Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is Uikcn: it is pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrecablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs iB for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist wno may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FntHCISCO, CAL IDUI8V1LLE. AT. HEW tOKK, H.t. The Dalles Dally ChFcaie THE DALI.KS, ... OKKOIIN AilvertUinc Kates. Per mth OnclMh or less in Dally tl 50 Over two iuches and under four Inches. . . 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelve inches. . Over twelve iuches 00 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per Inch 12 50 Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches aud under twelve iuches 1 50 Over welve inches 1 00 NEWS NOTES. The Canadian police have received in 8tructiona from the Dominion govern ment to prevent anyone from dredging the Yukon river. President Mckinley was present at the banquet in New York last night aud was very emphatic in hie expressions of satisfaction concerning the workings of , the gold standard. The Cuban general who ordered the execution of General Ruiz, was elain by the Spaniards. The Greatest lKucoyery Yet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111 "Chief," says : "We won't keep house without Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, coughs aud colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got the true remedy- until we used Dr. -King's New Discovery. No other rem edy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, whooping cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even it they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King'e New Discovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaran teed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 3 NOTIL'K. The committee having charge of the charity fund of the Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks will meet at the Umatilla House parlors for the week commencing Monday, January 24th, from 7 :30 to 8 :C0 p. m. They will be pleaFed to meet all those who know of any deserving case of charity. P. W. Dk Huff, T. J. DmvKit. J. F. HAMI'SIIIltE, Committee. Mr. Eliaha Berry, of this place says he never had anything do hitn so much good and give such quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was bothered greatly with shooting pains from hip to knee until he need this liniment, which affords prompt relief. B. F. Baker, druggist, St. Paris, Ohio. For tale by Blakeley & Hough ton. Cutli iu Viiur Check. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 189o, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. loth, 1898. O. L. Pm,ui'S, Countv Treasurer. The Rose Queen is the beat make on the market for five cente, and when you smoke them your money stays at home. ' 20-tf Out-of-town dealers iu cigars are in vited to call and examine the choice line cold by S. J. IFnuts. 20 One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tfcat u what it wit audc for. Lint of Hunk. Following is n continuation of the list ' of hook? in the public library : I Nittural Law In the Spiritual World Druinmond. J NiinDle Dolliir, The Thompson. Oliver Twist Dickens. On the Faco ol the Waters Flora Annie Steel. On Many Leas Fred B Williams. One Summer Hhuicliu Howard. ' On the Heights Aucrb.u'h. Out of Step Pool. Pan Michael Ilenryk Sienkiuu icz. Patrick Henry Tyler. Parasite, The Oman Doyle. Personal Recollections of Joan of Atc- Tivain. i Pioneers, The Cooper. I'hroso Hope. Poets of America Stei'.mau. 1 Poels of America Stedman. I Pomp of the Lavllettes Parker. Prisoner of Zenda Hope. I Polly Oliver's Problems Wiggin. Prisoner of Zemin Hope. Princess Aline Richard II Davis. People of the Mist Haggard. Pelhatn ; Lucretia Lytlon. Paul Clifford; Eugene Aram Lytton. Quo Vadis Henryk Sienkiewicz. Ralstons, The Marion Crawford. Release, The Charlotte Yonge. Red Cockade Weyman. Reds of the Midi Felix Gras. Romany of the Snows Gilbert Parker. Ruth Farmer Agnes Marchbank. Rienzi; Kenelm Chillingly Lytton. Samautha at Saratoga Josiah Allen's Wife. Scarlet Letter Hawthorne. Sir George Cressady Ward. Singular Life, A Elizabeth S Phelps. Sign of the Cross Wilson Barrett. Silk of the Kine L McManus. Story of an Untold Love, The Ford Sowers, The Merriman. Soldiers of Fortune R H Davis. Sense and Sensibility Jane Auaten. Summer in Arcady James Lane Allen Susannah Mary E Mann. Story'Hour, The--Kate D Wigin. Tale of Two Cities Dickens. Taquieara Crawford. That Lass o' Lowries Burnett. Theron Ware Harold Frederic. Traus Atlantic Chatelaine Helen Choate Prince. Trilby DeMaurier. Timothy's Quest Wiggin. The Parisians; Falkland; Zicci; Pau sania Lytton. Uarda George Ebers. Under the Red Robe Weyman. Venetian June, A Anna Fuller. Weir of Hermiston Stevenson. White Rocks, The Edward Rod. Wife's Tragedy, A May Agnes Flem ing. With Fire and Sword Sienkiewicz. Without Dogma Sienkiewicz. Yekl A Cohan. Yolande Black. Zanoni and Strange Story Lytton. People outside of the citv who come to town frequently can be memliera of the library as well as those liv ing in the city. Many who live out of town, where amusements are much scarcer than they are" here, have a great deal more time for reading, and tin? gives them the best possible opportu nity to secure booke at little co3t. At present the library is in Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore, ami books arc given out and received on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9, and on Saturday afternoons from 1 to 5. DEMAND FOR FLINTLOCKS. They Are Made to DcllKlit African am! Other SnvuKes. Stranffe as it may appear, flintlock muskets are not merely a record of b.r froue ufres, says the St. Louis (ilolie- DemoeraL In 1S05 no fewer than l,k'M; 000 punllinls were produced at the Liiifrheath mines Urandon, Suffolk, England. These flints are ehielly to dc-liu-ht African and other savageb, who. having been so long used to flintlocks, are reluctant to give them up, The method of manufacturing these gun flints is very interesting. In the operation of "flanking" the worker will take a "quarter" in hi left hand and placing it on his knee, nrouiitl which a protecting band of leather has lcen strapped, geutly tap the flint v ith a hammer, giving it each time a well directed blow. At every tap a flake nix inches long and one inch wide falls into his hand and, if a good one, is deposited in a pail by Ills side, all bad ones being discarded. The knappers work these flints -with hammers with long, thin heads, often made of old files, trans versely striking the strip of flint on an iron fixed in their benches. When you can not sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It ia most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre. uents any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Ulnkeley & Houghton. King Cole brand Baltimore oysters, the beat on the market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them. At Varney & Co.'s. 11-tf The war In Cuba has not prevented B. F. Fouta from securing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which he manufactures into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars. 20-tf Well Children that are not very robust need a warming:, building- and fat-forming food something to be used for two or three months in the fall that they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want. They will thrive, grow strong and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic Nearly all of them become very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong, a course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months in the fall will put them through the winter in first-class con dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be jure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Ses that thi nun and fish are on the wrapper. All druggists ; 50c. and J1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ONLY ONE FOR A DQ8E. Remotes Pimples, cures Headache, Oyspepsla an Cottiventss. 25cts. a box atdruffgiitaor brmall bample Fre, addreu Or. Bosanko Co. folia, fa. Joseph sfifliw HARNESS SHOP IK TIIK KAST END. In the Colum bla Feed Yard, opposite .Saltnnirihe i stockyards, where he Is rculv to do fill Kinds of harness Work. A NEW MARKET. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, jrOTJLTKY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washington Sta Patronize the All klndnf work. White Shirts n specialty. Family work nt reduced r.itos. Wash collected and deliveicd free. Telephone Mo. 110. H. D. Parkins, Agt, J. ?a$le- Boots and Shoes JWade to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Itupairint; neatly done at short notice. union ti. Det. istanci i2ci LOOP POISON A SPECIALJYcSS tJ ULUUU 1'OIHON permanent!? curedln IS to 35 darn. Yon nn h im-,i.. .1 homo f oriamo price under earno ku:i r:iu ty. If rou prefer tocomo hero mi nil 1 mn. tractt()DavralIroailfnrniitiitir,iiii,iM. .... noebar reo, I f wo f all to cure. I f Toil hava taVen inur. cury, loilldo nntah, and Rtlll baTO ache3 and paini, ai ucons I'aicne in inoutti, rioro Throat. I'iinplcg, Copiwr Ooloreil Himtf . IJlcnm n Mrpartprthetwdy.UulrorKyebroiv ralllnir out. It to tnla Secondary llLUUI 1'OIHON we suarantee to euro. We solicit U10 mott ol tl nate cuacs and ctiallenire tlio world fur a caae weeannotciire. TblsdlieMo liasalnars Duflled the skill of the most omlnent nh v.i. Clans. 11000,(100 capital behind our uncenau tlonal guaranty. Absolute proofn int sealed on "8! pilCJiikoii. Aoareu uuuh ItKBlfJUV UU. ssonio twpie. viuvauu, ii.i.. JltH- (IKlHKNDOHFl'KIl i! 11UKDV, Pliysicians and Surgeons, Hpt-clal attention given to suixery. ilootus 21 and Tel. 2li. Vogt Block, Trr Schllllog'8 liett tea and baking powtlr, una UUBWIV M l. For People That Are f 1 1 I A Sick or "Just Don't I V Feel Well." W ILLU D W Weekly Inter Ocean m a LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earnestncssi'M.Si THE WEEKLY INTER THE HEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature oi its columns Is equal to that of the host mnga zluss. It is Interesting tn the chil dren ss well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF 5 THE WORLD and ivcs its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and a discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. $I.OO-PfllCF. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$I.OO 4 4 ea B i TITE DAILY AIfDSuln)AYEDITI0!IS OF 'THE INTER 0CEAH ARE BEST OF THEIR KI1TD. rloonf Ilultv lv mall rlr.t tif .Himiliiv livitutll J IT q Dully unit Suncliiy by US? 1 For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ol iarmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi ness. ior the minrovement interests, for education, manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, stories of the doings of the world, the nation and slates IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and proper time to convert amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters farmers and villagers, and held their confidence and IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we -furnish it with the Somi-Weokly Chronicle one year lor, cash in advance. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ofnii?LLkFnEdli Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr Tnis FIour uge. overy We sell our ftooda lower than any house in the trade, mid if vou don't think ho can anu set our iiricea.anu ue convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats. u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unauostlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are aelllnK those 'Roods out at greatly-reduced rat MIOHBLBAOH WUOK. . UNION KT. who 'n T C. F. POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST J But it can always be relied on J for fair and honest reports of all pc- litical movenicnts OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CUR RENT LITERATURE Family Pnpcr la Wilhmit a Peer. 9t.00 ! ?or $') O" lr y'ir fll.OO inr year BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. oi thoir business ana Dome for the elevation of American interesting and instructive harvesting his crops, and the them into the largest possible pertaining to the welfare of for over half a centurv has esteem. 18 nmntifactnretl expreealy for family Haci jH Ktioranteed to t?ive Batisfaction. m has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be foundjn a flrst-olass Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. un w to thi: EMSTI (IIVK8 TIIK (MIOMM. OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Salt Lake I Minneapolis Denver I St. Paul Omaha I Chicago Kansas City Low RalEs'to all Eastern Cities OCi;AN HTIIAJI I;KH I.fiivk I'ortlMiid Kviii V I'Mii Iivn for I SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' Steiunera monthly from Portland to ..l...lm .mi mi1 Hum. Iviimi' flu ftfirtli. ern l'aciliu .Steaiiiuhip Co., in connection with 0. K. it N. I'or lull detail call oil O. U Js Co. k AKCllt The Itiilleo. or Hildrit DUDHOX, CAItl.Il.I. CO.. Ocn. AkIm., North I'ai.'llle Htviniiilifp Co. TIME CAItll. No. I, In .HKkiie and (lient Norllioru arrive at St p. m., leaves at fi:30 p. 111. No. to rendlc ton, linker City and I'lilnu I'actlli'.arrlve.sal 12:15 a 111., deiuirtN at lli.uUa. 111. No :i, (om bpokiiiio and (Iteat Nortlicrti, nr rlvesat'.i Mil. 111., departs at '.l.i'i a 111. No. 1, Iroin llakir City Mini Union l'aeille, arrives at 11. '.11 .1. in., depart.s at .l.'M a. 111. Nos. 'i'.and 21, movliiK east ol The Dalles, will carry paseimer. No. '2 arrives at fi p. 111., ilepiirtn at 1:1'' p. 111. rnseiiKerv (or lleppncr take No IcavliiR liciuat li'.'ftl p. m. W, 11. HUltLllUltT, (Ion. I'a.-ii!. AKt rortlaud. Oreiton EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -ok Tin: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland LL'AVK. ovi:ui.anii prcM, Kalem, lloie- ' iiiru-. Anlitand. Hiui- 0:00 T. M.i raniento, OKden.Han I Krancliteo, .Moluve, I.OS AUKCICi,!.! I'HMl New Orleans mti I I Hint s:3) A. ,, HtotclmrK and way hpi U,!tlllllll 1'. M Dully except Siuulaya. 1 t Via Woodhnrn lor ..v.. ,,t l "est Hclo, llrowns ext ept 1 ..mi.. ..t.i 1 llnllv I I "liUKUl, ciiveiiiiii, hiinday 1 J.'.....'.' ltt4ltl I7:) A. M. ICorvalllH am! wayl .mn t, INDIM'KNIJIINCi: rAHHKNOl'.li. I.xprew train Dally (except Hiinilay). L.'flp. in. I.v. .rotllaiid Ar.i S:H"a. 111 7-aip. 111. ?Ai McJIlimvllle l.v.f rr,Hn, 111 li Jp. m. (Ar liiilepeiiilenee..lA.J 1 .60 11. 111. Dally. (Dully, except Humlay. DINING CAUS ON (KiDlIN ItOl'TH. i't;i.i,.MAN iiTjtkkt Ki.i;i:i'i:it8 AND HKCOND -CLASH UI,Ki:i'lN(i ( A lib AttHcluil to nil TliroiiKli Trains. Direct connection t fan Frminlsco with Owl dental and Oriental and raelllc mall nteaiuxhlp line.-, for JAl'A.V and CHINA. KallliiK daten on n plication. Itate.i mid tickulh to l.'iiMern jioliils and Kn roiK.'. AlcoJAI'AN, 01IINA, IIO.NUl.t'I.U anil AC'tiTUAI.IA. can lie olitalmtl from J. II. Kir.Kl.AND, Ticket ARellt. ThroiiKh Ticket Oltlce, l.'ll Third street, where tliroiiKli llcketN to all polnlH In tlio Ka.itern HUiteh, C'aiiiiiln and fcurupu can ho ohliiliied at lowest rnteh from itl , J. II. 1CIUK1.AND, Ticket ArciiC All ahovo trallm arrive at ami depart Iron' (iraud Central Htatlou. Klllh and Irvni utreeto YAJIIIU.MHVIHION. I'lUfcenuer Dck, foot of Jeilerson Hlreet. U'ave frtr OSWKfiO, dally, except Huniliiy, at 7;J0 11. in.: !':;). i:.Vi. r,-i,v .., ... m (mill ll:iW p, m. on riatiirilay only, mikI !l;00 a, 111 and ;i:Si p. m. on hillidayH only), Arrive at I'ortland dallv at ii:l(l and h;;!d 11 in.; iindl:a. l:l.),(i:'.i)aud7:Mp. m (and 10:U.i a, in. Jll.i .1:10 p. 111. 011 tiiiinlayx only), U'ave for Hlierldan, week dayn, at 1:0 p. 111 Arrive at I'orlland, j-.vm a. 111. I'HVC fur A I It I 1 1" 1,1. Mi. te.l. ,,..,!.. ,l - ... .............. .(....iiiii . ( ( v.. n r(, , ill... rrl'lav at !l: II) 11. m. ArrK.. ..t dav, Thurnlay mid Katlirdai it :i:0S n. 111. ' Kxeept Kiiinlay, hxeept Hiitiirday. It. KOHHI.Clt, MiiuuKer. tl, II. MAKKIIAM, (i. I'. Ai Vum. AL't Dalles, Moro aod Antelope STAGE LINE. riiroimh hv davlliriit and Cross Hollown. DOIHil.AH AI.I.KN, Tlio IlnlleH. V. M. WHITKI.AW, Antolope. Ktaieh leavi Tin, l).iili.u it...... 111.. n..nhi, 7 "; '"'i.'.1'11." 'nun AnteloiKi nt 7:ao 11. m, uvery sioiiilay, Wednenlay and Friday. Conneetloii" mijile at Antcloiw for I'rliiuvlllo, Mitchell mill points beyomi (j(,B0 eonneotloiiH made at The Diillcx with rallivuvu. tmlnu .mil i.i,im -------rf"l ...... c .....a uuiii.i HluifeH frnni Ant.,ti,.u. .....aI. ni... , rr. ...... diijn, lliumliiyu mid hulurdayii at 1:30 , in. flail . . ,,ATKN or Dallei, to DeclmlcH ll mi 110 aioro 1 6i) do (inuw Valley do Kent, :uu lit Ifnll..... " ' , tJl .... vfa.'an aiiiiunn. , , i Allteloio to Crom, Hollown 1 A) 'J Kent an) it... uiMH vaiiey.,,, ,, a i" do Morn. a w do leotiueeii 4 0 Mo DitlluH , pot)