til' if 3! a i mm. WTW 1 1 IIMAr arc 3.1: Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 3AM FRAHCI3CO, CAL. UDUI3VILLE, KT. MEW tORX, H.X. The Dalles Daily Chrc&efe. THE DALLES, OUKOON AilvertUluc Kates. Per inch One iDch or less In Dally Jl cfl Over two inches and under four inches. ... J CO Over four Inches nad under twelve inches. . Over twelve inches 60 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per inch ?2 50 Over one inch and under four Inches ... 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches . 1 .V) Overwelve inches l 00 Try Schilling's Best 'ea and baking powder Out-of-town dealers in cig.trs are in vited to call and examine the choice line sold by S. F. F.iuts. 20 The Rose Queen is tiie best make on -the market for five cents, and when you Etnoke them vour monev etavs at home. J ' 20-tf Kin? Cole brand Baltimore oysters, the best on the market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Trv them. At Varney & Co. 'a. 11-tf Choice Shoahvater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will .endeaypr to please you. "To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All drusgiat3 refund tLe money if they fail to cure. 2oc. The war in Cuba has not prevented S. F. Fouts from securing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which he manufactures into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars. 20-tf "There is no need of little children be ing tortured by scald head, eczema and ekin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel -Salve gives instant relief and cures per manently. Snipes-Kiiifrsly Drug Co, Caili 111 Vour Check. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 1S93, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, ISPS. 0. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinerelv Drug Co. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure any other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kinere- ly DrugCo. LOST. A dark brown, vctiug mare, whito etripe in face, white hind feet ; brand EY, connected, on left shoulder; weight ,,lmf inrn ,.nn,ia i,-:. ..I.,. ,..:n i r...:.i for care by writing to W. A. Cunmbell, Box 05, Portland, Or. janLMMm j When you can not sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It I alwaya gives prompt relief. It Is most i excellent for colds, too, us it aids ex pectoration, relieves the Itingi nnd pre. uenta any tendency toward pneumotiia. For sale by Ulakeley & Houghton. Waii.ning: Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is nit infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles, Snipes-Kin-erely Drug Co. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cure Pile, Scalds, Burn. MANY SLAVES TO COCAINE. l,ifi-rittriyltic Ilriitr llrlnu Slope tSstvimlvcIv I urtl r.vopy Dny. According" to a ltrUfUi metlicvtl au thority there can be no Umibt thi't in maii.vpaits of the world (valine Ine briety ii birtrely on the Iuetvi.- Many writers speak nf it tut the third scourge ol immunity, alcohol and morphine in? the first curd second. The greatest iMinilier of victims is to be found anion? Fi.et women nnd iinicup women who have adopted liter.iture u profes sion. A considerable proportion of eh ran ic cocainists have fallen under the tlumhrott of the drujr from a desire tn stimulate their jxnvers of ininciun t'on. Others have acquired that hair' ipi'te iniuxvntly from tnldin? eoe i vires fortified withsnltpof thv-ilkalo'-l it. s-o'iitioti. One timer habit rapUlly n renders another, ami the victim of el-rrnic fornin:,m is ustinllv addicted to ovcTindultrence in alcohol. 1hs ides lie inpr a con tinned citrarette smoker. .Slr'iicvnt measures should lv taken to stump out an evil wliieli, if once established, is difficult to eradicate. Tnca wines made from eoci'tne, and rnea'iiie lozenRv and tablets should Ite supplied with the utmost enut.ton. Coca vt'ne and other medicated wines ar" largely sold to poo pis? who are con sidered and consider theniselvrs to be total als-ttiiner.s. OrVrr'-ruiIly coco wine wri made from coca leaves, but it is r.'.v commonly a solution of the al kaloid in a .sweet and usually strong- al coholic wine. Xot loiiffiig'o n physiefein reported the cae of a man who. think ing to abjure the use of alcoholic stim ulants, drank eocn wine so freely thot he died of delirium tremens. DANGERS OF OPHTHALMY. Ilemoval of thr I'rymnlllnr I.rnn lie quire tipent Care. While miiiiv physicians regard tJtt? operation of removing' the-cryslnjline lens dant'erous, localise of possibility of retinal hemorrhage and lwiTtarfi diminution of tension, there are otlK'rs who indorse the views of i'rof. Herman Colin, chief of staff of the Ophthalmic horipita!, Breslau, and I'rof. Vinceu:. Fukala, of the I'nivcrsity of Vienna, that removal of the crystalline lens is a curt; for myopia, or near-sLfhtediiLvs, and unaccompanied by danger to the patient. For centuries this operation has leen re-sorted to as a cure for cat aract and now cocaine and antiseptic surgery render it comparatively safe. Myopia is eaus by a diffusion of light. and where diffusion is greatest vuion !t most impaired. In light the pupil of the eye contracts ami expands ugain in ! darkness. When the pupil is enlarged the diffusion of light is enlarged. With i acre the pupil becomes smaller, hence the vision of near-sighted jieople im- j proves as they grow older. It is claimed that when the crystal line lens is removed the cornea will concentrate tiie rays of light. I'rof. Fukala first dared to step from theory to practice nnd ;rform tiie ojeratioir. After administering cocaine the lens was punctured to produce cataract, or the hardened condition w iiich remit ts it ! easy of ivmovnl. Cases reiiorted by j I'rof. Fukala .show that after the opera- i tion patients hae been able to sec at a distance of from 3i to GO centimeters. Doeel vlii(? tlic fionl. A flagman of a German railway wan recently told that he would be fined if Ills wife wius again seen flagging a train. The man said she had never done so, and explained a follows: Iieing ill, she a.iked her huslxind to milk the goat. This animal was, however, niiiisetl to anyone but the woman herself, and the flagman, to save trouble, dressed, in his wife's clothes to deceive the goat. A .shrill whistle reminded him of his du ties and he saluted the passing expres-i in skirta. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what It was made lor. I Wanted. Young lady to learn nrintintr. finish inir and retouchim:. Must be strong, with good eyes, and not aliaid of work. ! IJeference required. Ghtoud, Photographer. 28-tf Chapman Block. I! S HL'.STI.Sf.TON K S WILiON. I'NTINGTO.V & WILSON, ATTUK.'.KYt! AT LAW. Tllh IMLJ.Ka, OHEGON Omcc over Klrst Nftt Hank. LOOP POISON nary UUHiU 1'UISON perraaneDtlV -ureainuioZ5(l3rs. You cm Loir n.i.t homoforsarceprltMtinOersjroiiKuaran ty. If rouurcfer tutomohero irniviiUv.n. tracttODArrallrrjudfnrpAnrlhfifihiiu SSSSIS ujtuaiii-.iinuiau lucurv. ii younava lanen mer onr part of the Uxlr. 1, uir or KyolirotvK fa Hint; out, It la this Kecoiulury JlLuOU I'OliON wo Ruaranteo to cure. WoeollcltUiuraost ol.itl nuto cuxes aad ciiulIenL-o tlio world for a casoxvecaiiiiotciire. WiH dUeuio has alirsrs tiallled tlitiHkill of tho moot eminent pliysl- ' clans. riOU.OOO capiul thlniJ our uncon1! Uonalzuiraoty. Alim)l.ili,iiroilinont Healed on sppllcntlon. AOdrvu 1,'OOIt llh.lIIJUV CO., a:;Uit:oalc 'lemple, VUlvnu o, UJU j J-HS' (iKIHKNnOKKFKK & ItUEDV, Pliysicians and Surgeons, Special attention given lo mrgery. Konuu 21 nud 23, Tel. SB. Vogt Ulock K ..Gflfls. mM- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep on dntiiKht the relehratiil COI.l'MUIA HKlIli, aekmml tdKl I lie best beer In The Dulles, attheiiMial prire. route In. try It mid le rnnvlncd. Aln the 1'lni-t brands of Wines, Ll(iiors mill t'lRiir. andrxtiehes of All KlmN nlwnvs on hum!. Tfie Columbia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAXCFACTUKKUS OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curnrs of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rr.ANSACT A GEN'Kll A L HANKING BU31NES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Siuht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fi-WEEK EDITION. 18 Vuge a Weak. l.iG raptTi a Vfiir It stands first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, varietv and reliability of cot. tente. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of tiie Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracv and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among ( Its special features are a flue humor; page, exhaustive market reports, all the i latest fashioiii for women and a Ion I series of stories by the greatest living I American and English authors, J Conaii Doyle, ,Ierniiiu K. ileruine. i Stiuil.jy Wuyiiinu. .Mar)' K. Wilkin. ! Anthony Hone, I'.rnt ilurte, Ilraiifltir Matthuwe, lUc. We offer this nnequaled nevvspaperanil j The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for .fti.OO. The regular i price of the two papers is $3.00. I For Feoplo That Arof I PILLS Sick or " Juflt Don'tl Peel Well." Remeies Pimples, cures Headache, Ofspeptla and Costiter.tss. 25cl3. a box at lruluior l,r mall bamplts ftf-c, aJJreu Dr. Botanko Co. i'liiu. JOSEPH sflflimoH HAS Ol'Kl'EI) A HARNESS SHOP! IN TIIK KAST KNI), In the (,'oliim hln Keeit Ynrri, opposite Saltmitrihe i stijckjarilb, where he Is rcailv to do !flll Kinds of Harness Work.! l jl. ? J- 11 NEW MARKET. Boots and Shoes Wade to Order. A Perfect (It liuaranteed. Itupairiiic neatly done at ' Biiort notice. Union St. bet. latand 2d rSlI ....THE.... !AH if I Weekly LARGEST CIRCULATIOH OF ANY It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earn4tnessi.MvWO THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean nnd as n The Literature of Its columns is equal to that of the best muga zittes. his interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. SI.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAH $1.00 Sata m THE DAILY AMD SUTOAT EDITIOWS OF THE IflTER OCEAN AEE BEST OF THEIR KUID. Prion nf Diillv liv mull PrlcpnfSmiilnv'liy mult Dully ami Suuilnv lr mail f Special i -1 j 1 ! " There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." Tho poot unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who arc selling those Roods out at jjreatlv-roducad rat MiCIIELBACH BP.ICK. - . UNIOiS FT. has WHO has first-class C. F. . . . i - w urn 1- O.VWJLX, T OJX7UXAliJia, jr-OULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickunn Droaaeil to Onliir. Promt Delivory to any part of tlits city. A. N. VARNEY, 'I'iione 12. Third and Washington file. Inter Ocean m POLITICAL PAPER IN THE VEST t'MBut It can always be relied on J for fair and honest reports of all po- Utical nlov:rnents....M..M..,M,, OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Pnpcr Is Without a Peer. m $4.00 por year 'J 0 Ior your $0.00 per yrar peattir Of The Chronicle office is the Job pri9tii? D?partnei?t. We have better facilities for doing- artistic work in this line than an)- office in Eastern Ore gon, and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. Ue $omparisor7 both as to high grade work atid reasonable prices. the best Dress G-oods the best Shoes has everything to be found in a I Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. Patronize the Troy IiAOjlDRY. All kind of work. White Shirts n upeelalty family work at rcilnoul rate. Wunh eolleeiei and dellvciwl (ree. Telephone jJU. i lo, H. D. Parkins, Agt, O.R.ftN. TO tiii: EMST! GIVIIS TIIK CIIOICK OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rateso all Eastern Cities IICKAN HTKAniKUH 1'iirtUnil EtnrV Fln 1IV fur SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. .Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong vm North ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. U. A N. For lull ilclalln call on O. It rt Cn. r Aficnt The Diillin. or HililreuM liOII.SON, CAltl.II.I. V CO., Gen. AKti., North I'liclllc .SU'iiiiiNhlp Co. TIMK CAItll. No. I, to .Sixikiiuo mill Greiit Northern iirrlven lit.'! -i'lp, in., Ii'iive at i'i:;ti p. m. No. 'J, to I'oiiilli' ton, linker City mill I'lihrn l,iicilli!,urrlvfiatl'J:ll a in., ik'iwirt at l-.-'O h. in. No :!, from HHkniie iiml Great Nortliern, ar rlviv at '.M a. in., lii'imrtx at u. m. No. 1, Irmn llaktr City anil t'nlon I'liclllc, arrives at ; I : -i a, m., (Ii:art at :l::so a. in. Nos. 'i! anil "Jt, movliiK tiiit of The Dalles, will rarrv piincuiturii. No. 1 arrives at C i, m,( ileiiirtn at 1 : 1.1 p. m. I'axeiiRers for Ilcppner take No leaving here at lv:.'iil n. in. W, II. iIUUMIl'UT, Gen. I'iwh. ARt 1'ortlniul, Oreffou EAST and SOUTH via i iThe Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are line to arrive at Portland ,- OVKItl.ANl K.'1 1 press, halem, Hoe- ' ' hurK. AHlllllllll, Mil'- f. ii.1 ! m J raiiiemo, i;Riieii,naii i i I.t AllKulvh,Kl l'a'fo, I I New (nivalis ami I ! lljirtt . . . . J I --ji m ltoelmrg anil way nta-! a.M a. Ji.,tl0I1B fVIa WiMxIlmrii fori 1. Jt lially except Kiiinlayi. Daily e.ieept bmi'luy.1 I JIt.AiiRol, tlllverlon, , West Selo, llrowns- f vll I Na Ille.HpniiKtlelil unil I atron I t-:3o a.m. ;';?.r,T"!.llh "",! w"j-; iwrm f "IIIHIfll. INDKI'KNDKNCi: rAHSIINGKU. l..pre, train Dallv (e.xi ept Hnnilayj l:.V)p. in. rl.v. I'ortlanil Ar.i S:'i"a. in 7.:Jip. in. Ai MeMliinvllle l.v. .'i..M)a, ir .s ') p. in. (Ar lnite.enilence..I.v ) I .-.On m. Dally. (Diiily, except aumliij . DINING CAUS ON OGDKN UOl'TK. rt'l.l.MAN llim'KT HI.KKl'KHS AND riKCOND-GI.A!-!3 HI.KKPINli ( V.$ Attachul to all ThnmBli Trains. Direct eonnectloii at sail KranelM'o with Oecl dental ami Oriental and I'nelDe mail uteaiiiHhlp lines for JAPAN ami CHINA. KiIIIhk dates on a) plication. Kutef nd tickets to Kaitern lKiliits nnd Kit roiK.'. AIjoJAI'AN. CHINA, lUlNUl.t'l.L and Al'bTUAI.lA.can lienlitallied from J. II, KII'.KI.ANI), Ticket Aiteiit. ThroiiKh Ticket Olllee, K!l Third mreut. where throiiKh llekets to all points In the Kailern htatei., Camilla ami Knro; can he ohtaliied at lowest rates from J. II. KlItKI.AND, Ticket AKent. AH aliove trains arrive at nnd depart Irmn Grand Central Hlatlon. KHili and Irviiu: HtreeU. YAMH1I.I, DIVISION. r(seni;er DexU, fiHitof Jellerson ntreet. Uave for OHWKGO, daily, except Sunday, at :Ja. in.; Vi-.so, 1 M, "hurt p. in. faiiit tl:: p. m. on Saturday only, and !):() n. in anil p. m. on Sundays only). Arrive at rortland daily at fuld ami h::i0 a lit. : mill 1 :3.. 1.1.1, Oi'.'U mill 7:S5 p. in., (and lu;Ui u. in, II 1j i:10 p. m. on nnnilays only). U-nve for Sheridan, week days, ut l:S0p, in Arrive at I'ortlanil, j;:n a. m. I YAnv6!!:"!?.!! "X'sf iKMSJ 1 lav, TIiiirI.iy ami Salnrdai it ;l.0j p. in. K.xcept hiindav. "Kxeept Satimlay. ii. KOIHU.KU, Glummer. G, II. MA Kk'lIAM, AMI. U. 1'. 1'iin. Alft i Dalles, Mora aud Antelope STAGE LINE. 'I'linitiKli hy daylluiit via Grnw Vnlli-y, Kent and Oron Hollows, IMMJGI.AH AI.I.KN, Tim llulliiH. O. M. WIIITKI.AW, Antolopo. StaBe leave Tho Dalles (rout I'inntllhi 1101110 at , a, iiLj iilfco from Anteloiai at 1;M 11. 111. uvery Jlonday, WeiliieMlay and Krlday. Oonneetloiix im.di' at Antelope for I'rlnevllle, .MIKihell and l'Ol:it heyonil. t;oko ci.niieotloiiH inado ut The Dalles vvlth rallvvayii, traliin and bouti. Stnuoj from Alitelopo reaoli The DalleH Tiie' ihiyi, Tlmrxlayh unit SatiintayN at XfM p. iu. . . , UATKH Or FAItK. Dalles to Desnluites l ) 1I0 Morn... . . I ft) do Gran Valley u .' do Kent :i i do Cross Hollows I M AntelofKitoOross Hollows Il do Kent ! Oil do Grins Valley it U) do iloro , , ;ifi) do De.nluiees I W) do Duller (00