The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 27, 1898, Image 1

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hc Onllco
Hip Chronicle
Commission in Nicaragua
Jlejioris favorably.
MurUlnii' (.'mil puny 1 1 mm lint OinitriK'.tM
III yMltl!lHltltlll "f I'uvnrulilii Ac
Hun by CiiiiKruiM,
Ni:v Youk, .luii. 2(1. Tito Herald cor
respondent with tho Nicaragua ennui
commission advices niulur dutc of Ma,
napm, .lunuiiry 18tli, thtit the coinniis
Hinn cabled to yushington two days ago,
(allows :
"Tim ennui of Nicaragua muy bo built
fur Ichh tliim three-quarters the original
estimate. Four anil n hulf or six mid n
Imlf yuurH will bo required to build it.
Forty-eight hundred laborers are needed
to coininimeo work. These hIuiuUI bo
divided into threu groups, 2200 between
liio Sun .luitu mid Castillo; 1800 between
Coriuto and Moniotonibu and 1H00 in
Managua. Thin nuinhur of men Hhould
be doubled within six inontliH."
Tli ih wits received by the cuiml com
mission in reply ;
"A compuny in Ohio and Now York
lias been duly formed to engage men from
l'uertii Barrios, Jamaica, Boliseund Nic
aragua." The Herald's correspondent adds that
vault of the thirteen engineers wittt the
commiBHioti roproHentH a bit; Hyiidicuto,
each oiio lighting to got the contruel, but
tliu Ohio and Now York niou have ae
cured it. Tlio Chicago contractors and
engineers uro Batislied with the ftu'ill
tiea for work in tho Western division.
These uro beyond their expectations.
The party leuvog for 1 ebon on January
The Washington correspondent of tho
Herald says that tho above cablegram in
interpreted there to mean that tho Mar
itime Canal Company, anticipating u
favorable report from tho Walkor com
mission as to tho feasibility of tho pro
ject, ami of tho tubscqtiont favorable
action by congress, Iiuh men prepared to
Iwijiii tho work of construction immedi
ately. I'nder tho tonus of it h concession
from the Nicaragua government, tho ca
nal was to have been completed by next
fall, otherwise tho concession would bo
forfeited unless that company hud ex
pended a largo sum in tho prosecution
of the work. In fact, it ia tho con
tention of tho Nicaragua government
that the concession bus already boon for
feited, tint this contention is not accept
ed by either tho company or tho govern
meat. The preliminary report which the
commission will make will bo submitted
to congress with u vlow to getting favor
able action without delay upon tho bill
giving governmental support to tho pro
ject. It has been anticipated that tho
report would bo favorable, both uh rd
Krtls the feasibility mid the cost of the
canal. The estimate mudo by Civil En
Kineer A. C. Menocnl for tho plan in
18'J3 for the construction of u canal fol
lowing tlio Tola buaiti lino puts the cohI
ot tlio work at 00,'l(l(l,880, and n second
estimate, tho canal to follow tho low
level lino, llxecl tho cost of tho work at
Tlio l.udlow cominisaloii estimates that
fiHinl built along the low-lovol lino
would cost 1:13,472,81);. If tho W'ulkor
commission estimutod that tho cost
would bo throo-fourtliH of Mr. Monocle's
original estimato, $(10,400,880, thou it
ea tho figure at $48,855,100.
Exports, ospccially tho friendB of tho
Koyal make the food pure,
whole-tome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Tis a Grand,
Good Remedy
for Itchlni: l'lles, Cured
me right up. F. M.
Smith, 017 Spring street.
Tho above is u short,
crisp testimonial, and mi
honest one of Garland's
"Happy Thougtif'Salvo.
50c. In Jars at
mombors of tho Ludlow com mission, say
tho ostimuto in tide by tho Walker com
mission is extremely low, being eome
what lose tliim one-third of the estimato
of tlio l.udlow commission.
IIiiw'h Tii Ik:
Vv"e oiler one hundred dollare reward
for any cuao of Cuturrh that can not be
cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. .1. Cm;.si:v& Co. Props., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho undersigned, huve known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, nnd be
lieve him perfectly honorublo in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truux, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
llall'u Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucouB surfaces of tho system. Tricot
75c. or bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free. 1 -5-9
tion of Nunn's power under tho civil
service law, holding that tho court had
no juiis'lictifjii and that the chief exec
utive ulone has power to enforce the
civil service laws nnd rules. 01 thucaee
on triitl Judgo Lurton nays:
"That the authoritivo orders of the
chief executive have been or are about
to be niosi flagrantly violated by the de
fendant, is not denied."
Nmiii'ii ! Hie rreftlilnut.
Washington, Jan. 20. Tho President
today sent tho following nominations to
the senate :
, lUchard C. Parsons, jr., of Ohio, to Lo
second secretary of ttte embassy at Home ;
Abram M. Tilman, of Tennessee, to be
attorney-general for the middle distiict
of Tennessee ; Lieutenant, junior grade,
J. Dole to bo lieutenant; Rev. William
T. HolniB, of New Jersey, to be chaplain
in tho navy.
When you can not Bleep for coughing
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
always gives prompt relief. It is most
excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex
pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre
uonts any tendency toward pneumonia.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Tom Wilt Hon for Governor.
Atlanta, Jan. 20. Thomas F. Watr
son will be the Populist candidate for
governor of Georgia. The state con
vention meets March Gth, nnd a major
ity of tho delegates already elected are
said to fuvor Watson for governor.
Storm ut Ht. I.iiiiI.
St. Louis, Jan. 20. A terrilic thun
der storm raged for an hour or more in
the vicinity of this city uftor II a.m.
Tho eky cleared after a time, shortly
nftor daybreak, but the wind continued
to blow. It increased in velocity until
at 10:15 thu weather bureau ofliciala re
ported that u velocity of 01 miles an
hour had been gained.
Reports of accidents from various parts
of tlio city are coming in, and thus fur
thoro have been three fata'ities. August
Wotnieyor was blown oil' Shield's build
ing and died in ten minutes. A woman, I
tiumo unknown, is reported lying dead in
some yard near :810 Laclede avenue,
and a boy was killed by being blown
from a porch roof in another part of the
city. There is every indication that it
is a straight blow and not u tornado.
A tMnvur Trli-k.
It certainly looks like it, but there is
reully no trick nbout it. Anybody can
try It who has lame back and weak kid
neys, miliaria or nervous troubles. We
mean he can euro himself right away by
taking Electric Bitters. This medicine
tones up tlio whole system, acta as a
stimulant to tho Liver and Kidneys, ia a
blood puilllor and nerve tonic. It cures
constipation, headache, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, u mild laxative, and
restores tho system to its natural vigor.
Try Nleotrio 'Hitters and bo convinced
that thoy aro a miracle worker, livery
bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at
Blnkoloy k Houghton's drug store, ii
No llopu for tint Tori ItorloH,
Wahiiinoton, Jan. 2(1. Statehood leg
islation at this soKHion was killed today
by tho house committee on territories
rejecting tho Arizona, Now Mexico and
Oklahoma bills bv u vote of 8 to 3. The
llrat two measures woro bunched and
defeated. Then tho Oklahoma bill waa
takon up and beaten by tho same vote.
There was no discussion, as it waa un
derstood at the last meeting that a vote
was to bo taken today without further
Mr. KHhIiii Horry, of this placo saya lie
never hud anything do iitm bo much
good and givo such quick relief from
rheumatism aa Chamberlain's Pain
llalm. llo waa bothered greatly with
shooting paina from hip to knee until he
UHed this liniment, which all'orda prompt
rolief. U. F. Baker, druggist, St. Paris,
Ohio. For sale by Blakeley it Hough
ton. A Ulvll Hrrvtue UtiuUion.
Nahii viM.K, Jan. 20. United States
Judgo Lurton line decided tho injunction
caae of W. O. Morgan va. D. A. Nuno,
revenue collector, involving the quea-
The committee having charge of tho
charity fund of tho Benevolent una Pro
tective Order of Elks will meet at the
Umatilla House parlors for the week
commencing Monday, January 24th,
from 7:110 to 8:30 p. in. They will be
pleaped to meet all those who know of
any deserving case of charity.
P. W. Die Huff,
T. J. DnivKi:.
J. F. HAMi-simti:,
Cubli 111 Your Chucks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to Nov. 13, 1803, will be paid at my
oiiice. Interest ceases after .Jan. 15th,
1808. C. L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
The war in Cuba has not prevented
S. F. Foute from securing a choice lot of
Havana tobacco, which he manufactures
Into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars.
King Cole brand Baltimore oysters,
the best on ttie market; Medium,
Standard and Extra Select. Try them.
t Varney & Co.'e. 11-tf
Out-of-town dealers in cigars are in
vited to call and examine the choice
line sold bv S. F. Touts. 20
..CHAS. pRflJlK-.
and Farnens
Keeps on tlrnutrht flic ci'lcbrotol
COI, I'M III A HEi:it, ncknmvl-i-dRtil
tlio best beer III Tho Dulles,
nt the iimiiiI jirlco. Come In, try
It mill be ronvlneed. Abo thu
ritii'st brands ot Wines, Lienor
unci Cigars.
of nil Kinds nlivnys on lmud.
me GoiumDia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages.
(hirers of BRAND
Letters of Credit issued available in the
EaBtern States.
Siitht Exchange and Telecraphic
Transfers sold on New York. Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points
in uregon ana Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Sturgeon hooks, cotton and eiaal rope
at Maier & Jienton'e. 13
The Hose Queen is tho best make on
the market for five cente, and when you
emoke them vour money stays at home.
Physicians awl Surgeons,
Sjiet'litl iitti'titlon given to surgery.
I O ms '1 mul ft!, Tel. 32S. Vogt Block
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice ts hereby given Unit under nnd by vir
tue of nit execution nnd order of sale issued out
of the Cltcuit Court of tlu State of Oregon lor
the County of Vnseo, mul to mo dl reeled and
delivered, ii)nm n judgment nnd decree rendered
and entered in snid court on thvMliduy of No
vember, 1M7, in fuvor of A, 11, Jones, iiliiiutill',
mid iigiiiust It. 10. I'euel, defendant) for the sum
of two hundred mul seventy-six unci iVtOO
iV-Tfi.'-S) dollars, wgether with Interest theieon,
since .Ninj 1, IMM, ut llu rate of ten percent per
annum, mid thirty (;',0) dollars- attorney fees;
mm tho lurthersiim of eleven (fit) dollars costs,
which snid Judgment wns eurolltd mul docketed
in thu ollleu of thucleik of snid couit lit snid
county on tho Ktlubiy of November, isy"; and
whciebytt was further ordered and decreed by
thoCourt that the following desciibed proper tv,
Beginning at a point 1S.:W chains west ot the
line between sections thlrty-llvu and thirty-six,
in township three north of ruiigu ten east of the
Willamette Meridian, being the western term
inus of tho north boiuuliiiy lluo of thu Junius
Benson munition I.mid Claim; thence north
O.Ki chains, thence east chains, thence
south ti.Nri chains, mid thence west Kh5 ch.iius to
place of In ginning, containing six acres, nunc
or less, and being tho same premises sold by thu
said A. B. Jones to the said li, 1), l'ewel, in
Wasco County, Oregon,
bu sold to satisfy hi Id judgment, attorney fees,
costs and accruing costs, 1 will, on Tuesday, thu
Mb day of fcbrtiary, ISUti, tit 2 o'clock p. in, of
said day. ut thu front door of the courthouse In
Dalles City, Wnsco Co., Or.,soll till the right, title
and lutmust of thu said U. K. Kuwel in mid tottiv
above described property, tit publlo auction to
the highest bidder for cash iu hau l, the pro
ceeds arising from mild sale to bo applied to the
satisfaction of snid Judgment, attorney's tec,
costs mul iicorulug costs, and tlio surplus, if any
there bo, to bo paid into court, and there to ro
main until ttto turtttor order of this court,
dccis-l 8UorlO'of Wusco Couutv, Or.
18 I'uges a Week. 15C I'lipers it Year
It stands first among '"weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fiue humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashiona for women and a Ion
series of stories by the greatest living
American and Englieh authors,
Coiihii JJoj'lc, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley Weyiuau, Mary K. Wllklus
Anthony Hove. Jtrot llurte, Matthew. Ktc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
Tho Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given tlnit under mid bv vir
tue ol an execution and order of stile, Issued
out of the Circuit Court of the Statu ot Oregon,
for Wasco County, on tho Hth day of December,
lt'.7, upon a decree and judgment rendered
therein on the first day of December, 1NI7, In a
suit vlien and theretofore pending, wherein
Northern Couutlus investment Trust, Limited, ii
Corpotntiou, was plaliititr, and Mary J. Smith
J tunes iM, Smith, Jr., Kluiu A. Smith and Clem
Smith, were defendants, I did on the 11th di'y of
December, duly levy upon, and will, on
Wednesday, the luth day of January, IMS, at thu
hourjof one o'clock in thu afternoon of snid day,
ut thu front door of thu county court liotisu in
Dalles City, W'aco County, Oregon, sell nt pub
lic miction, to the. highest bidder, for cash in
hand. Me following described real estate, to
wit: Lots 5 mid tl in block 8, Uiughlin's Addi
tion to Tho Dalles City, and Lot i! In Block iu
Trevitt's Addition to Tho Dulles City, all in
Wnsco County, Oregon, together with all mid
singular tho tenements, hciedltmncuts', mid ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or iu tiny wisu
npporttiitiiug, or so much thereof us shall bo
necessary to satisfy mid pay the said several
sums duo to plalnllir mentioned iu said writ, to
wit: fJ,iJ.i.00, and Interest thereon from tho
llrstdayof December, lM7,ut tlio ruto of eight
pur cunt, per annum; the further bum of $550.00
us n reasonable attorney's tee, and tho costs mid
disbursements of said suit, taxed mid allowed
nt t'.ti.OO, together with accruing costs aud ex
pense of such sale.
Dutod at Dalles City, Oregon, this 15th day of
December, lt97.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Orcgoa.
Third Great Offering of
Our Clearance Sale..
. Shoes. Sloes.
If you are in need of good Shoes at less
money than has ever before been placed
on the market, now is the time to pur
chase. We ofi'er the following Reduc
tions for this week.
Former Sale
Wine, Box Calf, calf lined, heavv winter shoe $5 00 $3 40
Ox Blood, Coin Toe, Russian Calf " 4 50 2 95
Dark Green, Bulldog, Willow Calf " 4 50 2 95
Ox Blood, Seal, Coin Toe, heavy gole 3 00 2 30
Blnck Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 4 50 3 45
Kangaroo, Narrow Square Toe, Cap, Dress Shoe, lace and
congrees. . 4 00 3 05
Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 3 00 2 25
Satin Calf. Plain Square Toe, lace and congress 2 50 1 85
Satin Calf, Coin Toe, lace and congress 2 50 1 85
Satin Calf, Plain Toe, Tap Sole, lace and congress 2 25 1 45
Glove Grain, Bah, medium heavy 1 75 1 35
Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 50 1 15
Youths Glove Grain, medium heavy 150 120
Youths Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 25 1 10
LADIES' SPECIAL. Bargain Table
Cleaning up of old style $3, $4, and $5 Turns
and Welts, very finest and best
quality, to go at
Lace, Dark Green, Box Calf, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00
Luce, Dark Green, Kid, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00
Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, Welt.Coin Toe 3 50
Lace. Ox Blood Russia Calf, McKay, Coin Toe 3 00 :
Lace and Button, Black Kid, Welt.Coin Toe, patent tip 2 75
Button, Plain, Common Sense Toe 2 50
Lace and Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 2 00
Law, Box Calf, Bulldog, Heavy Welt Sole . . 4 00
Lace aud Button, Spring Heel, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 50
li '-i to 2.
Kid, Buttou, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 25 1 00
Grain, Button, Common Sense Too, stock tip 1 25 05
Kangaroo Calf, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, school shoe 1 45 1 10
Fine Kid, Cloth Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip 1 90 1 40
Fine Kid, Kid Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip 1 90 1 40
Kangaroo Calf, Button. Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 5 to 8 1 00 65
Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 8 to 11 1 00 75
Kanaroo Calf, Com. Sense Toe, stock tip, tchool shoe, 8-11. 1 15 85
Cloth and Kid Top, Button, Square Toe, Pat. Tip, dress shoe 1 50 1 15
This list does not cover all discounts on Shoo Sale,
as we have specials on most every lino in stock,
Also specials previously offered, on this Clearance
Sale still continues. As we must reduco stock so as
to make room for new goods, now boing purchased by
our two representatives in Now York.
INadie$, tteptiop.
ON SATURDAY, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.,
we will sell you KID GLOVES from our 85c,
$1, $1.25 and $1.50 lines at SOo per pair.
j fl-WILUflMSjfe CO
Do You tead The Chronicle? whynot?