The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 28, 1898, Image 1

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    (Tl)c OallcG
i&vP Chronicle.
NO 32 7
Newspapers Insist Hint it is
i;,llnl, llownvnr, Kiigitrtl tliu Innltlitiit
im tliii k'lrm Hti) tnnurit Amur-'
iriiii Meillutliiii.
Nkw Vokk, Jan. 27. Tim lust ripple
ol vislhlo excitement in tliu urrival of
the Maine Ikih pimscd uwny, oayn tho
Herald's Iliivaim eorrefipondont, unci
the ship uh hIiu Iiuh at anchor uttrnctH no
mum attention tlian any otliur vessel in
tliu harbor. ThopaptirH mnku tho brief
est poesihlo allusion to hur arrival, and
La Union Conatitutional, the ennservu
ti vi! oririui, prints a Washington dispatch
to tliu ellVct that tliu visit of tliu Muino
to Havana ifl merely an nut of courtesy
showing tliu friendly feeling to Spain,
mill to contract tliu iinti-Spaniah utter
ances in tho preaa. La Union adds that
tliu visit will hii returned by Spanish
ships In American porta.
in spite oi thia, there ia a strong un
der currunt of fueling In Havana, aa evi
denced by the excited talking of angry
groups asHoinhled in the cafea. The
general impression among radicals ia
tliiit the cause of Spain liaa been be
t rayed by the Blanco government, and
the nation humiliated by what they re
gard aa the li rat etup in the direction of
American intervention. Thia liaa in
tenalfied the hatred of General lllanco
and hla assoeiutea and of the cunae of
autonomy, and ttila hatred may at any
moment find vunt in an outbreak of fury,
in which ease members of tliu govern
ment will be forced to depend for their
pereoiiul aufoty on tho Maine, for whilo
their peril ia obvloua, the troopa con
centrated during the riota have been
dispersed and no now precautloiiH have
been taken.
The arrival of tho Maine created en
tliusiiiain amung the Americana, who re
alize that the long period of aii8penae
has passed and that their aufoty ia abso
lutely assured.
Up to the present time no one kuowa
what precipitated tliu midden diapatah
of the sailing ordora to the Maine at Dry
TortugaB on Monday. Captain Sigabeo
had not the remoteat idea why hu whb
eent, but ho was not much surprised
when the Dnpont arrived from Key West
with orders to start without a moment's
delay. Being In total ignorance of tliu
situation ho hud no conception uh to
what Burt ol a reception to expect. Ho
approached tliu harbor from tho west
urd, partly for the purposo of inspect
ing' the Spanish batteries and watching
'or any hostile demonstrations, and
partly for displaying tho Hag and char
acter of the Maine, ao as to give tliu au
tlioiities on shore opportunity to make
Preparation!) to uvold a panic which
might Imvo been precipitated by tliu
Maine's auddun entrance. The battle
ship wns prepared for any emergency.
After picking up iftillot the Mainu wont
rapidly up the harbor to a berth near
'lie Spanish llagshlp.
It will bo impossible- to give the crow
Hielr liberty whilo in Havana, and aa yet
io ehoro leaves have been granted to of
ficers, the captain being the only man
Hint Ikih gone ashore. For this reason
it ia behoved that tho navy department
will not keop tho Maine hero long, but
fill replace her by another vessel of the
squadron the moment tho health of the
"few becomes impaticd.
Royal make the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
lis a Grand,
Good Remedy
for Itching 1'lleB. Cured
mo right up. F, M.
Smith, (117 Spring street.
Tho above la u short,
crlsti testimonial, and an
honest one of Garlund's
"Happy Thouglif'Sulve.
ouc. in jars at
DONNELL Tiju DruafiList
TIib Honato.
ahiiinciton, Jan. 27. After the
transaction of some minor business, the
Teller resolution was laid before the sen
ate, and after considerable discussion it
was agreed that the vote ahould be post
poned until tomorrow at 6 o'clock, the
senate to meet at 10 o'clock, and the last
four bourn ol the dobato to be under the
15-mlnute rule.
After this agreement bad been reached
Daniel resinned his speech began last
evening. lie mude a legal argument in
favor of the ponding resolution, holding
that tliu law nuver contemplated giving
the government's creditor the option of
the kind of money he waB to lie paid.
Tho creditor would naturallv pick the
dollar which wiib oi the must value to
him, hut if he did not know which hu
would receive hu would do hie utmost
to maintain the parity of both dollars.
Tilt) tlllllHO.
Wahhinhton, Jan. 27. In the house
today the senate bill granting American
register to the barkeutine Sharpshooter
of fiau Franciscj, was passed.
A bill was passed making Santa Fe
the permanent capital of New Mexico.
Hitt, chairman of the foroigu affairs
committee, renorted from his committee
with a recommendation that it lie on the
table the Lewte resolution calling upon
tho president for authority in the con
stitution under which he negotiated a
treaty that will bind tho treasury to pay
$4,000,000 to the Hawaiian bondholders.
The Democrats manifested a desire to
discuss tho report, but the question was
not debated.
The house then went into committee
of the whole, and resumed consideration
of the Indian appropriation bill. Rep
resentative Hartmaii got the floor, and
for 15 minutes held the attention of the
house in a speech denouncing the lie- J
publican party for its opposition of tho
financial question. Ilaitnuui said hu
knew that many Republican!) were op
posed to the retirement of greenbacks,
"but," said he, "what will they do
about it when tho hanking and currency
committee reports a bill to retire green
backs? If wo may judge the future by
the punt, there can be but little doubt of
the result.
"This ia no longer u bouao of repre
sentatives," he cried in stentorian tones,
"it is a house of registers, it is n house
of registers of the will of those who ion-
trol it. In thia house wo ahould change
tho oath, and, instead of taking the oath
to support, protect and defend the con
stitution ol tliu United Status and per
form our duties to the best of our abili
ties, wo should at the opening of each
session swear to support, protect and de
feud tho constitution, provided we can
obtain the consent of the leading nations
of the earth."
How's TIiIh!
Wo oiler oiiu hundred dollars reward
for any caeu of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J . Ciiknhv & Co. l'rops., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable In all busi
ness transactions and financially ablo to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Trimx, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Waldlng, Rinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, ucting directly upon the blood and
mucous Hiirfaces of tho system. Tricot
7Cc. por bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free. l'5'n
DeWitV Witch Hazel Salve
CurM PHu. Scaldf . Dura.
A Snvnnl Who linn NiiIIkIIciI UlniM-M
Tlml Tliclr Illle In IXnilly.
Prof. John Van ltonhurir lately de
llverod un interesting lecture (it the
Acmuwiy of Sciences upon the .subject
of tho Gila monster. A good-sized audi
once wiiis preaont, says the. San Finn
ctaco Call. '
"It hn.s lwcome a common suprw.sitiori
for years," aid the lecturer, "that the
bite of a Gila, m oils tor was n poison
ous n.s Mint of a rattlefinuke, but many
of t he scientists denied this. Numerous
eminent scientific men stated thai from
nctun.1 experience they bad. demon
litruted that Uie bit owns harmless. One
of these. Dr. Sohufert, had himself been
bitten by one of the reptiles, and, le
sides the pain occasioned by the ordi
nary blto of an u'nimal, no ill results
Tho leetmcir then stated that he had
demonstrated that the saliva, of tho
Gila monster was (XjiKonoiLs. Its bite
would in nJmost every case cause death
it the tooth of the lower jiw pemctrated
the skin. It was the upper jaw of the
reptile which sunk into the fieh of Dr,
Sohufert, and us the secretion of the
glands of the upper jaw was harmless
tho doctor lived.
The MKiaker said that he had injected
the sitliw. of lioth the upper and lower
plands into piguoiis, niml in every case
where that from the lower jaw was in
jectcd the victim had died in a short
tinm. He showed why so many ani
mals which are bit ton by the poisonous
reptile live.. The d ucts winch lead from
the glands to the mouth oikjii between
the lower lip und tho gum. For the
saliva to enter a wound it must to
forced up from the lip to the teeth, and
thence Into the wound. Thus it is hard
for the jK)isouous fluid 10 reach the
blood, even if the victim is bitten by
the lower teeth.
A I'coullur of I'oplitkt In
One dav in October, 18S3, Lady A ,
living in Kuo du Bel-llespiro, I "oris,
found that she had been robbed of a
sum of H.riOO francs, says the Arena.
She notified the commissary of police,
w ho instituted a search and questioned
the tiorvants, but discovered nothing-.
Lady A hen ennimerating her ht-rv-
ant begged the commissary to exclude
from his suspicions her second
chambiv, a youth of 19, very goodrlook
iug, very respectful and very well quali
llod for "his duties, who had been nick
named "le Petit" not on account of his
stature, for he was rather tall, but for
a feeling of delicate, protectinf- famil
iarity which his good qualities had won
for him.
Meanwhile, among- the friends of
Lady A there had been a good deal
of talk about a certain Demoiselle
12- , who they said, could see the
most, 'surprising- things in a bowl of
coffee grounds. M. L. d'F-rvioux had the
curiosity to accompany his governess,
to the. house of this person and was
quite surprised to hear her describe ex
actly each piece of furniture in Lady
A 's airtuient, ptus in review her
seven servants and say that, though she
could not name the thief, he would be
guillotined within two years.
Some weeks later "le Petit" left the
service of his mistress without giving
any reason, and two years later he
mounted the scaffold. The servant so
highly esteemed was none other than
Marehundon, the assassin.
The (JrooniV Clotlit-a Were Until?
SliruiiUen mid tin- 11 ride Mmlil).
There was a time in Oregon when the
male inhabitants mostly wore buckskin
trousers, because there was no other
material available for garment making.
Oregon's climate, of course, is damp,
and buckskin once wet .shrinks fright
fully in drying. This reminds an old
pioneer, tiie Covallis (Ore.) Times,
of the first wedding he ever went to in
Oregon, lie said: "l.t occurred in the
winter of 1S16 at Oiegon City. The brido
walked two miles through mud to get
to the church. She was arrayed in
white, and when slicupciiiTd in church
her gown was sadly bedraggled. The
groom wore buckskin pants. Once they
had been wet, but at the wedding they
were. dry. They bagged at the knees
until there was room inside forn swarm
of bees, but they failed to reach his
shoetops. They ended somewhat about
the calf of tlu legs, nud the groom wore,
no socks. 1 1 was a at range costmnie for
the chief eon true tor at. a wedding, but
the groom was undaunted. His inline
wan Sharp, and tho name of the. bride
was Files. Though they were wedded
In unsightly suits, it is presumed that
they lived happily until the husband,
yearn afterward, hilled a uion mid went
to the penitentiary, and the wife mar
ried another man.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures,
That U what It was tu4e far.
..GflflS. FMflK..
and Farmers
.. Exchange..
Keeps on draught the celebrated
cdKCd the hest beer in The Dalles,
lit tin; usual price. Oomc In, try
it mid be convinced. AUo the
Finest brands ol Wines, I.lquora
and Clears.
. of nil Kinds ahvnys on hnnd.
tub coiumfiia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sinht Exchange and Telegraphic
iranelers sola on JNew York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon ana Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
18 I'iikvn a Week.
150 l'aiiers Year
It stands lirst among 'weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication
freahneae, variety aud reliability of cor.
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly : and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy aud
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all 'the
latest fashioii for women and a ion
series of stories by the greatest living
American ana iingnsu authors,
Coiihii Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley Weyiiiau. Mary K. Wllklug
Anthony Hone, 11 ret llarte,
ltrauder FiIuUIiuwh, Ktc,
We offer this unequaled newspanerand
The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to.
gether one year for $ii.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $d.00.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notir.t! is hoii'bv irlvnii Unit lltwlcr nml h- vlr.
tliu ol mi execution mid order of snle. Issued
out of tlioOircuIt Umrt of tlie State of Orejron,
for Wasco County, on the 1 1 tlx day of December,
1M7, upon a decree, mid judgment tendered
therein on tho llrst day of December, 1S7, Jan
suit then uud theretofore pending, wherein
Northern Counties Investment Trust, Limited, a
Corporation, was lilaiutllV, aud Mary J. Smith
Junius W. Smith, Jr., Elum A. Smith and Clem
Smith, were defendants, 1 did on tho Htli day of
Decenibor, IM7, duly levy upon, and will, on
it I'uucsuuy. me r.uu uay oi January, JM'; ai uie
hourlof one o'clock in tue at ternoim of said dav.
at the front door of the county court houso In
Mattes City, Wuco County, OreKon, sell at pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, the followl-ig described real estate, to
wit: Lots 0 nud li in block II. l.aughliu's Addi
tion to The Dalles City, nud Lot '2 in llloek In
Trcvltt'H Addition to The Dulles City, nil in
WiibCO Coiltitv. Ureuon. together with nil mid
singular the tenements, hereditaments, nud up
portcmuices tliereuuto belonging or in any wise
npiiertntiilng, or so much theieof as shall be
necessary to satisfy and pay the said several
sums due to plnlntlU' mentioned in said writ, to
wn;, nun iiucrcsi inetcoii irom tue
lu .1.... .W I t.i. ... .1.. ......
Ilintiuij in i,.viiiuvi , lav, , lit uv llliu Ul VIK.Ii
per cent, per annum; the further sum of 1250.00
as tt rcasonnblo attorney's fee, uud the costs und
disbursements of said suit, taxed uud allowed
nt f .l,00, together with accruing costs uud ex-
iieusei oi siicn saic.
Dated at Dalles City, Oifgou, this 15th day of
December, Jbl)7.
-i. j. ukivkk,
Sheriff of Wuaco Couuty, Oregon.
Third Great Offering of
Our Clearance Sale..
If you are in need of good Shoes at less
money than lias ever before been placed
on the market, now is the time to pur
chase. We offer the following Reduc
tions for this week.
Former Sale
Wine, Box Calf, calf lined, heavv winter shoe $5 00 $3 40
Ox Blood, Coin Toe, Russian Calf " 4 50 2 95
Dark Green, Bulldog, Willow Calf " 4 50 2 95
Ox Blood, Seal, Coin Toe, heavy sole 3 00 2 30
Black Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 4 50 3 45
Kangaroo, .Narrow isquare loe, LJap, Dress snoe, lace ana
congress 4 00
Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 3 00
Satin Calf. Plain Square Toe, lace and congress 2 50
Satin Calf, Coin Toe, lace and congress 2 50
Satin Calf. Plain Toe. Tan Sole, lace and congress 2 25
Glove Grain, Bal.. medium heavy 1 75 1 35
Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 50 1 15
Youths Glove Grain, medium heavy 1 50 1 20
YoutbB Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 25 1 10
3 05
2 25
1 85
1 85
1 45
See Our
Bargain Table.
Cleaning up of old style $3, $4, and $5 Turns
and Welts, very finest and best
quality, to go at
Lace, Dark Green, Box Calf, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00
Lace, Dark Green, Kid, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00
Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, Welt, Coin Toe 3 50
Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, McKay .Coin Toe 3 00
Lace and Button, Black Kid, Welt,Coiu Toe, patent tip .... 2 75
Button, Plain, Common Sense Toe 2 50
Lace and Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 2 00
Lace, Box Calf, Bulldog, Heavy Welt Sole 4 00
Lace and Button, Spring Heel, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 50
2 GO
2 60
2 40
2 10
1 95
1 70
1 55
2 95
1 30
Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip
Grain, Button, Common Seirse Toe, stock tip
Kangaroo Calf, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, school shoe. ,
Fine Kid, Cloth Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip
Fine Kid, Kid Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip
li.. to 2.
1 25
1 25
1 45
1 90
1 90
Kangaroo Calf, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 5 to 8 1 00
Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 8 to 11 1 00
Kangaroo Calf, Com. Sense Too, stock tip, bchool shoe, 8-11. 1 15
Cloth and Kid Top, Button, Square Toe, Pat. Tip, dress shoe 1 50
1 00
1 10
1 40
1 40
1 15
This list does not cover all discounts on Shoo Sale,
as we have specials on most every lino in stock,
Also specials previously offered, on this Clearance
Sale still continues. As wo must reduce stock so as
to make room for new goods, now being purchased by
our two representatives in Now York.
ladie$, tteptior;.
ON SATURDAY, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.,
we will sell you KID GLOVES from our 85o,
$1, $1.25 and $1.50 lines at SOo per pair.
Do You !?ead The Chronicle?