r O 12 l-2e per dozen. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Mes-flgity Chronicl T - y-V-" J FRIDAY CWytf JANUARY 2H, WAY GLEANINGS. Weuthur Tonight and Saturday, fair. (iirl wanted to do gonorul housework. Impure at this ofllee. '11-21 Go to the Columbia Gundy Factory for fresh oysters in ovory Htylu. tf The subject fur discourse by thu jmstor of thu ChriBtinn church tonight will bo 'Ktipentuncu." The nmvH agent mi thu Spokuno train informed us tlti h morning that two more boilius havt been found in tho ruinu of the Spokane lire. Thin increases tho nuuiburof victims to ten. There in no need of little children bo ing tortured by scald head, ec.uina and akin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch IIuzol fjulvo gives iiiHtiuit roliof and curcH per manently. Snlpes-Klnoraly Drug Co. The discipline of the Church of Chriut will bo presented to thu now ccnvurtB milled to the GhriHliau church duriii the recent meeting, next l.ord'u day evening, iiuincdiatuly after the sermon. You can't allord to risk your life by allowing a cold to duvulo into pneumo nia or consumption, Instant roliof and n curtain cure ar allordfiil by One Min ute Cough Cure. .Snipea-lvinorHly Drug Co. W .minimi .PorsuiiB who Hull'er from coughs and colds Hhould heed the warn ings of danger and auvo themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It ia an infallible remedy for eongliB, colda, croiii anil ull throat anil lung troublea. iJfiipes-Kin-uraly Drug Co. J. M. Thirswend, of Groabuck, Texas, ys that when he luta u apoll of null ift'utiou, and feela had and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early liia era at niht, and ho la all right, the nex morning. Many thouHanda of others do the name thine Do you? Snipes Kinoraly Drug Uo A very pleasant surprise party was Blvun Mr. anil Mrs. G. A. ltell at the Mt. Hood Hotel Tuesday evening at Hood Hivor. The dining-room waa cleared and dancing indulged in until 12 o'clock, when an oltfgunt lunch was served, There wub u largo number of friends present and u very enjoyablu time was hud. Tho party waa a com plete Hurpriso to Mr. und Mrs. Uoll. iV committee consisting of Ghairiuau M A. Moody, It. Mays, Dr. 0. D. Doane, J. W. Luwis and 0. W. Dlot.ol haa been appointed by the board of director of the Comiuorciul Club, to meet nnd ar range with the adjutant of tho G. A. tt who will be here in a abort time to ftfrange for thu encampment which, will in ull i.i ill lit II I It (l linn I- A kt I 48081 s3Stinu 22d. Kxtensivo arrangements are being wade for tiie coming Sheep Grower's f Association, which will be held in this Place in March. A committee consist of ClnUrnmn A. S. Mac AUiater, FANCY flflVEh R G W. Lord, ChiiB. Hilton, L. E. Crowe and C. V. Diotzul haa been appoint ed to attend to mutters connected witii the meeting, and everything pos sible will be done to make it a success in every regard. I'KltH DNAL MOTION' Mrs. I. II. TafTu of Celilo is in the city today. J. F. Koriok of Grnnd Dalles wont to Portland on the morning truin. GIiuh. Van Duyn waa a passenger for the metropolis thiB morning. Mias Eva iSluahor of Dufur ia spending a few duya with friends in thia city. I . .jiiiiiui uwuiiwuj , t ffiuitiiiicut fl Hay Creok sheepman, ia in the city to- iy. STr. and Mr8. E. J. Collins went to I 'or t hind on the Regulator thiB morn ing. Mibh Ileseio French returned from Portland on the Spokane train last night. Gharli'B Diotzel, wife and little daugh ter left for Portland this morning, whcai they will spend a few days. MIhh Carrie llutler cauieup from Port land yentorday, and is visiting her brother, Truman, and her many friends. Attorney G. W. llnzau, who haa been in this city for several days attending to legal inuttorH, returned to Portland on tho Spokane train today. iliirorH for tile Folirmiry Term, 'Tho following is tho Hat of jurorB chosen to sorve at tho February term of leourt, which will begin Monday, Febru ary Mth: W J DavidBon, J M McCorkle, J rookhouse, .lr, Robert Block, II Far- gher, Amoa Koot, Win Ilaynea, A D j&ivago, Mike Calligban, W A Hentlrix, ,0 M Mcl.uod, A Volurde, G G Campbell, ,0 F Amiull, 0 L Strannahan. II II Tom- hlinson, G M WiHhart, JO A Griflln, L Lamb, TIiob liurgoaa, George Lnd, Chns Green, D Doyle, G V Murphy, John Confer, L P llolton L IJ Kelly, Geo Hunyou, G 1 Brown, D G Hill, .John WugonhlauL . itiii: At the residence of his paronte, in Thompson's Addition to thia city, on Thursday evening, Jonuary t!7th, Jamea, the l-yearold sou of Mr. and Mra. M. J. Manning. The little fellow took n aevere cold aome time ago, and It after wurda turned into u complication of pneumonia and lung fover which caueed the death. The dato for the funeral has not yet been fixed, as they are waiting for some members of thu family to come from the vnllny, hut it will, in all probability, bo hold Sunday. Wuutml. Young ladv to learn printing, finish lng and retouching. Must bo strong, witii good oyoa, and not all aid of work. Koforonco required. Gikkoiiu, Photographer. 28-tf Chapman Block. Sturgeon hooks, cotton und sisal rope At Maior A Benton's. W DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Th taaumf little plllt. s E PEASE & MAYS. I A PROBABLE CLEW. It 1h Itclloved That He Hailed From Tliu UullM. The Evening Telegram of yesterday says : Owing to the temporary in , position of Dr. George F, Koehler, county coro ner, who is confined to his home with la grippe, no inquest has yet been held on the remains of the man named "Stump," who waB found dead in the kitchen of the Skandia lodging-houee in Portland a few dava ago. There are circuuiatanoeB surrounding the case that strengthen the belief that the man's identity is yet unkuown. "Stump" is believed to have been an assumed name, his real name having been withheld for reasons that have not yet come to light. That there is some mystery about the uau wub indicated by his extreme reti cence. He made no confidants, and al though lie stopped at the Scandia house oll'andonfor several months, no one ever learned anything of hia hiBtorv or busineaa. Ho was in the habit of leay ing rb quietly as he came. He always reg'iBterod under the name of "Stump," never prefixing hia given name or ini tials, and that is tho only name he was known by. Dr. Koehler yesterday received a let ter from a man named L. McClelland, of The Dalles, who expresses the opin ion that "Stump" was a man who went by the name of George Muller in that city, and had reasoua for disappearing some months ago. The description of Muller answers that of the man who nowjies in the morgue undor tho name of "Stump," nnd should tho identifica tion prove correct an interesting story may develop. 1 Dr. Koehler line written to McClelland for further information, and expects a reply tomorrow. No inquest will be held until this clue reguuling the iden tity of the man lias been ruu down. The Cmtoxicu: reporter endeavored to hunt up nnd interview the man Mc Clelland of which the Telegram epoke, but no bucIi man could be found, and wo are inclined to believe that there is aome mistake about tho whole niattor. THE SEUFERT CASE. KiillngM of thu ITiiIMmI StutuH Court tho Ciisu. In Reports from Portland statu that in all probability tho Seufert cato will bo finished today. Wedncaduy afternoon but little prog ress was made as a number of points had to bo argued. Mr. HoBtetler, cashier of French & Co.'s buuk of this plaoo, was called to teatilv to tho deposits that Seufert Bros, had made in that bank during the last eight years, and in this pay give and idea as to tho valuo of Seufert Bros.' property. This testimony was objected to by tho prosecution and the court ruled it out, tho argument on this point being that the money depos ited did not show the profit made by the defendants. Reports show that the trial looked more favorablo for Seufert Bros, yesterday than on thu previous M km ! During January and Feb ruary we will give to ovory person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON day, and in all probability a verdict will be brouget in tomorrow. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the posloffice at The Dalles un called for January 28, 1898. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Benp, John Bolton, Herbert Brooks, Flora Bonney, C R Bull, M A Chamberlain, MrB Coleman, F H Cooper, Lizzie Dollerhide, J G Dunsmore, Maggie Fee, William Freeman, Aaron Forest, F Harris, Alanson Hansird, Mrs S H Hill, Mrs E C Jones, Frank JohtiBon, Miss A Jones, Steve Keyser, John J Jvoontz, Mra L Kocher, J Kohler, Joe LaMa, F D Martin, Mrs N Motthewe, F E Mubou, Chester Meesinger, 0 B Moore, E V McCooke, M W McCormick, L McCormick, Mrs J Robertson. J D Nichols, George Osborn, Miss W Odell, Walther Peters, Isbrand Phelps, Alhe PhelpB, George Reckord, May Rice, Claud Simmons, E Stouer, Eld A J Sonson, Claud Symmers, Goorge Smith, MrsC J Smith, Ida Smith, Edward Thuruiun, S L Ward, Matilda v ard, huiuia Wilhelm, llham VVhitHett, C A Wolverton. Bud J. A. Chossex. CattU-inun'H Vim veut lull. At Pendleton, Oregon, February 15, 10, 17, a Cattlemen's Convention, em bracing the states of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho will be held, and it ie in tended to make the meeting a grand success, a call being mado to every cat tle raiber in the Northwest. Reduced rates have been made by the O. R. & N. from all points in the three states, and tho Great Northern and Oregon Shoit Line will also make aimilar reductions from points on their lines in connection with tho 0. R. & N. Parties interested in cattle raising should endeavor to be profont at this meeting. In Olden Tilllu. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial ell'ectB, und were mitisfied with transient action ; but now that it is geneially known that Syrup of Figa will permanently overcome habit ual constipations, well informed peoplu will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy the genuine made by the California Fig Syrup Co. O, A. 1C. und W. li. l' Attention! There will bo a special meeting of tlio G. A. R. and W. R. C. on Saturday, Jan. 29th. All old soldiers are invited to be present. By order II. H. Lkaiixku. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and euro any other form of throat or lung trouble by.;the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly, That's what you want. Snipes-Kliiers- ly Drug Co. LOST. A dark brown, young mare, white stripe hi face, white hind feet ; brund EV, connected, on left shoulder; weight about 1000 pounds. Finder will be paid for care by writing to W. A. Campbell, Box 05, Portland, Or. jan22-lin HOT WATER INTERNATIONAL HEATER. REMEMBER Wo Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. FOR THE SUBSCRI twice ' R J CHKOfllCLtE And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING "RATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Weck World $2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER ITIHIJIJ. W. WILSON. .m'OKNKY AT LAW, Tllli PALLKsyjKL'GON'. OUicc ovei First Sat. li-iiik. How do you keep track of the events of the year? You may not have been in the habit of keeping a strict account of your expenditures, You'll llnd it pays to do bo, We all desire to lie care ful and economical. It's thu greatest possible assistant to economy to keep a record of expenditures. It's a conven ience, to know the happenings. A day book, diary and u calendar are neo cessarv and should be provided. At I. C. NIOKKLSKN'S you can them cheap. Ity the Way Do you need a Bible or .any other good book? Wo have all the interesting and valuable volumes which you may need in your library. If there is anything you need they are yours for a reasonable price. Call und Bee what we have to of fer. 1. C. Nickelsen Book & music Company, in Ten Minutes. Do You Catch On? No more cold ovens. Plenty of hot water, and a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE. SOLE AGENTS. have strictly First-Class J. T. Peters & Co. FOR THE Hucklou'ii Ariucu Snlvo. The beat salvo in the world for euis, bruises, sores, ulcera, salt rheum, fevol sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, und all ekin eruptions, and posi tively cm t's piles, or no pay required It iB guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price "Jo cents per box. For sale by Blakeloy unci Houghton, druggists. speciaT SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to tlio legal voters of school district Ni, 12, of Wasco county, Etate of Orego c, that a special school meeting of eaid district will bo hold at, the brick lichoolhotise on Court stret, on tlio 28th day of Januarv, 181)3, at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon, for tho fol lowing objects : To levy a tux for tho ensuing year for school purposes, and to create a sinking fund to pay tho bonded indebtedness of said district. Dated this 17th day of January. 189S. O. I). Doane, Ohairman Hoard Directors. Gto, P. Moikian, District Clerk. FOR SALE! Heinington Typewriter with walnut table. Nearly now. Will sell cheap. Call on or address A. 0. Gfiam:, jlS-ilt The Dullee, Or. Choice Shouhvator Day oystc i served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial ami wo will endeuvor to please you. To Vili u u Colli in Ouu Duy. Take Laxative liromo Quinino Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure, 25c, Everybody reads Tim Ciiuoxicle. BE FOUR Um PAPERS