r till Aw! HOT WATER in Ten Minutes.. Special in Do You Catch On? JWUSliIISI UNDERWEAR. In order to make room for our spring ? " slock of Muslin Underwear, we offer our present stock at the following prices: 25 cent values iSc 35 " -4c 50 " , 3Sc 75 " " 55c $1.00 78c ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. )AY QFE Tl'KSDAY 'EBKUAUY 1, 1S93 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Girl wanted. Apply to the European House. jan.ll-lw Weather Tonight and Wednesday, snow and colder. Jlio to the Columbia Candy Factory for fresh oysters in every style. tf rWork on tlio foundation of the addi tion to the Wasco Wurehouee is pro gressing fast. Buncoing, "skin Raines" and burglary eeom to bo rife in Seattle, by the reports in the papers of late. A valentine social will he given on February 14th, by the Endeavor Society of the Christian church. Elder W. S. Wilburn is holding meet ings at u-Milu Bchoolhouse. Three pro fessed conversion last night. An organ for sale, on account of re moval. The instrument is in good oon ditiin. Inquire of Mm. Chase, Second and Tnion. junUl-'-'t There will bo no lack of ice in l'rine-j villo next summer as the people of that ' place took advantage of the last cold j Htmll In Itiv in n full him. tilv. The framework of Mays,. & Crowe's j warehouse is about up, und It gives a I person an idea of what a splendid struet- un it will be when it.is completed. The friends of Mr. J. IJ. CrosH will be pleased to learn of his rapid recovery from a severe spell of Mokness, under the skillful treatment of Dr. Logan. At present G. D. Snowden is acting purser on the steamer Dalles City, jib, I tho purser, Mr. Woodworth, is engaged in tho officu work as Mr. Allaway'b as V eistant. A carload nf fine hogs belong to Mr. McCully, of Elgin, were unloaded and led at the stockyards in this city yester- f day. They were on their way to the 'nion Meat Co., at Portland. Harry Lonsdale, who lias been eon- lined to his room with a severe attack of pnouinonlu, has bo far recovered mat lie ! is atile to be on the streets again, and ho expects in a short time to be able to re mime work. Mrs. J. A. Crosseu received a telegram from her husband today, stating that he had reached San FranciBCO safely, and , would proceed to Los Angeles by sea. I Alter visiting his sister in that place, he will go to Pluenix, Arizona. Twenty-five ol the passengers of tho ill-fated steamer Corona, which was wrecked on Lewis iHlaiul u week ago Sunday, arrived at Seattle Sunday 'light on tho Btoamor Al-KI, which ree wind them from the lonely island. Cvestorday Dr. Eslielman had a pro fessional call to Wamic, returning last "'Kid, having driven about seventy miles in the round trip. lie wus called by Mrs. Douglas of that place, whom ho found quite ill with Brlghfs disease. Today Thomas King of Cascade Locke 1.50 -75 2.00 2.50 3.00 a PEASE & MAYS. was appointed deputy sheriff of that place by Sheriff Driver. Mr. King lias tlie reputation of being a fearleHB, trUBty and honest muii, and Mr. Driver has - shown good judgment in selecting him. t Tina morning Attornev Webster made ' his closing plea, and the jury in the Seu ' fert case went out and in a short time I brought in a verdict of a trifle over nine thousand dollars. Seufert Brothers are i very much dissatisfied with the verdict and will appeal. Mechanics are engaged today in en larging and rearranging the D. P. & A. N. Co.'s office. A partition haH been removed, which makes the office more spacious; and when it has been newly papered and painted, it will have a very handsome appearance. We understand that J. G. aod I. N. Day are moving their dredges and whurfboats from the Cascade Locks to Portland. They will, in all probability, be used in building the new jolty. The quarry at Fisher's lauding will soon be a scene of activity again, as the con tractors intend to get the rock for the jetty from that place. The remains of the man "Stump," who was found dead in the lodging house at Portland some time ago, were disinterred Sunday at the instigation of Undertaker llolman, and returned to the morgue for identification. The result of the examination by the man and woman called to identify the body belli' unfavorable, the remains were once more buried under the iifitno of "Stump." The eleetiou of city officers was held in Wasco yesteiday, with the following result: George Crosstield, mayor ; Wm. Johnston, recorder; Mr. Campbell, mar shal: V. C. Brock, treasuaer; W. M. Booth, W. M. Reynolds, W. A. Murchie, L. Clarke, P. L. Keizer und James Hong, councilmen. Keporta state that those candidates weie elected by an easy ma jority and everyono seems to bo well satisfied with the results. Mr. Allawav has returned from Seat- tie and says that people in lho Dalles, and even Portland, have but little idea of the tremendous rush to Alaska. He . utj,ja llmt t10J. wjn i0llV0 that place by tl0 thousands during tho coming . m0ths. While there he saw a dog team of four Hudson Bay dogs, which were valued at sflOOO. At that rate a person would have u Klondike at home if ho commenced raising this kind of live stock, Yesterday MO head of tho finest beef cattle that have been shipped from this place for a considerable timo, were brought in from Mr. Lewis' farm, near It took about fourteen days Priuevillo to bring them in, and they were In Hue shape 011 their arrival here. The cattle were the property of Dr. V. Gesner, and wore bought by Charles Butler. Mr. Butler shipped three carloads to tho Sound yesterday, und will, in all proba bility, send them to Alaska. The re iiialnder wore taken to Mr. Floyd's place, near this city, where thev will be kept until Mr. Butler Is ready for them, when they will be shipped. The price paid was four cents per pound. ,. I.IO i-59 . 1.98 2.29 ATTEMPT AT JAIL - BREAKING. Novel Way Adopted Ity Some Prisoners to Gum Freedom. This morning while Deputy Sheriff Kelly was engaged at his desk he noticed that one of the prisoners was exceeding ly cheerful, and strode from one Bide of the jail to the other, singing songs and making as much noise aB he possibly could; at the same time trying hard not to arouse the suspicion of the sheriff. Although Mr. Kelly was very busy with his books, he could not help recalling an incident that occurred three years ago, when a prisoner became equally mirth ful and made a like play while his con federates were making an attempt to dig their way out of jail. While he was thinking this matter over, John Fitzgerald, the jailer, came in, and he was asked to go inside and see if evervthiui; was all riuht. Mr j-uzgeruiu uiu so, aim upon entering soon saw the cause of all the singinti. I mem iiu ecuurcu jjiwoui which had been broken oil from a shut- ter in the cell, and with its aid had com pletely removed one of the bricks from the wall and loos"ned the mortar around several others, so that it would hayokii?' left for IlePI,nur lnst "'B1'1 been an easy matter to remove them However, the sheet-iron, which is placet between the bricks in the wall, iiindfctijiH morniii" .1...:.. in ... f..i!t. T- men cuuria tu gain iiieir uueny luiue. Thev mude a bold attempt, and had not Mr. Kelly suspected what they were doiug, they would, at tho very, least, have made a thorough investigation us to the structure of the jail wall, if they did not succeed in gaining their liberty. As a consequence of their folly they are now confined in their respective cells. Little Alice Wells i)i owned. This morning Win. Michell received a telegram from II. W. Wells which said that his little daughter, Alice, was drowned at Prosser, Wash., yesterday ; also that they would arrive in Hub city with the remains tomorrow morning. The family of Mr. Wells had made The Dalles their home until last full, when they moved to Prosser thut'they might be with Mr. Wells, who was thbre superintending the cure of his sheep. No particulars of tho accident were re ceived, but its announcement alono was sufficient to sadden the hearts of the many JriendB of Mr. and Mrs. Wells in this city. Little Alice was a pretty little girl of about G years, particularly bright and vivacious, and being the only daughter, her loss will he doubly felt. Particulars of the funeral will he given tomorrow. Nearlng; the Km!. The long-drawn-out trial of the case of the United States vs. tho Seufert Bros. Co. promises to come to un end today. This trial has now occupied nearly a week, and tho two former trials were nearly as long. The last witness in rebuttal gave his testimony yester day morning, and before noon argument was commenced, Owing to the importance of the case, During January and Feb ruary wo will givo to ovory person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28lh day of February, 1898. MAO & BENTON yesterday afternoon did not offer suffi cient time for the attorneys to finish their arguments of the case, and Seu fert's attorney had .o put off his closing argument until this morning. After he lias finished, the ease will go to the jury, and it may take them some time to come to a decision. rEHSONA I. MKNTION' A. B. Craft and wife of Rufus are in the city. Attorney J. M. Long of Portland ia in the city. Mr. Ira F. Powere, Jr., of Portland is in this city today. Johnnie Karlan, the liakeoven sheep man is in the city today. W. H. Kennedy, chief engineer of the O. R. & N., is in the city today. j Mrs. George Blakeley went to Portland 'this morning to have her eyes treated. il Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackintosh went (0 portianj the Dalles City this ?nrning. Attornev B. S. Huntington went to Portland this morning to attend the lie - Vumulicati league convention. y Bert Phelps and Robert Ilines, who have been spending few days in the Cnntriif-tnr Iliich Glrm. who haq bren A spending a few days with his family in this city, left for Rainier on the Iwat E. L. Harmon and wife anived from Portland last night and left today for Dufur to visit friends. Ho represents the Northwest Life Insurance Co. George Gish, who formerly worked with tho O. R. Si N. Co.. has' leturned to The Dalles und is again in its employ. George has a whole host of friends who are glad to see him back again. NEWS NOTES. Latest reports state that France is ready to aid the cause of the Cubans. The steamer Elder has been delayed by storms on tho coast, and cannot sail for Alaska tonight, us was intended. The Teller resolution Is buried in tho house by fifty votes majority. Oregon's delegates are standing with tho victori ous. A. Ockennan, tho Portland druggist who left some timo ago with a consider able amount of money belonging to the Portland lodge of Elks, has been cap lured in British Columbia and brought back to Portland. At present he is in jail at that place. Captain Ray, who was sent to the Yukon by the United States government to Investigate tho condition of the Alatka miners, confirms tho reports of starvation and lawlessness. He states that the miners are in need of aid, nnd the sooner the relief expedition reaches Dawson the better. Viiiir I.uhI I'liuuce, All negatives now in my possession made by Mr. Houghton or 1). 0. Herriu prior to Jan. 1, 1805. will bo destroyed. If on wish to duplicate prints, orders must be placed before March 1st. GiKroiin, Photo. Artist, febl-lm Chapman Block. DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cur Pile, Scalds, Burs. INTERNATIONAL HEATER. RE7VYE7VSBER , ,Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Kates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. SUBSCRIBE I TWICE I R I WEEK FOR THE GHHOSICLiE And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING KATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World $2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Orcgouian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER Tim HI ml urn Way. Commends itself to tho well-informed, to do pleasantly nnd effectually w hat formaly done in tho crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleunse tho system and break up colds, headache), and fevers without unpleasant after ef fects, use tho deliyhlful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Fiijs. Made by Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. Notice. Tho ralllo on the four hooks on which I have been sellini; chances, will tuko place at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store tonight at S o'clock. There will bo four draws, one for each book. Mns. M. J. Cham:. LOST. A dark brown, young mare, while stripu in face, white hind feet ; brand EV, connected, on left shoulder; weight about 1000 pounds. Finder will be paid for caro by writing to W. A. Campbell, Box 05, Portland, Or. jan'J-'-lm Wuiitt'tl. Young lady to learn printing, finish ing and retouchiuu. Must be strong, with good eyes, and not altald of work, Keferenco required. Gii'Foiti), Photographer. 2S-tf Chapman Block. Cttuli III Your UliucliH. All county warrants registered prior to iiuv. 13, 1893, will he paid at my otllce. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, 1808. C. I.. Piui.i.ii'H, County Treasurer. Try EcbllllDB'u Iieut feu ami ImKInt,' powder One Minute Cough Cure, cures. TUt U what it wm Biad for. No more cold ovens. Plenty of hot water, and a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by mm m mm w m .hi . - SOLE AGENTS. FOR THE One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is wliut It was made for. How ilo you keep track of tho events of tho year? You may not have been in the habit of keeping a strict account of your expenditures. You'll find it pays to do so. Wo all desiio to bo care ful and economical. It's tho t;reatesc possible audit-taut to economy to keep a, record of expenditure s. It's a conven ience, to know the happenings. A day book, diary and a calendar are nee cessary and should bo provided. At i. C. XlCKliLSKN'S you can thorn cheap. Ity tli tt W'uy Do you need a Bible or any other good book? Wo have till tho interesting and valuable volumes which yon may need in your library . If there is anything you need they are yours for a reasonable price. Call and see what we have to of fer. I. C. Mclsen Book & music Company, FOUR MT PAPERS urn iif im I .it i.i Lit m