam i.Bi.Bi.Bi-