mm fgmm Is I m I rfcTTTS EX.TOY8 Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH fHAIKISCO. CAL. L0U!SVIU, Iff. MEW YORK, tt.Y. The Dalles Daily Chrcia; THE DALI.KS, ... OKKGOK Ailvertlsinc tcate. Per inch or less in UiUy $1 60 Over two Inches nnd under four inches 1 00 Over four inches and under twelve Inches. . 75 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per Inch ?2 50 Over one iueh and under four inches '2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over welve Inches . 1 00 l'EKSOSAL MENTION A. E. Lake and wife of Wauilc are in the citv todav. ' P. W. Knowies ia in from his home at Wanric today. E. O. McOiy and wife came down f-om Wasco this morning. Ben. F. Dennis of Fore9t Grove is via Jting G. E. Stewart in this city. C. C.'O'Riley of the Columbia South- XOl down from Wasco todav. Gilbert W. Phelps, an old Dalles boy, who is at present practicing law in Heppner, is in the city today. il.ilcolm McTnnie, who has been to Wasco attending to business matters, neturjied on the morning traiu. Thos. Connolly arrived from Mt. Angel mm, where he has oeen mtenuing school. He comes to attend the funeral nephew, James Manning. Ilr. Clarko of Oysterville, near As toria, who lias been visiting his brother-in-law, Julias Wiley, of this place, left on the Dalles 'City for his home this morning. In Oliluu Times. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects, and were fatisfied with transient action; but now that It is generally known that Syrup of Tigs will permanently overcome habit ual constipations, well informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Jiuy the genuine made by the California Tig Syrup Co. NEWS NOTES. The Teller resolution passed the sen ate bv a decisive majority yesterday. The total insurance on the Great East ern block, that burned the other day in Spokane, is $134,525. Information has been received that Marry Ellen Lease, of Kansas, will apeak in Walla Walla sometime in March. A burglar ransacked 11. A. Prescott'a house in New Whatcom last Tuesday, but only took a small silver watch of little value. F. N. Harrio has been held in $2300 bonds in Colfax to answer the charge of having fleeced Farmer Mills, of Whit man county. Reports received this morning state that the steamship Corona, bound for Alaska, has been wrecked. All the pas sengers have been saved. Further par ticulars could not be learned. The poatoflice at Oswego, Or., was robbed yesterday evening. Hut seven dollars in cash was secured nnd about fifty dollars in stamps and merchandise. Representative Ellis ia very much in earneat in having some resolutions brought before the house which will give him an opportunity to give vent to his sentiments for free Cuba, He is not lone in this, as many other members of the house on the Republican side arc verv restless on account .ol the restraint in which they are held by the speaker and the house nutnagera. Ed Hangs was given a preliminary ex amination before Justice Wheeler at Eugene yesterday, on a charcc of rape, and was bound over in the turn of $1000 to appear before the giaml jury. Tho complaining witnes. is Mao Gilliam, 1" yuatP old, and the crime is alleged to have been committed Tuesday night. The house Thursday llnally succeeded in passing tho Indian appropriation bill, and the debate, which has been raging since Monday, was transform! to the District of Columbia bill, which fol lowed it. The only two important changes made in the Indian bill, as pro posed, wore the elimination of the pro visions for the. leasing of the gilsonile mines and lands of the Kiowa, Co manche, Apache and Wichita reserva tions, both of which went out on points of order. Waknixg : Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves snif tering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. Wanted. Young lady to learn printing, finish ing anil retouchine. Must be strong, with good eyes, and not atiaid of work. Reference required. GiFKOitn, Photographer. 2S-tf Chapman Hlock. When you can not sleep for coughinc take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It uhvays gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre uents any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. LOST. A dark brown, young mare, white stripe in face, white hind feet ; brand EV, connected, on left shoulder; weight about 1000 pounds. Finder will be paid for care bv writing to W. A. Campbell, Box 95, Portland, Or. jan22-lm Casli tn Your Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, 1898. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drux Co. The war in Cuba has not prevented S. F. Fouts from securing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which he manufactures into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars. 20-tf Choice Shoalwater Bav ovsters served Factory. Give us a trial and we will enueavor to piease you. The Rose Queen is the b3t make on the market for five cents, and when you smoke them your money stays at home. -u-w Out-of-town dealers in cigars are in vited to call nnd examine the choice line sold bv S. F. Fouts. 20 Try Schilling's Best tea and bailing pomici or.gunn's: PorPoopleThat Arof ft Siok or "Just Don'tUM I V Fool Well." I IkkV ONLY OM FOR A DOSE. Remom Pimples, curt Headache, Dyspepsia and Cottlveittss. 26 cts. a box at drumiata or bv mall temple 're, addrew Or. Bosanko Co. i'hUa. fa. JOSEPH $WM HAS Ol'EI'KD A HARNESS SHOP IN THE EAST KND. In the Colum bia Feed Yard, opposite Siiltmanibe'H btockyards, where he U ready to do fill Kinds of Harness Work. ? J. a$le 0 t Boots and Shoes Jlade to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly done at abort notice. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d w j-JllH- UEIHBNIIOKFFKH & UUEOY, . Physicians aud Surgeons, Special attention given lo nurgery. IlooiuB 21 and 21, Tel. 32S. Vogt Block IIDDD POISON DA BPECIALTY& ll.irflMMl l'OISON permanently cured In lAtoS5 day. You can bo tre.-ilnl at aomoforMmopricoumlorB.imoRuuruu- HHiy. irymiprcierioconiunpronoiTMicon mlxmW tmcttopayrallroailfarcamlhotolbltl.t.'inJ Dochanrc, I f wo f all to euro. 1 f you havo taken utor curj, loiliilo nntiMli, nml still h.ivo nclicj and J.ilns, Mucous rutclii In moutli, Sum Throat, Implrs, Copper Colored Spot'?, Direr ou any partof tholnxly, UulrorKyelirown I'lilltni; out, It la this Secondary Hi. (()! POISON wo rwarnntco to cure. Wo solicit t!io ran; t oliatl liu to c:isea and elm lion ire the world for a cno we cannot corn. Tills direr o h.nnlirnrs bu tiled, tlin ft kill of tho nut eminent: pliyal chum. SflOtl.OOO capital behind our uiiooiull. UonalcfUaranty. Absolut onroofit pen tfealcitoa nrpllcitkoii. AddrcM (!l)OK KliMHUV CO o!MUeunic aumplot UUICilUU, m HIS LEG STUCK FAST. Tin- Woiuli'ii Stiiiiip CntlKht In the l'ilVI-lllOllt. Stuinplnfrdown Market .street recent ly a miildli-nrretl man whose riplit lcjr had been rcpl.n-cd with nn old stylj woollen lojr. says the l'liihulelphin lioeonl. lie had evidently been drink iiif,', for he canii' iiIonf?sin(,'iin?nnd stnp 'orinpr from fide to side. ltolow lClexontli street ho was seen to pitch suddenly forwnul. Then followed an awful struggle to jrot up. Several pasers-by came lo his assistance, and it was then that his queer position was explained. One (if the round glasses that till In the sla'litrht over the cellar which extended under tho pavement was niissinjr. nnd. having stopped into the hole- with his game log. thif caused theaceident. Afterrcpitininpan upright jiosition the man attempted to with draw the lop. and the air assumed a jurid hue when he found ho was stuck fast. Some men then,laid hold and un successfully tried to free him. while tho victim groaned with pain as ho was pulled and twisted about. Finnlly tho man's ooat nnd vest, were taken off and tho straps that held tho lop wer. removed. A policeman who had learned the cause of tho excitement began working at the leg. which remained fast. Then a clerk in n store secured a hammer, and after going to tho collar end pounding upward n few minutes loosened the limb. Tho man adjusted his log nnd mnvoil oil, vowing to sue the property owner. SHIPBUILDING ON THE CLYDE. Ininicnur Trail t of tin- SpotHi HIvit I.iiNt vt.firn lli-ooril Urc-nUi-r. People gcnernllv have a very faint idea if the extent of tho shipbuilding in dustry on .ho river Clyde. Sent hind, says tho Fall liiver News. Some statistics have come to hand, however, which toll the story in a measure. In a recent issue of the North llritish Mail, of Clas gow, 70 firms are named who arc con structing from one to ton largo vessels from twin-screw steamers of 1,000 tons up to first-class cruisers and battle hips of IG.oOO-horM; power. Tho year HOG was a record-breaker on tho Clyde, but the prospects for 1S'.7 ore equally satisfactory. The work on hand rep resents about. 310,000 gross register tons. Compared with last year this shows an increase of 50,00:) tons. Tho marine engineering trade is also well represented in riSfl.OOO-horso power, or ! -,000 over that of the previous year. The government orders include one line of battle ship, two first-class cruis or.i and three second-class cruisers. The Iarpest order given to the Clyde for a long time was that for the Nippon us.-on Kaisha, of Japan. This con sisted of ten steamers of 5,24 Ions reg ister and 7,.")Q0 deadweight tons each. Tour of these are already launched and six are being built three in the yard of I). & V. Henderson nnd throe in that of Napier. Shanks A: Bell. The money value of the contract represents well on to $5,000,000. WORSTED THE TROLLEY CAR. It Han Into n I.nud of Hit)- with lllx- llHtrilllH Kl'MllltM. This is the time tho trolley car got the worst of it. It was of tho l'lain lield (N. ,T.) line, and was running at full speed for Dunellen. It was scry f ggy. Suddenly there loomed up out ol the mist a hay wagon drawn by n horse and a mule, nays the New York World. - ' ' ' - "Look out there!" yelled the motor man, but it. was a wasted effort, for the words were not out of his mouth before the cur struck the oncoming wagon. The pole tore away tho dash board and then struck tho motorman in the stomach, knocking him into the middle of the car. The conductor was nltched airninst the rear door and had Lhifi 'nose bunged up. The solitary pas senger was sent against too rooi ami began to pray before he came down. The pole had saved the animals pull ing the hay wagon. Tho horse waa thrown to one. side, but the fender stnuk the. mule and ient him head over heels up on the front platform of the cur, where his heels played havoc with glass and framework. The driver of the wagon was thrown off, but unin jured. "Well, I'll be hanged I " said the motor man, when they brought him to. The mule neighed loud with glee, and throw uj) his heels as if he had nt Just found n worthy fooman. CompllmiiiitH of tho Kinoht.e Ituom. They sat in deep thouglit for linlf nn hour after the lunch. Finally one of them could stand it in) longer. So bo took it cigar from his poekejt and lighted it wjtli tins remark: "Sorry I Jmven't got another cigar." ".fust wlmt 1 should have said to you in five minutes more,'' replied the other, also tnklngout u clgnr, "if you hadn't got the start of inc." II -"- fAlt . THE ! 51 1 Weekly Inter Ocean LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earncstnessvc i-Litr uPPKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clcnn nnd s n Tit! Literature of Its columns lis equal to that of the host maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chll' Urea ss well as the parents HE INTER OCEAN is and while it brings rYii? Tvrnoi r ...J discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy -with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and disctissesditerature and politics from the Western standpoint..... Sl.nQ-PHICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR SI.UU S-VVS i THE DAILY AND StTlftAY EDITIONS OF THE InTK 0CAH AKi ITIroiil l:illv l.y limll ITIc.M.f Simtliiy by mall Jj n Iliiliyinnl Niiniiny iy mini j Special peatijr u There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its Jlooa leads on lo fortune." The poot unauostlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl &. BURGET'S, Who are selling these Roods out at greatly-reduced rat MIOHKULVOH BKKJK. - UNION ST. has who A NEW MARKET. "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, PISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to uny purt of the city, A. N. VARNEY; Phone 12, Third and Washington Sti POLITICAL FAriiK IN Tab w&aig itf4 But It can always be relied on , for fair and honest reports oi an v m litical lnovcmentSl'..M,,',,,' OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Pnpcr Is Without a Peer. a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, to the tamiiy inc. inuwu v : u . ... T.-r h.ct : nri Ablest m Jltoi ur ''"Til! j"" J' r. ,.. . w B2 rr Of The Chronicle ofiice is the Job priiti D(?partre9t. We have better fncilities for doing- artistic work in this line than any office in Eastern Ore gon, and this branch of our busi ness is in the hands of expert workmen. Ue 5r;alli7e Qomparisop both as to hiyh grade work and reasonable prices. ropiqle pub.?o. the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Patronize the Troy - All kind ol work. Wlilto Hlilrtu n specialty. Family work ut rcauoul rates. Wuth collectvii and delivered tree, Taleiihons ho. lift Hi D. Parkins, Agt, 0.R.&N. TO TIIK EMST! (IIVKS TIIK OIIOHU: OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VlA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Salt Lake Denver Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rates -to all Eastern Cities OUKAN HTI3AMKKt l.Hv I'nrtUtiil EvtirV Vivo 1UV fr SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steiuners monthly from Portland to Yokobunm tmd Hone, Koiik via North em I'aelflc riteiiniBhip Co., in connection with O. K. & N. I'nr lull ilolnllH cull on O, 11 C'ii.'h ArciU The KalU'.t. nr lulilress IKIDHON, CAUI.II.l. .t CO., Hell. AL'ta., Nnrtli l'licllle Hleamslil Co. T1AIK !AKI. No I, to Hpoliiim- nml (Irrnt Northern nrrlvcn iit.VJ.-... in., leavos at r.:."Jl p. in. No. .'. to lVliitli' ton, Hakcr City ami t'ulmi I'licllUvirrlvoNiillJ li a in., ik'parti- at 1'2,'t) a, in. No it, troiu Kikanu mill (I rent Northern, nr ilM'Mit'.i a a. in,, ilopiiru at tniW a. m. No. l, frmn Ilaktr City nml Union l'nelllc, arrives at :i:a) a. in., drparlN at :it: a. m. Nih. 'J:l anil 2, niovliiK va ol The Dalles, will carry pas.enxers. No. Si arrlvo.i at 6 p. in., tlvpiirtK nt l:l.'p. in. lMcenitors (or lloppner take No -, Icavlim l,e,oatr;P.(m.ui iijuTi 1'nrtlnuU, Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route 01' THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leavu nml are due to arrive at l'ortlunil ' OVICUI-ANI) KX-1 ' nreM, Kalem, Hci- J . linn;, Antihunt, Suc- u.00 1 . JI. Kri;hw,, Mojiive, f ' . II AltK-'lfn,Kl riuii), I I New Urli'iuiM anil I ! IKmt J I ltiieliiirB nml way Ma-' "Itluiis fVIa WiiDillmrn (nrl I Mt.Aimel, Hllverton, a;W A. l'. M Ilally oxecpt Humlay. Itally I'.xiejit huii'Jayjj , yivm tseio, nniwiiH- I vllle,riirliiKlielil anil l.Natrnii J i i vi (Corvallls in ill way) ' A' M Imatlmii. . I , :.W I' M INltKI'KNDKNCi; l-ASSKNOICi:. Uxprtti train i .- t :."() p. in. (I.v. .l'nrtlnnil Ar.) fi:lt"ni. i 7:3) l. m. MdMIiiiivIIIi; l.v.J fij.'nii.i :)ii, in. (Ar Iuilei.i'iiilence..I.v.) t .Oai Dally (except hiiinlay). 8:il n. in 1 1. in. (Ar Iiiilei.i'inlence..l.v. l-.uam "Dally. M'all'i extejit hiiliilay. 1UNING OAltS ON OdDKN HOUTK. i'iji.i-jian iiTTkfct Hi.i:i:ri:ita AND rti:ct)ND-0I,Ab HUIKI'INO CAllb Allacluil In all Thiiiui;li Trains. Dlriut cniiiH'cfliiii at Han Fnniulxcn with Occl ilt.ii till anil Oriental and I'aellle mall nteani.ihli linen (nr JAI'A.N n I'll CHINA, KalllliK ilatiw on a) iilk'alliin. Hales nnd tickets tn Kiistern points nnd Kii' r.iie. AlM).IAl'AN, CHINA, UONOl.tM.L' ulnl An.STItAl.lA.eau l nlitiilncil frnin J. II. KIltKI.AND.TIcliet AKent Thrniiuli Ticket Oilici-, Iill Third Htreet, where thrmiK'li tickets tn nil points In tho Knitern Htates, Oiiiitdaaml Klini'' can he ohtnllied at rates from J. II. KlltKI,ANI, Ticket Anuiil All abnvo trains urrlvu tit mid ilupnrt Iron' (iraud Central Htatlnu, l'iltli and Irvtnn xtrects YA.MIIII.Ii IUVIHION. rafstiiKcr Depot, loot of Jellersnii street. U'jivo lor OHWKliO, dally, except Humlay, at 7:20 a. in.; r.'i:sn, i;,v,, fi:ia, c,a, mo.'i p. in. (and p. in. on Hatnrday only, nnd inu) a, in ami :i:;in p. in. on hiuiilnvs only). Arrive at 1'iirtlaiid inilly at (i:lo and N:!W a in,: and !::.'', 1 r!.j, (i:i.'u (iikI 7:.V i. in., (mid 10:0.1 n. in , :i 15 ft: 10 p. in. on UunihiyH only, U-hvu lor Hherlilan, week days, at 1:30 p. in Auive nl l'ortlunil, 'J::n a. m. U-avc for A1HI.1K on loiiday, Wednenlay and Hrl'iny at u; ton, in. Arrlvn at I'ortlanil, Tins ilnv, Thnrnlay ami Hatiirdai it :i;05 i, in. Kxcept Sunday, "Kxeept Hatnrday. it. Koi:iu,i:u, Maiiauer, (i, II. MAKKIIAM, Ami. U, V. k Pass. Aut Dalles, Mora and Antelope STAGE LINE. TliroiiKli hy, dayllKlit via (IrasK Valloy, Kent and OrnsH HoIIowh. DOIKU.AH AM.KN, Tim Dalloft. V. M. VUITKI,AW, Aiituloim. Maw leave Tim Iliillea from Umatilla Hniie at 7 a. in,, also from Alitelojio lit 7:30 a. in. every ilniiilay, Weilnewlny anil Friday, CoiitiiMitlon iniiilo atAntelouo for I'rlnuvtlle, Mitchell ami points huyond. Clone coiiiieotlouN inailontTliu Dulles with railway, trains mid bubta. HlaKes from AlltcloiKi reach The Dalle Till days, Tlnirwlays anil KiitiirdayH at 1 VJO p. m. iiatks or KAUK. Dalles to DeuohutcN.. 1 nn do Morn 1 W do (Iruts Valley.. .. 41 t! do Kent ! :h) do Croud llnllowH , I W Antelope to Cross Hollow I 10 do Kent , ' I" do (iraiu. Valloy : W do Moro ,,, 3 W do UoachUCvk , 4 CO do Dalles 6 00 ni