r Away ...CUT PRICES... In Men's Shoes displayed in Furnishing Good's Window , We have just received another shipmen of During January and Feb ruary wo will give lo every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Uil509 lir-Jit J-Ialrs I Q n Satin Oil $1.25 Pointed and Square Toes. Pointed ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. u The Da ily Chronicle. M )NI)AY NUAIiY 24, 1808 WA GLEANINGS. Wunthur TfniKlit and Tuesday, bhow ami warmer. Sturgeon hooks, cotton and hihbI rope at Malur & Honton's. 13 Go to tho Columbia Candy Factory for fresh oysterH in every style, tf Marriage HcoiiHo was IsHiied today to Mr. Walter Uolinu und Mian Maggie Cain, both of Antelope. Out-of-town dealers in cinars are in vited to call and examine, the choice line hold by S. F. Fonts. 20 JiiHt received Choice Sweet Patatoes, Cauliflower, PineappleB and Orangea at the Dalleti Commission Co. The subject for tonie,ht'H sermon, at Christian church ih "The Course, to be Pursued by tlioao Considered Infallibly Mife." Kins Cole brand Baltimore oystera, the best on tne market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them. At Varney & Co.'s. H-tf William V. Snude,rass lias sold the La Grande Gazette to Frances A. Clarke and ex-County Iteeordcr Charles F. Me Daniel. The paper w ill heieafter be an all-homo-print. lliKh bowling scores at the Umatilla lloiibo alleys last week Monday, M T Nolan 04; Tuesday, W Mrnfeld, (11; Wednesday, V Itirufold 02; Thuraday, C Frank M; Friday, W Histoid 08; Sat urdav, C Frank (11 ; Sunday, C Frank The Republican League Club of the Columbia precinct, met Saturday night for the purpose of electing delegates to foe present at the nicotine; to bo held at Portland in the near future. K. B. Gil hrieB presided, and 1). .1. Cooper and K. Kliudt were chosen delegates. Statements recently issued by the banks of Colfax show the largest deposit ever known in that city. At present there is on deposit $u5!!,0l)0. This is phenomena, and with the fact that nearly half of the crop of 1807 is still owned by the farmers, hmUob it a won derful showing for this county. Over forty members of the B. I'. O. Elks attended the services at the St, I'milfi Episcopal church hist nli;ht. Uuv. Do Forest preached an appropriate ser mon, the, sucject being "The Miracle of the loaves and Fishes," und compared the charity of that net to that of the Klks in their efforts to lend a helping hand to those in need. The first lesson to the class in the rudiments of nmsiu will bo giyeu this evening in the baaoment of the .-now Lutheran church, commencing at 7:30 eliarp. All who am interested in this work und desire to loam the rudiments and to read vocal musiu Independtly should tako advantage of this opportun ity and be present this evening. Tonne, $1.50 for ton lessons. The funeral of the late Daniel L. Do- TTTKi Calf Oil Grain $1.25 Wolfe waB held yeBterday under the au spices of the Workmen and Woodmen lodges, und was largely attended by members of both orders as well as a number of friends of the deceased towns man. The remains were laid away in Sunset Cemetary, and impressive ritual istic services of both fraternal societies were recited over the grave. The high howling scores at the club for the week ending yesterday were as follows: On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday BradBhaw held the board with (10, 05 and 02. On Thursday John Fllloon made (ill ; on Friduy Houghton scored 50 : A. S. Benuett held Satur day's honors, with u score of 54, while A. .f. Tolmle broke the Sabbath by muk ingjiB, A steamer to be used on the upper Snake river was on Friday shipped in sections from Portland by rail to Hunt ington. This is an incident in a big scheme of mining development in East eruirejjoii and Idaho, The develop ment plan TiicTudes the opening and working of mines 11 nil building and operating smelters, railroads and a steamer line. A nleasant dancing party was given in honor of Mr. Arndt last Satur day evening at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Tackman. The large parlors were handsomely decorated with flowers and eveigi ecus, which made them beautiful. A line lunch was served during the evening, and everybody did their best towards increasing the even ing's pleasures. Dancing, whist and social games were kept up until past midnight. About 8 o'clock this morning snow be gan falling, and, as it wiib quite cold, for a time it looked as though it was going to stay with us. Later in the day the weather turned wanner and a thaw set in, so that at the time of going to press but a covering of snow remits on the ground, and everything indicates that rain will set in. Repeats from up the road and from Dufur state that the snow is melting ns fust iib it falls, and unless the weather turns colder than it is at present we will he disappointed once more in not having a sleigh ride. Yesterday a small hole was noticed in the middle of Second stieet near Union, and upon investigation it; was found ' tlmt tint utii'4ir lnwl iiwtulwwli -tiif o wmi LllltV tuu ov. n vi nv 11 nut vij vun vuii" sidorablo amount ol rouiuj underneath the surface, and that but a few inches of frozen earth covered the sipt about (our feet wldu for a distance of about twenty feet. Had a horse or even 11 per son stopped on the thin covering they would certainly have fallen In, and probably a serious accident might have resulted. Marshal Lnuer fenced the placo oil' so as to prevent passers-by from falling into the trap, and this morning a forco of men were sot to work repairing it. Tho war in Cuba has not prevented S. F. Fouls from securing a choice lot of Havana tobacco, which ho manufactures into Prize Medal and Guarantee cigars.. Everybody reads This Chuonioi.e, Veal Calf $1.25 . and Square Toes. PEASE & MAYS. I A. O. U. W. SATURDAY NIGHT. J. O. Tate Given un lnti rHtlug Sr.h Delightful I'rocrain ami llamiuel. 1 J. G.Tate of Lincoln, Nebraska, pas oujireiue iimsier OI me A. U. U. W., waBj listened to Saturday night by the entire lodge of this city, bb well a1? many out siders and a number of visiting brothers from Portland, Hood Kiver, Wasco and other places in the state, and the seat ing capacity of the Vogt was taxed al moBt to its fullest extent. Mr. Tate's BpeecL waB well received, and in view of the eloquence of the speaker and his interesting manner it was little wonder that eucIi was the case. He commented on the origin of this society, its history and progress and the benefits which so many have received from it during the twenty-nine years of its exietence, and concluded by giving the Degree of Honor, a high tribute and urging its members on in their noble mission of charity and benevolence. To proceed further without comment ing on the excellent musical program rendeied before Mr. Tate's address would be doing an injustice to those taking part. Jt was opened by a piano duet by Mibscs Geoigia Sampson and Alma Schanno, and these young ladies proved their proficiency by the master ly manner in which they executed a difficult, but pretty, selection. To say that Miss Myrtle Michell sang in her usual voice would be su' i to satisfy any one who has ever . a u her of tho excellence of this number, while the ap plause and vigorous encore she received were still more convincing of excellence. Leon Dawson's cornet solo was well re ceived, while Mra. Varney seemed to have excelled herself, as her singing was exceptionally beautiful. At tho conclusion of the exercises the members and a few invited guesta re paired to the A. O. U. W. hall, whero one of tho most tastily-arranged and finest banquets that anyone could care to partake of was served. All ate, drank and made merry till a late hour, when each bade good night anil good bye to .Brother Tate and the vi.-itmg mem bers, l'o)iullhl Mm-llnt. Ab there are ninny questions of vital import to all who tool an interest in re forms in politics, and especially to tho Populist party in Wasco county. It is deemed best to call a meeting of the Populists of Wasco county at an early date, and that all persons who believe in tho principles of tho Populist party be invited to attend said meeting, irre spective of former party alllllatious. A meeting of the Populists of Wasco county, Oregon, ib, therefore, hereby called to meet at The Dalles on Satur day, February 5, 1898, at 7 :30 p. in, nud it is earnestly requested that every pre cinct in the county bo represented. J. L. Stouy, See, of Com. l'urty ut Mr. Moylu'n, ''Last Saturday evening a very enjoya ble dancing party was given at tho resi dence of Mr, Mlchnol Doyle on Cheno- weth creek, there being about ten cou Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February; 1898. MAIER & BENTON ples from this city and the same number from the immediate vicinity of Mr. Doyle's present. The crowd was enter tained in a very pleasant manner. A fine supper was eerved, and everyone enjoyed themselves. Mr. Doyle knows how to please his guests, and whenever there is another partv at his place he will surely have a good crowd. Dancing continued until the wee sma' hours, and everyone spoke in v?ry complimentary terms of the host and hostess. One Who Was Tjjeke. NEWS NOTES. Ex-Detectibe Chas. Halsayple passed away Saturday night, at his home in Portland. The Steamer Oiegon sailed for Alaska last night, with 409 passengers and 1250 tons of freight. Advices received yesterday state that the government has taken charge of the supplies at Fort Yukon. Saturday a fierce riot occurred in the . French chamber at Paris. It was with difficulty that 4,000 police held the mob in check. This morning's bulletins state that two 6erioua accidents occurred in the mines near Grant's Pass. One man was killed and another seriously injured. NOTICK. The committee having charge of the charity fund of the Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks will meet at the Umatilla House pallors for tho week commencing Monday, January 24th, from 7 :30 to 8 :30 p. m. They " will be pleased to meet all those who I now of any deserving case of charity. P. W. Dk Hukp, T. J. DiuvEit. J. F. Hami'muiii:, Committee. 'olli-e. All boys are heieby notified to stop swinging on cars which are moving through tho yard in this city. If they do not, the ordinance concerning this matter will be strictlv enforced. Par ents should see that the attention of the children is called to this notice. By order of Ciias. Lal'ek, City Marshal. Tlllcuius Wnsi-u TiJIn-, No. 1(1, I. O. !. SI., Nuiuib'u. Mox seven sun, halo heheo pe muck amuck copa tribe. Twenty-fifth sun cold moon, 7th run and 30th breath, okok tribe potlatch hlyu muckamuch pe coll'ee. Ticko owes chaco pe Iskum hiyu muckamuk pe momock hiyu war dance, Kain-in-thk-Fack, Sachem. Ja Oliluu Time. Peoplo overlooked tho importance of permanently beneficial effects, and were satisfied with transient action ; but now ttiat it is geuoially known that Syrup of Figa will permanently overcome huhlt ual constipations, well informed people will not buy other laxatives,-which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Buy the genuine made by the California Fig Syrup Co. And can now supply our customers. The Uilson is the only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE, REMEMBER. Wo liavo strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. FOR THE SUBSCRI HHOrllCIiE And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING KATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World 2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. lL', of Wasco county, state of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said district will be held at the brick schoolhouse on Court stret,on the 28th day of .lanuarv, 1898, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the fol lowing objects: To levy a tax for tho ensuing year for school purposes, and to create u sinking fund to pay the bonded indebtedness of said district. Dated this 17th day of January, 1S9S, O. D. Uoane, Chairman Hoard Directors. Geo. V. Mokgak, District Clerk. Weekly Uxciirslou to the Kust. A tourists sleeping car will leave Port laud every Tuesday morning at 9 o'eloek via the O. It & X., without change to Boston, and under tho supervision of experienced conductors, No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, liulfulo and lloston. Tho ideal trip to the east is now before you. Kemember this service when going East and con sult O. H. & N. agents or address W. II. Huhuiuut, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Oregon. Cali In Your Uliecka. All conutv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 1893, will be paid at my oflice, Interest ceases after Jan. loth, 1898. 0. L. Piiii.!.iis, Countv Treasurer, Choice Shoahvater Hay oyBters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Fuctory, Give us a trial and wo will endeavor to please you, ' Fresh Coluuibiu river smelt at Varney k Co.'s. lOlwk J. T. Peters & Co. BE TWICE A ) FOR THE i To Cure u Colli in One liny. Take Laxative JJromo Quiuino Tab lets. All druiigistH refund tLe money if they fail to cure. 25c, Jlr. Elisha llerry, of this place says ho never had anything do lmn so much t;ood and eive such duick relief from I rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain j Halm, lie was bothered greatly with , shooting pains from hip to knee until ho used this liniment, which affords prompt relief. H. l Haker, drusuist, St. Paris, Ohio. For sale by Ulakeley & Hough ton. All Books At Cost During this month, Except Dictionaries, Music Books and School Books, FOUR PAPERS I. C. Nidcclsen Book & musie Company,