The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 26, 1898, Image 3

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In Men's Shoes displayed in Furnishing
Goods Window ,,
We have just received
another shipme n of
During January and Fob
ruary we will givo to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Si xtv-Dollar
Satin Oil
Pointed and Square Toes. Pointed
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie.
Weather Tonight
auow mid warmiir.
umi TliurHiluy,
(Jo to tliu Columbia Cuiuly Factory for 1
fresh oysters in every fltyle. tf
"The Union of Christians" will he the
suhiect for toniirht's sermon at the
Christian church.
We are sorry to announce the serious
illni'HH oi MrH. W. H. MverH. She is
HiiUuring from an attack of pneumonia
Yesterday tiie president Kent to thoj i.niilitnl!nn i( IVtVlfl MlftlVl rifl
Portland to ho collector of internal rove-
nucH for the diHtrict of Oregon.
A Holitnry victim was hrouglit heforo
the city recorder this morning charged
with being drunk and disorderly, and
was lined ten ilullarfl for 1 1 i h indiHcretiou.
The two men who recently exhibited
120 poiiikIh of rich ore at linker City,
which yielded $1100, have been arreHleil.
They Htole it from u rich chute in a
mini! in California where they were
The Yakima county Democratic, Free
Silver liopubliean and People's party
central committee, Friduy night, in
joint meeting, adopted a resolution fa
voring the continuance of the alliance at exititing between the three par
tics. It is probable that the matter of a
const and geodetic survey vemiel for the
1 acme coast will go over until tho sun-.
ury civil bill is brought up, when an
ellbrt will ho made to have tho appro
priation increased to if 150,000. In that
caso,4iiiw bids would bo advertised.
The many friends of Harry Lonsdale
will be pleased to hear that he is rapid
ly recovering from the attack of pneu
monia, with which lie lias been Hollering
eoino time, und at present is well enough
In d t .... It?.. 1., 1.1.. I....!..
m u ui. t u iiupu inui um uipiw '-
provement will continuu until he is fill- thugs learned of this in Portland, and
ly recovered. followed him.
Owing to sonio unexpected delays, the Thoinus lirown, who has tho contract
meeting of tho inlnstrol boys to appoint j f0r the construction of a dam and hatch
committees und nrrungo otliur mutters iei v fur sleulliead salmon on the Clacka
Pmparutory to giving tho show hud to 1UH( Was in Oregon City yesterday. He
l' put oll'longor thun was oxpootod. It ! Htated that ti rack and dam liavo boon
H hoped, however, that thoso tilings will j
he settled in tho near future so that they
can begin to practice.
In a lutter received from A. II. Bui
'"ril, munagor of the Morning Tribune,
lie states that ho ia more than satisfied
with tho way tho subscription list for
'hat paper is increasing. A new fust
running press lias been ordered, and,
from all indications, the Tribune is un
the straight road to prosperity.
Nine hundred of the fattest sheop seen
in Pendleton for many a day wore
driven through tho atroetslaBt Saturday.
TJioy mti mn f0j (jur,)g the winter
our Water's mill bolow Pendleton,' and
were purchased lor shipment to Spo
kane. These shoep brought tour cents n
pound, live weight, and us the ewes
Oil Grain $1.25
average niiicty-fl vo poundB and the
wothen 115, it will he seen that they
, comniunded un extraordinary price per
head, bheopmen art! in elover, ub well
ub the far morfi.
When n lire was huilt in the kitchen
rungo at the home of IS. F. Purge, nt
Nortli Yukima yesterday morning, the
water pi pen, which hud frozen during
night, exploded, shuttering tiie
Htove and boiler, and breaking the win
dows and plastering. MrH. Barge was
Htruck by a piece of flying metal, bu
wafi not seriously hurt.
Mouuay, reu Wicks, who lives up
Mill Creek, left for I'ortluml to secure
passage and an outfit for Alaska. At
the time he left lie had not decided
whether or not he would go into the
Holds. He intends investigating
wtien lie gets to Skaguay, und if lie can
do well at that place he will not go
further into tho interior.
The Blue Mountain Eagle, published
nt Long Creek, hiivb that W. B. Itobbius,
for several years a resident of Grant
county, is suid to have fiuaucial backing
in a Fcheme to take a baud of mules to
the Klondike. Tiie mules, our inform
ant says, will be taken from Malheur,
Grunt and Crook counties, some 500
head and will go over the Spokane
overland route, via Tosliu lake.
The Evening Telegram says that when
U.S. Deputy Marshal Humphrey left
Portland in charge of the jury, which
was up yesterday, tliut he encased hi -self
in some arctic clothing before start
ing, as he expected to experience Klon
dike weather. We can imagine the
marshal's surpriflo.'aa well as discomfort,
wien he found what mild spring weatli
or wo are having in Eastern Oregon.
It is now certain that the man fun nil
dead, with his throat cut and body
mangled, on the railroad track near Fal
lon's, Wusti., early in Dcceinbor, wate
Ed habere, a Frenchman, who left Belle
Fouroho, S. IL, and went to Portland
Ho wna returning to Palouso in scare
of work when murdered. It was know
unit no carried ifouu. ii is Luoogiii inuij'
. . . . ...ww 1. . 1 I., it.
built, and there is a good run of tlsh.
Some lino Chinook salmon are being
caught at Oregon City, indicating an
early riln of those lish, which ia conaid
ered by fishermen u sign of an early
spring. One that weighed thirty-nine
pounds wus cuught yesterday.
II. W. llurtnian, who livcB near Con
don, met wltii a considerable loss nt Ar
lington Sunday night. Mr. Ilnrtmun
was returning from a trip to California.
On urriving at Arliugtou lie itniuodlate.
ly took Ids trunk out of tho baggage
room mid loft it in front of tho depot.
After carrying his vulisos to tho hotel,
heroturnod with n pushcart for his
trunk, but found, to his dismay, that it
was missing. City Marshal Carlisle was
notified and a vigorous search Instituted
Veal Calf
and Square Toes.
which resulted in the trunk being found
about 200 yards west of the depot. It
hod been broken open, and the thieves,
with their booty, had fled. Mr. Hart
man aayB about $00 worth of new cloth
ing and silverware were in the trunk, nil
of which was taken.
Win. Courtney, the aged stock buyer
rho used to purchase cattle in the vi
cinity of Fossil, has just returned from
Klondike, where he went last spring
with a bnnd of 800 head of sheep. He
returns with a neat little fortune, having
Id the entire hand at if 1.25 per pound.
e venture wub an experiment, mid
many predicted a failure on account of
Mr. Courtney's age, but lie surprised all
by his staying qualities and ultimate
success. As the result of Mr. Courtney's
experiment many other cattle and sheep
men in that section are urranging to
go to the gold fields with stock the com
ing spring.
Tho Elks' distribution committee are
doing noble work. Since lliey were ap-
I pointed they have gone to places on the
hill in Thompson's Addition, and, in
fact, wherever the ueedy could he found
they visited them, and did all in the.'r
power to help tht i along;. Three or
lour families have been located who
were badly in need of assistance, and in
one or two cases persona almost desti
tute were helped as much as the limited
fund would permit. As yet they caunot
say exactly what the net receipts for the
irity hall will be, but today the fin
ance committee is settling up tiie bills,
and will know exactly as soon as they
have finished.
'""Monday night the flue in Parkins' bar
ber shop was burned out, and the paper
near the hole in which the pipe was put
into tho flue, caught on lire. Henry
Johnston, the bootblack, noticod It, and
immediately picked up u bucket of wa
ter, and, with n vigorous swing, sent the
contents against the burning paper and
extinguished it. In his excitement,
however, ho did not notice that Mr.
Long was shaving a customer near the
Hue, and the result was that tho custo
mer got a bath thrown in with his shave
vithout bargaining for it. Mr. Long
goi imiigiiaiii umi iiuury uiuu i even
got thanked for his part in the trans
action. The jury in tho case of the United
States vs. Seufort Bros, made a thorough
inspection of the ground over which the
right of way passes, yesterday. As there
was no train going to Portland sooner,
tlioy were forced to slay over until to
day. They were taken' to the Com
mercial Club lust night, and, ub is the
case witli every stranger who is taken
through the rooms, they were surprised
tit the largo and elegant rooms which
Tho Dalles has, us woll ns with the so
ciabilitv and good spirit which exists
betwoeu tho members of that organiza
tion. They left this morning for Port
land, and the trial will begin nt 2 p. m.
today. It will undoubtedly ha a hard
fought case.
Out-of-town dealers in cigars are in
vited to call and examine the choice
line sold by S. F. Pouts. ,20
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
Latest advices states that the Cana
dian government want the Skaguay and
Dyea passes closed.
This morning's bulletin states St.
Louis was panic stricken over a tremen
dous wind storm, and that several peo
ple have been killed.
Gus Wachlin, the Hillsboro murderer,
made a confession yesterday of how the
deed was committed, and stales that
another man did the shooting.
Senator Perkins and Representative
Maguire, of California, yesterday' form
ally invited the president to touch the
button next Saturday which will open
the golden jubilee mining fair of that
state. The president replied to the tele
gram of the mayor of San Francisco, and
accepted the invitation to set the ma
chinery in motion.
It isalearned from official sources that
there is no foundation for the report
that the Canadian government has de
cided not to allow United States troops
to cross British territory. The Klondike
relief expedition will go forward as con
templated by congress in the special ap
propriation passed for that purpose, and
in the manner planned by the secretary
of war.
It is now certain that the man found
dead, with his throat cut and his body
mangled, on tho railioad track near
Fallon's, early in December, was Ed La
here, a Frenchman, who left Belle
Fourche, S. 1)., and went to Portland.
He was returning to Palouse in search
of work when murdered. It is known
that he carried $800. It is thought that
thugs learned of this in Portlund, and
followed him here.
rrriurliiK to Itullil.
J. M. Church, of La Grande, is in re
ceipt of a letter from David Kccles, of
Ogden, Utah, which contains interesting
information relative to the construction
of the beet-sugar factory there.
Mr. Fk'cles Btates that he has con
tracted with E. II. Dyer to supply the
factory machinery, which ia to be man
ufactured at Cleveland, O. Dyer also
has the contract to supply the machin
ery for the t'gden factory. He lias had
a great deal of experience, having had
charge ot the construction of the two
principal beet-sugar factories in Califor
nia, and also ouo at Lehi, Utah.
Mr. Eccles further says that he and
his associates realize the importance of
securing a sito for the factory und clos
ing up other arrangements nt the earli
est possible date, and that they are
working almost night and day to, get
through at Ogden, after which they will
immediately proceed to La Grande.
Tho main factory-building will be
80x100 feet, two stories. It is the inten
tion, Mr. Eccles writes, to use structur
al steel in the building.
Tiie factory-builders will receive pro
posals for u factory site from any property-owner
who may be disposed to
submit them.
Iu Olileu Tlmua.
People overlooked the importance, of
permanently beneficial effects, and were
And can now supply our customers.
The Uilsor? is the only Air Tight stove
wiih Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
And reap the benefit of the following
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World..
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune
CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25
CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25
satisfied with transient action ; but now
tliat it is generally known that Syrup of
Figs will permanently overcome habit
ual constipations, well informed people
will not buy other laxatives, which act
for a time, but finally injure the system.
Buy the genuine made by the California
Pig Syrup Co.
G. A. It. ami V. It. C, Attention!
There will be a special meeting of the
G. A. It. and W. It. C. on Saturday,
Jan. 20th. All old soldiers arc invited
to be present. By order
II. II. 1,i:.uini:d,
A dark brown, young mare, white
stripe in face, white hind feet ; brand
KV, connected, on left shoulder; weight
about 1000 pounds. Finder will be paid
for care bv writing to W. A. Campbell,
l$ox Uj, Portland, Or. j.tu22-lui
""for sale!
Remington Typewriter with walnut
table. Nearly new. Will sell cheap.
Call on or address
A. C. GuinKii,
jl8-3t The Dalles, Or.
Choice Shoulwater Pay oysters served
in every style at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give us a trial and we will
endeavor to please you.
To Dure a Cold lu Due Day.
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tub
lets. All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
King Cole brand Baltimore oysters,
the best on the market: Medium.
Standard and Extra Select. Try them.
At Varney & Co.'b. 11-tf
We have strictly First-Class
J. T. Peters & Co.
$2 00
. 1 75
I7Ki:i). W. WILSON,
twice oei 1'lrs.t Sat. ll'iiik.
j-yts ;i:isknioki ki:k & hukiiv,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Siioolul intention given to Mirgcry.
Hoomb 'Jl umi LfcJ, Tel. IMS. Vogt Block,
All Books
At Cost
During this month,
Except Dictionaries,
Music Books
and Sohool Books,
1. C. Melsen
Book 6t music Company,