r HOT WATER in Ten Minutes. Special in Do You Catch On? uil km IWUSWH UNDERWEAR In order to make room for our spring . stock of Muslin Underwear, we offer our present stock at the following prices: 25 cent, values u Ob ;o u u b $1.00 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN riGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEI)NK?I)AY KUKUAKY 189s " j WAYSIDE GLEA NINQ S. j . i Girl wanted. Apply to the European House. jan.il-lw Weather Tonight and Thursday, fair j and warmer. Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for fresh oysters in every style. tf Washington navel oranges, 10 cents per dozen at Maier & Benton. --t Mr. ICuiery ot Hood Ktver is ut End ersby and has organized u Bulging class, with a good attendance. An oriran for sale, on uccount of re moval. The instrument is in good con ditio. Inquire of Mrs. ChaBe, Second ami Union. jar.'Jl-2t The war in Cuba has not prevented S. I". Fouls from securing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which he manufactures into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars. i.'0-tf Our correspondent from Endersby snyfc the weather there Btill keeps frosly, only a utile plowing being done. The frost, lie iajs, is drawing the moisture out of the ground. Just received some of the Internation al Domestic Heaters, direct from factory. We have put one In for Mr. Ad Keller of this city, and know them to do what is claimed for them. f2 ut '"Today the railroad track in being I !.. r . f .i... i .!.(...: .. .. iiiuvihi uver in irum ui ino umuniu u(i- era house to miiku room for iu incline to the 0. It. N. dock, whhyi will in all probability be constructedback of the coal bunkers in the near future. ""Today crushed rock Is being put in the alley between A. M. WilliatiiB it Uo.'s nnd the opera house, and it is a remark- able improvement over the mud which was there before. It, would he well If I eoiiio ol the other alleys were repaired in tlio Baino vay. Local Observer Brooks reports that the mean tmnporaturo in this place for the month of January was IKi.o. This has been, with two exceptions, the mild est January alucu 1870. That year the temperature wan hoiiiu what milder and punch trees woro in bloom as early as March 12th. The degree team of Cedar Circle will Kivu a public social on Friday evening February 4th. Everybody welcome. The young ladies are preparing u good program und two bowling alleys will bo I" ueo, after which dancing will be in 'lulgod in. Adiiiisskm ladies 10 cents ; Kuntleiiien, 16 cents. it aminos Allelic bach, who has our chased the saloon of Nowlln & Jones, took iiOHseHnlun nf iiia ,nui nino.t nf bun. i inea last night. Mr. Jones has gone to Alaska, und if ho finds that place favor ite, he and Mr. Nowlln will In all Probability go Into business ut Skaguay or some other Alaska point. . JBt night A. B. Estebennet, who hnB been to Portland to arrange matters Prior to leaving, for Alaska, returned iSc $1.25 values $ .90 u 24c;: 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 u 8c 0 55c 5 .7Sc!! 1 PEASE & MAYS. home, as lie could nut secure passjge on . the Elder which leaves tomorrow - t night, nnd will have to remain over un-j til the Oregon goes on her next tri which will he about the 8th inst. A band of IL'00 head of the finest hogs that we huve ever Keen was unloaded at tha etot;kyttrdg this morninl. They win avorat,e at ett8t 250 ,,0UnjB an( are jn Bpiendid condition. They were Bhipped from the Grande Uonde valley by Ket tie Bros., of that place, and are on their j way to the Union Meat Co.'s slaughter house ut Fairview. f J. A. Fargher's little son was bitten by a dog this morning so seriously that it was necessarv to call medical aid. Dr. Hollister attended him, and found him euflering from n badly lacerated cheeky It seems th little fellow threw a rock at the dog, which caused the ani mal to bite him ; but there is no danger of hydrophobia, and the boy will be well again in a short time. The inopt remarkable thing in the way I of Klondike invention that has met our I gaze ia a clock which V. E. Gatretson has on display in his window. It con sists of an ordinary frying pun on the ! bottom of which is the dial and hands. It keeps us good time as nnv other clock unci when in use the miners can tell the length of time they are cooking the delieasiea. Vhen;ttiev are not lining it it can b hum: on the wall and serves as a firet-claSH clock. Mr. Vincent Kelly is in the city from his farm about 20 miles east of this place. Ho states that the weather in that fcection is about the same tempera- ture as it is here, and the farmers are I plowing and preparing the ground for i spring sowing. In some places on higher j ground it is impossible to plow owing to the frnst. As the fall grain is in danger of being frozen out, the fanners would be better pleased to have u covering oi snow to protect it. "The following oflicers woro elected by I . i i t t ii. ' Ml. JIOOU 11080 V-.0., io. i, ih meir moetiiig held last night: President, C. E. Bayard; foreman, Julius Wilev; first usHistant, Owen .Shepherds ; Fecond as sistant, Jack Harper; treasurer, J.J, Norman ; secretary, Captain Lewis. lames Harper, J. P. Mclnerny and Jbarles Phillips were appointed dele nte?, Julius Wiley, Owen Shepherds ind J. Harper were appointed as the in vestigation committee, while C. L. Phil- lips, J. I'. Mclnerny and Jim Harper M'ero appointed as thu committee on ttliittiii number of the friends of Mr. and , Mrs. II. V. Wells were ut the 0:10 truin ' this morning, when they were expected 1 to arrive with the remains ol their little 'daughter. However, they were not on I board, ami word was received later that thov wero unavoidably delayed nua could not catch this morning's truin, which compelled them to remain at Walliila today. They will arrive in the morning, nnd the funeral will tuko place from the Methodist church at 3 o'clock tomorrow ufternoon. Friends of the family are invited. VTIiii annual election of JackBon Engine I.IO T-35 -59 1.98 2.29 Co., No. 1, was held at the council chambers last night, with the following result: President, X. J. Sinnott; sec retary, James Fisher; treasurer, Harry Clongb; foreman, Koger Sinnott; first assistant, John Blaser; second assistant, James Maloney. Delegates, Chas. Lauer, Guajiartell . and W.JLJjutts.) F. W. L. Skibbe, who is a member of the company, hada splendid banquet served in his hotel, and after the meeting the members repaired to the hotel and par took o' the same. As Mr. Skibbe baa already left for Skaguay, he was repre sented by his brother, who will be his successor in the botel business, and lie acted bis part as host In a manner beyond reproach. Toasts were drank, speeches made, and all present enjoyed a general good time. THE REPUBLICANS IN SESSION The I'urty Prepared to lie In Line llit Cuming C'aiiipiilfii. for Monday night it was estimated that there were no fewer Hum 1000 delegates in Portland to attend the state league of Republican clubs. As early as 9:20 yesterday morning there was a surging mass of delegates entering the National Guard Armory on Ninth street which place was chosen late yesterday to hold the convention in, instead of the Third-street theater, orig inally chosen, a3 the latter would be un able to accommodate the large assem blage, which proved numerically the greatest political body ever convened in Portland. The hour for opening the convention wu9 Eet for . 10 o'clock, at which time there must have been between 1100 and 1200 men in the hall. But the conven tion was not called to order till 10 :30, when President Carey requested the delegates to hand their credentials and proxies to Secretary Wells. In the in terim the Multnomah Quartet Club ren dered some fine vocal music, which, in deed, was of superior class in execution. V. L. Tooze and J. B. Eddy were ap pointed assistants to Secretary Wells. The committee on credentials, next appointed, consisted of A. I. Johnson, of Linn; II. S. Hudson, of Washington; H. Dufur, of Washington, und W. IV. Mutthews, of Multnomah. This com mittee retired to room 101, Perkins hotel, where it at once entered upon its labors. Following upon the heels of the retire ment of this committee, Hon. Charles JJ. Carey, the president of tno league, made a rattling address to thu conven tion. The committee on credentiulB wero unable to report until 4 p. in., and thu election wus not held until later In thu evening. Claude Gntclt was elected president, and C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, vice pres ident, of the league. Jt is expected that most of the dele gates from this plucu will bu home to night. To Cure Cold in llim )uy, Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund thu money if they fall to cure. 25n. Try ScUlIlltiK'ti lieu feu uuu linking powder During January and Feb ruary wo will give to every person buying One Dollar's wortb ol' goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove ' Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON WATER COMMISSIONERS MEET. Petition (iranteil, Kill Allowed anil Other liuMneR Transacted. The regular monthly meeting ot the water commissioners was held at the recorder's oflice yesterday, those present being J. T. Peters, E. B. Dufur, J. B. Crossen, M. Randall, T. J. Seufert and Simeon Bolton. After the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, the following bills were allowed and ordered paid : Times-Mountaineer, printing .. .. 2 00 J T Peters, mdse 22 l!o Maier Benton, mdse 50 Mavs & Crowe, mdse 9 15 C L Phillips, mdse 1 10 I J Norman, salary supt 75 00 C A Borders, helper 55 00 Simeon Bolton, salary sec 10 00 Simeon Bolton, rec. mortgage. . . 1 00 A petition waB presented to the board of regents to lay a four-inch main from a point on Court street, between the properties of John Michell and W. Lord, intersecting the intersection of Eighth street, along Eightli street to the exten sion of Washington street to Seventh ; then north on Washington street to Seventh street, stopping between the properties of Fuulkner and Eastwood. The board, after due consideration, hereby granted the request, and the superintendent was instructed to pro ceed to lay the pipe. Dr. Hollister made an application through I. J. Norman to purchase a certain piece of land laying alongside of his propei ty. J. B. Crossen und T. J Seufert were appointed as a committee to examine the premises and repent. The superintendent's report was read and placed on file, showing the follow ing: Total book account .1211 75 Total receipts 1015 50 Total uncollected 220 25 The treasurer's report was also read and placed on file, as follows : Jan 1 Caehon hand $1700 111 Jan 5 John Gavin and wifo pavment on lot !10' 75 Jan 51 .1 Norman 10U5 50 Total . i0255 !! Jan !11 By warrants rendeemed 055 50 Balance on hand !j55!M 9-1 There being no further huainuEH, on motion the boirdjidjourned. Tim Modem Way. Commends Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly und ulicctuully what formnly done in the crudest inn niici- and disagreeably us well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches, und feveis without unpleasant after ef fects, use tiie delightful liquid laxutivo remedy, Syrup of J-'igs. Mude by Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. Appreciated. Wo desire to express our appreciation oi the muiiy kind ucts and the inure than friendly sympathy shown by our neigh bors und friends during the recent ill ness and death of our little son. Mil. and Mitu, J. M. Manning. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, This UmouK llitlv pill. INTERNATIONAL HEATER. REMEMBER We Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. FOR THE SUBSCRIBE twice ( R J GHOjIGliE And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING KATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World 2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune .." 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER Dalloh I'liltlli; ScIiixiIk. I'ollowint! is the report for the quar- ter (5 weeks) ending Friday Jan. 21, '1)8. TKACIIICKS .Yisl lltll I'ttituxnj. Jil'-n .Min i.ooiior Mrs. Ittielic .tewhmy 1'nrl;. Miss I'lilrimiii . .. . .Mrs.Ilitlclwiii j Mhs I'lluil .Mis I,. K i n too 1 MIssT. Klntiiiil Vnttm .Ktntt MIts Itouu MfbM H, ('tioiic'r Miss Slll'll MISS CIll't'M) rtii)ii Strut Annex. MUmIIiiII 511 Omit flit (t. .MIt-s MlPlifll 7 A imilS II Mix!. Hill... I lllull Hchmil h.'.l. JUl Mr. UiiiiIitn ) Hint IIA .. . IU' 'i'otuls 77'.ii71li!Klu.. . . I J. J.l No. daya of eehool, 21. I'or cent of attendance on niiinher lie IoiikIiik, 05. Thu average daily nttendaiire for thu uhovo ijuarter in the greatest in the his tory of the district an'd exeeeds the aunio quarter of last year hy 14. John (Iavi.v, Principal. Your l.ukl IJIiiineu. All uexativeH now in my iiossestiiou made hy Mr. llouuhtou or 1). O. Ilenin prior to Jan. J, 1805. will he destroyed. Ifouwish to duplicate piints, orliers must he placed heforu March 1st, flii'Koitn, I'Jioto. Artist, febl-lin Chapman liloek. Everyhody reads This Cjihonkm.e, I A mill C II Wi liii IU 1 1 l r AY r.c. ftr. rii n No more cold oyens Plenty of hot water, $ and a great fuel saver. .Have one put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE, SOLE AGENTS. have strictly First-Class J. T. Peters & Co. FOR THE One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was mude fur. - Mow do you keep traok of the eventa of the year? Von may not have heeu in the hahlt of keeping ii ftrit't iit'i'tiiiut of your expenditures. You'll find it pays to do f i, U'e all denim to he cam fill ii I ut i'ro:ifimical. It's the greatest po"Hihh usHiniint to eeoiinmy to keep a ri'i:oril of f.pi;nditurt's. It's u conven ience, to know the happenings. A day hook, diaiy and a calendar mo nee ci'HMiiry ami shoiild tie provided. At I. (J. NICK Kl.SKN'.S you can them cheap. Ii y Hi ii Way Do you need a llihle or any other good hook? Wo have all the intuicstiiig and valuahle volumes which you may need in your library, If them Is anything you need they are yours for a itasonahhi price. Cull and see uhul we have to of fer. I. C. Nickelsea Book & fllusie Company. four ut mm 'ill! f3r i I a. r:j a.io j y Y98 j fi ' 51 1? 1f'l!i fCt " Att JJ tt .'' iii I'll is it'1? v' xri 4ii, in .is ii r, S-tt"1'! A sr" 1'J 17 If u -' " V .