r j 0 TJVMTI TTTAnvCVD 4 rT, TW: X ...CUT PRICES... In Men's Shoes displayed in Furnishing Good's Window . Satin Oil $1.25 Pointed and Square Toes, Pointed ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. u The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THUUSDAY - - JANUARY 27, 18118 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Anchovies at thu Commission Ci. them. Try tf Weather Tonight and Friday, fair anil cooler. (Jirl wunttiil to do general housework. lniuirt! at thin oflice. (io to tho Columbia Gundy Factory fur fresh oyHtorH in every Htyle. tf Dont miss Mm kid glove sulo at A. M. WillianiH & Go.'h Saturday. See regulur ad for prices. TI10 subject for tonight's Herinou at the Christian church will ho "The Vino and the HruucheH.'' The private ear of tho railroad of ficials passed up thu road hint night. They aro on a tour of inspection. A drunk occupied a few ininutea of thu city recorder's tinio thiH morning, and the city is live dollari! richer in eon eetumico of the little interview. .Mr. Ferguson, our veteran expressman, has had bin wagon fixed up with a now coat of red paint, and it looks excep tionally Hwell. Wo all unite in eongrutuluting tho cit izens of La linimlo upon their eutorpriHo in raising the Niibaidy for tho heut sugar factory. Thin is tho stopping Htone to other enterprises. A largo aniouiit of wheat is being hauled from the wurohouseB to the dock for Hhipmeiit to Portland on the hoatN. Wheat has imulo a slight ruiso, and ia selling at 70 cents today. Yesterday workmen were engaged in raiding the rear end of tho Nolan build ing, on Second uud Union streets. On account of thu dump weather tho fouu latian had settled considerably, making this move necessary. On next Saturday thu ladies of tho Oood Intent Society will have for sale, in thu Vogt building, next door to the poslollico, pies, cukes, doughnuts, oto. Have yourself tho trouble of cooking and help the cause along by purohuaing your j pastry lor Sunday from them. j Yestorduy Mr. Duwson, proprietor of tliu Richmond restaurant in thu Kast Kml, sold thueamo to Mr. Sawyer, who! cnginnlly owned the California rostuu fint. Mr. Sawyer Is uu experienced hand in thu business uud wu see no reason why ho should not do well. Up in CumuB Pruine, only forty-live miles south of Pendleton, they uro buy ing weather tho Klondike might envy, while nt Pendleton the mercury bus not vot touched tho zero point. On the lglit of the 2Ilil tho thermometer regis lured 110 degrees bolow zero, At linker Glty the same morning thu thermome ter stood ut (our degress bulow. l ft private Jettor from Mrs. Brigge, Restates that Neddie, hur little sou, who for several months has boon suffer lug from inflammatory rheumatism, is slowly recovering and is ublo to movo Q n Calf Oil Grain $1.25 PEASE & MAYS. about with the aid of crutches. About thu 12th their little daughter wus taken down with u severe attack of typhoid fever, hut is utmost well ugain. Mrs. Hrlggs will return iib soon us the chil dren are uble to come home. The jury for the next term of the cir cuit court wore drawn yesterday nnd will receive their summons us booh us the deputy can attend to the mutter. Court opens on Fuhruary 14th, and from all indications it will be a short i torm. There uro very few civil actions on the dockut und only about six crim inal cuses of any importunco. This is certuinly uu exceptional win tor in every regard. The Oregonian re ports lino coasting in Portland and Al bion on Wednesday evening und yestor duy, while in The Dalles, which place uu a rule is bo much colder than Portland, we hud spring weather. ThiB is certain ly struuge and we hope that the change of tomperuturo between Hiobo plucee will be lusting. Toduv M. A. Anderson, who has had the contract for building .Samuel Wilkin son's warulionse, on From street, com pleted the same, and, as everything wus satisfactory, it was accepted by Mr. Wilkinson. It ia a splendid building, having three floors, and provided with an elevator running between tho three. It is close io tint railroad track so that goods can be loaded on the cars without trouble. YoBtorduy the evidence in the case 01 Mrs. 0. Coventou vs. Winun Bros., tho O. II. it N. Co. and thu Dalles Lumber ing Co., was taken before Douglas Dufur who acted iib referee. ,1. M. Long, of Portland, appeared for the 0. IU k N. Co., Huntington & Wilson for Winun Hros. and tho Dalles Lumbering Co., while II. II. Hiddull appeared in behalf of Mrs. Coventou. From beginning to end thu light waxed warmer, each of thu attorneys having madu us hard a light as they could. , Today the gravel .train ia hauling ma terial to level the truck in thu now cuts below the city. This part of tho work is ready for truins to pahs over it, but as lumber is haul to get it will be some time vut before tho nuw brldgu is ready for use. There is one thing that causes many to lament, and that is that tho company did not extend the walks on either side all thu way ncross tho basin. It would be 11 delightfully romantic place to stroll on a summer evening wore it not for the fact that u high trestle had to be ciossud ut thu othor end. Tho meutings at tho Methodist church will continue this week. After tho song service lust evening tho pastor unnoticed tliut tho meeting would begin where It closed the previous evening, with n tes timony mooting. Thu response wus so prompt uud general that thu timo for the preaching service wus nenrly till consumed, und Huv. Wood said: "Wo will omit the Bermon and ut once ongngo in un altur service." The nudlonce ut once pressod to thu front und several earnoBt prayers were mndo for tho pros purity of tho work and extension of re ligious interest. Veal Calf $1.25 and - Square Toes. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ItH Siiccmihs IS'iinibcr f New Tht Kntlie Lint. lIoohH-- Ever since this library has been start ed u number of ludi -, h-idlng a deep in terest in anything that would add to the advancement of our city, have been making Htrenuous und successful efforts toward tho enlurging und advancement of the public library. The large number of lending works, by the beat authore, which they have nlreudy secured, is sufficient proof of the success they are having, und us the number of putrons is growing daily, there is no reason why still more flattering results may not bo expected in the future It Is a calamity, but nevertheless true, that a vaat majority of people are not familiar with any of the works of the great English or American authors, nnd if they but reulized the benefit they would derive from perusing good books, as well as the plousuro of bo doing, they would not be slow in remedying their past negligence. Although It bus been running but a short time aa a public library, still u number of books have been added to the nlreudy well-selected list, and with the neaistuuee of our townspeople this number will greatly increase. There aro no charges for joining tho library, and it coats but twenty-five cents a month to have the use of books. No one will miss bo small an amount month ly, and at the same time these amounts put together will do much towarda pur chasing now books. The following is n list of the books al ready in the library : Adam Dodo by George Eliot. Aftermath James Lane Allen. A Followe and Ilia Wife Blanche Howard. Alexandor Hamilton Lodge Alice in Wonderland Carroll. American Orations Alex. Johnston. American Politics Alex Johnston. Amoriean Revolution Knight. American Common wealth Bryor. A mini's Journal Mrs Humphry Ward Amos Judd J A Mitchell. Anne Constance Fenimore WooIbou. Another Flock of Girls Nora Perry. Arabian Nights. A Year from a Importer's Notebook Richard Hauling Davis. Harriers Horned Away -K P Roo. Bachelor Maid Mra Burton Harrison. Battloment and Tower Owen Iihos comyl. Ben Uur Low Wallace. Beside tho Bonnie Briar Bush Tan Mncluren. Black Diamonds Anon. Bow of Oruugo Kibbon Barr. Casu Brncclo Marion Crawford. Captains Courngooua Hudyard Kip ling. Chronicles of Martin Hewitt Morrison Charlotte Brouto and Her Circle Shorter. Choir Invisible James Lane Allen. Ohristluu, Tho Hall Caino. Cicero's Orations Trans, by Yougo. Cousin Poiib Balzac. Continued on Fourth piuje, Away During January and Feb ruary we will give to oveiy person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come on the 2oth day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON NEWS NOTES. A bulletin received this morning states that another big gold strike has been made in the Baker City mines. Yesterday President Dole of Hawaii was officially received by President Mc Kinley. No military display was made. Advices received today state that a Portland firm haB secured the contract for building the $750,000 jetty at Gray's Harbor. A company of prominent Portland business men has been formed to handle Alaska mines. The capital stock amounts to $000,000. It waB 35 degrees below zero at Gran ite, Or., on Monday. The hands of a woman und the toes of a boy were frozen while they were traveling to Sumpter in a stage. King Oscar of Sweden and Norway will remain incognito during his visit to Koine this month, and will make studies in the Vatican library for u scientific work which he is writing. George L. Watson, an Englishman, is finishing the design of a very large steam yacht for James Gordon Bennett, pro prietor of the New York Herald, which will probably be built on the Clyde. Isaac Irwin, who claims Klamath county, Or., us his home, waB yesterday sentenced ut San Jose to twelve years in San Quentin on his plea of guilty to the charge of robbing E. A. Brown, the Hoi lister rancher, who had identified him. Mrs. Lidu Bentley, wife of A. A. Bentley, died Wednesday at Monmouth of pneumonia, after an Illness of only four days. Deceased was 42 years old, und a daughter of M. Wilkius of Eugene, who is a pioneer of 184-1. She left a hus band and two daughters. The commissioners of Stevens county, Wash., have decided to take entire charge of thu north half of the Colville reservation, which has heretofore been under government control. There has been a dispute about the jurisdiction of courts uud this action will settle the matter. Herutofore perpetrators of rob beries and other crimes in Eureka camp have gone uupunUhcd. Ill Oldl'll Tillli'H. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects, and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known tiiat Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habit ual constipations, well informed people will not buy other laxutives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy tho genuine mudo by the California Fig Syrup Co. O. A. . uud W. it. V Attention! There will bo n special meeting of the G. A. li. and W. H, C. on Saturday, Jau. 29th. All old soldiers are invited to be present. By ordor H. H. I-KABXKD. . LOST. 'A dark brown, young mare, wiiite stripe in face, white hind feet ; brand EY, counected, on left shoulder; weight about 1000 pounds. Finder will be paid for care by writiug to W. A. Campbell, Box t)5, Portland, Or. juu22-lm xivj j. vv aijxv uu. 0 INTERNATIONAL HEATER. Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. SUBSCRI FOR THE R HfyOHlCLtE And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING RATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World $2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER T ATTORN KY AT LAW, Till'. llAl.l.ni.OKKGON. Ottlcc oei First Nat. li'ink. How do you keep track of tho events of the year? You may not have been in the habit of keeping u strict account of your expenditures. You'll find it pays to do so, Wo all desire to bo care ful and economical. It's the yrenttist possible assistant to economy to keep u record of expenditures. It's a conven ience, to know the happenings. A day book, diary and a calendar are nee cesnary and should be provided. At I. O. NIGKKLSKN'S you can them cheap. By the Way Do you need a Bible or uuy other good book? We have all the interesting and valuable volumes which you may need in your library. If there is unythiug you need they are yours for a reasonable price. Call uud see what we have to of fer. I. C. Nickelsen Book & fllusie Company, x cll ju.iiiums. Do You Catch On? No more cold ovens. Plenty of hot water, $ and a great fuel saver. Have one put in your stove by MAYS & CROWE, SOLE AGENTS. FOR THE Ituckleu'H Arinvit Halve. The best Balve in the world for curs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuies piles, or no pay required It is guurtw.teed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cento per box. For sale ny Illakeley und Houghton, druiiL'istB. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to tho legal voters of school district No. 12, of Wasco county, stutu of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said district will he held ut the brick schoolhouso on Court stret, on the 28th day of Januarv, 1808, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for thu fol lowing objects : To levy a tax for tho ensuing year for school purposes, and to create a sinking fund to pay thu bonded indebtedness of said district. Dated this 17th day of January, 1898. , O. I). Doank, Chairman Hoard Directors. Gko. V, aIoikiak, District Clerk. FOR SALE Remington Typewriter with walnut table. Nearly new. Will sell cheap. Call on or add rets A. C. Gkiokii, jlS.Ut The Dalles, Or. Choice Shoulwater H ly oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. To dure a Cola lit Ouu Duy. Take Laxative liroino Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c, Everybody reads The Ciihoniclk. BE four mt mm r