HISTORY REPEATED. Fiwlerii Clioniu. the ntniihtt, tl It'll at ! l'nrin on Oot'lnr IT, 1S4U. ! Mozart fell in lovo with Constance Weber, u young Inil whoso chief uhnr- ni'tcristii' Hfi'ins to hup boon lit-r irtl:- oretion. In one of his let tors to her he J objoetM to her tvrniitting a ;.m mini of 'her neqiiiiiiitiuiee to pull oli" m- hor. ' Ho solemnly remarks: "No young l.ulj of proper 'eusibilitits would have or- mlttetl .nii-ha thing." The friends of the national oonst'tu- tion, 37.VJ, took for themselves the title , if federalists, ami i-nlhvl tlie'r opponents Worn Out? & Do you come to the close of ! thcdaythoroughlyexhausted? Does this continue day after day, possibly week after week? jti Perhaps you arc even too ex- hausted to sleep. Then some $ thine is wrone. All these things indicate that you are fni? ....THE.... 9 Weekly Inter Ocean i Mi LARGEST CIRCULATlOHJg mOLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST O.R.N. TO Tin: It is radically Republican, advocating with ability and earncstness.JoM.. kw.x)u ii can always cc rcutu mi for fair and honest reports of all po- litical mavcmcntsJ!.JJ.! Both the method and rcsnlts when Syrttp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Iovcls. demises the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures liahitnal constipation. Syrttp of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and ngrocablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FtfAHClSCO, CAL IDUI8V1LLE. Kt. MEW YORK. H.Y. The Dalles Dafly Chicle. anti-federalist. The anti-federalists , soffcrine from nervo'.JS CX- W .ns-sted that as the now oo.Mtitution i kaostion your norVcs need $ aimed at more than a federal lea-ue. it r dj your blood en- imMemplated a i-oimolidution of the ft ium uur UUM V qm eminent 'into a half monarehi.u een- J- WSning". tral power. j .Mnohines for makinpr nails are of eom- I tmmthelv recent imention. KeUieUM Iteed, of nWtlgt'v.ater. Mass.. inu nt ! a inae.iiMU' for cutting tucks aril nr. I'm THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without n Peer. EKSTI (iivi:s tiik ciioici: of TWO Transcontinental ROUTES i n in lTMi. which, being improul al t -r- i JL 1 Scott's Emulsion ' The Literature at Its columns Ir. equal to that of the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- $ t.!i. r t ; J C.J. W wards, made I3il.000.uiin taeks in 11. Ptul"f His son imentod a ninclrne in 1mi7 for I g contains just the remedies to w nmkiiipnnd headin?r taoks at one oiH.r-1 meet these wants. The cod- w i t... . ...... .1 tin iin ,, .1,,, i f!M It d sftAfA w tl I Hill LIUII' i-tll IIVU lli I Jr,LM' k Uin . i ilVtl Uli gfcVfci MIW SIDEBOARD SCARFS. k strength, enriches the blood, m feeds the nerves, and the hy- u pophosphites give them tone $ nnA vionr. B sure vou pet 2 $ SCOTT'S Emulsfoiu All druggists; 50c. and $1.00. w fi SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemists, New York. tt THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF 2 THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy J with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and a discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. 1 1. nn-DBinc nur nm i m ipr yfir-SI.DO GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago OREGON SHORT LINE, Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City THE DALLES. OKEnus A! vertlilnc Kate. Sultnblp Covers for Smnnth Articles of I'lirnltnre. A dainty scarf for the sidehoard ma he made of a piece of linen lawn meas uring oue and three-quarters, or two yards, in length, by fifteen to eighteen inches in width. Hemstitch the edfje one inch and a Half in depth, and an inch from the hemstitching cmhroider a design of sweet peas in the natural size and with the natural colors of pink I and white Asiatic filo floss. 1 Work the flowers in long and short stitch and the stems and tendrils in stem stitch with gray-green Asiatic filo. Tiiis scarf will he found verv ! satistactory placed upon a highly pol ished surface, but is not a suitable KSACTAGENEltALBANKINU BUSINESS ... 1 IA. I I uuvur lur a tunrsc piece 01 lunmure. The same size and kind of scar' will he ' very satisfactory worked with a design ! T r, ... .. , ., , , . 11 in 5 ui jruii issufu uanuuie iu lit FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. J'erjneh One li.ch or less In Pally . . ....?!.) Over two Inches aad under four luetics. . 1 0) Over four Inches and under twelve Inches. . To Over twelve Inches 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, jer Inch ?2 M Over one inch mid under four Inches. . 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. 1 50 Over voire inches 100 DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. Out-of-town dealers in cigars are in vited to call and examine the choice line sold bv S. F. Fnutp. 20 There is no need of little children be ing tortured by ecald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures per manently. Snipes-Kinereiy Drug Co. The Eose Queen is tiie best make 011 the market for five cents, and when you BUiOke them vour money stavs at home. I 20-tf You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneamo uia or consumption. Instant relief and -a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. King Cole brand Baltuuore oysters, the best on the market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them. M Varney & Co.'s. " 11-tf You can't cure consumption but yon can avoid it and cure any other form of thr mt or lunc trouble hy the uoe of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That'p what you want. Snipes-Kiners-Jy Drug Co. Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. "Wabnisg: Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible; remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all 1 throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-1 ersly Drug Co. The war in Cuha has not prevented S. F. Foute from securing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which he manufactures into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars. 20-tf of carnations etched with black Asiatic filo. Represent the blosi-oms in groups of two and three in a place with crossed stems or as. if dropped on. A heavier linen scarf may be em broidered with yellow chrysanthe mums, or even with "black-eyed-Su-sans.'' Work the petals with Koman floss in satin stitcli and the center with dark brown or black Asiatic rope silk in French knot stitch. Womankind. Ktrensth and Sex In noynlty. It is noted that the women of the roval family of Europe are. on the aver age, much stronger, mentally and phys ically, than the men. The general fineness 0 our silver coins is from SO to 90 per cent., except the three-cent piece, which contained per cent, of alloy. The general fineness of our silver coins is from 61) to fi() jk.t cent., except the three-cent piece, which contained per cent, of alloy. Something for the IJoj. Oflice Hoy Are you going to give me anything for Christmas? Boss Oh. .yes: a few errands to do. Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chirauo. St. i.ouis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointe on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THR1CE-A-WEEK EDITION- THE DAILY ATO STJHDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. Price iifliillv lv mull 4.00 itir year Trice of Smidnr lirmnll $3 OO per year Dully and Suiidnv liy mull $0.00 per year 18 l'ageit a Week. l.",G I'aer8 a Year ..GjlflS. FRP4K- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keei.s on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA MEEK, nckwuvl edsed the Iw'it beer in The Dalles, at the usuul price. Come In, try it and be convinced. Alo the Finest brands of Wines, l.liinors nnil Clears. Sandxuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. It stands first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, variet "and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly: and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every Btate and territory of the Union and fureign coun tries, will vouch for the nccuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashiotic for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jerome K. ,lerinno, Stunley Wejiuan. fllnry K. Wllkino Anthony Iloe. Itict llurte, llrumltT Matthew', Etc. We offer this uneonnled newspaper auri 1 The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to- gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the,two papers is ?3.00. f Special peatur Of The Chronicle office is the Job priiti92 D?partrert:. We have better facilities for doing- artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore gon, and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. Ue 2r;alle QomparisoQ both as to hig-h grade work and reasonable prices. $!7roi?i;le pub.o. ; Low Rates -to all Eastern Cities OCKAN STKAMKICM l.iiHro rortluml j Ktttrv Klvn l)V for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong vm North ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection ' wilh O. U. & N. j For full delallN call on O. U A Co. ARMlt ; The llnlli'h. or addrcus POISON, CAltl.tl.l, .v. CO., lien. Acts., ! North I'iicIIIc Hteamihli Co. 1 TIM K CAKI. 1 No. lr to Si)Uuiii' and Great Northern arrive I at.'i J."pji. 111., leaven at i HO p. in. No. '2, to I'eudU ; ton, linker City and 1'iilon I'liellliyirrlvcMit 12 l a in., depart!, at l-.W a. 111. I No :i. from Snokane and Oreat Northern, ar rives at U '-ii a. in,, depart at H i" a. in. No. 1, Irom llakcr City ami I'nloi. I'ai'lllf, arrives at 'J:LH a. 111., departs at a. 111. No. and UI, moving east of The Ilnlles, will carry paneiiKern. No. -1 arrive at Tip. 111., ; depart at 1: 15 p. 111. I'linteiiKiTh for lleppuer take No leaving here Ht i. .' i. in. W, II. Hl'lli.lltJKT, (!en. ran. Act I'ortlnnd, Oreuoii I EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -Of TIIK ; Southern Pacific Comp'y. ! Train leave and are due to arrive at Portland OVKKI.ANI) KX-1 I nress. Kiileiu. lloi- ' , I iilirK, Aliland, hue ,, .. J rauieiito, OKdeii.Hati I 1 " 1 Francisco, Molave, f U.UV 1 . Jl, S ...,,.., M,.l.. Ui Aluii'leN.hl i'ao. I New urlean and I Kant J ."o v m hoseburc and way Mil' o...u a. .11. tl()Is f Via Wiiodburu fori I Jlt.AliRcl, Hllvorloil, West pcIo, Drown' I vUle,Sirtii(;tleld and L Natron ... J Daily except Hliii'luyb 1'. SI . Dally , except i Hiimliiya. 17:30 A.M. !",y",1,'l,, ","5 ""'', .50 I'M iNDKI'KNDKNCK I'ASSKNCiKi;. Kxpre tram Dally (except Sunday). I ..") p.m. rl.v. rortland Ar.i S'.'i'i a. liv wii. 111. ai JleMlniivllIc l.v. r.i.Vi a, ic tar ilnlepeiidenee..liV. nM nniiLiic for People That Aref I Sick or " Just Don't Peel WeU." ONLY ONE FOR A D08E. Rtmones Pimples, curt Headache, Dyspeptla and Cottlientts. 25cts. a box at druKgiuor hr mall bauiples t'Je, addreai Or. Bounko Co. I'hila. i'a. PILLS "There is a tide in the affairs of menjvhich, taken at its flooo leads on to fortune." The poat unauestionablv had roforence to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets J. M. Thirswencl, of Urosheck, Texae, ' eava that when he has a enell of mill. I Biehanra.lf we fall to cure. If you have toiieninur eujo mill mini lie huh A upeii 01 mm- cury .loilldo notuKli, and still havo achea and festion, and feels bad and b uggish, he e.,',?,V,ic?.V"' alc Lneiinirnoiith.horo Throat, lua-ea two ui iJeui. H i.iiiie curij JilB-, )ri't"'"'"uvuy,iuirorr.y;iirotvti mum , ,..., ..., t. n .1 " " pc:uuary lil.imu X'Ulj( 0 ill LOOP POISON nnd.irv dfTi.. redlnl5M35dRyii. Voucanbatreaiidat I ty. If TOU nrofer loeomohom wnmi)iwr.. tract to par railroad fareandliotcl billnd Joseph smw HAS OI':'KD A HARNESS SHOP! IN TIIK EAST END, in the Colum liln Kh1 Yard, opiifisite Siiltmarstie dtockyardi, wbetu he Is reudv to do at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, who aro selling those goods out at MIGHliLBACH BUICK. greatlv-roducod rat UNIOA FT. KXOp. in. (Ar Inilependenee Dally. (Dally, exeept buiiduy. DININ'J CAIIS ON Oil DEN HOl'TK l:.4Ja. 111. ITU-MAN Ill'ITET SLEEl'EHS AND riKCOND-CLAiiB SI.EEI'INli ( AICs Attaehed to all TIiioukIi Traiita. Direct coniifCtlon at San KraneUto with Oeel ileiital and Oriental and Tactile mall htvaiuMilp line for .IA PAN and CHINA. Salllne date 011 111 plication. hate mid ticket to KaMern lxiliit and Eu rooe. A lo J A T A N , CHINA, HONOI.l'I.U anil At MTUAl.lA, tan he ohtaiiied from J. II. K IKK LAND, Ticket Auent. ThroiiKh Ticket Olhce, 1,11 Third Htrcct, where through ticket to nil point ill the KiiHtern otiite, Caiinila and Europe can ho obtained at lowest rate from J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket AKent. All above trains arrive at and depart Iron' Cirnnd Central .station, Fifth and Irving htreet VAMHll.h DIVISION. I'aeent!er Depot, loot of Jelturkon Htreet. Leave for (MWEtiO, dally, except Humlm 7;.'U a. 111.: l.,v. fi-l.s. (., ' n.o-. ,." (and U:a p. 111. 011 hnturday only, and 9:WI a. 111 and :I::jii p in. mi hiimlajH only). Arrive a' I'ortland iniily at t!:IU and H;:in a ni.; and l:S... in , a 1 l.lrO. (j:'.'0 iiih T.Tk'i It. III., mill lll'OA ii u iu p. iu. 011 BiiiiuayH oniyj. U'live for Hberldau, week itav, at 1:30 p. 111 Arrive at i'ortland, u:: a. in. org at niL'iit, anil lie ih tin riu'tu the next . irocuaranu-otocuro. Wofloiioitti10mo.1t mnrnin,.. Mn,.t. hnn.-nrlo f nl,,p .1 t5f1'f.? !!?"' tJ.'O World for a . n . ........ ...wh.t...uu w uk.v.ft. . (.uiinnvuuuiiiiiiiiurui j.nia S fill Kinds of Harness Work. the eame thini:. KinerBly Drug Uo. Do you? Snipes- Frunk Sherwood was down town to day, the iirfit time Biuce he had hia tus sle with cholera morbus. He eays he drove miles after he was taken sick, and never came so near dying in hiB life. 1 After this when he goes out in the conn-' try he will take a hottle of Chamberlain's j Colic, Qholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with him. Miseouri Valley (Iowa, Times, For sale hy Dlakoley A Hough-1 ton. To Cure Cold Iu Oue Day. Take Laxative JJrorno Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tie money if they fail to cure. 2uc. hlt (ll.f Ii . nln... 1 , milieu mi.ncvi., tii'j lliunh VII JJjeUC Jill Vi- , . Cluus. S500.UOO canital t-hn.r- ,,. I UonalimaraDtT. Aliaolutoproofiifentnoalodon V'''1 nPIllieniHIIl. AUUri'flB .UIV Ilt-JlfJUV has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes j has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. cjaho Ix-avi for AIUI.li: on .Mouday, Vdnei,diiy an rlilay at 0: III a. in. Arriv at rortland, Tui-i iv, Thurdny ami .Saturdaj it il.ltt p. in. Except Sliiiday. "Except Saturday. Frio (lav K. KOEHl.EU, Miuiuzer. (i, H. MAItirilAM, Ami. II. K..A 1'iuis. Act TdecoiuiiaPacKiDgCo.,:; PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF J1ANUKACTUKEK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. Boots and Shoes Wade to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Itepairing neatly done at short nqtlce. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d ; A NEW MARKET. "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, JrOULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dreeaed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N; VARNEY, 'Phone 12. Third and Washington Sts. Patronize the 1 ,--",aIaSTKJ&- TFoy MUflDRY. All kind of work. Wlilto HlilrU 0 upeclaliv Family work at reduced r.iK. Wash It ller-tcM and delivered free, Telei.houe tiu, lip, H. D, Parkins, Agt, Dalles, Moid and Antelope STAGE LINE. nXilZl1 V'" "' Valley. Kunl ItOIIOl.AH AI.l.KN, Tin, Ilulloa. O. Al. WUITEI.AW, Alitolope. Mawes leave Thu DiiIIcn irom Pmatllln IIott.se Vf.'.'V m't,,.,lh." 'r,.mi Aiiteloiioat7;a)n. in. ovcry .Holiday, I'dui'sday anil Friday. Couneetlouc uiii lc at Antulopi! for i'rliiuvllle, Mitchell and , 11 .i'!""1:. vu,m ('"iiliectloiiH mado at The HalleK with rallwajh, trahiN and boutM. filimes fioiii Antclopo reiioli Tlio Dalleti Tues dayif, I ItnrKlayh and HaturdayH at 1:30 p. 111. .., , ,. , katks or rx UK. Uullc to Deicliutea $1 no do Moro. . . , 1 AO do (iraxs Valley t Kent II fxi , dp (jroB Hollow INI AntelojietoCroiii, Hollow 1 80 (Jo Kent 2 on do (iraiiK Vulioy s uo do Mor aw do Duacliiieen 1 U) do Dullen i CW