The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 25, 1898, Image 1

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    l)c Dalles
NO 324
Vessels of Any Foreign Na
tion 31 ny Will or.
Vliuv or tlin IJliltuit HtutiiN iii tlin llint
irn OiiiixIidii In Aumiril with
'lliiiKii of F.iiKlitinl.
ISiiiiMS', Tan. 24. Tho following semi
nllieial announcement was issued to
day .
"Statements regarding Germany's in
tention to open tin) port of Kulo Chon
to the commerce of tho world are prac
tically correct. Germany desires that
her policy should ho of u lllioral ehnrac
tur, not interfering with the commerce
of other nations."
Ni:iv Vokk, Jun 24. There in reason
to hclievo that the moral influence of
Hid I'nited States will Bitpport Great
llriliun in her oflorte to keep China open
to tliu commerce of tho world, says tho
Washington correspondent of thu Her
idd. The only nctlvo HtopH which tliu
government will prolmhly take in the
mutter will he to enter the negotiations
with Germany respecting the treatment
of American Hhipu entering Kaio Chon
and Hiich other ports in China uh may he
seized in the future !y the RusBiau or
Japanese governments.
"If China Iuih leaned Kaio Chon on
the condition that It Hhall be opened by
Geriiiany uh u Chinese port, then it will
not he necessary for the president to
take steps in the mutter," said an oflieial
of tho adininiHtrution. "It will mean
that thu commerce of all natioiiH will he
allowed unreHtricted entry thereto. If,
as wo believe, however, Kuio Chon
should he leased to Germany without
conditions, then Germanv will have the
right, and will undoubtedly excrete it,
to int in operation port and customs
regulations hiicIi uh are now in force in
(iuriumi home iortn.
"The United States cannot mal;e ob
jections to the extension of Hiich regula
tioiia in Kaio Chon in mioh an event, for
it will he uh much Gunuuii hoII to nil in
tents and purpOBCH uh in Hamburg.
However, the udminiHtration will expect
from Germany any privileges that may
be granted to any other nation, and
will, therefore, reap the benefit of which
Great Hrittain'ti altitude against the
shutting of the ChineHo door to the con:
merce of the world will give.
"This is required in nccordance with
tlieartieloH of the treaty between the
United Htates and Russia in 1878, which
provides: 'If eneh party Hhall hereafter
Kraut to any nation any particular favor
of navigation or commerce, it Hlmll im
ineiliatoly become common to the other
I'iirty, freely, whuro it la freely granted
to such nation, or yield to the Hume
compensation when the grunt is con
ditional. "Attachea of thu Chinese legation are
naturally very much pleased at theutti
Imlo assumed by Great Bnluin, uh they
'I'l'reciate that Hhe will have tho moral
iiilliioncu of tho United States and other
imtious trading with China which have
no territorial deHiguH on the CeloHtial
'""'ire. The policy wliioh Great Brit
in 1ms Inaugurated mount), they feel
yotiliddnt, the continued integrity of tliu
Chinese government."
HiiliHithlUK t Know.
It may lie worth something; to know
mt the very best medicine for restoring
, 10 tirt'd out nervous Hyntom to n
'lenlthy vigor is Kloctrie Bitters. This-""-'dlcliie
!h purely vegetable, acta by
It's a Fact
that iulhwnution from'
nny cause can bo speed,
ily reduced bv the iron.
tie application of Gar
lundV'llappy Thought"
Halve. 60 cente Worth
(louhiB the money. For
Bale by
donnell, m mm
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
giving tone to the nerve centers in the
Htomach, gently stimulates the Liver
and Kidneys, and aids these organs in
throwing off impurities in the blood.
Electric Bitters improves the appetite,
aids digestion, and is pronounced by
those who have tried it as the very best
blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it.
Sold for 50e or $1 .00 per bottle at Blake
ley & Houghton drug store. 2
PiiuIhIi I'ri-HH Acltutml!
Nuw Yoiik, Jan. 24. A special to the
Herald from Madrid says:
The attacks in the house at Washing
ton have produced a feeling here which
perhaps is scarcely justified, pointing
Towards tho fixed purpose of a certain
section of American politicians to iiiBist
upon war with Spain. The government
is disturbed and the press 1h full of the
subject. The'lniparciul soys:
"It would be difficult to believe that
J,he United States purposes to undertake
in tho face of the whole civilized world
the enormous responsibility of revoking
war, for which no reason exists today.
It is a cold-blooded mockery and affront
to the general conscience."
The Correepoudeutiu suys :
"We cannot imagine why the ma
jority of the people in the United States
wish for wur with Spain, seeing the
great disturbance such a wur would
cause. Wo cannot think that the lingoes
will prevail in their evil work. We be
lieve tho government of the United
States will not commit this unjustified
and thoughtless imprudence."
Ilow'n This:
We offer one hundred dollard reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
1. .1. A Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known V.
.1. Cheney for tho last IT) years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions, and financially able to
carry out any obligations niadu by their
West Truiix, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Wulding, Kinnaii & Marvin,
Whalomile Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hull't) Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system, l'ricot
75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free. 1-5-9
(lollll)ll .llllltlttlt LillllUClltMl.
San Fua.stisco, Jan. 24. With thu
rising of the sun this morning thu cele
bration of the fiftieth anniversary of the
discovery of gold in California, known
us the golden jubilee, was heralded bf
the booming guns at the various forts
which Hue the shores of the bay at tiie
entrance to the Golden Gate.
At 10 :30 o'clock ouo of the most in
turestlug parades ever seen in this state
marched through thu streets, which
were gaily decorated with Hugs and
hunting and thronged with people from
every part of tho state.
At least 00,000 strangers poured into
tho city last night and this morning, and
half as many more from the towns across
the bay swelled tho crowds from this
city alcng the line of march. Market
street from tho ferry to Van Ness aveuuo
was packed on either sido. Every win
dow along the line of march and many
roots of buildings were pressed into serv
ice by tho sightseers. It is estimated
that 10,000 men were in line.
The splendor of tho celebration of the
golden jubilee which began this morn
ing is not likely to bo surpassed for many
a year to come, The entiro statu has
gladly responded to the Appeals of the
miners, pioneers and native eons and
daughters, and from now until the close
of the carnival week Sun Franoisco will
bo tho Mecca toward which all travel
west of tho Siorras will be directed.
Tho Ancient Greeks believed that the
Penates wero tho gods who attended to
the welfare and prosperity of the family
They were worshipped as household
gods in every homo. The household god
of today is Dr. King's New Discovery
For consumption, coughs, colds and for
nil affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs
it is invaluable. It has been tried for a
quarter of u century and is guaranteed
to cure, or money returned. No house
hold should be without this good angel
It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedv for old and young. Free bottles
at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store.
Sailor Have Light Ixickw and Luxuriant
The latest, use 1 which tho sun li;i
been put is to make it dye human hair,
uiid on the head of the pretty bathing
g-irl at thut, says the N civ ork Journal
This fntthion lxpan last summer. A
fashioriciblu physician recommended
bright sunshine mid sea ozone as the
best means of making the hair lipht-
colored, healthy and strong-. The
young- perron for whom Oris preM:ri-
tion was given found it very elhcacious,
The end of the resort season ha by-
no means caused a subsidence of the
fad. Never before were there in New
York so many young women whose
g-olden hair hangs down their backs
once evcrv day that is, every sun-
'hiny day. A queer fact, too, is that
the idea, simple ns it is, seemH to have
Uh result of producing the desired ef
feet. It is eertamlv a much more
harmless way of bleaching- the hair
than that which requires the use of
i hemieals.
'Jt heenis to be a very intelligent
idea," said a physician, when qucs
tinned regarding it. "All sailors will
tdl you how rapidly the hair grows
when on board ship in the tropics.
have had some opportunity to observe
the color, or rather the aerage color,
of sailors' hair. 1 have found that
their dark-hoi red shipmates by two or
their I'uir-haired shipmates by two or
three to one. I supiose the sun has
suinftliimr of a bleaehiti!r power, :ih
well as forcing the growth of the hair,
by causing n increased circulation of
its 'sap.' In this respect it stands to
reason that each individual hair must
be somewhat like a plant in its nature."
Kun by Uuko Tlii'oilurti of HiiMirlu on
lUan rtTiillnrly Illn Own.
A thousand veais ago Benedictine
monks discovered a small sulphur
spring on a mountain near .Munich.
They built a hospital there that wa.s
iiM'il by their order until 'JO years ago,
v.Jien it was bought by King -Maxi
milian, of Bavaria, who filial it with
l.oor sick folk, says the London .Mail.
When the king (lied his grandson,
Du'.e Theodore, found that he had not
money enough to keel) up his charity
After loiur and anxious consultation
with his brothers the honest, kindly
prince erected new buildings ami
opened the house every year for three
months as a hotel. It was jsatronifird
by many of the royal and noble families
of liurope, though it is free tn every
comer who will conduct himself re
j-jM-etably and pay for his accommoda
Duke Theodore provides the food
from his own farm, which he oversees,
while his brother, Prince Ludwig, acts
n; host of the hotel. All guests are re
quested to leave on the last day of Au
gust. The house is then filled with
frcores of poor teachers, artists and au
thors, invalid soldiers and poorly paid
clergymen, whom the royal brothers
have formally invited to honor them
with a visit. The money made during
the summer is devoted to their enter
tainment. The duke and prince remain
in the house, lavishing kindness and
courtesy upon their guests.
An Af lr-l)lniur Ulm-ovory.
It was just after dinner, and they
found the little girl crying piteously
to herself. !(. had been a good dinner,
and she had enten heartily, and they
could see no reason for her distress.
"What is the matter, (It ar?" her moth
er asked sympathetically. The tenrs
were running, and sho could hard
ly speak, She managed to sob out
finally: "Oh, my dinner aches so liar.1
that 1 wish that 1 did not have it."
An Arizona prison has an extensive
apiary which is under the charge of
the inmates. A single hive is said to
httve produced. 200 Mjunds of honey
hint year, and it in expected that the
industry will prove exceedingly profitable.
Freah Columbia river smelt at Varney
&Co.'d. 10-1 wk
..GHfls. hum..
and Farmens
Kwiis on draught the celebrated
COl.t'MlllA ItEHR, ncknowl
ihIkwI the best beer In The Dulles,
nt the usuiil price. Come in, try
It nnd be ror.vlnr-ed. AUo the
Klnrfct brntids of Wines, Llijiiors
nnd CiunrH.
tif 11 kMiiflc nlu'nvi nn liiiml.
U :
Tie Columbia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Letters of Credit issued available in the
EaBtern States.
Siirht Exchange and Telegraphic
iraneters sola on JNew York, utucago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
18 1'acoH a WVolt. 150 l'apern u Year
It stands first among ''weekly" papers
in size, lrequency ot publication
fieehness, variet and reliability of cor.
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly : and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashioiu for women and a Ion
series of stories by the greatest living
American and .huglieii auttiors,
Coiinn Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley Wujiiian, Mary K. WIlkliiH
Anthony lloie, llret ilarte,
Jtrander Matthew, Ktc.
We offer this uuequaled newspaperand
The Dalles Twice-tt' Week Chronicle to
gethor one year for $-'.00. The regular
price of the two papers is sf3.00.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice f lieieby Klven Unit under and bv vir
ile of nil execution and order of tale lHMied out
of the Cfieult Court of the State of OrcBoa for
the County of Whsto, and to me dlreeted mid
delivered, upon a judgment and decree reudoied
and entered in Mild court oa the Mh duy of No
vember, 1M7, in favor of A. II. Jones, jilulntltt',
and iiKiihibt K. K. Kewel, defendant, for the Mini
of two hundred and beveuty-iix and 'J3-100
f27b.i!5) dollaiM, together with Interest thereon.
Miico Mn 1, 18".Ki, at the rate of tea ier cent er
nmiuiu, and thirty (?:i0) dollars attorney fees;
ana the further Mini of eleven ($11) dollars cotts,
wiuci! Mini judgment was enroiuci and doomed
In the ollleu of the clerk of aid eomt in Mild
ountv on tho 8th dav of November. 1SU7: and
whereby it was further ordered and decreed by
uieuouri mai rue ioi lowing uescnueu rocny,
lU'k'lunliiL' at a liolnt 1S.S0 chains west of the
lino between sections thlrty-llvo and thirty-six,
lu township three north of ran&c ten east of the
Willamette Meildiau, being the western term,
luus of tho not th boundary line of tho James
Ueusoa Donation Land Claim; thence north
5 chains, thence east S.S5 chains, thencu
south t.t5 chains, and thence west 6.85 chains to
nhu'uof bnrlnnlmr. containing six acres, more
or less, and being the same premises sold by the
sam a, ii, joncs io mo sum i. r.. rewei, ill
Wasco County, Oregon,
be sold to satlsfv sld Judgment, attorney fees.
costs aud nee ruing costs, 1 will, on Tuesday, the
8th day of t'ehruary, IMS, at 'i o'clock p, m, of
said day. at tho front door of the courthouse in
Dalles City, Wiimo Co.,()r.,sell all tho right, title
and interest of tho said K. K. Fewel in aud to tho
ebovo described property, at publlo auctloti to
tho highest bidder for cash lu haui. tho tiro-
coeds ausing from said sale to bo applied to the
satisfaction of said judgment, attorney's tee,
costs and accruing costs, and tho surplus, if any
moro oe, iu uv paiu uuu euuri, uuu mere to re
wain until the further order of this court,
itcc?.'-! Suorin'of Wasco Couutv, Or,
Third Great Offering of
Our Clearance Sale..
If you are in need of good Shoes at less
money than has ever before been placed
on the market, now is tho time to pur
chase. We offer the following Reduc
tions for this week.
Former Sale
Wine, Box Calf, calf lined, heavv winter shoo $5 CO ?3 40
Ox Blood, Coin Toe, Russian Caif " 4 50 2 95
Dark Green, Bulldog, Willow Calf " 4 50 2 95
Ox Blood, Seal, Coin Toe, heavy sole 3 00 2 30
Black Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 4 50 3 45
Kanparoo, Narrow Square Toe, Cap, Dress Shoe, lace and
congress 4 00 3 05
Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 3 00 2 25
Satin Calf. Plain Square Toe, lace and congress 2 50 1 85
Satin Calf, Coin Toe, lace and congrass r , . 2 50 1 85
Satin Calf, Plain Toe, Tap Sole, lace and congress. 2 25 1 45
Glove Grain, Bah, medium heavy 1 75 1 35
Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 50 1 15
Youths Glove Grain, medium heavy 1 50 1 20
Youths Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 25 1 10
See Our
Bargain Table.
1 00
1 10
1 40
1 40
Cleaning up of old style $3, $4, and $5 Turns
and Welts, very finest and best
quality, to go at
Lace, Dark Green, Box Calf, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00
hace, Dark Green, Kid, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00
Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, Welt.Coin Toe 3 50
Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, McKay.Coin Toe 3 00
Lace and Button, Black Kid, Welt.Coin Toe, patent tip 2 75
Button, Plain, Common Sense Toe 2 50
Lace and Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tij 2 00
Lace, Box Calf, Bulldog, Heavy Welt Sole 4 00
Lace and Button, Spring Heel, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 50
Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 25
Grain, Button, Common Sense Toe, stock tip 1 25
Kangaroo Calf, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, school shoe 1 45
Fine Kid, Cloth Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip 1 90
Fine Kid, Kid Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip 1 90
Kangaroo Calf, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 5 to 8 1 00 65
Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 8 to 11 1 00 75
Kangaroo Calf, Com, Soiibo Toe, stock tip, school shoo, 8-11, 1 15 85
Cloth and Kid Top, Button, Square Toe, Pat. Tip, dress shoe 1 50 1 15
This list does not cover all discounts on Shoo Salo,
as we have specials on most ovory lino in stock.
Also specials previously offered, on this Clearanco
Sale still continues. As wo must reduce stock so as
to make room for now goods, now boing purchased by
our two representatives in Now York.
Wo wish to call tho attention to Lady customers
that on Saturday next, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., wo
will place on saio at a great Heduction something to
their interest. See advertisement lator.
has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to he found in a
first-olass Dry Goods Store.