if V Ioth the method and results when Syrup of Tigs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gcntl) yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovorj? and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of it.s kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in itft effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHAHCISCO. CAL 10UISV1US, Kt. HEW tO.IK, N.r. Tbe Dalles My Chrcjte. THE DAI.IKS, OKKHIiy AdvertUltic i;ate. Per inch One Itch or less in Daily U 50 OTer two laches and under four Inches 1 00 Orer four Inches and under twelve laches. . To Over twelve inches GO DAILY AND WEKKLY. One Inch or less, per inch ?2 50 Orer one inch and under four inches 2 00 t)Ttr four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over welve inches 1 00 I-EKSONAL, MENTION Mr. Bernie Sellick is in the citv from Boyd. Attorney J. M. Long of Portland is in the city. John H. Sternweia is in from his home at Boyd. Charles VanDuyn, the Tygh mer chant, is in the citv. Mr. and Mrs. Slade, proprietors of the -Grants Hotel, are in the city. Edward Sharp was a passenger for ."Portland on the morning tram. A. S. Watt of Portland, tax agent for the 0. Ii. & N., is in the city today. f JTC. Hostettler went to Portland to dayas a witness in the Senfert caEe. Miss Bessie French went to Portland this morning, where she will visit Jriends. TJr. Holhster returned on the morning train from Waeco, whither he went on a professional visit. Thomas Hudson went to Portland on the nioruini: train today. He will servo as a witness in the case of the United States vs. Seufert Bros. HssLake, who came from Portland as iinrse for the late Mrs. Mary Laughlin, and who has, since the death of the latter, been a guest at the home of Mrs. ). M. French, returned to Portland to day. NOTICK. The committee having charge of Ihe charity fund of the Beuevolent aad Pro tective Order of Elks will meet at the Umatilla House parlors for the week commencing Jlonday, January 24th, Irom 7 :30 to 8 :30 p. m. They will be pleated to meet all those who know of any deserving case of cbarity. P. W. Ue liver, T. J. DitivKit, J. F. Hamphhiiik, Co in m i ttee. Cmli In Your Check. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 1893, will be paid at my olBce. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, 1898. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. The war in Cuba lias not prevented S. F. Fouts from securing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which he manufactures into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars. 20-tf 0 (LOOP POISON I .in TwTT?" .'.tf.. Jur' vriefi Mhomoforuma prlcooDderiuu:oKua run ty. If TOM prefer to corop hero we will con. . troettopnyrllroadfaroandUotelbllla,aaa MMW.twe fall toeuro. If you bavo taken mer cury, I Iodide potuth, and still bavo achc3 and EUu. Mucous ViUches In mouth. More Throat, mpl. Copper Colored I Mpotv, Ulcer on B,?I,.0,.ti,,aSodr'll,1'ro'EyeurWrulllnit at. It It this Hecoudury IILUUU l'OISOfl we km ran tee to cure. Wo solicit tlio moBt obiti MtewwM and challenge the world for a uted tbe (kill of the molt emUieut nliy.l- tonal fMimotr. Absolute joroofu tent Moled on cured In 15 toJL1 if v,, . TOLD FOR WOMEN. The bicycle wetltlliij: which recently electrlfieil'l.onu'ou, as the briilc wore the regulation white satin and eil, has hail a rival in the marriage of the young 1'nrisian who went, to the church in a carriage propelled by an electric motor. The woman who wants to niaJiC herself famous now scein.s to have little else left her than a Killoon in which to tuck her happy lover, the minister mid n couple of witnesses. ime. Adam, the prominent Parisian journalist, was driven into i.he work by the unliappiiie:ss of her first. e.orieiiee a a wife. Her parents married her when she was a girl of l." to a notary in a provincial town. She left her hus band, ami with tin aid of Ueorge &md wrote herself hue fame in l'.'iris. Her semi .1 husband was a senator and left Ihm-.i fortune at his death. Thisenabled her to found 1t N'ouvclle ltevne and to e-tablish the snlnn to which all the celebrities of the French capital crowd when -she receives. In trying to makea point against veg etarianism a nicnilHr of the F.tlr.io fraphieal society in l'aris read a paper before that body a short time ago in which he insisted that cannibals are ex ceedingly strong and vigorous, far ex ceeding in r.trength tho-e tribes not ad dicted to such food, lie raid that the savages who abstained from human food rarely ate meat of any kind anil were a puny lot. The most curious part of his argument was that the tlesh of women was much more digestible and far more nutritious than that of men: many tribes recognize the fact and cat only women, until the supply gives out. THE WHIRRING WHEEL. George Hanker has jermanently re- I tired from the racing ranks. The system of interchangeable jxirts ' is a distinctly American contribution to the art. of cycle making. Fifty weekly jjapcrs in this country are now published exclusively in the in terest of the bicycle trade. The South Sea Islanders are the latest people who have taken to bicycling. It it probable that they obtained their wheel through soiuespeculative. trader, who obtained a good Teturn for his in estment. One would scarcely expect to find bi- cvcles and a bicycle club in the heart of Africa and COO miles from any rail road. Oue club in Huluwayo, .Mat.iliele land, South Africa, is in a flourishing condition, having -5 members out of a population of 2,500. An English cycling club has offered a prize for the best design of a Ixiggage car, adapted for the safe conveyance of bicycles, with the object of stirring up the railroad companies of England, so that they will provide proper accom modation for the wheels. The chief points which competitors are n.sked to keep in view are adaptability to the purposes of an ordinary lwggagu car and economy of space. USES OF WATER. Ordinary headaches almost alwajH yield to tlw simultaneous application of hot water to the feet and back of the neck. Xolhinp so promptly cuts short a con gestion of the lunHi sore throat, or rheumatism as hot water, when ap plied early in the case and thoroughly. A proper towel folded sceral times unci dipped in hot water, rpiickly vvruiif,' and applied over the site of toothache or neuralgia, will generally afford prompt relief. Hot water taken freely half an hour Ixrfore ledtime is an excellent cathartic in ense of constipation, while it has a soothing effect ujon the stomach and bowels. A strip of flannel or a soft napkin, folded lengthwise nnd dipped in hot water and wrung out, and then applied around the neck of a child that ha the croup, will usually bring relief in a few minutes. Pharmological Journal. FARM FACTS. Kven half a dozen sheep are better than none, as they will keep down the weeds and present the farm front l;ing seeded with such esLs. Fanners who wu'.vwl crimson clover larit fall will have an excellent fertiliz ing material for plowing under. No nitrogenous fertilizer will bo required where crimson clover has grown, but applications of phosphates and otash will bo beneficial. They costhutaamnll mini, however, compared with thu sub stances containing nitrogen. Do not ridicule or d.'.icourage the progressive farmer localise of his k cvilled "fancy farming" proclivities. The fact that ho, is not .satisfied with what he haa demonstrates that he i ciitvrpr'iiing and i reaching f.ut for hometh'.ng better. Observe U 'h t lie does, as lie may succeed whcicy iu haw falied. Kvery effort in the way cf ex periment should be nrvroved by the en tire community, ut without such there would be no improvement at all. ABOUT PROMINENT PEOPLE. Lord KosoK'ry's incoino is said to bo $l,U0O,000 h year.- AiuW'Jssiiilor Hay was graduated at llrown university and wok of tho clans of '5S. TJie king of Shun i to visit Queen Victoria next flirmmer in -hitf 2,500-Un .steam yacht Alalia Cliakri, which was built for him in Scotland. John Twewl, of Chelsea, and 01100 of Glasgow, huw beeucoinmtesloued to ex- What is Scott's Emulsion? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-forming properties. It contains Cod Liver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well known and highly prized Hypo-, phosphites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. whatWHIMDo?1 It will arrest loss of flesh and ( restore to a normal condition the , infant, the child and the adult. It J will enrich the blood of the anemic; ' will stop the cough, heal the irrita- 1 lion of the throat and lungs, and I ' curs incident consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five yars has proven it in tens of thousands of Cases. it sun )-ou fit SCOTT'S Emuliion. 50c jnJ $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & UOWNE, Chtmists, New York. eeute the statue of C'cc':l Iilu.dos, which is to Ihj erected ai Huluwayo. Kx-I'cstmaster-Cieneml Wilson is to be inaugurated president of Wcishinf,' ton and Leo university. Ijoxiiiffton. Va.. on Tuivilay, September II. The oldest actor in the. world is Hen ry IKwl. He will Ins 0.T on his next birthday, and was an actor for c; years As tt child he .wis rowed out to 1 Plymouth sound and iwv Xapnlcon walking tlie. quarter deck of tho llellcr ophon. New Wnnli from Afrlni. An important linguistic expedition into Africa has just been completed by Ilev. Charlo I'obinsou. who was .-cut out by tbe llaiiva dictionary. He liist went to Tripoli and Tunis, where there are Haussa colonies, and then by way of the Niger and the Hemic reached Kano. the commercial center of Ilau-a land. In returning from ICano to Kg gar on the Niger lie traversed four hundred and twenty-live mile where no Kuropean had ever been. He brought back three thousand new words for a dictionary, materials for a Haussa grammar and manuscripts con taining history and historical and re ligious songs. The llausaa is the most important language of northern Africa. The people who speak it extend from the Niger region across to Soudan and cover a territory nearly one thousand miles square; they are very industrious and are the only nation that Mr. Stan ley met that esteemed books. uk. uunn o For People That Are Ml I PILLS Sick or "Just Don'tl Feol WoU." OMLV ONE FOR A DOSE. Remote Pimples, cure Headache. Dytpeptla and CotthentSS. 26cts. a box at ilrucgi'tior Iir raaU Sampled t iff:, addreu Dr. Bosanko Co. X'blla. 1'a. A NEW MARKET. TTRUIT, VEG-ETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND G-AME. Chickens Dre'sed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washington StB Patronize the Troy MUpRY. All kind of work. Whlto fchlrts it bpeclully. Family work nt reduced r.ites. Wanh collected and dellveicd free, Tililioiiu No, 101), H. D. Parkins, Agt, Boots and SllOCS Made to Order. A Perect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly done at ehort notice. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d rKTr ...the... sQI: ISO Weekly Inter Ocean f.j S MROBI CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST J It is radically Republican, advocating ... . . 11 . j-.f.! t 1 1.. 1 nuiu th -.r.li.i.i Hivtrlnu of thai party with ability and carncstncMt tup WFEKLY INTER THE HEWS AND BEST Ii I. M .11.. '(.wit itli1 TIC M C 0 II IS lliuniliv wiwaii "mi "- Tlw Literature equal to thni of 1 ( s Ttittes. it in Interesting lit the chll drctt as well as the parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS Or THE WOR! D and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western ptoplc and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. "2 Si.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $1.00 9 . . I THr. DAILY nn SUBIIAI r.ui "t.tt'Ar ! INTEK OCEAN ARE DEST OF THEIR KtHD. I i-i ri...n. 1 ...11 ! iri.... .,r Miiiwii.v'hf mull J IT J lhiilynnil Siiiitliiy liy iimll j For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ol larmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithful' labored for thoir prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. i IT HAS advised the farmer ods ol cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S? S,i!!lfe5d Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton Flour. This Flour use: every We i eell our yoode lower than any houte in the trade, and if von don't think bo call and jjet our jiricee and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats, 'jClleJs a le injhc affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unaueatlonablv had roforonco to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who are selling those Roods out at greatly-reduced rat MIU1JEMJAGH BRI0K. . . lJTIC, KT. JOSEPH SHANHOU IIA8 OI'KIIKI) A HARNESS SHOP IN TIIK KAHT KND, In the Colum bia rent Yard, opplto SultinHnhe'ii Btockyards, where bo U ready to do All Kinds of Harness Work. I ABut it can always be "IW 8 Inr .1 r .ind linncs! MCorts ol all PO- lilical inovcmcntsJt.'1 j OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CUR RENT LITERATURE - iniilv 5tn:r U WltlllMlt II I'CLT. m j - ol its columns lit the host ntaga t m . n,-.Tnlr np Tilt? l.oo nm-Ypnr .'. '! nil inr Veiir ll.no wr yi-Hi- m n a BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. as to the most approved meth in iimnufiictured expresHly for fiunlly Hack ih Ktiumnteed to ?ivo Hiitmfactlon. Administrator's Notice. Notice It hurehy ulven that the utiderlniicd l'!'"eii duly appointed by tltu Comity l", (r l the Hlalu ol (irexon lor Wasco Co inty mlliHIralor of thy estt0 of Jiih n ( an , do ceased. All porxoii havliiK claljiu auali "u al , Mtdhmru hereby nollllnl to ,ieent Ilia .a n t moat my ruildenco at Antelope, OrcKon. with I hlx inonthh from thodaluherciif "lK"", wlu"" Daled Nov. 10, 18U7. J, IMIKK Ale Will k d5iS1,r'tor '" lUu c,",t0 01 J'01'1' 'wt, utuaiea. noviu-St Try Bcbllllag'i Ut lea and baking powder 0.R.aN. TO TIIK ) (IIVHH TIIK OltOK'i: OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NOF?THERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA Salt Lake : Spokane i Minneapolis Denver ! St. Paul Omaha j Chicago Kansas City 1 Low Rates'to all Eastern Cities ! OOKAN HTIJAMHHM l.'HVi Pnrtllltul Knrv I'lvw lV f"f SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Stenmerd monthly frm I'orilitnd to Vokiiliuiim mid Hong Kong via North . ! crn I'ncilic Steainahip Co., in connection with V. It. rs. For full ilotullf onlt 1111 0. K Co. h Agent The iMlli-i. irililre" I llOIMON, OAKI.IU. .t f'O.. fie". Aisti., North I'lieltlc KKMlillhli "o. TIME CAItll. No. t, to Siol:niu' unit (ireiit Northern nrrlven 1 nt 1 ti. in., leaves nt ft-.TH . m. N". to IVmlle Ion, linker City iiml 1'nloii I'Aclilu.urrlvus nt l-J: IA j a in,, ilcuirtx at VI U) a. in, i No ;l. from .Spokane anil (iteat Northern, iir ! rlve.Mil'J villi 111., ili'i'iirl at (i:i' a. m. No. 1, Irom llnkir taty nun union raeuiu, nrnvea in .1 Hi a. in., ili.'l'.iris at .l::l n. in. Not. iiiitnl -I, inovliiR eiit of The llalle.i.wlll carrv meni!ers. No. ii arrives at fi p. in., ik'iuirt.i at l:l ip. in. I'liHienseri' (or llepimer lake No lenvlus hereat U:ii. in. W, 11. HUIU.llt'IlT, (ien.-lai.. Act l'ortlaml, Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave mid nte Hue tu arrive at l'ortlaml OVKUI.ASD KX- lre, bilem, lti.- bii ri;. Anhlaiid, hHe- S;Oi V. M. ramentu, DKdeii.Snii KiaiieUeo, .Mojuve, 1 .01. AllKeles,i:i I'uno, New Urlviiiih and ' I Hint a-DO A M "'"cliiirB and way t r. m Dally uxeept Hllllduyd. fVlu Womtlnirii forti Dally except huttdiiYA I .Mt.Miirei, Hlivuruiii, ! West held, lltmviiv V I rllle.HiirliiKtlelil mid I ! I Natron .'. . T j ! I7:S0 A. ii. jl.'urvjillln hmtliilin inn! way j I.'iO 1'. 41 INDi:i'i:.SDi:.S'UK l'ASHi;N(iKlt. l...riw train waiiv (uxeep; Miimayj. I:W1 p. in. (I.v. roTtlaliil Ar.) h:'i'n. in l p. III. AI MC41IIIIIVllli l.v. .il.'lll, in. h ) p. in. l.U lliileH'tiilelice..l.v.J lliilep'tidetii1 I ,) a. in. 'Dally. (Dally, e.xeept tillllilay. Dl.VINli CAIlb ON OliDKN ItOl'TK. l'l'i.uiAN hUkkkt hi.iuu'khs AND HK( OND-CLAHM Hl.KKI'lNli CAKS Attached to all ThiuiiKh Trains. Direct eiiniieclimi nt l-iin KranelM'o with Occi dental and Oriental ami l'aellle mall teamhl lilies fur JAPAN and CHINA. Sailliu: dates on u plleallcin. Kalen and tickets to Kaileril points and Ku niiie. Aim JAPAN. CHINA, HUNUI.l'l.U and Al'STl'.AI.IA, van hi' olilalinil from J. II. KIUKI.AND, Ticket AKi'lit TlirnilKh Ticket Olllce, l:il Third street, whero thrimuh tlcketN to all pnlnlt, in the Kinlcrn htJiten, l.'anadaanil KurnK- can he obtained t luneit rules from ,, , J. II. KIltKLAND, Ticket AKClit. All above trains arrive at and depart Innn Cirand Central Hlathin. Filth and Irvine trcet YAMI11I.I, DIVIHION. I'ufteiiKer Deisit, loot ol Jellurton ulrect. U-avo lor OHWKdO, daily, except Kunday, at 7:J0 a. in.. Vi:jo, 1 .V, .'clft, n.-jj, s:u"i p. in. (and 11 p, m. on Halnrday only, and 0:ll a. m and .1 ;:n p, ni.on hnniliiys only), Arrive at rortlaiiduallv at iiii) and h;:a) a in.; and l.a, 1:13, B.'ji and 7:.Vi p. in,, (and 10;W a. in, J-14 p. in. on rin iiilajH imly). Ix-hvu lor Hhcrldan, week diiyn, at 1:::0 1. m Arrive at rottland, 'J::W a. in. U'uve for Alltl.IK on Monday, Wcdnecdav ami NMay atli.IOa. in. Arilve at I'ortlund, 'l'liiw dav, Thursday and Snturilas it.'I.U.'ip, m. Kxcept fiiinilav. "Kxeept Saturday. it. koi:iii.i:k, 4lanai:vr. (i, 11. MAKKHAM, Asit, (i. 1". A Pass. AL't HA r STAG-E LINE. 'l'.,,f.""K,,..,,j:. lylif;lt via (irasx Valley, Kc and Cros.i llollons. Cllt 1M1IHU.AH AI.I.KN, Tim DnlleH. t). M. WIIITKI.AW, AlltnloiK). Ktiiuea leave Tha DallcH from Hiniitllla lli at 7 a. in., also from Aiiluloim at 7:30 a. in. every Sloiiday, Wednesday and Krlday. Coiinwillnn mijilii al Autehtpo for l'rlimvillo, Jlllcholl and PolsitH Ixiyoiict. (Jloso ecnnectloiiH iiiadoatTho Dalles with railway-, traliih and boatx. KliiKO-s from .Milelo reach '1'ho DalleH Tuc day, Ihiunlayx and Satiirdayi, at 1 :30 . m. Dalles to Deschutes 11 W no iioro... ...... . . an do (IrasN Valley. . , " ' , '.' 'ii do Kent ,. .. . ;i u) lie C'roH Hollows 4 W AiitloHi to t;roa llollowN . . : . i.'i a iu "." . a i :l M no item do do do do (Iriua Valluy lon. , , ki4alllliu I (Hi ERST! Moid id Antelope Dalle '..".I'. 3 W