. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TA only Republican Daily Xeicspapa on Watco County. EASTERN OFFICE S.W (o 234 Temple Court, iV. Y. City. -E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubblnc Ilnte. Chronicle and Oregoninn $2 '2b Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle nii Inter Ocean 1.8o Chronicle and Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and X. Y. World . 2 00 MONDAY - - JANUARY 24, 1S0S MORE IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. The best editorials a Republican newspaper can publish arc unbiased reports of the revival in business affairs. The country is progressing most satisfactorily in regaining pros purity, and everyone but those blind ed by prejudice arc seeing the facts and are willing to admit them. The weekly reports from Dun and Brad streets only confirm what each local ity has already experienced. Brad streets, for the week ending Satur day, says : "A large measure of activity in business and industrial lines, with, in some instances, previous records sur passed, and very general stea'lme&s in prices for staples, is perhaps the most notable feature of the trade during she past week. Quotations of cereals show the most aggressive strength, while those of some makes of pig iron betray rather a mere de cided weakness than they did a week ago. Mild weather is frequently mentioned as an influence tending to check retail distributions in spring goods, because of the effect on coun try dealers. Spring trade opens slowly at this time of the year, but confidence is still unimpaired. "As already intimated, the im mense current production of pig iron, amounting to fully 1,000,000 tons per month, has begun to increase an influence upon the price of that staple, but decreases reported are still only fractional. The outlook in the steel rail trade is reported as a flattering one. Large orders for railroad account already booked have been increased within the week, an examp'e of this being furnished by sales of 15,000 tons reported from Chicago at full prices. "Higher prices for wool abroad based partly on short-yield reports, are reflected in the firmness of do mestic quotations, although the de mand, while comparing well with most preceding years, is smaller than it was at this time in 1897, when the tariff changes were being anticipated. The industrial situation, with the single exception of the cotton indus try, is one of exceptional strength." D VRRANT'S CONhlTIUN. From a psychical standpoint the mental condition of Durrant has at tracted much attention in medical circles. Among the physicians who attended the execution was Dr. Carl llcnz of Oakland. He went to study the condemned man psychologically, and came to the conclusion that he was abnormal and not entirely re sponsible for his deeds. The doctor is quoted as saying. Durrant himself was the quietest man of all who were present. Every body was impressed by this fact, and not once did he falter or tremble. This very quietness of manner is to my mind one of the strongest proofs that he was abnormal. He spoke in the most nonchalant manner, just like a man in an nfier-dinner speech. His face was less pale than the faces of many of the spectators, ami dur ing the remarks his features and eyes brightened nnd his whole appearance was animated. There is no doubt about his being abnormal and a de generate. This opinion is certain and sure, and consequently Durrant, could not be held entirely responsi ble for his misdeeds. If the conclusion of the mclical experts are correct, then no one need regret that Durrant met the death lie did. The world has no room with in its confines for such a fiend as the perpetrator of the Emmanuel church murders. Whether the mental condi ion of the man who committed them j is such us to preclude responsibility I nmlrns ltttto nr tin illfTorcnee. The conclusion of Durrant being a degenerate of the worst type seems a rcsonablc one, as none but such a being could have done the deeds and then retained such remarkable com posure. It is about the only solution j the question offers. It would be a strange incident in history if Japan, which a few years ago was classed among the insignfi cant governments of the world, should, now that she has risen to n recognized position, bring on a gen eral war over the partition of China. Yet such a result is not among the impossible. The division of China is the absorbing question for the Eu ropean powers. Each wants as large a share as possible, but all fear a gen eral war. It is the conceit and am bition of Japan that causes concern, and when once the die is cast, all the great European governments will be drawu into the conflict. Now that Mr. McKeuna has been appointed and confirmed a justice of the supreme court, the nation hopes that he will acquit himself iu such a way as to show his opponents were mistaken in their estimates of his abilities. In the learning, patriot ism and honesty of the Uuited States supreme court, lies, in a large meas ure, the safety of the commonweath. The Rose Queen is the best make on the market for Bve cents, and when you suicke them vour money atavs at linme. 20-tf FREE. FREE. q) (9 " -We Will Give- m. Subrcribers and Persons subscribing and paying up in ad vance for the Weekly Ghfoniele A Copy of Will Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American Annual. Zei. Ready Mn, , 1898, On AH News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. The most widely sold Annual Refer- met Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLP, Pulitzer Building, New York. lie World tncyclopeam Regulator Line.V ft Data Portlanfl ant Astoria Navigation Co.' sir Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BKTWKKN The Dalles, Hood Hlver, Oiucaiie I-ocli.' and Port land dally, hunday. ( DOWN THE VALLEY Ate you going " TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? If so, save moncv and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The west-bound train arrives at The Dalles in nmiilc time for pawiiRcrs to take th. uramer. nrrlvlnc in Portland in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; Kast- bound passengers arriving in i ne uuiies in nine to take the Ka-it-bound train. Kor further information apply to J. N. HAUNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W C. ALLAWAY, (icn. Agt., The Dalle. Oregon fieux Yeat Experiences. at Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide you through the new. You remember where you have pains and pleasures. Good health brought the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will get it through good medicine. We use tothing but the beet and finest drugs in Compounding. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street, THE DALLES, J-loIiday ilmprouemepts. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment greater. You want paper which makes your home pleasanter at all times. You need such shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you styles that exceed any over Eeen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly attended to, mid warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. $250,000 2 iKMau m$ha&r The Boat 1 Smoking Tobacco Made ; smoking TODacco wauc j Wholesale a 1 Olines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing -OF- FURNITURE CARPETS PRINZ NITSCHKE Are.fgoing to cloo nut their business, and they are oflerine their large stock at COST PltlCES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowing theriiFuivi'S indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their account. Jfye postoffiee pharmacy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors, Pure t)p ugs and JVledieines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pirst Ijr of Imported ar)d Domestic Qiars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PfESCflPTIOri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams it Co., Subscribe for The Chroinele ToB Given Away this yenr in valuable articles to smokers of BlackwelPs Genuine 8 Durham 5 Tobacco You will find otic coupon in- side each 2-ouncc btu, nnd two c coupons itmidc ouch j-otiuce g lnj. lttiynhrtR, rend tliocoupon a cc " kui m" o t .. 1.,., tn .tttr ultiir, - BUSCH and BEER and In oottlos Out Sale THE DALLES, OR QRTHERN PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegont Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ' MT. I'Allli MINNKAI'OLI It;i,l!TII (AltOO IIKANII I'llll OIIOOKSTON WINNH'KO IIKI.KNA kii ItllTTK TO Through Tickets WAHH1M1TON l'IUI.AIKl.rillA NKW YOltK IIOMTON AM) AM. 1MHNTS KAHT Mini MOUTH Kur InlorniHtlon, tlino cmnIh, map nnd ticket, cil on nt wrltu to V. C. ALLAWAY. ARont, Tliu Halle, Oregon on A. I). CUAULTON. Amtt. G. P. A., iVi, Miirrl.niu I'ot. Thlnt. I'ortlaucl UrcuDU Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Sflipes-'iinersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. si. g- Hi is zsrnsr. J. H, HCHKNK, I'd'Hlllvllt. It. M. IIBA'V. t;nihler First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A liuuurul UitukiiiK BuHinuea triniHiicted Dojioeita rocolvud, mibjoot to Kitflit Draft or Gheuk. Uollectioiifi mudii and procuudn promptly romitted on dav of colloctioii. Bight and Toltigrapliio Excliango uold oa Now York, Ban FranolBCo port lund. , , DIHKCTOWS D. P. Thomphon. Jno. 8. 8uiiknoi Kl), jM. WlI.MAMfl, Guo. A. LlKIHI. , H, M. Ukau.. Taken Up. Camo to my plaeo ou a-Mil "boot tlio L'Qth of Noviimbur, a Btraw-bny rosn inare, branded V P(conneeted)on tli I'1 Hhouldur, about 6 yttarB old. Owner c have Bituio by paying charges. M. 8. KVANHi deo22.1m The Dalles, Or.