Ill mt or BXJOYS Both tlio method and results when Svrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts jjentlr yot promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt, in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishe3 to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHCISCO. CAL. 10UISYILLE, KT. HBW tORK, N.X. WITHOUT A THKOtfE. A King Who Was Without Honor In His Own Country. liis wellies icuiy onrCiirJic. TIIK DALLES, OUEOOX Advertising U:Ue-. Per inch One Ir.'-h ur ies- in Daily ...?lu0 Over two inches and under four iticho 1 CO Over four inche? and under twelve Inches. . To Over twelve inche JO C,ii.y asd weekly. One inch or less, per inch 0 Over one inoh anil under (our iuchei. . . 2 00 Over four Inches nnd under twelve indies. . 1 in Overwelve Inches 1 00 l'UltSOXA t. MENTION' Otto Birgield went to Portland on business to.iay. Charles Michelhach went to Portland .this morning on matters of business. Attorney E. U. Dufur went to Port laud today to attend to leal matters. Mrs. Carl Gross U in the citv visitinpr her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kel ler. Jf. Dixon and wife of Portland are in the citv to attend the funeral of Alice Wella. ' "W. Ball6v,, roaduiaster of the O. Ii. fc is in the city on business con nected with the company. Hiss Elva Gannt, who has been visit iu; relatives at Dnfur, returned to lier iiome st Goldeodale today. Joe Boun returned from Portland last iii'ht, where he lias been attending the Republican League convention. Mrs. Katie Abc-ni, who has been vis itinc Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw in tins city, left for her home in Portland today. Mrs.. G. F. Wells and daughter of Portland, who Have come up to attend the funeral of little Alice Wells, who was drowned at Prosser Monday, are at She Umatilla House. W. Fliegand J. W. Dickson of End- ersby left for Portland yesteiday morn ing, the former as a delegate to the convention, and tbe Utter to visit rela tives and friends. NEWS NOTES. Appearances indicate that the Ha waiian annexation treaty is doomed. A tireadful storm is raging on tbe At lantic coast. Trade is paralyzed and the coast is dotted with wrecks. Many lives have been lost. The stock inspector of Crojk county has been inspecting sheep in the Cherry creek country, to see that the owners of the animals comply with the law in tef ference to treatment for scab. Last night Hon. ClisuJe Gatch. of Sa lem, was elec -ad p-eaiJun'. and C. W. , Fulton vies pref i lent of the Republican j League, while Roger B. Siniio.t, of Thej Dalles, has been appointed a member of ' the judiciary committee. j Contractor J. C. White has finished 1500 lineal feet of levee ou the Powder river, in Baker City. It is expected that the levee will save much valuable prop erty, as the river last spring did nearly $1000 damages in Baker City. A younj: man named Cole, mining near Hornbrook, Cal recently struck a pock et, from which lie took 42000 in one piece. It ifi not known how much ninrej he secured. A pocket was atruck in the game ledge a number of months ago by the former owners, which yielded $0,000. , You can't atFord to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneamo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. lllMory in llrief of tin- Ijiti Count ml Pirl Hl Service at i Volini. torr in the I'llltl-il Slutet Army. I.ouis Philippe Albert. Comte do Pari, who-e death occurred recently, writes Pierre Cominges In liol.lon Days, claimed to bo the king of Prance. He was, however, never on the throne and never acknowledged lcinjr i:i France. The monarchical povernnii nt of Eu rope, as a rule. professed to lelieve that he really was lchiir. but. of, to preserve their friendly relations with the republic, they wore forced, to recognize the president as tho ehief ex ecutive of that country. .Nevertheless.. Lout Philippe was re garded as a king by quite a strong par ty, who will now turn to his .son. Louis Philippe Roltert, a young sunn of twenty-live, who is very much in earnest in his pretensions to the throne of 1 rr.nce. Comte do Paris wa? born in Paris on August -M. and became, by the death of his father in 1S4-.', the imme diate heir to the crowu his grandfather. I.ouis Philippe, had picked up when Charles X. dropped it in his flight from Paris, after the "Three Ulorious Days" of .luly. l-HO. When he was ten years of age Comte do Paris was. with his grandfather. King Louis Philippe, driven from France by the revolution of ls43. Though too young to remember his father's death, Comte de Paris doubt less always remembered the scene when his brave mother t ok him and his brother to tho chamber of deputies, ouly to escape therefrom at the peril of ! their lives. After uiutiy dangers, the fugitives succeeded m crossing the frontier, and went to live at n country house bi-l.injing to the grand duke of Saxe- Weimar. The oxilci king and tjiuvn reached Englan.l. :i:td ihiro the ex-king died in 1550. Ever : ftvnvartls Comte de Paris has occupied th:r position of pretendei to the trench throae. Z. He hus lived a very quit life, en livened by very slight conspiracies, none of which involved i.ny very dan gerous sehe:ic. and at, n result he has been very little- V.ofore tii- "juMi- ye. The only time, indeed, v lieu ho came very prominently l.eLv.v tk.? world was in 1G1. when, accompr.nied by lus brother. Due de Churirea. and his uncle. Prince de .TolavitL. Ik came to America and offered his M-n-i -i s as a -olunteer to uid in l!ie pr. .-. avion of the union. Gen. McCloth.xi. '.in :i com mander of tiie tinny of liie lomae. made him and his bn.thor ouleors on his stait, with the rank ci t-yi'.r.. .John .laeob Abler, wiio.-e nana- will always be a synonym for K.:l'.i-::uire in the United .states, was ul.-x on t.i stun" of the general. Both tho (ii .ti:j--:ushed foreigners wore obeli--iit. v. til-behaved and lhcrou.rlil,"n-).;;n."u with the duty of their ion-. ;mte de Pari;, v::s repeatedly inruUd by (Jen. iieCloIlan with ii:i;''ri:-t' nnd dangcrou:-. commii.sicn.'-. v. i iu ful fillel with credit ar.! r '?.;. . For more than a year th-- o-,iir r.artiei uaied ia the VLrvinff .irtur. of tnc army of the Poouiac, ae..e;.'.i:. n pay for hu services. France itepan f.hortly af' tcrfore in Moxictm arose a coolness, between t ard tlie comto'.s. which I.- i cc.ti'.e's robigjoiica. lest l.e i ca led r.pon to fight hu o i. ; thiYefore ret.icned hi eomi:. bpite of den. MeCl;lhin' eli'or taiu bin ber vices. The overthrow of K&pdcr.n III. and the downfall of the ficcoud ei.ioj.-. at last enabL-U the conite t Frauee. The tLird republic after it was e:'.tabli.,hed. f. bauds of a eoi.hti n of roy permitted the Orleans priiui to thtir native land ur.u . their estater.. which h..d ' . cated ).v Napoleon 111., wit; lion franc.-, as ;tu indent: deprivation of their re. c: hit.- The comte iveeived his share, am. also his ancestral estate. For awhile it seemed very p : ble that the monarchy would b- : red; but. as the partUuris of .U,- M:er claimants refused to help then., the French people at last got tired a no be came for the most part good r-pi:'. lie unit, fn ls"3, when it wab too late to do any good, all the claimant. to the French throne, except the BonapartisU,, recognized the comte as de jure king of France. A royalist demonstration iu l-(5 led to the exile of the comte and all mem bers of his family. lie took up hib residence in England, and from that country issued mani festoes declaring that the men who were ruling France had lost the confi dence of the people, and the only sal vation of the nation was to restore the monarchical form of government. Tho new head of the French royal house Louis Phillippe Robert is quick, intelligent, active, energetic, passionately fond of movement, and uncompromising in the expression of his thoughts and feelings. In dispo Bitiou and temperament he is singu larly unlike his futlier, who was one of the bebt informed men living, a deep thinker and a scholar. Whut inlluence the new pretender will exert on the destinies of France cannot be guessed, but the probabil ities are that, like his father, he will live and die u mere pretender a king without a throne or a crown. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 1H I'hri'4 n Week. !! Taper n Yettr It stands first nniotii: "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, varietj and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o n weekly : and its vast list of subscribers, extendini: to every state and I territory of the Union anil loreicn conn j tries, will vouch for the accuracy and ! fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly ii unrated, and among Its special features ure a line humor puce, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fuhioiH for w-unen and u Inn series of stories by the urealest livintr American and Eneli-h authors, Cmiaii J)yli", .lemon- K. lorotno, Stanley Weyiunn Miiry V.. M'III.Hm Anttimiy Untie, Itret llarte, llrumler .Mnltliew, Etc We offer this unoqimled tiewspnperand The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to cether one year for L'.00. The reculat price of the two papers is $3.00. .GflflS. FMflK.. Butchers and Farmers U. ..Exchange.. Kiepsnn dniuuht the celebrated onl.f J!I!A t'.K KI!, noknnwl ttiued tr-.e best br In The lHlIes, at ttsi- u-mil price. Come In. try t' :iiid bt i'o- vuieeii. Alo the Ft!i-t brands of lne, Lhinors uiul ( int Sandujiehes n; nil Kind- ! nn band f Special peatiir T .1 I II h ii Of The Chronicle office is the Job priitii? D?partrei7t. "We have better facilities for doittir artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore-o-on, and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. Ue Qomparisoi) both as to high grade work and reasonable prices. (?f?ro9ic;le pub.5?o. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegont Touirist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car r-T. l'At'l. 5IIXMM IMU.I Dt'I.tTII r,U!lin (IK.VM) rou mtonivS'ioN V IN NIT Hu ll Kl.KNA Mil IHtTTH j Through Tiekets ) cniCAC.n ; WASIIINOTON I run, , DiM.riiiA ,VKV YOICK HUSTON AM AI.I. POINTS HA ST Mini MOUTH For Inlnriniitliin, time curdh, miipsnnd ticket, chI on or write to W. C. AL1.AWAY. Atient, The Dallei,, Oucnn Oh- A. D. CHA ItLTON. Asst. I. A., in, M.irri.snn for. Third, I'ortlund Orucoti 0 ' -.!: re Boots an d Shoes Jflade to Order. A IVrfeC fit unarnnteed. Ilepairim; neatly dune at short notice. Union St. bet. lstand 2d , 1 t 0, 0 DLAI.Ei:- IN' All kinds of Funeral Supplies! Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS tfo EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. to 'ru Robes, EMST OlVKrJ Tilt ( lhJlCh OK Burial Shoes, jTWO Transcontinental ROUTES Etc. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. GUho has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes j Spokane Minneapolis j St. Paul ! Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City has everything to be found in aj LOW RalBSJO all Eastern Cities first-class Dry Goods Store. OCI.-AN STKA.UKKM I.ih. I'ortliuiil EllTV l'lH lHl for ;.- i t.i . till- '.r U- .V fit : . in t' re- i '.-n-:i to ry -n iiu ihe .'. '.vho rc'rru . vil.Ui f iu: -r'; ru!1 foV tin- TUfiColil PaGKIno Oo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANrFAf'Tt'ltEKs Or Fine Lard and Sausages. Gurersof BRAND HAMS & BACON x)KID BEEF. ETC. C. F. STEPHENS. isAN prancisco, cal. 1'HE MYSTERIOUS SWORDFISH. PatrOD-ize tlie Troy Dr.GUNS For People That Arert 1 1 I Sfk riLLd Li" Siok or " Just Don'tl Feol WoU." ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Remoies Pimples, cum Headache, Ojjpcpila and CoJthems. 2uct, a box at ilruwinsor br mall baiuplA i-'f-e, gdtlreu Dr. Bosanko Co. i'lill. I'. All kind of work Whit- Hlurl Kamllv worK lit r;ilueil r.tfv. Wiuh mill ilulivunil fruc, Teliiiilioiin .Nil H. D. Parkins, Agt, n "iiM-oliilty. rolkcttU I ID. jQItb-(ii:iSKMOKl I EK A. 1IIKDV, Physicians and Surgeons, oi-eoial iitteulluii given lo miswy, Uoora6 21 und !i, Tel. 82i. VuBt ISIuck Ihe Hose (-lawn is the best make on the market (or five cents, und when you euioke them vour inonev utavs at home. 20 U Out-of-town dealers in are in vite! to call mid examine the choice line eold bv S. F. Fnuts, 20 TlmiMitiiilrf ri Tryliic It. In order to provo tho fjruftt innrit of Hly's Crenni Halm, tho most elfective euro for Catarrh and Cold in Head, wo have pre pared a gfiiiorous trial Hize for 10 cents. Get it of your druggist or Bond 10 cents to ELY Ul'.OS., HO Warren St., N Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of tho worst kind ovor Hinco a boy. and I nover hoped for cure, hut Ely' Cream Halm booms to do even that. Many iiiTjuaiutanceH havo used it with excellent results. Oncar Oatnun, 13 SYarron Mo., Chicago, III. Ely'a Cream IJalrn is tho acknowledged care for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious driif,'. Price, tO cents. At or by mail. Tin (Nwif Prum .Yfnr nml Xi-vrr i I lllil Thi'j- Are I'ull (iriMvn, hig creatures eonie and rif mysteriously us any of our sea visitors, I and nil tishes have their jieeitliurities. Who linows where the hhnd are befort ! they lie-in to run up the rivers in the J spring'.' The fuvordhsli eonie to" Ameriean waters grown up. they vury in nize, but no .vouny are ever seen here. Thih fact hns been elenrly sot out by u government report on the nubjeet The yaunir are found uhiellv iu the .Mediterranean. After they are able tr j yo it alone more or less of iheiu strike I - lor tiie iNortn American coa.t most of these fathering about Iiloi k island. There they lie and biui themsi-h er- on the top of the wuter, the prey all sum- : iner of the fitihorinmen and their s-peam. What histinet brin'K these iitih across 3,000 miles of water to spend ' a season nnd return'.' They conn- wheu they arrive; they go wheu they leave, That's all we know, although the sea-, son comes within approximate dates. , The swordflsh is a favorite sea food here In N'ew England. Huston is its , chief market, but it hells well all about , here. It is solid meat, with a distinct j flavor, nnd very edible. New York, however, doesn't buy it. .Ww Yorkers, j tvho hunt the murkets of the world for i new things, will not eat it. j - - . 1 How long thy.e queer fish will last is 1 j a problem. They are hunted not only .' FRENOTT OO 1 for the market, but for plenum. 1 j V,J! I I steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Jlonu' Kont; x in North ern Pari fie Stfiuntihip Co,, iu c.,.neetion itli O. U. iV X. Kur full Uutnlln fitll on O. H I'o. h ARta! Tla- Unlit, or iiililru IioDfiOS, CA Hi. 1 1,1. ,i Co., .Kf Niirth INu-illc MtemiiMliiii '11 Al i; !, Kit. No. 1, to SjKikimi' iiniHiifiit NnrthiTii iirrj i ut.'i-ii. m.. lff nt :iu ji. in. .So. -j, to IViuIm ton, liHkur City unit I'uloii l,iictllc,iirriv.-tu U 1 a iu.,iUpiirtkiitl2:,i0ii. in. So 3, from HK)kiiu nml Un-iit Northern, ir rivui, nt ti-Wu. in., ilt!iurli nt !i 'J., a in No I friiin llaki r Cft) und IT m,, . I'nclllc, nrrivfMit ;i"j ii. in., iloiuirtH nt u.iai ii, in. No. Si nml at. inovini; uint of Tlie Uiiiit-i, i ., carry imtMi'iiKorn. No. ."J iirrfvts nt .", o. m depart nt 1.15 . in. I'llSJtMlL'tTS for Hl'llIIIICr IllL,. N'n !,. t-,i,r : lierent lv ..V). in. W, 11. HUItUIflt'J, (ii'ii. I'nhh. Act I'ortltiud. Ort-'ui: A NEW MARKET.' Dalles, Mora ami iotclopp STAGE LINE. FRUIT, VEG-ETABLE3, OULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to OnIr. Promt Delivery to any part of the citv. A. N. VARNEY, 'Pnone 12, Third und Wiibhinyton sts. I the rich Xew Yorkers, who arc inn fn. tidious to eat them, slioulrl establish the fad of kilUng the fish und collect ing the swoii's, (hey would probably soon exterminate the creatures, kill oil all the old swoi-dfish, and who would C'liide hither those that were about to make their first trip? Follow that notion back a bit. and who guided the first of them clear over here? Hart ford Cotirant. BANKERS. IT.A.N'SACl' A GKNK11A1.HANKINO HUSt.S'Kb TtitoiiKli liy iliiyllijiit 1h (.rns:, Valley, Kc I iiiJ tri'N, llollowh. IKMJUI.AM AI.I.KN, 'Jin, IlullH, C. SI. WIIITKI.A U-, Antcloj.!,. htiiKtw leave The Dalit ironi t'tnntlllit fl .u nt , ii. m.,nlo Irom Anteloiie nt 7.;0 a. in. fe Moiulay, Wnlnoday nnd Krldav, (.'naun'tloii in,,dc nt Autolm (or I'rlnuvilli', .Mttchull ami lnilnlit lx;yoiid. Clone ciiavutfiiiih miulu ut Tfir lJalU wltli raliwtiyti, train ntnl IhmiU. hliiKot. from Anti-loin rtacli Tlie HalliK Tn iIiijh, TlmrKl.iys nnd halurdiiys at 1 :;iu )i, ia. , ., . UATlit, (If fai-.k. f)alli, to I)cliuti-H .... fl - do .Mom. i . do (,r,ih Valley ' . do K-jut ;, in) (ll CroS llllllllHB 1 i: Antulorf In Crom Ilolluwh l in do Kent -.' mi do t,ra.Mi Valluy Ul do .Men, , a) (Id l'in(!llla-l- I (O do Dalle.-, , v Ki Cole brand Baltimore oysterf , the best on the market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them. At Vurney & Uo.'s. Letters of Credit issued uvailuhlu in the Eastern .States. Hiyht ExnhariKe nnd Tclee,riiphit Iransfera sold on Now York, ChiciiKo, St. Louis, Sun Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue pointn in Oreeoo and Washington. Collections innIo at all jiointe on fav orable terms. Joseph shannon HAS OI'KHKD A HARNESS SHOP IN THK KAST KND, fu the t'oluin lilu li-i-d Vnrd, oiiiMlte tjaltinumtiu'K rltockyiinlM, whetc tio Is read v to do All Kinds of Harness Work. IB