Both the method ami results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeablosubstauces, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAD FHAKISCO, CAL lOUISVlUI, Kf. HW YORK, NX The Dalles Daily Chroaic'te. THE 1)LL1!S, OltKHIIX AdvortUiue Kates. Per inch One Inch or less In Dally i 50 Over two inches and under four inches 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelve Inches.. 73 Over twelve inches 00 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per inch ?2 00 Over one inch and under four inches -J 00 Over four Inches and under twelve inches.. 1 60 Ovcrwelvo inches 1 00 PURSONAt MKNTION- Our townsman. F. W. L. Skibbe, left ou the Regulator thia morning for Port land, where he will complete arrange ments for golnir to Alaska. He will go on the Elder, which will leave on her next trip about the first of the month. George W. Hazen, a Portland attor ney, is in the city on business. J. B. Ha?erly of Boyd is in the city to uay. G. R. Pierce is in from his home in -hJickitat county. Fred Young and wife returned from Jfortland yesterday, where thev hav been for several days. Justice A. J. Brigham of Dufur is in town. Wilbur Pierce ia over from Goldendale too ay. alisa A. Diamond of Portland, who lias been visitine in tine citv with tho Jlisses Micuelbaugh, returned to her Jioiue yeateruay. Rev. William Hasken, formerly pas toT of the Methodist church at Cascade Locks, is in tins city visiting friends Jbrom here he goes to Idaho. Mrs. Chas. Stephene, who has been attending the nieetine of the A. O. u V. which was held in Portland Tuesdav evening, returned last night. ItOKN. At -Mnsier, Jan. 24, 1898, to Mr. and JSlrs. Wallace Husbands, a daughter. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Continued from Third page. 'Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's 'Court Mark Twain. Count of Monte Cristo Dumas. Congress of Women eWorld's) Eagle Caxtons, Lelia and the Pilgrims of the Rhine Bulwer Lytton. Coming Race and Last of tho Barons Bulwer Lytton. Day Books Mabel Walton. David Copperfield Dickens. Daughter of a Stoic Pratt. Daniel Blackmore. Daughter of an Empress Muhlbaeh, Deluge, The Henryk Sienkiewicz. Descendant, The Anon. Deerslayer, The Cooper. Domboy and Son Dickens. Donovan Edna Lyall, Devereux, the Disowned. En Route J Kuygmans. Equality Kdw Bellamy. Essaye Emerson. English Literature, Studies in Swin ion. Ernest Maltravers, Alice Lytton. Farmer and the Lord, The Geo II Uepworth. Face Illumined E P-Roe. Fairy Tales-Grimm. Fairy Tales Anderson. Fifteen Decisive Battles (World's) Creasy. Fivo Minute Recitations W K Fobes. Flotsam Merrlman. From Jeet to Earneat E P.Roe, French Revolution Carlyle. For Plain Women Only Geo Fleming. Forge in the Forest C U 1) Roberts. Flower That Grew iu the Suml Kiln HiguliiEon. Gentleman of France, A Wuyinun. Great K fc A Train Robbery Ford. Godolphin; Night smil Morning Lytton. Hardy Norseman, A Kdnn Lyall. Heart of Princedom Anthony Hope Herb Moon, The Hobbes. Horace Chase Woolsou. Honorable Peter Sterling P L Foul. Hugh Wynn-S Weir Mitchell. History of Civilization Gnizot. History of Knghtml Kiiiulit. Holy Hoimui Kinjiire ISryce. Harold ; Last Davsuf Pompeii Lvttnu la "I." In Kedut 's Tents Merriuiiiu. Ivauhot Scott. Jane Eyrt Bronte. Japanese Marriage, A Doug. Sladen. Jerry the Dreamer Will Payne. Joan Haste Haggard. Jewel of Ynys Galon O. Rhoscomyl. Jo-:ephme Crewe Helen M Boulton. Jungle Book Kiph'114. Kathefinu Liuderdale Crawford. Kentucky Cardinal, A James L Allen King No.uiett Stimsoti. Knight Errant Lyall. Lndy of Quality Burnett. Law of Civilization and Decay Adams Lin M McLean Last of the Mohicans Cooper. Last Days of Pompeii Lytton. 1 it it 11 Linn Doone Blackmore. Lucile Meredith. Lincoln Noah Brroks. Les Miserables Victor Hugo. Little Men Louise M Alcott. Little Women Louise Alcott. Love in Old Clothes II C Buimer. Mary Luther Freytag. Marcella Ward. March Hares Harold Frederic. Marjorie Moore Adeline Sargeant. My Lady Rotha Weynian. Middle Ages Hallam. Melincourt Thos. Love Peacrck. Memories of a Minister to France Weyman. My Novel Bulwer Lytton. Continued tomorrow. HIS HOfioLo woo KILLED, FARO WAS KING. It Wo the II 11 hi- in Washington Onr liiK Iliiclinnun'ii Term. Faro was king at the national caj ital during .fames Buchanan's term. The most pretentious gambler of them all was Joe Hall, whose midnight .sup pers Lucullus would have made haste to envy could he have tasted the canvas back duck s tufted with chestnuts, and the side dish of Virginia hominy done brown, in bulter garnished with bacon from Aecomae, fed on acorns. Silver goblets like "motley" were the only "wear" for champagne, says a Wash ington correspondent. There were no clubhouses, so called, in ante-bellum days in Washington. And here, up to the fall of Sumter, the t-outh and north, no matter how acrid the day's debate in con gress, when the memlers met be fore Joe Hall's or George Pen dleton's green baize table, on Pennsylvania avenue, all on pleasure bent, they "let silence like a poultice fall and heal the blows" of jwlitical strife and sound! Joe Hall, who died very poor, in Bui timore during the war, was in the last generation the most munificent and most continuously .successful "high roller among the "gambol iers" of America. His horses, with gold-tipped harness, were the cynosure of all eves. In Philadelphia he ran a gambling houuie on alnut, above Klevcntli, north tide, from IS.'iG till the war broke out. Here Thaddeus Stevens, the great com moner of Pennsylvania, hobnobbed with James A. Bayard, of Dela ware, and t.'ir handsome Ellis Schnable, who. with 'Bill" Wittv, of Philadelphia, made two of the best all-round stump orator 01 whom the Keystone democracy ever loastel. ARE WE MICROBES? Carrying Out tho strung 1'roTUlont of an Animal l.itTrr' Will. At Bridgeport, Conn., n provision in the will of Francis Ives was lately car ried out, his fine horses and well-bred dogs having been put to death, says the Now York World. Mr. Ives was a distinguished member of the Fairfield county bar and a rich old bachelor. Rumor hail it that when he was a young man he fell in love with the beautiful .Miss Julia Jones, daugh- I terof liev. and Mrs. Henry Jones and J granddaughter of Noah Webster. Mr. 1 Ives proposed to Miss Jones and she re ! jected him. Afterwards she married Itev. Thomas Beecher, brother of Hen-1 rywnni needier, rrom tne tinie 01 her marriage Mr. Ives separated him telf trom the society of women. Hi; owned a line stable of thoroughbred trotters. Two of them. Prince and Gypsy, were his greatest favorites, and as he speeded them lie seemed to be forgetful for the moment and happy. He owned a kennel of pedigreed point ers and setters and he. was an enthusi astic hunter. Mr. Ives died last winter, leaving a large estate. His will made his life-long friend. George Hayes, his executor, and. outside of a few small bequests, left his whole estate to his sister. Mrs. Whiting, of New Haven. But the eighteenth clause of his will betrayed Mr. Ives' intense affection for his horses and dogs an affection wiuen, necessarily diverted from Us llrst object, had centered itself on them. In this clause Mr. Ives directed his executor, Mr. Hayes, to chloroform to death all the animals that he might own at the time of his death in the month of June first following that event. In explanation of this act of seeming cruelty Mr. Ives wrote in his will: "I fear lest my dogs and horses will fall into the hands of some one who will not treat them kindly." Mr. Ives was well known to be a hu mane and kind-hearted man. His exec utor considered his order binding upon him. MHHnnHHItHimHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIHH Sill? ....THE.... SlIlS LEI Weekly Inter Ocean fWj LARGEST CIRCULATION OMNY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WESTS It is radically Republican, advocating I ..But it can always be relied on J 2 the cardinal doctrines of that party for fair and honest reports of all po- 0.R.&N. TO THK with abilitv and earnestness'... lltical movements........ I THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN 8UPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE ERST! j (iiVHS tiik tiiioici: or I TWO Transcontinental ROUTES 1 It Is Morally Clean ami aa a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of its columns in equal to of the bast tinif;:t Itia Interesting to the chlh drcn as well r.s the parents , GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA e-n: T HE IiWT ER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it bungs to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the beit and ablest UK- UUIM'd e For People That Arof 1 1 ft Siok or "Just Son'tllll I V Feoi won." IILLw ONLY ONE FOR A D08E. Remotes Pimples, cures Headache. Dyspepsia and Cottlnertf tt. 25 eta. a box at Urucgfpu or by mall Samples Fre, address Or. Bosanko Co. .Plait, fa discussions of all questions of the day, It is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.1 si nn-PRint? nut nm i in dfr vfir-SI.oo THE DAILY AtroSUNDAYljDITIOrlS OF THE INTEK OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. I'rlrt'ol" lliillv liv mall $1.00 por yenr l'ricoiir.Siiiuliiy'liyiniill W'J OO r y-ur a 11 ii:i;iy ail .Niiiuniy ny mall ijimiu ior yrnr Spokane Minneapolis i St. Paul Chicago fitll Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates'to all Eastern Cities ookan HTHA.MKKN l.ciivn riirtlmiil KvtirV I'lvo lV JOSEPH SMM JIAS OI'EI'JJD A HARNESS SHOP IN TIIK KAPT END. in tlio Colum bia Feci! Yiinl. opposite Saltiaarsliu stockyards, wheru he Is ready to to fill Hinds of fairness Work m. aaaaaaaakaaaWaV BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. A Theory Tlmt I In 111 a 11 Ileluua nml All 1.1 fc Art- AKKreuntliuiH tit Tlicm. M. Paris, who succeeded to the seat of the pi cut I 'as t cur in the French icademy, referred in his inauirural ad dress to the interesting theory that lui- nian beings and all lifii are atrirretra- tions of microbes, says t tie .V;- York Journal. The microbes," he said, "were ;nown before Pasteur, but the imrt u'hich they played in nature was not clearly discerned. They penetrate into the tissues of the human body and pro luce inteetious disease; thev neonle lie air; they fill the water; thev satu rate the soil; dwell in animals and plants; they develop us, serve our pur poses and threaten us from all mhIi.m. '.Nay, they are, perhaps, ourselves, 'he life of super'or beings appears to cience a.i the result of myriads of these lementary exislencu. Their colonies. more and more populous and differ entiated, composed from the merest in sect to the rose, the cedar, the euffle, the whale, the roan, the immense and day..linfr network in the meshes of which they ceaselessly circulate, de stroyed and yet renewed, ever since thtre has been produced and without doubt produced ly them on this plobe of ours the mvserious dawilni? of Hfo. This, therefore, is what the study of mi crobes ha revealed to amazed humanity." A NEW MARKET FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part ot tho city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washington Sts Patronize the IiflUflDHY. All kind of work. Whlto Shirts 11 snecliiltv Family work at reduced rdtes, Wath col luted aim ueurvieu irec, ii)iniiio ?. nil, H. D. Parkins, Agt, r 9 B Boebam eury, iu eaina mj J. flaIe- Boots and StlOCS JWade to Order. A Perfect tit ruaranteed. V Jtepairimr neatly done at V short notice. 0 LP OP POISON cured In I6I08S dare. You can ba tieA homo for awna price under aamo Kuarau- "K'iV Ia,i 10 lt oa b 'ea tuer , loUldo potaab. and atlll baro achai it . aillCUUft 1'lLt.i.litta In mniilh in. " 1 autrcca.vHueTh; wirroV.; For more than fifty-sis years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for thoir prosperity unci lmppi ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, tor education, for tho olevation ol American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of tho world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised tho farmer as to tho most approved meth ods ol cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho proper time to convert them into tho largest possible amount of money. IT Ab led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one .year for $1.75, cash in advance. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?!?!'. Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. T,,i9 Flour 19 factiired expressly for family . T (D kuuiujjiccu iu give eausiactton SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama am! JIoiik Koiik via North- urn Paellii: .Steamship Co., in connection with O. K. A N. For lull details call ou 0, K A Co. m AKeilt The Dalit"!, or adilresi IKIlKSON, CAUl.II.I. .V CO,, (( AK, North I'ai'llle Hu-aiashlp Co. TIM I'. CAKII. No. I, lo Hpolianc and (linit Northern iirrlvi-t at.1 -'.") p. in,. Ienve at ,V.",0 p. lit. No. to IVmllc ton, linker City ami I'uloii I'licllic.nrrlve.sat 1.'-1., a in,, departs at l'Ji.'ii) a. in, No :, from KpokatiK and (iteat Nurthvru, nr rives at 'J 'Jila. in,, depnrls at n. in. No. 1, from Maker City and Colon I'aclile, arilves nt :i.'ji a. in,, depailh at n. in. No, Z and -I, movliiK eatt of The Dalles, will earry pa-'eiixer. No. il arrives at fi p. in., departs at 1:!' p. in. I'a'-eiiKeri (or Ilcppner lake No lenvliiK here nt KM p. in. W, II. HUK1.IUIUT, Ccn. Va. Ar?t rorlland, OreKon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland OVKUI.AND K.V-l ire, Malum, Hose- 1 1)11 a', Aalilaild, Kao- I ii:00 '! ",""' V ," I i tftllV.ini.ii, .'MM(tV( f N(!v ifrh'iifiH mill I I Knist A( jj tltoburK hihI way tin i a:9i Dally except hiui'l.iy.s t7;:n ,. .M.i fla UiKxlhurn fori i I .Mt.AiiKCl, Hllvertou, Wi-it Kclo, Drowns- ' vllli;,riprlin;lleld and ! I Natron j I'. M IMIly except Hiuulay. jC'orvallls (statloni ""'! WM'( j iMl'.JI ir.. n i i .. . . iu ecu uur uuuiib lower mini imv iinnu,. in ii.n i.i i it i ,. .. eall mid l nr ,,r,B I. . ... if... " W"UK " 110111 0 Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. 000 ''There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its ff leads on to fortune" The poet unauestionablv had reference to the ing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling those! Roods out at reatlyroduced rat MKJHKUUOH UP.IOK. . . UNION FT. Cos who has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he found in a flrst-olass Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. INDKI'KNDUNCi: l'ASHKNOi:i:. hxpress train Dally (except hlindiiy). l:Wp. in. rl.v. .Portland Ar.i H-.'Sm. in mp. in. Ai JlfJIIiinvllle l.v,, m M p. m. (Ar .lndei'iidence..l.v.) l:.X)n. in Dally. Dniiy, except tiiimlaj DIX(N(i CAUH O.N OODKN ItOl'TK. rin,i,M.N iiUitkt hi.i:i:i'i:hh AND HIXDND CI.ASh HI.KKI'INti ( Altb Attached to all Thronjih Trains. Direct Connection ntSim I'mnnlwn win, n,.,.i denial and Oriental and I'ncllie mall steamship lines for JAl'A.N ancKJHINA. Sailing dates on aj plication. KutuN inl tickets lo Kiislern K)liits and Kil rvV.'t. o V',J,A1'AN,' ()'"-s'. MONOI.lU.l' and AlihlKAI.IA.caii he ohtalncd from J. II. KIKKI.A.N'D, Ticket A Kent ThroiiKh Ticket Oltlce, i:il Third stn-et. where thronuh tickets to all polutH Iu thu Hiistem Htates, Canada and Kuroiie tan ho oljlaliuit at lowest rates from J. II. KIKKI.ANll, Ticket AKeilt. All above tniliiH arrlvn at and depart from (rand Central Htatlon. Fifth and Irviuu directs YA M 1 1 1 I.I. DIVISION. I atK'UKvr De)t, fool of Jeilerfon street. T.X) II. in.: i lann ii., in fi. in. on Siiiim in- ,iii.. n, i'.. ... and :i.;!0 u. in. on hiinduK aV.i...'. ..t ,or,V"'.". ! ''""J' ' mid h::ai u u; and 1 l.lo, d,.'0 and 7:M p. m (and M:K, n. m , :M.i U-ave for rWWKdO. dally, uxcent Hiiiidav. at ::, l:fw, r.:l&, (,;:,, :( p', , niia' l. i'ortland ihilly at C;l0nd "IMS. (i.''(l nml 7'.'.'. t, ,.. . 5:l p. m. on KnndayK on'lyj Ariivu at Portland, U;:ii. in, i;avc for A1IU.IK on .Monday, Wctliies.lay and lav at Q: in ii. in. Ar.i. .. ... u....i i- 'lav, thurtday mid Hatnrdav un a; .. . ' Kxcept Siliiduv. "Kxccpt Haliinlay. 11. KOKIIhKU, ilniuiiier. i, II. MAItKHAM, Atit. (1. K, ,t puss. Au't onrl Anfnlnnn i't ifiuiu til mi n n null ' r - STAGE LINE. Throiiirh hv fll Villi lit tlL. I ..!,.. t..ll t ',... and IJrosslIolloVvs. ' "wl ' "l" I'OUOI.AH AI.I.KN, Tho D,iUH. i. M. WltlTKLAW, Aiitlo.e. Htaues Icavn 'rim iinit,. r...... ? Siimdiiw 'li ""i" ,r'."n AiitloiKmt7i:wii. in. every in i ft aV1,iuwIh? 'fi'l'. Connection!. hits I, , A, .rt1"1. '"r 'fl'wvHk. Mitchell and ) ill, Wlu ilUm. "'""wiUouh inaUo at The Willtn with rallwHys, trains ami l.oat. dyn, UiiiisiIayH and Hattmlayb nt 1 :J0 p. m. Illiruu em .... Dalles to llesclmk-s .. ui) morn ilo (IrusH Valley. . do Kent , UO flrium llnll,iu,u " ' Antclopo to (;roH Hollown' ", '. '. '. Uo (( rtiiH Valley, ....,!,.,.., $1 00 1 tvi tl ii oo 4 M 1 M i 00 :i oo s m (lo Uo