a - mmm The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Nempapei on Waieo County. EASTERN OFFICE SSO to 23A Temple Court, X. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Wecklr Clubbing Kate. Chronicle ami Oregonian $2 25 Chronicle ami Examiner 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.8o Chronicle and Tribune 1 76 Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 TUE8D AY " JANUARY 25, 1S9S AW IS THE TIME. ' There has never been a more fa vorable time for tho voformatiou of pension abuses than now. We have at the head of the bureau a commia sioner who is determined to do all he can to make the roll an honorable one. There is in the present con gress a disposition, largely born of the necesjit' of economy, to limit pension expenditures and reform abuses. We have on the part of the general public a strong desire that such changes be made in administra tion as shall prevent tho payment of public money to persons who have no right to it. Everybody is satis fied that there arc numerous cases of such frauds. It is clear that men who are able to do active work on the police force of a jjreat city have no right to be drawing invalid pen sions; that a man who is competent to take charge of a long-distance tel ephone ought not to be drawing pen sion money for deafness. A general co-operation can secure the purging of the list. Especially valuable would be the help of the Grand Army of the Republic in this direction. They owe it to them selves to assist in exposing those who arc fraudulently drawing money which belongs to the veterans. It is an nounced by the New York Tribune that J. P. S. Goblin, commander-in-chk'f of the Grand Army, has been in Washington with this end in view. It would be a very helpful thing if the suggestion of the commissioner of pensions that the government should look after the interests ot those entitled to pensions itself, and do away with the necessity for pen sion attorneys, were carried out. This would at once be a protection to the government and to the pen sioner. If there were no pension at torneys there would doubtless be less occasion for the adoption of private pension bills by congress. It is a striking coincidence that the semi centennial celebration of the discovery of gold in California should take place while the eyes of the world are fascinated by a like discovery in Alaska, which promises to equal, if not exceed, the famous find of 1849. San Frnncisco is ar rayed in holiday attire, while a mul titude of citizens frcm all parts of the state are paying homage to the pioneers who wrung from the earth her golden treasure. In the mean time thousands of poor fellows are camped along the ic3 streams of Alaska animated by the same hopes as were the gold-seekers of Califor nia. The same story of success and failure, of discouragement and ecs tasy will be told, but the tale cannot be so pleasant in the present instance as it was in the former. The dark, frozen canyons of the Klondike com pare unpleasantly with the sunny California fields, and the mournful pines of the northern latitude are far different from the bright flowers and luxurious verdure of the south ern clime. But the sought-for goal in each instance is the same, and we trust the celebration now in progress is a fitting prelude for a greater ob servance yet to follow of the discov ery of gold upon the Klondike. The Oregonian, by its fight on John II. Mitchell, will probably elect him. At least this will be the case if history repeats itself. The tactics used by the Portland paper ore man ifestly so unfair that their effect is to cause a sentiment in favor of tho person who is the object of the at tack. Mitchell has served Oregon ably in tho senate, probably with greater success than any other rep resentative we have had, and what ever has been his course in the past he may be counted upon nowo vote for and uphold the side of sound money. Many men have changed their views upon the currency ques tion, and for the Oregonian to try and read out of tho party all those who at times in the past may have leaned toward silver, but arc now for the gold standard, can result in nothing but harm to the state and The French love of the sensational is evidenced again by the scenes in the chamber of deputies over the Dicyfus matter. Statesmen and pol iticians pummelled each other like boys upon a foot-ball field, and challenges Hew as fast as Hies in summer time. It is stated one hun dred and twenty-five neckties were picked up on the floor after the strug gle was over. The French need some way to give vent to the exu berance of their feelings, and if they can't have war with Germany over Alsace and Loraine, they pick a fight am one themselves. However, as the stock of neckties remains sufficient, no damage can be reported done to the nation. Were Governor Lord to act upon his judgment, and to consider only the needs of the people, we do not believe he would hesitate in calling an extra session. If, however, he need consult and be guided by .Toe Simon, the matter will depend upon how it suits the Portland machine. The need of convening the legisla ture in special session is becoming every day more apparent. Uucltlen'8 Ariucu aulvn. The best salve in the world for cuts, bnueee, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovei eores, tetter, chapped hundB, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption?, and posi tively ciwb piles, or no pay required It in guaranteed to sjive perfect satisfac tion, or money reiuuaea. Price 25 cente per bos. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggist?. The war in Cub.i ha not prevented S. F. Fouts from securing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which be manufactures into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars. 20-tf When you can not bleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It is" most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre uents any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Will Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American Annual. . PRICE CENTS Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On All News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. PJTTbt most widely told Annual Refer mat Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. The World ilianac Encyclopedia pR nisi Encyclopedia Regulator Line The Dalles. PortW anfl Astoria Navigation Co.' FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood Klvcr, Cascade Iicks and Fort land dally, erven Kunday. DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going EASTERN OREGON ? H to, save money and enjoy n beautiful trip on iho iviiiinihiH. This west-bound train arrives at The Dalles In nnnilc time for iwss enjrcrs to take the steamer, arriving in 1'ortland in time for the outKOing Southern and Northern train; feast- bound passenger arriving m mu iuiivo m ihhv to take the East-bound train. For further information appiy io J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Dak Street dock, roriianu, ureicoii, Or W C. A I. LA WAY, Cien. At., The Dulles. Oregon fleuu Yeat Experiences. - !-. Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide yon through the new. You remember where you have pAins and pleasures. Good health b'ought the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will get it through good medicine. We use tothing but tho best ami finest drugs in Compounding. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street, THE DALLES, j-loliday Improuemepts. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment ureater. You want paper which makes your homo pleasunter at all times. You need such shades nnd designs as will give more beauty nnd more comfort in your home. We show you styles that exceed any ever seen hero at prieeB never attempted for such quality. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. sits. Regulator B Dalles City Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchmakerlJewelcr All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. $250,000 . , ,i!il..u, it,., . u-J The Best Wholesale. CHines and Cigars THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt beverage, unequaled as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing -OF- FURNITURES CARPETS PRINZ ( NITSCHKE Are'Jgoiiu: to cloo out their busint'fs, nnd tlioy are oflurine their largo stock at COST PKIOES. iN'uw ih the titnu to buy good Furniture cheap. ' All persons knowiut: themseives indebted I ' settle their Jfye postoffiee pi?arma(;y, CLARKE & FALK, Propilotors. Putfe Dtugs and Medicines. Toilet Art ides and J'oifuinory, piist Iji) of Imported aid Domestic $i$ars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocsries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 7V. Z. DONNELL, P$ESCflPTIOri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Willianie & Co., Subscribe for The Chroinele ToB Given Away this yenr itt valuable articles to smokers of BSackwelPs Genuine ham Tobacco You will find otic coupon In side cadi 2-ouitcc bag, mid two coupons inside citcli 4-ouncc hop. r.uyiilmg, rend the coujn mid see how to gel your tumrc. - BUSCH and BEER SScfGeB. Nutrine, a non-alcoholic tonic. Out Sale to said firm are requested to call and account. THE DALLES, OR ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car Tourist HT. PA II I. MIN.NKAI'OLI 1HIMTTII I A KIJO (MIAMI roit (lltDOKMTON WINNIPKfl IIKI.KNA mi IIIITTK TO Through Tickets TO UI1IUAOO WAHIIINIITON I'HU.ADKl.l'lllA NKW VIIKK IIOHTON ANI A I.I' 1'OINTH KAHT mill HOIITII For Information, time eardi, map and tlcketi, cnl on ur write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Palleti, Oregon on A. I). CHARLTON. Aunt. G. P. A., ZVi, Morrlon Cor. Third. IMrtlatid Oregon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-'tfnersly Drag k 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. in., g-le isrisr. J. H. BCItltNK, l'ICItlllUllt. II M IlkMli First national Batik, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A lionurul Dunking UualnoHB truiiHucteo uupoHUB rouuivod, minjoct to bigm ColIoctlonH nimlu unti proceed) prompt! remitted on dnv of collection. HlKht and Telegraphic! Exchange Bold os new xorjc, Ban Frunelaco anc on land. DIUHOl'nMS D. P. TllOMI'HON. Jno. 8. BoimNt hO. M. WlLMAKH. tiKO. A. LlKUB. H. M. Ukai.l. Taken Up. Came to my place on 3-Mllc, nlw' tho 25th of November, a straw-bay roJ mare, branded Y P( connected Jon tho"11 shoulder, about 5 years old. Owner CD N uuvu mime iy puyiug ouarges. M. 8. KVANH. dcc22.1m The Dalles, Or.