The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TV only Republican Daily Seictpapet on kuuihv. EASTERS OFFICE SM to SM Temple ; any parleying or dallying with na Court, X. Y. Citv. E. KATX. Agent. tionaj djsuonor. Werkly Clubbing Kates Chronicle and Oregonian . . . $2 2o Chronicle and Lxannner - -o Chronicle and Inter Ocean . . l.S-3 Chronicle and Tribune 1 "5 Chronicle and Y. World 2 00 THCE5DAY FEBRUARY 3. 1S9S THE yATIOXAL ISSUE OF 2S:tS.; I i The Inter Ocean had the follow- inn- in -pfarrl te the Teller resolution ' ln ,n t-ar" lc U1- uutl rc-"'uuulh ,..;nl. ... ,lnrnntar1 in l.nnrn n ' which vas defeated m the houre a - few days since: Hardly had the fifty-fifth con gress met in regular session before a kind of rivalry sprang up at the cap ital between the Teller resolution and the Gage bill. It was evident that one or the other would deter mine the line of battle for the con gressional campaign of 1S95, and it was eertainlv a matter of the hio-hest tciiamr) a maner ox me tnsutit political importance il should. With their old-time facility for blundering, thp ljomnont tnnk it iinnn thorn. I ine fam iwrues are nereDy summouea io arivear uie uemot-rais iook it upon uiem- at h(4 omcvou the soth dav of October. ir. at selves to mikp rptmrliitinn thp issnp 10 o'cloct a. m.. to reswud and furnish tesU SCIU' lo m!lKe repuoiauon UE Issue. concerning said alleeed abandonment. In a general wa the bill and tbe I resolution involve tbe same issue ' sound money and financial honesty ; but from the strategic poiut of view it was greatly to the advantage of tbe Republican part that tbe fight ing should be on the line of this question : Shall tbe United States, which has always paid even debt in full, pay what remains unpaid at about 56-cents on the dollar? In adopting a proposition so monstrous the Democrats of tbe senate did tbe Republican party a great campaign service. There every Democrat, with one lone exception, supported tbe Teller resolution. The leader ship of Bryan in 1896 was bad enough, but the leadership of Teller in 19S is a still more egregious "blunder. The Democrats were under no kind of necessity to take the initia tive. Their party is not responsible for tbe government. Four years ago the Republicans lived up to their t privilege and let the Democrats go on and force the fighting. The Democrats could have done the same in this case. The Republican bouse would have been obliged to pass a revenue bill, or been open to the charge of cowardice. Unfortu nately for tbe Republican party, no monetary bill could pass the present bouse which would not be distorted by the enemy into the raising of the single gold standard. Many a voter who would be utterly opposed to al lowing tbe silver dollar to fall below tbe sold standard would be no less utterly opposed to the abandonment of genuine bimetallism. Tbe Cage bill is not such abandonment, but a good many people might have been persuaded that such is tbe case, es pecially as Mr. Gage lias made tbe mistake ot talking too much. His bill is sound and conservative, but' its passage would have made all his ! speeches and interviews available ' campaign ammunition. Rut now, the Democrats have rushed in and dtawn tbe line of battle outside tbe ' field covered by the Gage bill, or an' like measure. j Tbe truth is that the Teller reso- J lution carries repudiation farther! man tue ureenoacKers ever pro posed to carry it. At no time after tbe war and during which greenbacks were below par were they worth any thing like so little as the silver dol lar is today. The intrinsic value of tbe silver dollar is only about uG cents, and the undisguised meaning of tbe resolution gathered by Teller is that the United States cheat its creditors out of about 14 per cent of their just claims. Twenty years ago, when the last great flat campaign was waged, tbe greenback lacked only a few cents of being worth its face in gold. Tbe good came of the country docs not admit of any hesitation in repudiating repudiation. Tbe whole country ami tlic intelligence of the tcnrlrl nt lnrirn slmlllrl iw fit OJlPf tlO tiGcd Jthat tbe Republican party (stands tor n.itioual iioncstv, witt-oui There is no need of little children be tnp tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel I -. Salve cives instant relief and cures per manently. 5nipes-Kiners!y Drup Co. Evervbodv reads Thu Chronicle. Notice of Final Account. Notice Is hertibr "riven tliat the undersigned. administratrix ol the estate of Y liray. de- c"l- ha filed her final account In the rounty ivuirt of the state of Oreson. (or Waje County. and the itidse thereof has amwlnted Monday, , tne lTth day ot January, l..a: the hour of 1 o clock p. m. a the time fur hearing objection to -aid Unal account and the settlement thereof. All helr, creditor and other iron Interested In ald estate are herebv notified to ajipor on uneu io npper nu d hearinC and set- or iiorc tne uay et inr faia neannc ana se tlemeutand file -heir ijeetio:i5. If any they' have, ti -aid final account, or to any iwirtlcula: item thereof. ieeif yinc their objection thereto, ' Ia!le Hty. urecon. Dtc. lii.l?ST. ' delii il. B. iiKAY, Administratrix. I NOTICE. r.vtTED hTATE? Land Office. The Dalles, Or.. Sept. -"0. 15157. i Complaint having been entered at thi5 odice I by Wiiliam Johnson uealnt 0cars. Kotl-enfo- ab,iudoBinc hi homestead entry No. WM.dstfti ' IwVMSnTSiw j Bf fc'ffuoTOSSS?: sp2C-ii JAs. F MOORE. Kesister DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Burns. E 5 HrSTINGTON H S VILON r.VTIXGTOX A WILSON. ATTOKNEYs AT LAW, THE DALLES. OREGON Ofiiee over Firs: Nat. Bank. 17P.ED. W. WILSON. f ATTORNEY AT LAW. Tilt i lALLKi.OF.ECOS uflice oi ei First Nat. Bint. G) -We Will Give M Subscribers and Persons subscribins and pa3ing vance for the up in ad- Weekly Ghroniele A Copy of World limine 0 p. c 7 (r vc Will Answer Any Qiiestion You may Ask It Standard American Annual. Ready Jza. , 1393, On AH News Stznds. vtf o jt Jt c& Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. jTbe most vidsly sold Annual Refer t,u Book and Political Manual publisltd. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. Ebcyclopsais PRICE 3 CENTS 'TqJJqq ttlC w VlCdiGiQC. You get eood results from taking your medicine if the tireerintion i nronerlv , v ' , ,1 " h l - W ..11 ailed, i on ant al the good you can possioiy gel irocu uie remeuy. l ol , anl tViu fillinr. In tu nrniuirlv 1nm .7 .'".,.r, St - REL1ABLK PHARMACISTS. the dalles. 175 SBCdDfl StTCBt. i Jloliday Improuemepts. You want naper which makes your . You , ;holidB - v ecint ,crsater want paper which make; your home i plpasanter'at'all times. You need such i shades and deiiens as will pive more j beauty and more comfort in your home, j We show you styles that exceed any j ever seen here at prices never attempted j for such quality. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. 1 Regulator Line The Dalles. FortlanS anil Astoria 1 Navigation Co. ! sirs Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN Tlielfalle1-., Hood River, Cascade Lncktand Port land dHlly, -CM,,t nunday. ( DOWN THE VALLEI ) ; TO EASTERN OREGON ' Are you going . If so, save money and enjoy a r?autiful trip on ' the Columbia. The wijt-bound train arrive at The Dulles in ample time for potiem.'f.-rn to take the ktcamer, arriving in Portland in time for the outgoing eouthern and Northern train Kant fcound iwwenger arri vltitr In The Ual in time to take the Ka4t-bound train. For farther information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak ritrit Iiock. Portland. Oregon, i Or W C. ALLAWAY, Oen. Agt., j The Dalles. Oregon I Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL 7T7 )? f 7 FREE. j i t Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. i Wholesale- (Xlines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Bnsch Malt Nntrine, a non-alcoholic j beverage, nnequaled as a tonic. j STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing FURNITURE PRINZ Are.going to cloie out their business, and they are otlerine their larce stock at ! COST PRICES. "N'ow is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. j All persons knowinc themselves indebted to said rin are requested to call and settle their account. "f f Leave fur Shcrldau. v Tbe Postoffiee pbarmacy,rr,, r f I If yj Friduy at!) 10 a, m. Arrlv CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drags and JVfedicines. Toilet Article- and Perfumery, pintst Ijn of Imported and Domestic $i$ar5. Telephone, 333. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 7VL Z. DONNELL, TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. William? & Co., I fill 5 THE mhl W Weekly Inter Ocean I S URGEST CIRCULATI0NiLEi5L PAPER IM TflE WST J It is radically Republican, advocating ,But it can always be relied on" : th?..t-:iV'wl doclTLi-s of that party for fair and honest reports of all po-S W 1 V J litical movetnentsj S THE WEEKLY INTER J THE NEWS AND EEST It Is Morally Clean one! as a The Uteraturs equal to tnct of the best maga zines. Ills Intttrestins: to the chil dren as well as the parents. THE 1N7 ER OCEAN b a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, 2-liIe t "gs to the family THE NEWS OF S j;., 1 WpRJ-D and gives its readers tbe best and ablest tu IF -j il1 -J""10 of tbe day. it is in full sympathy 5 i-.,d?iiindJ ?P-tlons of WesUrn people and ducusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint l.nnD9 IPC nue tint P ..vw i iiiHi. wife uuLLJin rcn ibmi-i.uu IKiER 0CEAH AW l'rlr.f of Dallv 1..- I'rlceof Mllnlu- I...... Uaily unit Sunday by mall"" - BUSCH and BEER on draught and in oottles Out Sale -OF- CARPETS NITSCHKE New Vogt Block. AND PERFUMERY THE DALLES. OVi OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. o2 its columns is h i mrm u-i. . AA BEST OF TUIX WD. $4,00 pT year a 00 per year l nn EAST and SOUTH via i The Shasta Route -Of THK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train' leave and are due to arrive at I'nrtlanil k r.lvr , , OVKltl.ANl KX i press iilem, Itiwc- 1 , . ! fmrtr. AMiluml, Sne-1 cm p M ' rttineiito. OK'Jen.Saii I 0.PO I M. , -rMICw, Mojave, f I U Angolef.Kl Paso, I I New urltuns and I ' I Kavt . . ' i m UeuurK and way Ma-; J..1U A. M. mis ! Via Wiiotttitirn tori I', it Dally f-XTOpt Sunday. Mt.Atigfl. Hlrverton. rti-l Selo, Ilrowns"- Dally except , vuicrpriiipui'm aim tCorvnllli and way; itatloti!' I 17:30 A. M. Jl. INDEPENDENCE PAKNf.KU l.xpw. train Dallv (e-xcct stimlnM. l:."ioii. m. ilA. Portland U.i S2rn. in McMlunxlUi' l.v.J ,'in,ii! ! :w ji. in. iAr liiueiK'iuii'iicc.n ' n in. 'Dally. iDuuy, exccj't sunaa . DININO CAlis UN OUDEN UOl'Ti:. 1TI.UMAN nCFTK-T KI.EEPEKS I AND SECOND-CLASS el.EEPlNU CAKS Attached to all ThioiiKb Train, Direct connection at .-an with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacific malt McnuiKhlp lltiet fur JAPAN and CHINA, sailing datin on 1 at plication. Iinte uiid ticket to Enftern point, nnd Eu roi. AImi JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLVLl mid i Al'sTP.ALlA. can be obtained from j J. II. KII1KL.ND, Ticket Agent. i Through Ticket Otliec, 1st Third utrect. where through ticket to all (Miint In the KHxturu l State, Canada and Europe can be obtained hi louvkt rate from . J it. KHtKLAND. Ticket Agent. ! All alue train arrive at and depart Irom Uraud Central station, Fifth and Irving ktrt-vtk YAMHILL DIVISION. PaeLgcr, foot of Jefietkou ktrcct U-ave for O'WEUO. dally, except Sunday, at i 7..D a. m.: 12.:. 1 .v., 5 I.', 6 25. "MlVi ji. m. i fund 11 :a) p. m. cm Saturday only, and ;:(J a. m ' and S :t0 p. m. on Sunday only). Arrive at 1 Portland dallv at "fino aim b:3ii a m. . and 1 ' 4 15, C:20 anO 7 M p. in., (and lO OJ a. in , 15 & ID p. in. on sunday only). ,'cek day, t I 30 p, m w. ndoy, Wednodav and 1uy at!) 10 a, m. Arrive ut rortlana, lue- dav, Thursday and saturua it 3 :0a p. in. "Except bundav. "Except .-aturday. K. KOEHLEU, Manager. (i, H MAKKIIAM, tt. Ci. K. Pu. Act Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass 'Snines-talv Dpiii Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. IE3I. GLE ZLNTISr. ' J. 8. bCIIEMC, I President. II. M, UtAl. . Caklilvr First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BusiueeB transacted Depoeita received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Kan Francisco ani port land. D. P. TllOMPUON. JMO. 8. 6CUKKCK. En. M. WiLLMKs, Gko. A. Likuk. II M. BkAI L. ....M.....M.M..vw..i..:I;,j