(Tl)c DnllcG fOaS Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1898 NO S.,2 A VERY BAD BLUNDER! ! Hcimbliciuis will Win tli(i . ('ongressioiinl Election. LOMJ'S VIEWS OP THE MATTER - i .UU'"i t tln Ilnnorrut on Trlitr lionl lit Inn liliilili' tn (iiml Tlil'lll I KxtM'iin-1 v Di'ur. Feb. -A Washington Nkw Yoittc, special says ; The satisfaction of the president and his advisers over the action of congress on the Teller resolution ie uriniiHttikfn lily reflected in the reply of Secretary ! Long to the correspondent of the Trib-1 line, who usked whether it was not piob- able that the resolution would material- Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. Iff POWDER Absolutely Pure hoval ukisq rowDrn CO., tiCW YOK. caused by the great fctorni which swept a great part of New England Monday ni,;ht and yesterday will amount to more than was first thought. In this city alone it is estimated that the loss y nll'ect the congressional election next I will amount to over $1,000,000. The (ml. , Boeton Elevated Itailroad Company lost 'It seems," wild Secretary Long, "as about ifi'LTi.OOO by the storm. Today the llioiiirh their own folly has delivered the , company ha? nearly 7o00 men at work Deniuerats into our bunds. Had they ' clearing the trncks. kept still, the usual reaction which takes i Keports of stranded vessels alone the place after a presidential election and coast continue to corne in, and it is the certainty that the new tarrill liaU inougiu at least nnei n liven were lost by not put a gold ppoon in every mouth, wrecks at various points. The loss to iniirt.t have given ihem the next house the smaller fishing craft of Gloucester of representatives. But they Lave in- and vicinity is particularly heavy, trodtieed and pas-ed by -their majority , The feature of the storm was the large in the senate a resolution practically fa- ! number of fires in the city and surround' vomit; a depreciated cuneney and the free coinage of silver. This resolution una curried in the senate by a Democrat ic vote. It was carried there by ttie votes of thoe statee which went for Br nu in the last presidential election. In the house, in which there is it Bejuiblican ing towns white it was at it height. The weather is fine today, and by tonight it is expected most of the transportation lines will be in regular operation. . The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fear- ttir ,iti.ri nttfl tt'ntiiti li.i.m ivt-iitiiiruil lltn . . .... . lilt! .'e mv mu.iiwi, i.iiiv iitnaicu nic majority of tiftv, it was overwhelmed bv i ,.. , ... .. ,, , ,,' 1 .. ' , ,. . i bunker Digestive Cordial for mauv years, practicallv a solid Republican vole. The I , .. . . , , . miu ii is always me same, simple, lion practically a solid Kepubli result is that we Bhall go to the countrv next fall in the congressional election upon a square issue between a sound currency and a depreciated one. "Thebiirns all are that under the new turiirthe revenues are increasing so that they w iil exceed the expendituies : that our industries are reviving; and that, everyone of them w hich has been pro- j tccled by the new tarill'is enlarging its output and paving the way to un in crease of wanes, the only exception be-' inc the cotton industry, in nearly all of the schedules relating to which no! chniiire hai been made. j "Vet even at this prospect as to our; inureiHud revenues and inproying indus- tries, tlie chanceH of Republican euccefs been tremendously enhanced by i nsvv phase of the currency issue." l.as this i est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long j lived people that they are. The Slink ' ers never have indigestion. This is 1 partly owing to their simple mode of , life, partly to the wonderful properties I of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion is caused by the stomach glands not I mi in ii vinir (.ttrilli.li rlun.bttvi. iniei. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and all its glands so that after awhile they don't ueed help. As evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by drnggistp, price 10 cents to .fl .00 per bottle. ri vk iiui.ow Kite. 'Hie 1 hi'i iiiiiiiiKtrr Ht Nimv Vurk li.iulitil thin Murk Vt'ktt't-iliiy. Hud l.uliolt'il W roiif I Sax Fua.ntisco, Feb. '-'.Warrants have been ifeBUed from the police courts for the arrest of forty San Francisco druggists charging them with selling tiills under counterfeit labels which they knew to be bogus. The complainant 's a pill manufacturing company of New York. Ntw Vouk, Feb. U. This is the cold est day of the season. At 8 o'clock this morning the thermometer registered five degrees below zero. East and North, Tim !Mirnie of All. rivers are full of ice and navigation is ! ur. ja,nea jolwei 0f the ,rug firm of much impeded. Surface and elevated j & s0lli Cowden, III., speaking of rat bonds run behind time and local traf-1 Dr Kj,, suw Discovery, says that lust lie is considerably congested. The Third-1 winter i,j wife was attacked with ha avenue cable broke down. (Grippe, and her case giew so serious Hegraphic communication is to be Umt physic-inns ol Cowden, and l'ana ad as far as iVewton, eight miles from ' j.quU mj uothiiig for her. It seemed to 'oeton, and it is expected the wires will J ,ieve0II illto Hasty Consumption, llav- working Into IBoston this afternoon. , iui, ijr Kiny's New Dlscoverv in store, irovi.leiico is still unconnected by wire lini fctli,,K 0tH of it, he took a bottle with the outside world. ll0mt)i imd to tj,u fctlririeu 0f all she be- At the hospitals In this city there lire ',,,,,.. better from first dose, and ninny cases of frozen feet, fingers and i i,f dozen dollar bottles cured her sound hubs, and surgeons are kept busy fixing .,d well. Dr. King's New Discovery wnes broken by falling on slippery j for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is "rents. The weather forecaster predicts , guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. " loiiimorrow warmer weather, with prt.0 trial bottles at Blakelev & 8"0V, til 4 . . ton a drug store. The liny In tin, Sonatr. Washington-, Feb. U. In the senate today Haw ley secured the adoption of a resolution instructing, the secretary of the interior to furnish the satiate with information relative to the cost and in fluence oi the education of Indian child ren nt the Indian schools. At 12-.2.J the vice-president laid before the senate Pettigrew's resolution declar ing it to be opposed to the policy of the United States to acquire territory, to de fend which a navy would bo required. Hale moved that the senate discuss the subject in executive eession. The Hale motion prevailed. Tllfl illlUAP. WAMiiNCiTo.v, Feb. 2. At the opening of the house today Crow of Pennsyl vania, Republican, aeked unanimous consent for consideration of the resolu tion directing the secretary of war to is sue medals to 530 Pennsylvania soldiers who belonged to the command which passed through the mob at Baltimore, April lo, 1S61, and who received the thanks of congress July 22, 1SG1. Hull, chairman of the committee on foreign uflaire, objected. Several other requests for unanimous consent met with a sim ilar fate. The army appropriation was sent to conference, Hull of Iowa, Bepulican, Marsh of Illinois, Republican, and Cox ol Tennessee, Democrat, being appoint-j ed conferees. The house then went into , committee of the whole and resumed cinsideration of the District of Colum bia appropriation bill. Slot) 11m aril $100. The readers of thie paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood anil mucous surfaces of the disease and giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they oiler One Hundred Dollais for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cm:.sr.v, it Co., Toledti, O. Sold by druggists, "oc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ...HOT PRICES... Jieuu Shipment oi JVtaslin Underaieai Just Received. LUc offer the follouiing Reduced PHees: tot No. i i2jc j: Lot No. 4 '. 55c Lot No. 2 19c j; Lot No. 5 : , 79c Lot No. 3 29c I Lot No. 6 $1.13 This is first-class Underwear and we can guarantee satisfaction. We ask you to inspect these goods, as we know you will be pleased with them after purchasing. See Oup f-ismd-bills. a. m. wiimXiIahis a co. Citation. Huugh-4 'Urn Sturm lii N.v KiikIuiiiI. Boston, Feb. 2,-Tho financial loss I t fit) Out-agd-Out Jtopest Salve. III11.11 111 New Vork. Nkw Yohk, Fob. 2. Two live-story brick buildings on South street were burned this morning. The loss on build ings nnd contents will exceed $76,000. The buildings were occupied by shipping firms. Through and Through Oarlanct.a "Happy ThouKht" Salve. Ask liriiKKMh what lolkK MV HiylllK llbllUt (ilirlllllllH "iiiiiy i iiuiigm Hiiivc. MJ CUIIlH. ISIICKIHII'V ,ril': Pitlvt'. The best aulvo in tiie world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Biilt rheum( fovei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cornci, and ul! skin eruptions, and pobN lively times piles, or no pay required It in guaranteed to give perfect Hatisfac tlon. or mcnov refunded. Price 25 cents I per box. For sale oy Blakeley and ' Houghton, druggists. .fro Weiitlit'r (icimriil. St. Iu i., Feb. 2. Below zero weath er was general in the n'orthwest today. In this city it was twelve below at 7 o'clock, a drop of thirty degrees since yeeteiday. Oliiiiiilii'iliilii'N Cuuu'li JCeiix'cly Always I'rovi'n ICIl'ccttiut. There are no better medicines on the market than Chamberlain's. We have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and in every instance it proved eflVctual. Almost daily we hear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex tolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty pull, paid for at so much a line, but is voluntarily given in good faith, in tiie hope that tufl'ciitiir humanity may try these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From the Glenvillo :W. Vu.) Pathfinder. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Triilllo AkuIii NoiiiiiiI, Ai.iia.nv, N. Y., Feb. 2. Railway traf fie through the state has returned to al most its normal state. Trains are run ning on their time schedules on most lines. J'rei) nil' Send your address to H. K. Bueklen k Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their meiits. Thesu Pills are easy in action and are paiticularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Mu laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly fieo from every deleter ious eubstanco and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. .Sold by Blakeley it Houghton Druggists. (!) Kurtliiiiule In Afcla AUiior. C'o.NfTA.Nri.Noi'i.K, Feb. 2, Violent eiuthquuke shocks have been felt at Ba likelser and around Bruea, Asia Minor. Numerous fatalities have resulted and a great amount of damage has beeti done. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wie-co: In the mutter of the estate of W. J. Mclus, de ceased, citation: ToJnnies Melns Carrie McDonald, Ida Hubert and to nil unknown hclth of V J. .Meitib, de feased, ureetiiiK In the nameof the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to ajijiear in the County Court of the Htate of Oiegon.for the County of Wueo at the eourttooni thereof, at PhIR's t'itv. In the County of Waseo.on Mouduv, the 7th day of March, lwj.-, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an older should not be made authorizing and dircctiin; J. C. Meiii", as administrator of said estate, to sell the, real property belonxiui; to the estate of W. J. ileins, uecvased, for the purpose of pnylnu the cIuukc1. expenses and claims amlnsttlie estate, which said pi opei ty is described as follows, to-w it, The north ha. f of the northwest citiarter, the southwest quarter of tho tiortlnveit quarter, the northwest quiiiter of tiie southwest quarter, the south half of the southeast quarter, and the south half of the southwest quarter, all in sec tion 1'J, tp I south, ratjift: III east, W. M. Witness the lion. Robert JIa, judt;e of the County Court of the Ktito of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, Willi the seal ol said eouit atUxcd, this J 1th day of January, A. I).. 1MH. ........ , , L l. I u t V- Clerk, jail l. It sKAI, SUMMONS. r.N TIIK CIUCCIT COURTof the State of Ore L koii for Wasco County. : nun u Golden, pliiintl!!, vs Hewitt Golden, defendant. To Hewitt Golden, the aii-ive named iRfendant: In the name of the .State of Oicxou, you aie hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint illtil acaiust ou In the above eutilRd court and cause on or before the lirst day ol the next term ol said cull it lollnwini; I lie expiration of the time prescribed In thuoider for the pub lleatlon of tuh suiiiiiioiik, to-Ut' on orbefoiu tliu 1 Ith day of i ebiuary, l'-'.is; and If you fall to so appear and niisuer, or otherwise plead, in said cause, the plaintill' for want thereot will apply to the Court for the relief pnned for in the com plaint tiled hcriiu, to wit' that the binds of matrimony existing between p!nlntllt' and de fendant be lUssolvid; that the phtlutlll' be awarded tlio custody of the minor child men tioned in said complaint, Zola .Mum) Golden; that the plaintllt'havu and recover her costs ami dlsbuiseineuta made and expeiidiHl in tills suit, and for piich other and further relief as to the Com I may seem equitable. 'I'll I s summons Is served upon you by publica tion thereof by otder of Hon. V. I.. Iliadshaw, Judge of said court, which older bears date of September UStli, lb'.i". and was made and dated at chambers la 1 alles City, Wasco County, Oickoii, on the '.'Mil day of Septeinbei. IW, litKI) W. WILSON, 11 Attorney for i'lniiilfll. AdiiiiiiislrainY Sale ol' Heal Estate. Notice Is hereliy t'lvon that iiniler and by vlr tuuof mi older of (he-County Court of the Statu of Ori'K'iu lol Wasco County, made oiilluiMh day of Jaiiiiiny, 1t.Ii, in the matter ul the estate of Dr. W. !: I!inehart, deceased, I will sell at nubile auction, at thocoiiitln use door in Dulles City, In said county mid state, on tlio'.'Sth day of 1'Vbniuiy, is;i, at 1 o'clock p. in,, to the libjli est bidder, all the leal estate bclontniiK to said estatuand descilbed as follows, to-wit: 1its A, II, C, 1), K, I-', (i, 11, I, J, K ami I, In I thick ti'i. In the 1'oit Dalles Mllltny Iteserva Hon Audition to Dnlle lily, In said county mid stnU'. 'J ho west half of the southeast quarter and the east half of un' southwest quarter of sectional In township '.' north, range II cast, m Wasco County, OreKon, Terms of sale-Onc-half in cash at time of suld and oiiu-lialf in six mouths, secured by nuirlKiigeou the premises. Dalles City, OriKoli, Jan. 27, 1MW. KMII.V U. KINKKAKT. Jaii'.Mil AdiuliiUtrutrix, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. , Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. , Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds, i Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SuSd ! Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- j tOH FlOTir '"s ','(,,lr 19 manufactured expreesly for family ( uuii a. iu ' use; every sack is guaranteed to give' satisfaction. i We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so ! call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for What, Barley and Oats. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for (hoir prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and homo interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS I'. Id at the fireside, interesting and instructive) stories of the doings of the world, the nation and slates. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time lo convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has hold their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and wo furnish it with tho Somi-Woekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance.