It The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Xetcspapet on )Yatco County. EASTERN OFFICE SSO lo S34 Temple Court, jY. Y. Citv. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing linte. Chronicle anil Oregouiun Chronicle and Examiner. . . Chronicle and Inter Ocean Chronicle and Tribune Chronicle and X. Y. World $2 L'o . l.So 1 75 . 2 00 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1S0S THE PRESIDENT IX NEW YORK. The president's Xcw York speech could not have been more timely. The financial question was just then at the front iu both brandies of con gress. The senate had before it. sure to pass, the Te.'ler resolution; the house had before it, only not sure to pass, the Gage bill. Without directly allndiny to either, the presi dent clearly set forth the policy of the administration upon both. Not that he committed the administra tion to any particular bill, but he did declare in favor of the actual passage of a bill embodying the line of finance laid down in the St. Louis platform. As to the Teller resolu tion, he hit it squaiely in the face without naming it. Here are the two salient passages of the speech, which exactly fit the two branches of congress : It is not sullicient for citizens now adays to say simply that they are in favor of sound money. That is not enough. The people's purpose must be given the vitality of public law. Better an honest effort with failure than the avoiding ot so plain and commanding a duty. Nothing should ever tempt us nothing ever will tempt u to scale down the sacred debt of the nation through a legal technicality. What ever may be the language of the contract, the United States will dis charge all its obligations in the cur rency recognized as the best through out the civilized world at the times of payment. It is impossible to mistake the meaning of either of these declara tions. Not once did the president mention gold or silver, greenbacks or bank notes, but there is no sugges tion of evasion. On the contrary, it is a bugle call to the forces of sound monej to rally upon the open Geld for an aggressive campaign. It is by no means improbable that the great battle for sound money i to be fought at the eongressionnl polls of this year. It may be re called that the final victor' over fiat ism was won at the congressional election of 187S. That was the one issue of the campaign. From one end of the country to the other, wherever there was a free vote and a fair count, the question was rnone tar Not that every Democrat was for fiat money or eveiy Republican for sound monej-, but it was every where recognized that the Republi can party, as a party, was committed anil that the Greenbackers had con trol of -the Democracy. It is the same way now. Twenty years ago James G. Ulaine was the most elo quent champion of sound money. He made a grand tour of the North west in advocacy of hard .money, as the term then was. No more effect ive series of political speeches was ever made. If William McKinley were free from the burdens of the presidency, he could do for the same cause in 1898 as effective service as Mr. Ulaine did in 1878. From the na ture of the case he cannot go about from place to place discussing the financial question, but if necessary lie can submit to congress a special message covering the ground. The New York speech made no attempt at discussion. It defined the monetae position of the presi dent and called upon tho friends of sound money, in congress and out, to come to the rescue of tho country from the peril of a depreciated and dishonest currency. This appeal should call out responses from both ends of the cnpitol. The senators and representatives in should heed the voice of the presi dent, not only in the their voles, but in their speeches. Lrst spring and summer it was all very well to let the free traders do all the talking. The people understood the matter, and a protective tariff was to be passed; but now there is no little popular misunderstanding, and, what is more, no actual legislation on finance can be expected from this concress. An aggressive campaign for sound money may give us both the hou?n and the senate during the last half of the McKinley administration. Then, and only then, would the mon etary issue be settled, and settled riant. There is no need of little children be iiiR tortured by scald head, eczema and akin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures per manently. Sntpes-Kinersly Drug Co. NOTICE. I'MTKD STATES I.AND OrFlCE.( The Dallfs, Or., sept. 'JO, 1'J7. t'omtilalut liiivinc been entered at thl otlice by William Johnson asnlint O-cnr 5. HotUen for . abaiulmilnz hi homestead entry So. .Wl, dated I September "23. ls5. upon the S1- NE'4, sE'4 MV mid XE'A SW'4, Section Sf. Township 3. sontn Riiiipe l.i E, In Vncn County, Orecon, with a view to the cancellation of aid entry, I the said names are nerecv summoned to nt thi- oflice on the COth day of October, 197, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment, spavil JAS. F. JIOOKE, KecHter DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Burns. B S HUNTINGTON H S WILSON HIWTINGTOX WILSON. ATTOhNEYS AT LAW, THE DALLEs, OREGON Otlice ovfr First Nat. Bank. TRED. W. WILSON. L ATTORNEY AT LAW, I THE 1ALLE;,0REG0N . 1 Oflice oet First Nat. BmK. f FREE. FREE. Q) " We Will Give to ii Subscribers and Persons subscribing and pa3"ing up in ad vance for the Weekly GhFofliele A Cop- of World IIS wmm i Will Answer Any Qiiestirm You may Ash It. Standard American Annual. -Of. Ready Jsn, I, 1393, On AH News Stands. wt jt y. s- j " it & & Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. g-jPTbc most vidilj,' sold Annual Reftr we Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Puittzer Building, New York. Encyclopedia ! Encyciopscfia Jieva Year Experiences. Am tfV& Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide yon through, the new. You remember where yon have p.uus and pleasures. Good health brought the pleasure, bad health. brought the pain. If yon want good health you will gut it through good ; medicine. We use Lothing but the best and finest drugs iu Compounding. REL1AI5LE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street. TEE ALLES. jHoliday Improuemepts. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment creater. You want paper which makes your home j plpasanter'atall times. You need such j shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. ; We show you styles that exceed any j ever seen here at prices never attempted j for such quality. i D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ! ! Regulator Line i Dalles. Portland and. Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator 6 Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGtR LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood f'.lver, Cascade Uicia ami Port land oiuiy.'-'c-"' nunaay. ( DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going ' on to (EASTERN OREGON? II no, nave monuv nnd enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The weit-bournl train arrives at I The Dalles lo ample time for passenirerii to take , tne steamer, arriving in rntiianu iu tunc lor tnc oulKoiiiK Southern and Northern tralim; ) bound paM..iKem arriviui; In The Ua(lea in time u taxe tne r.a.n-wiuuu train. For further information upply to J. N. HAU.S'KV, AKcnt, Oak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or V C. AI.LAWAY. Uen. Ai;t., The Dalles. Orttron Harry Liebe, j PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler i All work promptly attended to, and war ran ltd. 174 VOGT BLOCK. Wholesale. MALT LtlQUOftS, Olines and Cigars THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER HOP GOLD ! Anheuser-Busch Malt "beverage, UneCjUaled as a tOUlC. oni Tm yxt" O tint I I A HIO STUBLING & WILLI AMo. . . - Closing FURNITURE PRINZ & NITSCHEE ' Are'Jgoiup tn clo?e out their business, nntl they nre ofl'orinc thuir lnrce atock nt ! ' COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture client). ! All persons knowinc theniseives indebted to snid firm nre requested to enll nnd tCLUf UlL'ir Jr;e postoffiee pharmacy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pare Drags and Medicines. Toilet Articles and Perfumerv, pist T of Imported apd Domestic Qiars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, 7VI. Z. DONNELL, PESCHlPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., BRCED18IOSSQ0ISiaZIOBaICIMliICDBl ; thi 1 Weekly Inter Ocean Bvavaiv u - w taw m m mmt m m m LARGEST C1RCULATI0NMYP0IKL PAPER IN THE WEST It is radicallv Republican, advocating But it can always be relied on" the cardirul doctrines of that party for fair and honest reports of all po-2 with ability and earnestness. litical movemenU'':. THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AH D BEST It Is .Morally Cltinn am! as n The Literatutv of lis columns Is equal io that cf t'w best tua;:a zlnes. Si Is Interesting to the cltll dren ss well as the parcnta. THE INT iiR OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, Srinw-'feJi rinP? t0 the fami'y THE NEWS OF S .. . 1 MU. wORLD and gives iu readers the best and ablest S djscussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy witn the tdea3 and aspirations of Western people and 2 discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. S DCB $. M-Dainc nuc nm 7,?JIPAM Aw D. SUNDAY ED1TI0WS OF THE uutan AKt ! !! x, L,"".v U, ;mn" rrlce llf hllllllur liv null t Iidllyniid Smiilny l.v mull - BUSCH and BEER on draught and In oottlos Nutrine, a non-alcoholic Out Sale -OF- CARPETS ULXUUIIL. Pioneer Grocer. THE DALLES, OH1 m u bbi aaw mm tmm m m m m Ma OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. nra veil i aa mmmm 5 mk mi oXAt Of TUEiK KlnP. 4.00 pr year ftr w. !... i. ' an.nn IJZZ 9 no S EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK TDK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Twin Iriivenmt iitp Mm tn Htrlvp nt I'ortlmul i nivr. OVKItl.AM KX-ll xs, Siilfin, Koxe- ttri iilirK, Ahlllilli ml, Sue- I t.:00 1 SI. rrnm.vMi. Molnvc, f !. AllKrivilr.i i I'HKII, New lirU'Him mill I Kiiitt c..i 'ItiwImrR "tut way xtn 'b.M A. Ji. h,,,,, I Via Wnnillnmi fori 1'. M Dully t-xevpt Suuiliiys, Dally cxri'i't Sunluy.i I .Mt.AiiKnl. Nllvartog, Wrst tcli, llrciwiih- vllle,Siriiiglli'h! mill iNutrim . . J 7:M) A. JI. iCnrvalllK inn! wayj tatlmi!f - I :Sur. JI, i.N'i)Kri:.VDi:s(M-: i-AHsK.viiKii. Uxiirem train Dnllv (eu-eiit ffiiliilay). l:W p. m. tl.v. .l'liMlaml Ar.i S:2.-n. m 7: 3111.111. AI Jiejiiuin ..,. ... ...0,111 hiiiiii. in. (Ar iniioKniii'iicc lAr UlUt'lU'lnii-liui:..,., ' i I -Oil 111. Dally. (Dally, cxfct Mliulay. DINING ('.VltS ON (HiDl'.N ROl'TK. i I'l'l.l.MAN Ilt'l'FKT SLEKl'ERS I AND SECO.VD-CLA Kl.KEl'INd (!ARS Attaclii'il to all TliniiiBli Trains. i Direct I'oiiiiffitliin at miii Fraiiclcn with Orel ; ilcntal anil Oriental ami I'licillc mall xtcamihli 1 llncf lor JAI'A.N anil CHINA. SulllliR ilat on at iilloatlini. ... I Itati i.nil tlckctR tn KaMcrii Mint uiiil En. rniK'. aiii JAi A, uiii.j, iiii.uia iii Him I sTUAI.IA, can DO omaiiii'ti irum J, 11, klKM.A.MI, 1ICKCI .AHint, Thrnnrh TlcUi't Olllcc. tl Third Htrfct. where thrnncli ticket to nil jMilntx In this Kustern i .State. Oanaila ami Eliroo can he uhtaluei! at lowest raten Irmu . , , J. II. KIltKLAND, Ticket ARent. All ahovc tnilim arrive at ami ilomrt Irom (iriiml Central .Station. Filth nnd Irving Btreets YAMHILL DIVISION. l'a!.enKcr Dciiut, halt ill JeHerMin street. U'uve (or OSWEdO, dally, except Sunday, at ;:-J0 a. m.. 1'J ..aj. 1 ,V, ft. tA, 0:'i'., h:U'i ji, m. (and 11 ::!0 p. m. on Saturday only, ami 1:0) a. in and :i :tn p. in. on Sundays only). Arrive at Portland dally at '(: 10 and a m. . and 1 :S5, I l.'i, ii:ai ami 7..V1 p. m., (and 10:U" a. in, .( IS &.1U p. m. on .Sundays only. U'ave (or Sheridan, week days, t l.SOji. m Arrive at l'ortland, y :W a. m. Ij'ave lor AIRLIE on .Mimday, Wnlninday and Frl'lav at U: W a. in. Arrlv at l'ortland, Tin dav, ThurMlay and Saturdaj it 3:lXi p. m. Except Hitiidav. "Except -Saturday. 11. KOEIILEIl, MuiiML'or. i, II MAKKIIAM, Asst. (i. K. A: I'as.s. Ast Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Giass j Snipes-Kinersly Dm 129 Second Street, ! THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, ; WINDOWS, 'SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, i LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. EC. G- Ii 3D UST IsT. , S. Hriiknk, 1'reslilt'nt. II. M. 1IKA. ,. C'aalilf First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Ueneral Hanking BubIuuhb tranHuotud Oepoeite received, eubject to Biglit Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ban Francisco and port land. DI KBOTOH8. D. ?. Thompson. Jmo. S. Sciunck. U, M. WlLLIAKB, QKO. A. LlKBK. II M. Bkai.u J