The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 03, 1898, Image 3

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j HOT WATER in Ten Minutes.
Special in
Do You
In order to make room for our spring
stock of Muslin Underwear, we offer our
present stock at the following prices:
25 cent values 18c S1.25 values $ .90
Si. 00
.24c !:
.38c I
.78c ;;
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Girl wanted. Apply to the Europear,
House. janSl-lw
Go to the Columbia Candy Factory fi
fresh oypterb in every style. tf
afchiriL'ton navel orances, 10 ceuti
per dozen at Maier & Benton. "J--t
Wanted Light housework, with time,
lor ftudy. Wages according to time
given. Apply at this office. 3 3t
George Currie was last Saturday in
Pendleton sentenced to two years In the'
penitentiary for selling a $20 forced
check for $5. !
The annual meeting of the I'uget sound
Methodist Episcopal conference was
opened in Tacouta Monday, with a eer-
rvn n In Htulwitt Pn.ttiuf nM
The war in Cuba has not prevented
c. F. Fouts from securing a choice lot of
Havana tobacco, which he manufactures
into Prize .Medal and Guarantee cigars.
JaU received Eome of the Internation
al Domestic Heaters, direct from factory.
We have put one in for Mr. Ad Keller of
this city, aud know them to do what ib '
claimed fur them. Maier & Iknton.
Owing to the raiu this morning the;
rock crusliei ie not running. The eus- '
petition is temporary, however, and in
all probability the good work will no on ;
tomorrow. !
The degree team ol Cedar Circle are
making every effort to make u grand
success of their social in every regard. ,
A good programme will be rendered and j
all who attend may be sure of having an '
'oj able time.
PI...-1... f ; .1 !. !...
r HMIlt?H rLr,TlH 1H 111 IIIH IV lUlLtillllT
- - - ... - J
preparations to leave for Alaska. Ho
lias secured passage cn the Oregon and
will sail about the Sth iust. In ull probv
ability he will go into the jewelry butl-
ntse in somo ol the Alaskan towns.
John F. Temple of Pendleton recently
'old 5j'.' aurea of land seven miles noith
"f Peudleton to Welcome Walker lor
WOO. Mr. Walker wuh formerly a
renter, but his wheat crop last year en
abled hlin to buy a place of his own.
More than 100 members of the J'lerce
County liar Association metat tho court-
'0C6j in Tacoma, Monday, to formally
a upon the death of Hon. Klwoot
'-vans, who was buried Sundav. Th,
otllciul action of the association cousistell
in the adoption of memorial resolution
The prisoners who attempted to brea
jail a few days ago, have alucu that tlm
en locked In their resnectlve cells an
after they are punished in this way for'
a time, they will in all probability be
'atifcllfcd to lemalu in the jail without
waning any attempts at gaining their
Out.of.toWn correspondents to The
Ciiuosicle should riot fall to sign their
nauifeg to their news-letters, as it against
'l rulet to publish a letter to which no
name has been signed. It is positively
necessary that the true name of the
writer accompany the communication,
although the letter may be publiehed
under a fictitious one.
This morning Dow Palmer, who haB
been telegraph operator in the Western
Union office at this place for over a year,
left for Salern to take charge of the of
fice in that city. As hie parents live in
Salem he will undoubtedly find the
change very desirable. His friends in
this city regret to see him leave, and
wish him success in his new poeition.
est courts before they allow it to rest.
Yesterday they applied for, and were
given, thirty days' time in which to
move for a new trial and forty days in
which to file a bill of exceptions. Seu
fert IJros. might have accepted the ver
dict of $35,000, but it was deemed exces
sive by the court and set aside, and they
will fight the case to the end or get an
other satisfactory verdict.
This morning the first train passed
over the new bridge and anyone who
noticed the ease with which it moved
out could not help out think what an
During .lanunry and Feb
ruary wo will give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
ehanec on a Sixtv-Dollar
Which was manufactured
1))' the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
da' of February, 1898.
A woman who has just returned to j improvement the new structure is over
Tacoma from Skaguay and Dyea, issues j tne olu one. On account of the grade
note ol warning to young women who '. aU(1 ehort curves in the old bridge,
are thinking of going to those placeB ex- trains were forced to go over at a rate of
pecting to find work. She says there speed which was unsafe, and in order to
are now in both towns many more fcfct across it at all it was necessary to
women then there are nlaces. and as the I " throught the yard at an unlawful
accomodations are both poor aud expen
sive, she advises young women depend
ing on their labor for support to stay
away from there.
IJoger 15. Sinnott returned from Port
and last night, where he has been at
tending the Republican League conven
tion. Our young townsman has been
jlected as a member of the judiciary
ommittee to tucceed Mr. Mohr, of feher
unn county. Tin: Ciihoxicle cougratu
ales him, aud as he is a young man of
ulture and ability , there i not a
-jhadow of a doubt that lie will exercise
his duties satisfactorily.
Tim late John Saxton, who died at
speed in order to have sufficient start to
make the difficult pull. Now they have
a perfectly straight track at the western
approach. Great pains have been
taken to make this bridge one of the
strongest and best constructed on the O.
P.. A X. line;
Kuncrnl of Allcu Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wells arrived in
the city last night with the remains of
their little daughter, and the funeral
took place from the Methodist church
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. A large
number of frietidH were ortsent to ex-
I press their sympathy for the heart-
I liml'MM finrittltu Tti.l iilwii ciiw t
Goldmdale last week, was bom in ew ' ry a,)propriatt; uectiong nmj ,.
Jertey, Januaiy, 2 1815. He wan umr- ber of 1B pui,B of the kindergarten, of
ried in Indiana in 1813 to Mies Mary whjuj Mlm wag a lmjmber when , Uis
.lane Free, who survives him. He later , dlV) Kam, one o thdr ,iu(j hymutt
moved to Illinois, crossing the plains to i whid) WM vm. a,recting. X1)0 mi,irees
California in 161. In 1S71 he moved , Huv Wooj WBg fc,J0rt b fc
. fl! l. i t ...411 .. 11 I
10 juicKiiai coumy, seiuuij; u.. me cu- ( ll(a,)te(1 to the occasion. Interment was
made in Suneet cemetery, and a long
known Haxton homestead, located in
the wheat-growing section, not many
miles east of Goldendalu.
The light rain which fell last night
thawed the patches of mow on the sur
rounding hills, and in some instances,
where the ground was slightly frozen so
that plowing could not be done, it
put the ground in flno condition for
preparation lor spring sowing, and with
a bright sky over head anil scarcely a
vestige of snow anywhere, it is hard to
believe that the calendar in right and
that this li the middle of winter in
Eastern Oregon. J
Today one thousand fine mutton sheep j
belonging to Maya & .Sons, were brought
in from the range in the Antelope coun
try and are being weighed at Saltmarahe
& Co.'e stock yards. They have been
purchased by
line of carriages were in procession as it
wound Its way to her resting place.
The floral tributes were beautiful, and
especially appropriate, as thu little girl
was extremely fond of floworH.
The accident happened when Mie,
with her little brother, was playing on
the ice and it broke, letting her through.
The little boy, who is about 5 years old,
held to her finger for a short time; but
when, at her request, he tried lo get
hold of her to pull her out, thu little
fellow's strength failed. Ho ran and
gave the alarm, but the body had float
ed down some ways, and It was not un
til late tiiat night that it was recovered.
The state Republican convention will
be held in Astoria on April 14th.
A report received this morning states
that the steamer Oregon on her way to
Alaska picked up the crew of the Co
rona. Germany prohibits the importation
of American fresh fruit. The reason
given for so doing is that California
fruit pests threaten their fruit.
Friends of Hawaii and Cuba are en
deavoring to affect a union of forces,
and a victory may result. It is the in
tention of the friends of both ol those
issues to precipitate a crisis as soon as
A three-masted schooner, believed to
be the Charles S. Briggs of Bath, laden
with coal, was wrecked off Little Na
hant, Mass., lasi night. It is believed
there were eight men on board, and all
are thought to have been drowned.
The administration has determined
to send the United States man-of-war
Montgomery to Cuba. The armored
cruiser Brooklyn will also leave in a few
days for a cniise in the West Indies.
The mission of both is reported friendly.
The storm which began at New York
j Sunday night swept over the state with'
I great fury, and yepteiday was central in
the Now England Htates. Northern
New York is snowbound, and the extent
of damage in New England cannot be
The monthly statement of the public
debt, issued fucsriay, shows that at the
close of business Monday, the debt, lose
cash in the treasury, amounted to fl,
011,701,0118, an increase for the month of
$12,580,771 . This increase is accounted
for by the decrease in the amount of
cash on hand.
Wucliliim Will II uii (; Tomiirrii w.
Tliu Modem Way.
Commends Itself to thu well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
the Columbia Packing j formaly done in the crudest manner and
Company, of this place, and, we under-j disagreeably as well. To cleanse the
stand, part of them will bo shipped to
the Portland stockyards on the boat to
morrow. They were sold for four cents
a pound, but up to the time of going to
press they had not been weighed, bo we
re unable to give thu average price per
The verdict rendered in the United
States court Monday in the Seufert case
is very unsatisfactory to the Seufert
Bros. Co., and it is the intention of the
defendants to carry the case to the high-
system aud break up colds, headaches,
and fevers without uupleasaut after ef
fects, use the delightful liquid laxative
remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by Cali
fornia Fig Hyrup Co.
For Halo,
In order to complete patent on a val
uable invention, I will sell half interest
at a bargain, or will trade Lr equity in
city or country real estate upon which
money can be railed for above purpose.
A fortune for the right party. Address,
Box G The Dalle, Or. Feb5-2tw.
W. L. Nutting, an attorney of Port
land, was in Hillsboro Tuesday and met
Albert Wachline, father of Gua Wach
line, who Is sentenced to bo handed
there tomorrow. After a short consulta
tion with Mr. Wachline, Attorney Nut
ting went to the county clerk's ollieoaud
had the cleik malm a tianteilpt of all
the official and judicial actions in thu
Wachline murder cape. Mr. Nutting
believes lie can prevail upon the supreme
court to grant a stay of execution.
The work of proparin,; tho gallows up
on which Wachline will ho hanged is
progresfcing rapidly. Three lines will be
attached to the trap, one of which will
spring it. The thieu lines will bu cut
simultaneously at a given signal with
knives in the tiauds of threu men, none
of whom will knuw which one sprung
the tap,
lto)il Nil I im.
Bovn, Or., Feb. 1, 1803.
ElJlTOli ClIltONICl.K!
Mr, K. H. Allan! has resigned his po
sition as teacher of the Boyd school, in
order to accept thu position as principal
of the Hood River schools. Mr, 1). C.
Allard was elected to fill the vacancy
caused by his brother's resignation, The
Catch On?
No more cold ovens.
Plenty of hot water,
and a great fuel saver.
Have one put in your
stove by
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
And reap the benefit of the following
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thriee-a-Week World.
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune
CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian
CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner
..$2 00
... 1 75
... 2 25
... 2 25
lioyd fchool is in line condition, and
will undoubtedly need two teachers the
coming year.
Thefirstof itboiiesof enteitaiiiments
for tho purpose of establishing a library
in the Boyd school was tivon on Friday
evening, Ian. "8th. It was u gen nine
success, if one may base hid judgment
on the words of approval coming from
the audience, The principal feature was farce entitled "Jumbo Jum."
rendered by thu Boyd Amateur Dram
atic Club.
Timelier' Kxaiiilmitiiin.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of makinu an examination of ull
persons who may oiler themselves as
candidates for teachers of the tchnols of
this county, tho county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a puhliu exam
ination at the courthniiFo in The Dalles,
beginning Wednesday, February i), 1808,
at I p. m.
Dated this .'list day of Jan., 1808.
C, I-. Ciii.iiKitT, School Kupt.,
Wasco County, Oregon,
You can't euro consumption but you
can avoid it and cure any other form of
throat or lung trouble) by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly.
That's what you want. Snlpes-Kiiiers-ly
Drug Co.
To Uuru u Colli in (lint Kiiy.
Tako Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab
lets, All druggists refund tt.u money If
they fall to cure. L'5n,
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That li what It was mailt) fur.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is khut It uu.s inuilc fur.
How do you keep track of the oventa
of the year? You may not have been
lu the habit of keeping a strirt account
of your expenditures. You'll find it
pay's to do hu. We all desire to bo care
ful and economical. It's the t;rentusc
po-sibli) assistant to economy to keep a
record of expenditures. It's a conven
ience, to know the happenings, A day
book, diary and a calendar are ncc
cesHury and should tut provided. At 1.
0. N 1 0 li U LS KN S' you can them cheap.
II y tlm Way
Do you need a lliblo or any oilier good
book? Wn have ull the interesting and
valuable volumes which you tint v need
in your library, If theie is anj thing
you need thuy are yours for a muouuhlo
price. Call and bee what we have to of
fer. I. C. Nickelscn
Book St flQusie Company.