ON ENJOYS Both the method and results when Synii) of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and IJowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual ' constipation. Syrnp of Figs is the , only remedy of it kind ever pro- i dnced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ! ceptablc to the stomach, prompt in ; its action and truly beneficial in its ! effects, prepared only from the most j healthrand agrceablo substances, its ' many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand" will pro cure it promptlv for anv one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any BUOStHUte. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 10UISVILLE, KX. NEW YORK, NX I'KI'.SOSAI, .MENTION H. L city. Hoover of Hood River is in the Air. Mansfield returned from Portland last night. W . C. Stranahan was up frooi Hood Kiver fcntnrdav. Mrs. J. H. Cradiebaii"ii is up from xioou reiver today. S. J. L France of Hood River was in the ciiy yesterday. fv. Fordyce and wife went to Portland on this morning's train. Jlrs. K. Abend of Portland is the guest of Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw in this A. b. Blowers came up from Hood River Saturday to attend the meetiug of the A. U. U. W. Dr. T. F. Watt of Flood River came up 1 . ...... i . . r naiuruay ami returned to nis Home on tne isunuay morning train. Mrs. Uharles Stephens left for Port iana une morning, where she will at tend a meeting of the" A. O. U. YV. to- nignt. J. a. Zane, editor of the A. O. U. V, reporter, ol Portland, came up Satur day to attend the meeting held here on mat evening. J. G. Tate, past supreme master of the a. u. U. w , lett for Portland yesterday, wnere he will attend a large meeting of -mm swieiy tonight. Itucklon's Annua naive. i ,ii i-iao, auiT-o ,n rno ur.viri fA ... bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. feei eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and au oKin eruptions, and posi tively cui "8 piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to aive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price '25 cente per rox. f-or sale oy Blakeley and Jiougnton. nnszmsts. f COMPLIED WITH THE ORDER. Ilr I'orwunleil mi t'.jv to Ilr Ktnmlnri! , for Onlur lllliuliui. It is reported that a short time tipo nil order was Isui'd on one of the lTties of the Pennsylvania company for nil section men to come to the olliiv on n certain day mid lime their eyes exam ined. The following' day, says llie Pittsburgh Dispatch, a number of men appeared and passed the examination, .lust before the man who had charge of the tests left the otlice a niesesnger boy cunie hurrying in with a small package neatly tied up and addresed to the eye inspector. The latter opened it, and w as surprised to tind a glasseye wrapped ii. tissue paper, and also an old-fn.-di- nined silver watch. The contents of the package proved a puzzle to the inspect or until he unfolded n hastily folded scribbled note, which, on being deeipli ired, was found to read us follows: "Dye inspector: Dear Sir The day before yesierdi-v at nunc I L'ot word to cum down and have me ise looked after lor eiilur blindness as ye call it. 1 had K" ties and ten rails to put down beyond the sand cut as jerry Sullivan and Doin inick Coolly weie laid up since the wal,c that wti. holdeil over Danny Dohcrly my hands war too short to spare inc. 'IVus lucky that the rite oye that was lirst in my head was put out with a blow of a pik and me glns oye that is n perfect hgger of the eye that was not put out is sent to you tugether with my watch for the hexnniination. I euid spare the glass oye better than the oye in the head and if she is eiilur blind U got one that nint. Yures Trucly, An thony Driseoll." QUEER NAMES IN KENTUCKY. I'.irrnU Were Hard Iri4rd When Thry ;vc Their llaliles Deilimtlous. You will not have to leave your own state of Kentucky if you want to find names that are as odd as they are curious, says the Hazel Green Herald. I 'or instance, I.etchcr county has fami lies in which these names nre found Hogg, Horn, Happy, Holiday, Profit, Democrat, Kockhouse, Rittcnwcltcr Walkin and Watergate. Some pecul iar post ofl'iccs found in these counties arc: Smooth Creek, Millstone, Paper weight, Kockhouse. Katterhard and Solomon. They believe in long names up that way, and one poor child struggles nailer the cognomen of Rob ert S. Samuel T. Nelson 15. Benjamin P. Hester. n Knott county there is r.ne family which has ten' members nicknamed thus: Stick, Burch, Ham. IJardup, Buck, Dol, Sal, Let, Pol, Bat and Do-cm. Leslie county has n Mad Dog, Cutshin and Hell-for-Sartin post n.i'ices, and the last named is on Hell- for-Sartin creek, which is said to have been named by early settlers who en countered many tribulations while ex ploring this locality and named the creek accordingly. Pike countv conies next with Bass, Beatrice, Beefhide. Canada, Lookout, Paw-Paw and Praise post oflices. Elliott has Backbone. Gimlet, Mink, Ordinary and Wyettpost oflices. HE WAS WILLING. j limn llltd Tmprrl In tlflof fur III j Itutentrd fortnnr. j There was an old man wjth n big and j bulky satchel at his feet and a weed on I his litit leaning against the (iriswold .trout front of the post olllce the other ! dav. savs the Detroit lice Press, when a wag who had been hungingaroimd for the right sort of a niaii to appear ap proached him and said: "I see that the grim destroyer has in vaded your heart hstoneV" 'The which?" asked the old man. "The grim destroyer the angel of death. 1 take it your wife has gone hence.'' I "Yes, gone hence." ' Allow me to extend my heartfelt sympathies." "Yes, you bin extend 'em." "You must he lonely." j "Yes. ptirty lunciy." j "1 have lost the partner of my own 1 booni and I kimw how It feels. You .scent to be all alone in this great world." "Yes, that's the feelin'." "Life appears to be a desert to you?" "Yes, a reg'lar desert, with sand a foot deep." But in your loneliness in the seem ing emptiness of your life has it not occurred to yon that you could do some thing to add to the happiness of your fellowtnanV" "Yes, it has." "And will you do it?" "1 will. It's 'le ven months now since my wife was taken away and if you'll point me out a woman about forty year.i old who wants to get married I'll j ip the question so ipiick that it will .nalce her heels bit up. i on botcher .Ife I want to do something for my u'llcriiian and I'm waitin' right here to rot another sight of a woman whom I've follercd fur three miles and winked at over a dozen tunes. Hi Weekly Fnter Ocean Ml !PTCaM LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST It is radically Republican, advocating I But It can always be teUed on J S the cardinal doctrines of that party I for fair and honest reports of all po- BAST! with ability and earnestness,..' , litical movcmctl$K.-' j THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE 9 m a UIVKH TIIK CMIOK'l: OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES It Is Morally Clean am! as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. The Literature of is columns Is equal io that of tic heat miix:i zines. It is interesting lathe chil dren as well ns the purents via - g)g a Tin i in i r.K uoimiN is a wii l ukin iNii warvu-crM 8 and while It briiiRS to the family THE NEWS OF i Mti WUKLIJ and j;ivcs its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City 1 u n $i.Q0-PMCE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $1.00 THK DAILY ANDUTmAVEDITIOrtS OF THE IHTEK OCEAW ARE BEST OK THEIR KIND. l'rli r.Dnllv l.v mail I. HO per year I'rlro ir Suiiiliiv'hv mull .. ... '! 00 ier yiur I). illy iiml Siimliiy liy mull . . (ill. 00 per .vi-tir :si; Low Ratesiito all Eastern Cities o;i:an MTi:,M KKH Mmvti I'lirtlniiil iCiiuv t'lvn iitv fur rinori mill I'm' i. There is one curious fact respecting the animal creation with which you will never become acquainted if you de pend on your text hooks for informa tion. It is this: No living representa tive of the animal kingdom has more than live toes, digits or claws to each foot, hand or limb. The horse is the type of one-toed creation, the camel of tile two-toed, the rhinoceros of the three-toed and the hippopotamus of four-toed animal life. The elephant and hundreds of other animal., belong ing to different orders belong to the great live-toed tribe. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. StcumerH monthly from Portland to 'Yokohama and Ilon Koiik via North ern PneHie. steuuiHliip Co., in connection with O. It. & N. Kiir lull iIuIuIIn i'iiII nil 0. K .V Co. k Agent Tin- lliilliw. r Hililri-M IiOtK-ON, CAItl.tl.l. it CO., (ion. Ant.. North I'lit'lllu Htnmiiilili Co. TIM K 4AICI. No I, In Sikiiui' mill (iii'iit Niirthiirii iirrlwi nt.'i i'p. 111.. U'uvch tit .'i .'Ui , 111, Nil, 2, In I'onilln tmi, llnkiir City mill t'nlnti CuellU'.itrrlves at IJ , 11 111., ik'pnrli lit l'J .'ill 11. 111. No .1, from Hnikiiiiu mill (iient Nnrtlivrn, ur rlci lit ii-.n 11. 111., iloimrlH ut 11 11, m. No, 1, from llnkir City unit 1'iilni, I'uclllc, iirrlvea tit a. ji 11. in., ilcpurtN ut .; :x u. in. Nriv. 'il mill 11, miivIUK east of The Hullo, will carry nii!iii!T. No, Z ntrlve nt fi 11, 111 ili'i.irU ut l:l'i . 111. I'lix't'iiltcrs (or IlqipiitT lake No 'J, lnivliiK licicat l: :!t) 11. 111. W, II. illJUI.IIl'ItT, (lull. I'iikh. Act Wirtliiuil. Ornrnti EAST and SOUTH via I The Shasta Route OK TIIK- Anvlent English Itrtilef. Tlie triangular bridge nt Crowland. in Lincolnshire, which was probably intenilcd as an emgleni of the Trinity, is the most ancient Gothic structure remaining entire in the kingdom. It tva.s erected in the venr of our Lord SCO. THE FOREST PEST. Artificial cotton, says a Paris journal, rescml les the natural product in thi.-s. that both are formed of ccllulosi .near ly pure; and, as nature has prepared cotton by menus of tht elements if the air and soil forming thocellulose in fini libers by means of secret forces, and of fering it in the state of wool to be trans formed into what is required of it, so tiie chemist in his laboratory takes the natural cellulose of the. tice anil sup- crates it fromthesubstniices with which it is combined, transforming it into threads by means of suitableappiienccs. Tor this purpose fir wood is employed, tins being submitted to a series- of Die chnnical and chemical operations, and the threads are drawn out, afterward being, rolled on bobbins; the material when niiinufactuied resembles oidi nary cotton, though having a sL'ght lie- feet, which can be i-asily corrected that is, it is a little less solid than natural cotton. On the other hand, however, the new substance is worked and woven easily, it can le djed as readily as natural cotton, niul when passed through n weak solution of n.n nin and certain other reagents, it will take every shadoof artificial colore, a.id can be dressed and printed 01 Just as are the tissues of natural cotton.' A Huge IIorKC-Fly That Lies in Wait In Mosy licit. Miss Klcanor Ormerod, in u letter to the Veterinary Pecord, gives some in teresting details of Indian forest J'.ics, wiucli, after all, are not to ver;. unlike the horrible pests of the same name which frequent the wood of .southern r.nm.'im iiiwl Tnnut rliui,i,l, i.r,. r, ........ ...... ,v.,. ,n.j,,ik nj ijii,ni; not worth living" to the poor horses whom they select as victims. .Miss Or merod says that "some horscaredriven mad by the proence of a single fly. ami in driving along not unfrequeiitly sturt kicking most violently, frequently run nintf away witli the carriage. " etc. This has reference to the Indian ccimen, but we read that tne Kngilsh winged demon has a"lnrg'cure"deluw with a saw-like edire beneatn it. with rooves down the lower part of the side of the claw, so that each groove runs to the notch between each tooth, thocla. when, laid side by side, forming a most powerful grasping instrument." Pcal iing, however faintly, what sulTcrii:g Mich creatures can inllict 011 their pre; , uioly no one will hesitate to get down it once to search for, and if found pull on", the forest fly when a horse bccoims .suddenly irritable and fractious while King driven through country Inner or woods. J)"s' KlSENllltrFKIt ,v ItL'KIIY. Physicians and Surgeons, Sptclul attention Riven to Mirscry. Rooms 21 nml 22, Tel. CiS. Vogt Illnck. A NEW MARKET" "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, JrOULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dre.-ged to Order. Promt Delivery to any part 01 tue city. For more thai) fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ol farmers and villagers throughout the United States. iSOUttiem PaClflC COfTip'y. IT HAS faithfully labored for their nrosnerilv nnrl liiiniii-iTniiiiKiinvcmiii nri Mill' ta iirrtvi nt Pnrf-lntui ness, for the linprovenu'iit of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. ij. xiiio toici at tlie li reside, intorestinc and instructive stones of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised tlie fanner as to the most approved meth ods 01 cuitivatmc and harvestinr his (!mn nnr ilw argest possible convert them into the proper time to amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to farmers and villagers, and for over half held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WTTT.V -rt-rttattp and twe furnish it with the Hemi-Weelcly Chronicle one year for 1.75, cash in advance. the welfare of a century has MIAVK. .en r. ji a;d) A. JI, !(g :1 Dully except Hauiliiyn OVi:itl,ANl) KX irci, hiili.'in, iilIL-. Anlilmiil. Kiie- J riiinunto, OKiIni.rtaii 1.'.... ,,..1 Nbu orlvmiK unit I Knut I I Ito'eliurK mill way ntn-tlnim , f Vfii VViMMlliiiru furl I Mt.AiiKuI, Hllvcrtnn, l ,Winl r-clo, llnnvni- J, ' vllle,rtprtiiKlli;l(l mnl ' 1 I Natriin . . j I'. M but!)' exrijpt hiiutlay. t7:ffl A. it. (CnrvallN ( 'MllniiK mnl way I ' ,jq y Jt A. N. VARNEY I'hone 12. Sl6 II S WILsO.V. T''i!IJ ajijd W.ijlnns:tnii li H Ht'.NTIMiTON. r.NTI.NGTON i WILSON. AT'IOKNKYS AT I. AW, OIHco ovf-r Urst Nat. liaak. Dr.GUNN'S For People That Aro fll 1 A rILLo MONEY THAT IS TO BURN. MhIiIiik IILOQD POISON i A SPECIALTYi?.". Ibomc i fornma prico under name irunr'au. Ity. If you D refer Inmmn h..r Z?-,,!.1! S?.'iJv!.Uldo f.0""!"' ntl biro. Hue Minn, 31 uciiusVutclien In mouth, Sore Tii roa t. l'liunleg, Conner Colored NimiF. iiiV.." J'' nrp"tOftlialr.IiairorKyerowH fu line out, it la hi Secondary liLUOU VmiuS Jaca30 and cballonae the world for Ey? w.u cannot cure. rSu dleto bas ai w Killed the .kill of tho mit eeat n Iiy.l! Monti gurantr. Aboluteproornientwaledon ppllcjlton. Addreu CUOR UUMKUV CO- .'oirrilcr.it) IIIIU L'ei Largely In i:iirtrl(.--l.llit CitrliiiiiK. "Did you over know whnt has become of the frreator jmrt of the confederate paper money with which this country whs llooiled .-ouie yenr.s hack?" asked i local business man who had just re turned from a trip to the Atlanta ox position. ".Vo? Well, neither did I until I struck Atlanta u few weeks iil'o. In that town I found nn old man uho makes a business of quietly tfathcrint' in nil tne confederate bank notes lie enn find. You know the stuff was issued by tlie ton diirini; the war, and there is nuy quantity of it still floating around. When the old man fjetH a bi bundle of the paper he .sends it to Kdison, the inventor, who pays u good price for it. KtlKon uses it to make carbon for in-caiidei-ceiit lamps. The paper upon which tlie confederate noteii were en graved was made of the pulp of sen frrass. This branch of the pajx-r innk iiiff industry has since become a dead art, says the I'hilndelphia Hecord. K-n grass paper, when chemically treated by Kdison, has been found to make the best sort of carbon for incan descent lights, and so there is always a demand for the confederate bills." Siok or "Just Don't Feol well." ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE Rmoe Pimples, curt Headache, Ojtpeptla and Cottlienus. 25 cts. a box at ilriiraiujor hy matt baiupln i'r-c-, adtlreu Or. Bownko Co. 2?hll. Patronize the Troy Alt Jclndof work. Wlilto Shirts n specialty. Fumlly work nt rulucoil r-tes. Wash t-ollwtul and (lellveit.il frci'. Tuiiiiou .No. ;ioi. A. B. ESTEBENET, Ayt. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, cL'l pD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour is manufactured expregHly for fumlU nvavhauK in Kiiaranteed to give eatiafaction. can 25 S! Z Wttr" in thB tra,1,i- A 11 ya k -o Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. I.NDKI'K.NDKNfii: I'ASHKN(;i:it. Kxprtsi tr.iln iMily (uxcupt hiinilii ;. 1 1. in. (l.v. .riiftliinil .r.j S i'i ii in c. in. ?Ai .JlcJIIiunlllr l.v.J ,'ij,iii h::A)i, in. (,r lnili-n;iiili'iice..l.v ) i ,4ti in IMIIy tDiilly, uxei'in hllliilay. DINIMi C'AIts o.S ((i)i;.V UOCTIC. l'fI,l,MAN llUl-ThT HI.KKI'KltS A.N'I) HH(.'(INII-CI,Ahs KI.KKI'I.Nd CAIth I Atlmihiit In nil ThroiiKli Triilim. IMmjtHiiiiu-cllmi nt hiin KriiiMjlx'o with Orel ilviiliilimil oriviittil nml 1'nolilc nuill teiiiiiilil Hum for JAI'AN mul UHI.NA. MiUIiik dates on hi iiIIcii t on. HnU-M iiiiil ticket In mi AImi JAPAN, clllwv. At'HTItAI.IA, ciiii Imnlilnltiiil I rum J. II. KIltKI.A.Nlllliiket AKUllt. thriiilKli tiokulK to nil M,th In the Kiinlc-rii ImvcTt riiitKlnim ,,,r",Kf '''lhit nt Ml ,1 ''l'- '-":i:i,ANI, Ticket AKCllt. i,' i .'"V V'1'1, ,,rrlv,' "l "i"1 ilupnrt I mm (Iminl Cuntrnl Htnth.ii. rilth mnl Irvine Htrwth YAMlIH.l, 1UVISI0.S. I iinuiiuur l)ifjt, foot of Jeilurwin Htrt-ct. U'iivo r.M ii, in (mnl 11 ;ai mnl ii. I.'iiiturii iKt iit lIONOl.ll.l mnl V.xi mnl Boots and Shoes IKade to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly done at short notice. UIl!:eis. tide in the ajfairs oj men which, taken at its jlootx leads on to fortune" Tho poet unaueatlonablv had roforonco to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl & BURGET'S, who are selling those fur WHK Ki, liilly,i,..xi i.pt Hiinilny, nt ii.; IJ..J), l .v,, (Vi,-,, t,-;s, '!( ii. in. !' "' nn Mitnnliiy imlv. nml U:li(l m l,"i-""i hiimliiyi, (in y). Arrlvi' nt i n thin l .inllv nt ..:( mill H;.io. i 111.1 m il 1 &. I I.J. mill 7:.'k'i ii. in r,,i,,l in.ii-. .. ... i . O-lii .. in. on MiimiityM iulyj. U-avi; for Hlmrlilmi. ui:k Arrlvont l'i)rtliiiiil,t):;iiiM, m. ilnyb, ut 1:20 1 1- in 1HVI fur A MM 1 1.' .... M I.... ......... .. it, i , ' . , :,; ."""'iiiy, -ui vm ly nun rrl'lnv nt ll. I ii in. i, ...i it- .1.... ,...,.- ... iiiiiiiiiiii. iiiv-i.- uin, uiiirMiny mnl hiitiinlns it a.UA n. m. nt I'ortliuiil, Ttivh- i:.tvpt hiinilny. "Kct'pt Hntiirilny, It. KOl.lll.l.lt, JImiijil'ut. (i. II MAItKIIAM, Ami. tl. V. it VniH. Ant HA ( in I Anfnlnnn IUU. nUlUlUR" . goods out MIOIIELUAOH BRIOK. . groatly-roducod rat UNION HT. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d j JOSEPH SHAJW HAS Ol'KIIEIl A HARNESS SHOP T."f KA8T KNI), fa tho colum- All Kinds of Harness Work. LOST. A 1 u,,L':? ; rawn. ,V0,!"K .mure, wl.il,, u. mm, wi 110 liiutl (f( ; ,1111111 M . connected, on ft Hlinnltlur: wul Uo.,t 1000 poumlH. Finder wi I o , i ?r c?,r- Jiy w,'hU,K t0 W. A. Camp ,o ox5, I'ortland, Or. JaSm ' . . FOR SALE. . minuion Typewriter with table. Nearly now. Will sell tall on or addreeu j!8 3t walnut cheap, A. 0. GuiOKit. The Dallee, Or. STAG-E LINE. IMIIIOI.AH AI.I.KN, Tin, I.iUh. . M. WIIITKI.AW. Aiitnloi.o. ntfi7 v.Kvr, 't,c f'1''1 ,rn"' i'"'tiii" Him"' sin,, V.'U- Ui" ,r,."M AntuioiH! nt i:m ii. iii. wen S i S1''1,1!, ,or ,'lvllle, Mlluholl and iii. J Ji '.'ii (ll""u. elnwtliHH Hindu nt 'lliu A '"' r,,llw-,ii tniliw mnl UmtN. ly, 'lliiiitHiiyn ,! kitiinliiyH nt um in. Ihillfh In l)etchiltc .. : ' o Morn.. do (IniKM Valley Knit . uji CrokH Hollowii '. " AutcloiK! to (irons IIoIIoh-m . .. Kent io (iriuh viiiiuy Hi Horn .... do lie.ohiK'Ch '. "" do Dulles .11 1 1 w . '2 ' . 3 f) .. I to 1 w 2 W . il ' , il W ,. t I"1 ,. 6 W IjMlKD. W. WIWOK, 2 AT'lOItNl' ArtOItNI'.V AT LAW, 'I'll I.' 111! I Viinioiftt' Odlcc ovci Flrt Nat. UVnk. '"'"r0"v