al)c Dalles Sip Chroma. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2(3, 1898 NO :j25 BIG BLAZE. AT SPOKANE One, 1 ti i lei i ill' Biu'ikmI and Vmv Lives liOHt. Sl. II50IM5 NOT ACCOUNTED FOK Tim Itilllilliic i :oniiliitu U'ri'nk 'I'Iiii I'l oitirty I.imh KllniHtfil lit I'ully 1(400, niM). Si'okank, .Inn. 25, At leost four lives are l:novn to hove been lost by luat night's llro in tliu Grout Eastern block, mid It is possible that otliur dead bodies will bo found when n moru thorough search of tho ruliiH in mude. Tliu build ing, six Htory structure, la u totul wri'ok, mul tliu flnnnuinl Iohh Ih estimated at up ward of $400,000. All of tins uppur two Honrs und part of tlm third floor worn lined for lodging purposes, and ut loust J 50 people were asleep in tho building when the fire Hturti.'il. While moot of thum escaped with only their night clothes, it in now known that four lives were lost, und ut least six other persons are missing. The dead are . Mihh Alice Wilson, aged 18. Maud Wilson, nged 5. .Mrs. Rose .Smith. .MrH. II. CI. DuvIh, of Nubruskn (Jity, who died ut the hosnitul llilu morning from injuries HiiHtirud in leaping to the pavement. MieuC. Lewis, V. 15. Gordon, MrH. C. Peters and three children are missing, and are HiippoHed to have poritdiod. Firemen are Htill playing water on the cmhurH of the lire, and it will not he safe to sj&ureh tho ruins tor the dead un til tomorrow. The Great EuHttirn block wae built in 1S!)0 at a eoHt of $250,000, and was owned by Lewis Lovinskt, of San Francisco, who carried but $50,000 iiiHiirance. On the ground lloor of the structure were the establishments of the .lohu W. Graham Paper Company, Htutionery and supplies, and Kkorritt it Donnelly, boots and ali(K8. Iloth are total loosen. Gni Iiiiiii carried a Htock worth :f(!0,00l),8ovuii ty pur cent of which wan covered by in surance. The lirm of Skerritt it Donnelly had u stock of $25,000, of which $20,000 was covered by insurance. In tliu ollicus above thcHO there wero large losses on law libraries and lixtureH, beside probably a Htill lurgeHtloss of fur niture and household goods. The lire was a singularly hot one, and tho firit niun wero long in getting it under con trol. I auii then tho Hitmen rose liundredH of feet in the air iih long as two hours after it started. All tho hose in the do partinent wiih brought into use, and tho stores of tho city wero called upon for all their supplies. HceiuiBo of thu not work of live elec tric wires surrounding the building, it was with tho utmost dilliculty thut tliu ladders of tho department woroolovated. While tlmy were going up, tho people were at tho windows, flamea mid muoku bursting out about thum, shrieking, while crowds of people on tho Htroot be low shrieked in Hyniputhy with thum. Mrs. Stark Oliver, wife of Dr. Stark Oliver, who lived on tho second floor, enya she heard nn explosion shortly bo 'ore the (Iuiiich appeared. Tho boiler of tliu engine may have exploded, and caused tho llro tosturt. There is miothor tla-ory, and that la that tho chemicals In the basemont, stored there for tho pho tographic supply of tho John W. C5rn limn Paper Co., exploded. Sturgeon hooks, cotton and sisal rope t Maior A Uouton'a. 13 Tis a Grand, Good Remedy for Itching Piles. Cured me right up, F. M. Smith, Hi 7 Spring .Htroot. Tho libovo is a short, crisp testimonial, mid an honest onu ol Garlund's "Happy Thought"8alvo. 50c. Iu jura ut DONNELL, The Driest Roy ut nui ken the Innd pure, wliolc.iiime nml delicious POWDER Absolutely Pure novai HAKISU POWDER CO., KCW YORK. AIhIIh for till) Yukon, Washington, Jun. 25. PoHtmntter Genorul Gary bus issued an udvertise mont inviting proposals for carrying the mulls iu safe and suitable steutnhoatH during the season of navigation of 180S on routo No. 78,007, from San Francisco or Seattle, or any other seaport postoflico in California, Oregon or Washington m connection with UnuliiHku, Alaska, St. Michaols and points alone tho Yukon river to Ciicie City, Alaska, or to Daw son City, Canada, if Hteamers run to that point and back The contractor will not be required to carry more than 2000 pounds of mail each way per trip. PropoHiilH will bo received until Fobruary 2.'ld. Tliu lluy In llii) HdiiiUi). Washington, Jan. 25. In the Iioubc today a bill was passed granting Ameri can register to the loreign-built steamer Navajo. Tho house then went into com mittee of tho whole und resumed con sideration of the Indian appropriation bill. Thu house consumed considerable of the afternoon iu discussing Industrial conditions, the Republicans aflirminir mid the Democrats denying that pros purity has returned. A !l)Vr Trick. It certainly looks liko it, hut there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. Wo mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole eyHtem, acts iih a stimulant to the Liver und Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sh'uplessness and muluncholy. Jt iu purely vegutable, a mild luxutivo, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters und be convinced that they nre n miraclu worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle ut ltlukeley it iloughton'sdrug store. 3 In Hid Hound. Washington, Jan. 25. The senate, on motion of Hoar, went into executive session today us soon us it convened. The doors wore opened at 12:15, and Quay secured thu passage of a bill to in demnify Pennsylvania for moneys ex pended in 1801 for militia called into military service by tho governor. Thu indemnity amounted up to $40,000. A 1'ullHlllll ItllClNlllll. Washington, Jan. 25. Assistant Sec retary Davie, of thu interior dupurtmont, has rendered a decision holding that there is u law providing u pension for widows of soldiers who died of disenscH contracted iu time of peace prior to March -I, 18(11. llow'H Tlllh! Wo oiler one hundred dollar reward for any cusu of Caturrh that can not be ourud by Hall's Catarrh Curu. F. J. Oiiu.nkv it Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions und lluancially able to carry out any obligations inudu by their thin. Wust it Truax, Wliolesalo Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Klnnun & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hull's Caturrh Cure is taken inter nally, uuting directly upon tho blood und mucous surfaces of tho system. Prlcot 75c. pur bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. 1-&-0 tlrlfiK wt C'uiillriutMl. Washington, Jun. 25. Thosonato has confirmed tho nomination of J. W. GilgifB, of New Jcreey, to bo attorney general. TUMULT IN Till! HKI.fJIAN CHAM IIKIt FlKlit Iti-twoi'li SnolnllNtH nn (I Anil- HoUlflllNtH. Iini'ssiii.s, Jan. 25. Deputy Domblon entered the vestibule of tho chamber of deputies this afternoon accompanied by n bund of socialists. Tho officer in com mand of the guard informed him that in pursuance of the president's order he could not no allowed to enter, whereupon Domblon raised cries of "Vivel'Armie," "Vivo l'Republiquo." A crowd gath ered and attempted to rush the soldiers, with tho result that there was a scuflle of troops withstanding the mob, with fixed bayonets and n hand-to-hand flght taking place between socialists and anti socialists. For n time the tumult was indescribable, nnd a strong body of po lice was required to quiet tho disorder. Within the chamber the greatest ex citement prevailed. The tumult became deufening, and tho ministers who at tempted to reply were shouted down. Vull ii .luck ut 1CI wards. Wasiunuion, Jun. 25. Surgeon-General Wyman has received n dispatch dated the 20th inst. from Dr. Stewart at Memphis, stating that the secretary of the Mississippi state board of health has reported one and probably three cases of yellow fever near Edwards, Mies. McC'oiiiuh MTUN Kll'CtOd. Annapolis, Jan. 25. McComas haB been elected eonator. The tenth and last ballot was taken at noon. The vote was us follows : McComas, 62 ; Gorman, 47 ; Shaw, 5. IIuckidu'k Arnica naive. 'Die best sulve in the world for cur.B, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feei Bores, tetter, chapped handB, chilblainB, corns, und ul! skin eruptions, and posi tively cui kb piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 12, of WaBco county, state of Oregon, that a special school meeting of Baid district will be held at the brick schoolhouse on Court strut, on the 28th day of Januarv, 1893, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon, for the fol lowing objects : To levy a tax for tho ensuing year for school purpoees, and to create a sinking fund to pay the bonded inueuieitness ot suid district. Dated this 17th day of January, 189S. O. D. Doane, Chairman Board Directors. Gi;o. P. Moiuian, District Clerk. Mr. Elisha .tiutry, of this place says ho never had auything do him so much good nnd give such quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Ho was bothered greatly with shooting pains from hip to kneu until ho used this liniment, w hich uflbrds prompt relief. B. F. Baker, druggist, St. Paris, Ohio. Fur sale by Blakeley it Hough ton. When you can not sleep for coughing tako Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pro uunts any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Blakeley it Houghton. The Rose Queen is the best make on the market for five cents, and when you smoke them your money stavs at home. 20-tf 7 ..CHflS. FSAM.. Batchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kccji on ilrimL'ht the cclrbrntiii COUJMHIA HEKK, ncknnwl fflKed tho K'st beer In The Dulles, Ht the UMiul jirlee. Come in, try It nml be convinced. AI'o tho Kliicst brands of Winct, l.irUon mid Cigars. anduiiehes of nil Kinds always on hand. i He Colu Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUFACTDKKRS OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEHAL BANKING BUS1NES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all nointe on fav orable teruiB. THE Sheriffs Sale. Notice tn hereby glvim that under and by vir tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the (Uieult Court ot the Stato of Oregon lor the County of Wasco, anil to me directed and delivered, ilium a judgment and decree rendered and entered In said eouit on the Mil day of No vember, lw7, In favor of A. It, .lones, iilniutlir, and axiiiust It. K. I'ewel, defendant, for the sum of two liuutlrtd and suvniity-six and L'." ltx i?'JTi;,'.Ti) dollais, toi;ether tilth lutetest theioon, since. Mat 1, ltW, at thr rate of ten jut cent jier annum, and thirty dollars attorney fees; anil tlie further Hum of eleven iflUdollars costs, tvhinli said Judgment was enrolled und docketed In the otlieo of the clerk of said couit iu said county on thoMhdayof November, Imi", and whereby it was further ordeied and iteeieed bv theCoiirt that the follmviiiK deseiilied property, to-tvlt; lleulliiiliiK at a point lS.oP chains ttcst of the lino between sections thirty-live and thiity slx, in township tluee north of rntiKo ten east of thu Willamette McMillan, beliiK the western tei m I litis of the north boundary Hue of thu James llensou Donation Land Claim ; thence north ii,t5 chains, thence east 8r chains, thence south (!.& chains, ami thence west Kh3 cIi.iIiih to pluni-of lii'KtnulUKi contiilnlnB Hix acres, lumo or less, nml IhiIuk the same premises sold by thu said .V. 11. Jones to the said lt.'K. l euel, in Wasco County, Oregon, bo sold to satisfy s ld Judgment, attorney fees, costs and acoruuiK coats, 1 will, on Tuesday, the Mh day of February, 1MW, at a o'clock p. in, of said day, at the front door of the courthouse iu Dalles City, Wasuo Co., Or., sell atl the rlh'ht, title and I n lei est of thesald It, K. Kewol in mid to the iibovn deseiilied prooei ty, ut public auction to thuhUhcst bidder (or cash Iu haul, tliu pro ceeds a using from said sale to be apjilktl to the bailsfnuliou of sahl JiKlgmciit, attorney's fee, costs and ncoruiuK costs, und thu surplus, If any there be, to bo jmld Into court, and there to ru uiiilu until tiio lurthcr order ol this court. T. J. DUIVKH, dccW-l Slicrlllof Wtibco t'ouutv, Or. NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-il-WEEK EDITION- 18 I'ukcs a Week, IDG I'upers a Vear It stands first among ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, variet and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of tho Union aud foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It ie splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashioiu for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, ' Coiiuii IJoyle, Jerome K. Jerome, Stanley Wcyuimi, Mary K. AVilklus Anthony Hope, llret llurte, 11 modcr AluttliewD, Ktc. We ofl'er this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers' is $3.00. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that under and by vir tue ol an execution aud order of siile, Issued out of the Circuit Court of tliu State of Oienon, for Wasco County, on thu llth day of December, lt-'.i", upon a deeiee and Judgment rendered therein ou the llrst day of December, 1SU7, iu u suit then aud theretofore pending, tvhereiu Northern Counties investment Trust, Limited, u Corporation, was plalntllt', and Mary J, Smith James M. Smith, Jr., Klum A. Smith and Clem Smith, were defendants, 1 did on thu llth day of December, 1KI7, duly levy upon, and will, on Wednesday, the luth day of January, 1Mb, at thu hourjof one o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, at thu front door of tho county court hotibo iu Dalles City, County, Otegou, sell at pub llu miction, to thu highest bidder, for cash In hand, tne followi ig dcsciibed real estate, to wit: Lots 0 and fi i u block a. Laughllu's Addi tion to Tliu Dalles CUy, aud Lot U in lllock 'J, iu Trovitt's Addition to Thu Dalles City, all in Wasco County, Orcttou, together with nil und singular thu tenements, hciedttainents, aud ap liertennnces theieunto belonging or iu any wisu appertaining, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy and . pay the said several sums due to plaiuttit'mcutloscd iu said writ, to wit: K'.W'.OO, and interest thereon from thu llrst day of i 'eceinber, lsi7. at thu rato of eight ler cent. icr annum; tho further sum of J.'W.OO as a reasouablo attorney's fee, and thu costs and disbursements of said suit, taxed mid allowed ut f.11.00, together with accruing costs and ex jienseii of such sale. Dated at Dulles City, Oregon, this 15th day ot December, lbi7, T. J. DKIVKK, Sheriff of Wutco County, Oregoa. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Third Great Offering of Our Clearance Sale.. Shoes . Shoes. Sloes If you arc in need of good Shoes at less money than has ever before been placed on the market, now is the time to pur chase. We ofl'er the following Reduc tions for this week. MENS' SHOES. Former Sale Wine, Box Calf, calf lined, heavy winter shoe $5 00 $3-40 Or lilood, Com loe, Kus9ian Unit " 4 50 Dark Green, Bulldog, Willow Calf " 4 50 Ox Blood, Seal, Coin Toe, heavy sole 3 00 Black Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 4 50 Kangaroo, Narrow Square Toe, Cap, Dress Shoe, lace and congrees 4 00 Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 3 00 Satin Calf. Plain Square Toe, lace and congrees 2 50 Satin Calf, Coin Toe, lace and congrass 2 50 Satin Calf, Plain Toe, Tap Sole, lace and congress 2 25 BOYS' and YOUTHS' SHOES Glove Grain, Bal., medium heavy 1 75 1 35 Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 50 1 15 YouthB Glove Grain, medium heavy 1 50 1 20 Youths Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 25 1 10 2 95 2 95 2 30 3 45 3 05 2 25 1 85 1 85 1 45 LADIES' SPECIAL. See Our Bargain Table. Cleaning up of old style $3, $4, and $5 Turns and Welts, very finest and best quality, to go at $1.00 Lace, Dark Green, Box Calf, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00 Lace, Dark Green, Kid, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00 Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, Welt.Coin Toe 3 50 Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, McKay.Coin Toe 3 00 Lace and Button, Black Kid, Welt, Coin Toe, patent tip 2 75 Button, Plain, Common Sense Toe 2 50 Lace and Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 2 00 Lace, Box Calf, Bulldog, Heavy Welt Sole 4 00 Lace and Button, Spring Heel, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 50 60 00 40 10 95 70 55 95 30 MISSES' SHOES. Sizes li ' j to 2. Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 25 Grain, Button, Common Sense Toe, stock tip I 25 Kangaroo Calf, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, school shoe 1 15 Fine Kid, Cloth Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip 1 90 Fine Kid, Kid Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip I 90 CHILDRENS' SHOES. Kangaroo Calf, Button, Coin Too, Patent Tip, 5 to 8 1 00 Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 8 to 11 1 00 Kangaroo Calf, Com. SeneeToe, stock tip, tchool shoe, 8-11. I 15 Cloth and Kid Top, Button, Square Toe, Put. Tip, dress shoe 1 50 1 00 95 1 10 1 40 1 40 05 75 85 1 15 This list does not cover all discounts on Shoe Sale, as we have specials on most every line in stock, Also specials previously oll'ered, on this Clearance Sale still continues. As Ave must reduce stock so as to make room for new goods, now being purchased by our two representatives in Now York. We wish to call the attention to Lady customers that on Saturday next, from 10 a. m. to A p. m., wo will place on sale at a great Heduction something to their interest. See advertisement later. A. IH. WILLIAMS & CO. who has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes lias everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. 11 i