The Dalles Daily Chroniela. The only Republican Daily Newspapei on Wasco Countu. EASTERN OFFICE SSO to 234 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing Ilntes. Chronicle and Oregonian Chronicle and Examiner. . . Chronicle und Inter Ocean . . f 2 25 . 2 25 .. 1.85 . . . 1 75 Chronicle and Tribune. Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1SD3 JS THE UNITED STATES DE FENSELESS! Apparently in some quarters there is a notion that that the United States would be an easy prey for any great European nation in case of war. The New York Times, in referring to the Hawaiian annexation question, remarks that uit is true there has been and is now, nothing to prevent nny stong naval power from taking possession of our chief seaports, and holding them tc ransom, but that would partake too much of the na ture of pirac3 to be in accordance with the spirit of the age." Then it adds that "Germany might be moved to such an enterprise, being, although in most respects a modern country, ruled by a mediaeval monarch." Now let us see how this statement looks when tested by facts. The United States has more battleships of the first class, more protected and partially protected cruisers and more gunboats than Germany, with a far greater number of guns. German has more battleships of the seoond and third classes and more torpedo boats than the United States. This is liow the two countries stood relative ly to each other at the end of 1897. In the aggregate, counting in the old style and unseawortby ships and naval reserves, German has more vessels, guns and men than the United Slates. In the number of modern fighting vessels, with their armament and men, the United States is ahead of Germany. This would give the United States an advantage over Ger many at the start in a war on the ocean, which is the only place that a war between the two countries could occur. The advantage, of course, would be immensely increased if Germany were rash enough to at tempt what the Times thinks she could easily do, to capture any of our seaports. Moreover, the advan tage would increase with the length of the war, owing to the great supe riority cf the United States over Germany in wealth, inventive skill and facilities for creattng, buying and manning a new navj German' stands fifth among the nations of Europe in strength and efficiency of navy, England, France, Russia and Italy, in this order, being ahead of her. The on'y nattou in the world which would have any chance to take 'possession of our chief seaports" is England, and it is exceedingly unlikely that England could do it. It is entirely certain that if England could capture New York or Boston by a sudden dash the would be driven out in a few days. In number and strength of vessels and in the quality of her seamen England is almost as far superior to Germany as Germany is to Ilaj'ti. Only one people in the world have ever shown themselves the supenoi or the equal of the British as fighters on the water, and these were the peo ple who defeated her in many bat tles on the ocean and on the lakes in the wars of 1775-81 and 1812-15. In a war with the United States the "mediaeval monarch's" vessels would take especial care to st jer clear of American waters. The United States needs a larger navy and more coast forts and men to man them than it has, and it ought to gel them at the earliest possible moment, but it is not quite so do fcnseless in its present estate as some ignorant writers suppose. England is making great prcpara- tious to hold her supremacy upon the seas. She has 117 war vessels now in course of construction. Fif teen arc battleships, twelve llrst-clas? cruisers, nine second-class cruisers ten third-class cruisers, six twin screw gunboats, fifty-six torpedo boats, eight light draft gunboats, and one royal yacht. Many of these arc nearly completed. An emotional Madrid editor says he can almost alintie Speaker Reed in spite of the fact that he is a Yankee. That editor is doomed to be surprised when the Republicans of the house arc ready to move in Cuban matters. In a recent letter from Washington, D. C, to an old friend, Major, G. A. Stmier, for twenty years United States Consul at Singapore, says : "While at Lies Moines I became acqainted with u liniment known as Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I found excellent against rheumatism as well as against soreness of the throat and chest giving me much easier breathing. 1 had a touch of pneu monia early this week, and two applica tions freely applied to the throat and chest relieved me of it at once. I would not be without it for anything." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. B S HUSTISGTON H S WILSON. HUNTINGTON A WILSON, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, 1HE DALLES, OREGON Office over First Nat. Bank. FKED. V. WILSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Till. lALLKs',OREGON. Office ovei First Nat. lisnt. JICS GEISESnOKFFKIt Jt ltUEDV, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 32S. Vogt Block FHEE. g) (9 We Will Give- IIE Subscribers and Persons subscribing and paying up in ad vance for the Weekly GbroDiele -A Copy of The World ivm Answer Any Question You may Ask It. & I cbcyolopsaia Standard A imcrican Annual, Ready Jzn. !, 1398, On AJS News Stezds. jf. Si & & J & Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. gT'J most vidtly sold Annual Reftr ince dwk and Polilral Mamul Jiublislvd. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. FREE EKptepectfi 1!S! PRICE 5J ft CENTS Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland aaJ Astoria Navigation Co.' , strs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE I1ETWKEN The Dalles, Hcvxl !tlvcr.Cacacte Looks ami Port laud dally, "c"' sunday. i ( DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going " T0 ( EASTERN OREGON ? II so, save money and enjoy n beautiful trip on the Columbia. The wiM-bound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time lor jvisscmrerh to take the steamer, arriving in Portland in time lor the outRoiug Southern ond Northern trains; East bound passctiReis arriving In The Dales iu time to take the East-bound train. For lurther Information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Audit, Oak street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W C. ALLAWAY, (ieu. Act.. The Dalles. Oregon fieuu Year Experiences. V? - .7 Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide you through the new. You remember where yon have pains and pleasures. Good health brought the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will get it through good medicine. We use Lothing but the best and finest drugs in Compounding. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. 1EE ALLES. j-loliday Improuemepts. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment greater. You want paper which makes your home pleasanter'atjall times. You need such shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL ! Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. NOTHING BUT THE genuine: Wholesale. MAliT MQUOftS, CClines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing -OF- FURNITURE PRIHZ HITSCHKE i AreJJgoinc to cloe nut thi'ir busitieps, and they are ofTerinc their lnrgp stock at COST PKICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. 1 All persons knowing themseives indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their account. Jtye postoffiee piarmay, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drags and Medicines. j Toilet Articles and Perfumery, jpirst Ijr of Imported ar?d Dornestie $iar Telephone, 333. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Z. DONNELU PESClPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Subscribe for The Chpoinele Yoti trill find ouo coupon Insldo ouch two on .ico but: nnd two coupons Insldo each fourouueo bugoflllucUwell'H Durham. Buy n bug of this eolubrnted tobacco und read tho coupon which rIvm n list of vuluublo p;"!icu th and how to get tham. - BUSCH and BEER and In Dottles Out Sale CARPETS New Vogt Block. AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OK ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'AIII. .M1NNKA1MII.I DCM'TII I A It CO SK.M FOIl CKOOHSTON WINMl'KO HKI.KNA nit IllITTK TO Through Tickets CIIIC'ACO WASHINGTON I'llll.AIlKI.FlllA NEW YOIIK HOHTON ANI ALL I'OINTS KAHT mill HOIJTH Kor lulorniHtloti, tlmi! nirils, maps and ticket, ciil on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Drtlluti, Oregon Oh A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., an. Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlnud Orc?on Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Soipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. C3- Xj IE ZLT IN". J. 8. KOIIKNK, H. JI. llKAl. . I'rbNidi'iit. CiiHlilcr First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A (imitiml liunking Buoinuae truiiHttuted Dupoaite received, aubject to Higtit ' Draft or Check. Col lection r made and proceeds promptly remitted on (liiv of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchango Bold on New York, Bau Franciaco and Port land. , OIKKOTOKa D. P. TllOMFHON. JNO. 8. BOHKNCIC. Ed. M. W'ii.IiIAkk, Gko. A. Likiiu H. M. Bkaix. N Taken Up. Camo to my place on 3-Mile, nhotit tho 25th of November, a straw-bay roau mure, branded V P(conne!ted)on the left slioulder, about 6 years old. Owner can have aatne by paying charges, M. 8. Evanh, dec22.1m The Dalles, Or.