1 m 1M 1 34 CVWtt EXTOY8 Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healtuyanu agrecaoioBUDstances, ns mnnv excellent dualities commend it to all and have made it the most noniilar remedy known. Syrup of FigB is for Bale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro iih it nromntlv for anr one who wishes to try it " Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FJUKISCQ. CAL lOuwiiLE, nr. hew roue, M.X. The Dalles Daily Chrcait& THE D.VLLKS, ... OKKIION AilvertUinc Kates. Per inch Oneiuehor less in Dally U 50 Over two Inches and under four iuches 1 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches.. Over twelve iuches 60 DAILY AND WEEKLY. Onoinch or less, per Inch V 50 Over one inch and under four Inches '- 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over welve inches 1 00 VERSON.VI. MKNTION- Frank Swift is in from Dufur today. W.H. Davis of Wapinitia is in the city toaav E. C. Fitzpatrick of Tyjjh Valley is in tne city. Judge Merrimer.county judge of Gil Ham county, is in the city today. Mr. W. A. Kirhy left on the early morning tram lor a snort trip to fort land r. P. E. Michell was in tbe citv last "night, on his way from Portland to Co lumella. B. Oramer of the Rutledze neighbor hood in Sherman couuty is at the Uma tilla'EIouse today. J. M. Murchie ot Wasco is in the citv today visiting friends and looking into business matters. Mrs. L. E. Crowe returned last night, ' from Portland, having teen visiting tfriends for the past week in that place. Mrs. J. Nickle, who has been visiting Mr. Nickle for several days, returned to tier home in i'orilanu on the morning train. Mrs. J. H. CradlebauEh. who has Ibeen visiting in the city for several days, returned to her home at Hood Kiverthis znoinin Weekly Excurlnii to th Kant. A tourists sleeping ear will leave Port land every Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock via the O. It & N., without change to Boston, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the, cities of Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and Boston. The ideal trip to the east is now before you. Remember this service when going East and con sult O. R. & N. agents or address V. H. IIuiti.nuitT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Oregon. Entice. All boys are hereby notified to stop swinging on cars which are moving through the yard in this city. If they do not, the ordinance concerning this matter will be strictlv enforced. Par ents should see that the attention of the children is called to this notice. By order of ' Ciias, Laukk, City Marshal. Cu.li In lour Check. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, 1898. C. L. Phillips, Conntv Treacurer. I) H JIUSTINUTO.S. it 8 WILfcOX. HUNTINGTON is. WILSON, ATTOUNKYH AT LAW, THK DALLES, OREGON Ofllco ow First Nat. Hank. oulv aum ram a bosk. PrFeoPeyflreS (fc Biok or Jtut Don'tlf II I V rwi weii." riLLO SnU Townnlltlllio the Mountain Stream for Manufacturing Purpose. lteldes n considerable number of large water-power installations, Swlt. erland is full of small power plant, nearly cery town in that land of moun tains' and waterfalls being ell sup plied willi (xnver from the "white coal," a.s the melting snow on the mountain sides has well been willed. When there are tu large streams, iy.s Cassler's Magaiue. nmny small ones are ini pounded and collected in reservoirs on the hillsides, and it is rate to tlnd n place of any si7e which is not well light id by the power of some mountain stream. At Montreiix the electric tramway gels its power in this wa. and from the old lionian town of ee. to the niedlewil castle of Chlllon one may ride in a trolley ear propelled by the power of an insignificant little .stream which nun or may not be noticed when climb ing up the hillside just above. The capabilities of this general utili zation of natural power are beginning to be understood everywhere, nnd with the appreciation of the o.-sibilities of t he bos t me t hod s ii f 1 ou g-d i s t a nee t ra ns mission, the development of many mountain streams must surely come. There are innumerable streams which, while very small, are yet ery high, and those can with comparatively little dif ficulty be impounded and carried down many' hundreds of feet. thu making up for their Inch of volume by the gieat pressure readily obtainable, and, either by the use of electricity or compressed air. the power may be transmitted to many points of application with but little loss. NO USE FOR LEATHER APRONS. Sxmanthn -Mann Decline to Tr.di .Icily t'ak- for Cold llucknrhciits. When the children used to go to Pos sum Walk sehoolliouse the dinner hour was a time when they gathered together and compared the contents of tlieirdin ner baskets and traded with each other. Two doughnuts for a piece of pie, one cookie for n red apple, etc. Some of the scholars were children of the poorer class of tenant farmers and their bas kets were not filled with anything like so appetizing an outfit as the baskets of the others. Mary .lane Spurling. for instance, used to come to school with buckwhea cakes for dinner. They were of the large kind, about 10 inches round nnd a quarter of an inch thick. They had leen buttered thinly while hot. but the butter would melt quickly and the cakes would be as cold as tombstones by the noon hour. Still, they were the best that Mary Jane had, and as the spirit of barter lwat in her humble breast she essayed to exchange a couple of these pieces dc resistance to Samantha Mann for a slice of jelly cake. Samantha turned up her snub nose a trifle higherand said in a scornful tone: "Oh. yes; now, Mary Jane Spurlin'. you don't git me to trade any o' my nice jelly cake fur one o' your ole hither aprons." And Mary Jane Spurling never smiled again. ABSURD THEORIES. The Ancients' Kxplmiation of the ItUInc and Setting of the Sun. The recent death of a mini who had maintained all his-life that the earth wa.s Hat recalls the curious theories entertained by the ancients to explain the rising and .setting of the sun, says the New York Journal. They thought the enrth wa.s flat and were greatly puz zled to know how the same sun which plunged into the ocean at a fabulous distance in the west could reitppcar the next morning at an equally great dis tance in the east. A number of remarkable theories were advanced and every one of them wrong. The old mythology asserted that after the sun had dipped in the western ocean at sunset (the Iberians mid other ancient nations actually im agined that they could hear the hissing of the waters when the glowing globe wan plunged therein) he was seized by Vulcan and placed in a, golden goblet. This strange craft, with its astonish ing cargo navigated the ocean by a northerly course, so as to reach the east again in time for sunrise the following morning. Among the more sober physicists of old, as related by Aristotle, it was be lieved that in some manner the sun wan conveyed by night across the northern regions and that darkness was due to lofty mountains, which screened off the sunbeams during the voyage. A Compliment to nil Iloit. The German emperor is a master of little surprises quite other than those which occasionally fetch his troops out of bed in tho middle of the night when they least expect it. While at Low ther castle, England, he took the op portunity afforded by the absence of Lord Lousdale to unpack a very fine marble bust of himself and put it in u position screened by tho leaves of a large palm. The sudden unveiling and presentation was quite dramatic in its character and It need hardly bo said that Lord Lonsdale wa.s highly de lighted with the carefully pluuned compliment. Everybody reads The Chuo.nicle. ytH-UKIHKNIHUIFFKK & ItUKDY, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to turgery. iiooms 21 ttud 22, Tel. 303. Vogt Mock, STRANGE STORY OF CRIME. Trustworthy 8rTiMit Turn Miinlewr llimtmnd to tln llM-m. One. of the most remarkable stories of thwarted crime comes from India. A lady with her two children, who were both young, was going In her own ekkn trom'ltaninngar to a place In the center of the Har tract. The drier vuis mi old servant of the family ami was thought to bo trust worthy. For this reason the lady did not think it necessary to leave her jew elrv behind her. At a lonely part of the road the trustworthy sonant stopped and ordered his mistress to pass her gewgaws along. She did so, not unnaturally, nnd then the man pro ceeded to biiid'hor, preparatory to kill ing her. At her request he agreed to kill the infants after he had dispatched their mother. He lifted the n to strike the Mow, but the head Hew off and disap peared in the brushwood some yards away. Ity this time the lady was un i ouscious. When she came to she found her hus band leaning oxer her and undoing her fastenings. lie explained that he had felt a dread as of some impending ca lamity, and mi had followed her. In the thicket the trustworthy servant was found dead, his body already blue, putrid and bloated. He hod boon stung by a Khagi snake, whose bite paralyzes the victim on the instant and decom poses him in an hour. Pasteur CnreftiliieM. Once when Pasteur was dining with his daughter and her family at her home in llurgundy he took care to dip in a glass of water the cherries that were served for dessert and then to wipe them carefully with his napkin before putting them in his mouth. His fastidiousness amused the people at table, but the scientist rebuked them for their levity and discoursed at length on the dangers in microbes ami ani tiiaculae. A few minutes later, in a fit of abstraction, he suddenly seized the glass in which he had washed the cher ries and drank the water, microbes and all, at a single draught. The (iorninn Cinnry Tr.nle. 'it is not at all generally known that Germany carries on a very large trade in the rearing and exporting 'of cana ries, and that the largest establishment in the world for the breeding of these creatures is situated within the do mains of that empire, away up among the Ilnrt:'. mountains of Prussia. From this and the fewsurroundingbutsmall cr nurseries, no fewer than 1.10,000 birds are dispatched every year to the United States and Canada, while in the same time at least 3,000 g to Britain nnd about 3,000 go to Russia. LOOP POISON ttary JiL(iUl foi.SON permanently Cured In 15 to 35 dnva. Ton f in be trpi ,., hono f orsamo pneo under samo Run ran ty. If you prefer tocotuo hero we will con tract to pay rallronilfareandliotelbUls.ttiil .'Jmples, lples, Copper Colored .Spot', 'Jlccrs oa pattor tho tody, llalrorKyel)rHV fullliiir , it it this Secondary HI.OOIJ POISON any out. vro traarnntco to cure. Wo solicit tho mast hai. nate cases ana clKillcniro tho world for a case wecamintcnru. a'tiia dlfeijio lias always ba Hied tho skill of t lio mo JL eminent physi cians. S500,000 capital behind our uiic'ndl. lional guaranty. Ausolutonrt'ofiinnnt raled on DPllr-tton. AddrcM COOK J!HMi:iV CO.. lUatouio 'ieiuplc, CHlC.lHO, ILL, h NEW MARKET. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, jrOULTRY,' FISH AND GAME. Chiekens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of tho city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third aud Washington Sta Patronize the All kind of work. White Hhlrts n kpcclnlty. Fnmllv work utreilucul Mtes. Wath collected ami (Icllvc-iol Ircc, Telephone No. HOI. A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. l J. )le Boots and Shoes Made to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed, Kepalrin? neatly done at short notice, 1 Union St. bet. 1st and 2d D am cocbaree cury, to 1 Dams I8V?BB ....the.... iQ ! 51 1 Weekly Inter Ocean L?i LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party ... i .a.. lf fcf with ability ana earnest ness... ,'.".."" tuc uFtif LV INTER THE NEWS AND DEST It Is Morally Clean and ns n The Literature at Its columns is equal to iti.it of the best maga zines. It Is interesting to the chil dren its v.-ell sis the parents THE INI ER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it btings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, It is in full sympathy .u. nf Wirn tvneii: and Willi lliv. lucud iuu.iuiw v " - rT' discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. leiacunc SI.OO-PniCE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-SI.00 THE DAILY AUD SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTEK OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. l'rlroof llnllv lv until ." I""" Jr,nr I'rlr.MirSmMln.v liyiimll l"p y'1,r JJ n 0 llnllyiiml Miniliiy iy timii For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ol iarmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of Amoriean manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved moth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of mono'. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, srikSD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- f nn TTlrmT This Flour ih inanufiictiired xnraiilv fr f...n.. use; ov6rynack is Kuaranteed to jjivo enttafaction. We Hell our VOOiIh Inner Minn utiv linxu., In tlw. .....I i !i , i. .. call-and get our pr.cea and I be convinced; ' ' ' " y" "on 1 U""K 80 Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. "There is a tide injhe affairs of men which, takenat itijflooa leads on to fortune." Tho poet unauostlonablv had roforonco to tho Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, Who aro selling those Roods out at greatlv-reduced ral MIOHEU1AQH BRICK. . . UNIC KT. JOSEPH SHANNON HAS Ol'KHKD A HARNESS SHOP IN TlfK KABT KM), In tbo Colum bla teed urd, opollo 8Uuiaribo'n BUxikyurda, wliero bo la retulv to do All Kinds of Harness Work. POLITICAL PAPEK IN TUK vm 5 . -i.-j i vUut it can always dc rcntu for fair and honest reports of all po- litical movemcnts'Hktl-i.'.t- OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family I'cpcr Is Without n Peer. I"" f m " BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. LOST. A dark brown, young mare, wiiitn atripe in face, wiiite hind feet j biand tA , connected, on loft shoulder; weieht about 1000 poiuida. Flndor will bu paid for care by writing r to W. A. Caninbell, Uox 05, Portland, Or. janlilMm FOR SALF" Rominaton Typuwritor with table. Nearly now. Will sell Call on or addreia walnut cheap, I, . A. 0. Gkiokr, J18 3' Tho Dalles, Or. 0.R.&M TO THK EHSTI (IIVKH THK (illOK'K OK TV0 Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. VIA OREGON SHORT LINE. Spokano Minneapolis St. Paul Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Chicago Low (latest all Eastern Cities IIOCAN KTKA.MKKH I'nrtUnd Kv.-rV I'lvi' lv fr SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Hteuinera inontlily from Portland to Yokohama mid Moiih KmiK via North ern Piiellie. Steiiniahip Co., in e.ounention with O. It. & N. Her lull detail ell ) O. H .V Co. n ARCiit Tlie lMlIra, ornddn-jiii IK)I).SON, CAI1I.II.I- t :0 (li'll. ArU., North I'linlUc Hti-mnslilp Co. tim i: CAitn. No I, to Hikmu nnd (Heat Northern nrrlvi-n at i J.ii. in., lwived at y.Vt) . m. No. a, to IVndlc i,,,, i-iiv mill i'iiIiiii I'lit-lili'.nrrl vi-.i tit rM.ri I ii in,, doparls at Vi H) n. m. No ;!, Ifom Hi(kanu anil (item .ortiictn, ur tli.-Mil 11 Vila, in., ilc:i"Ot at ti.'A'i ; a in. No. 1, f mm Ilakcr City and Pnloti l'nclllu, arrives at ;i.2o it. in,, doparlis at ;t . a, in, Nu. 'it and 'J I, imivltiR en-t of The nllei, vrlll r.irrv .n.voiiKi:r. No. il nrrlves at ft p. in., departs at l:l- p. m. 1'ivciiKerx lor lloppncr take No Ievlni; lu-re at P.-:M p. m. w, ii. iiuui.iiintT, (ion. r.H. Apt Portland. Orinon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK tim: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at l'ortlnud ovi:ui.ANi) i:x i iirci, halein, Kiu 1 bu rR, Aalilaiul, Hae- fi.00 I . il. i Krimd,i jiojave. f, IM AIIRVieU,!.! I ll"), New tuU-niiH ami 1 1 ;lKmt ... , 'li-Sl Jl ltl"'l''"lrK Ml"' m,' t- 1'. M Dully oxt.-ept Hiiniluyo. fV i Woodtiurn Utr I t.AiiKut, Hllvcrloii, ; .'ist Helo, llrowiis- V vllk-.tjprluKlli-ldaud I Natron J Dally except Kuu-liiyji I7:;1 A. 31. ICorvallls am! llatlnns way M V M inhi;i'i:ndi:nck i-ashknciKi:. r.xpros train Dally (uxcoptHlllidayi. I :' . in . (I.v. .Portland Ar.i h :'. n. in " nip. m. At McMliinvHlc l.v.J ri.rtiH, ill h.tfip. in. (Ar liiilt.--cnik-ucv.,lA .) I .H)a in. 'Dally. (Daily, exrept hund.iy DlNJ.NIi CAUri O.N 0(1D1:N HOl'TK. riJI.I,MAN liuVlT.T KI.KKI'KHH AND KKCOND-CUKh HI.KKI'INO (JAllS Attaelusl to all TliroiiRli Trains. Direct roniusitlnn athiin l'riitit-1 ( i with Orel dental ami Ork-ntal i-nd Pac-ilu- iiiaii nli-iiuisliip lliu.NfDi IAPAN and CHINA. KiIIIiir date on a plU-allon. Itnliis and llckils to Kasteru polutn and Kti roie Aim J.Vl'AN, CHINA, IIONOI.I. 1,1 and AL'KTHAl.IA. eau Ixinlitalni'd Iroiu J. II. KIKKLANI), Ticket ARent. TliroiiRli Ticket Olllce, i:it Third iitrcet, where tliroliRh tlrkets to nil (siliitM In tho Knutvrii HtsU-it, Camilla mill huriie ean lie oblalned at limi-nt raten from J. 1!. KlltKI.AND, Ticket ARent Alt above UaiiiN arrlvu at and depart IrniK (irand (.entritilatlou. Klllliaud lrvniR Htrix-t YAMIIII.I, DIVIHION. 1'iuwiiRer DcH)t, foot of Jellemon direct. U-iivo for OHWlido, dally, except Hiiiidav, at 7:Jo h. in.: p.'ai i-.v(, r,;s, "mv, p. in, (and ll:;m p. in. on ha'tiirday only, anil i);lKl a. m and ;i.;;o p. m.oo Hundajs only). Artlvo at I'ortlaiid dully at Bill) and hjmi i' in.; and 1 :.", I . lf. 6; ntitl 7:.V p. in., (and lu:05 a. in , .1 is fi:10 p, in. on Ku.nlayi, only), U-ave for Hhcrlibiu, week iliiyn, t 1:30 p. in Arrive at I'ortlaiid, 'J:;i a. in. Iavo for AIKI.IK on Monday, Wislnecdny Hint Ktl'lay at'JilOu. m. Arrivo at Portland, Tllt-ic dav, Thurnlay aud .Sulurdiii itUiWi p. in. Kxeept fiiiudav. KxceptSatiiiday. It. KOKIIl.Kli, fliuiHiiur. (i, II, MAHKIIAM, Ahut. (I. K. ,fc Vuhtt. AUt Dalles, Hon and Antelope STAGE LINE. ThroiiRli by dayllRht vlu (irius Viillcy, Kent and Cross llollmu, IMIIIOI.AH AI.I.KN, Tim Dull.. . M. WIUTKI.AW. Alltolop.). KtiiKes leave The Holies from tlinallllii Hoino at 7 a, in, alho from AulflloiKj at 7:U0 it, m. uvcry ilonday, Aislnemlay and Friday. Coiiiicetloim mado atAlileloiHj for I'rlnuvlllo, Mitchell and liolnts beyond. (!lot,u cnniivotloiiN made at Tho DallcN with rullivays, trains mid boato. HtiiRi-s from Aiilelopu reach Tho Dullc Tuw Hayb, lliiirnlnyH and HiitiirdayH at i;uu p. m, hatk ar FAllK. Dallei, In Dekclmteii l 01) do Mori , . 1 ft) do (Iruss Valley aifl do Kent 8 U) . do Cri)H HoIIowh 4 10 Antelope to Cross llolloivh 1 Ml do Kent a HO ilo (Irans Vulley II ( do Morn ... UM do Dixchuoei. , I no do Malic ' 6 00 liUtKD. W. W1IJJOK. I1 ATTOitNKV AT LAW, 'nil'. im.i.KM.miKnoM Oflicc ovet Klrt Nt. Iituk. i f L