The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 24, 1898, Image 1

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    !)c Dallco
NO 323
flHP Chronicle,
(iovorimicnl Takes Posses
sion ol' Supplies.
nli ThrnntitiiiMl to Hulil His Wuri'lioiiHim
W litirn Ciititlti Itny Ahhdi'II'U
IIIh A ulliorlty.
Si:atti.i:, Jan. 112. Tho lntust from
Alaska is Hint Captain Kay, Unltod
St ituH army, Iiiih tiikun charge o( tliu
stores of the-Alaska Trading Company
and tlio Vortti American Trading and
Transportation Coinpiuiy, aud Iiiih pro
claimed martial law in Fort Yukon, and
placed itH fiUO inhabitant!! on rations,
compelling those who have money to
pay for tht'in, and thoHO who havti not
to work (or them. I his step was ren
dered necessary by thu Hinull stoek of
supplied on liand, which, it was feared,
would lit," exhausted Imforo lhi Yukon
river opened next spring. After taking
tlitH action, Captain Ray Hunt a special
messenger to Dawson, with a letter to
tin; commercial uoinpaniqe notifying
thi'ii) that he hud taken possession of
their Htort'H. It is Htated that the letter
iiIko asked the commercial compitnieH to
iihc tliuir influence in securing lcgielu
tiou hy congress giving 10 the BoldierH in
Alaska the sainu civil functions enjoyed
by the Canadian mounted police.
Tliu newB of Captain Kay's action
reached here thlu morning on the steam
er City of SeuUle, which brought forty
live persons from Dawson City, and gold
dust and drafts estimated at $500,000.
TodayH nrrlvule hring advices up to De
cember -1st. They contain no other late
news of importance.
It in the uuivcrtml expression ot thosu
arriving today, that while there in no
immediate neeu of a relief expedition,
it will ho very aeceptahlo late in the
spring. All nay that an expedition can
not he taken in at thiH season, but that
it would he a wise move on the part of
the government to have It at the lakes
ruaily to Htart when the lcerunH out. It
will then read) Dawson in time to le-
litive diHtreHH which now Hcenm probable
to occur before boats can aecend the
It is Htated that Captain Kay will ask
the secretary of war for Hullieient troops
to patrol the Yukon basin thin coming;
season. It is also Htated that Major
Kuckur, who is at Jtyea and Skaguay,
aiuking preliminary pruparatioiiB for
the government relief expedition, has
recommended that troops he Htutiomd
at these two placet) and along thu trails
to preserve, order.
W. M. Hank, of San Francisco, who
arrived huru today from PawHon City,
which place he left December 10th, givtiB
the following particulars of an attempt
hy a mob at Fort Yukon to sui.o tlio
warehouses of the Alaska Trading Com
pany and the North Americun Trading
A Transportation Company. The par
ticulars weru brought to Dawson by
Fred GokcIi, October 28th. One htin
'Ired and iltty men went to the muling
ttmipniilemuid demanded that thoy bo
Kivon one year's provisions on credit.
'J'hey said that thoy would pay them
with work in the mines in the Klondike
next season. The companies refused,
nfler a consultation with Captain Kay.
Oil thu following day, the mob gave no
tice that unless Its demands were com
plied with, the warehoiiBOs would bo
"sized. Captain Kay, whon informod
('f this, hoisted the United States Hag
ovr both wurohouscH, and, placing Lieu-
Royal make the fnoil pure,
wliole.iomc and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
tenant Riahardson in command of ono,
took possession of the other, and pro
claimed martial law. Cnptain Kay
swore in a force of twenty-five men to
aid hi.n in the potection ot the prop
erty. A peculiar fatality occurred on the
City of Seattle on her upward trip. A
light fell from the masthead and struck
a passenger named George, of Victoria,
crushing- his skull and killing him in
stantly. The commission appointed by the
miners at a recent meeting in Dawson
to go to Ottawa and ask for a modifica
tion of thu mining laws, was among thu
passengers on board the City of Se
How' Thlfc!
We oiler one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunk v & Co. I'rops., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F
.1. Cheney for the lust 10 years, und be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
miss transactions und financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
WuBt it Truux, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, 0., Wutding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nully, acting directly upon thu blood and
tnucotiB Htirfuces of the system. Pricet
75e. per bottle. Sold by all druggists
testimonials free. 1.5-1)
It's a Fact
thi't iiillamutlon from
any cause can be speed
ily reduced by thu gen
tie application of Gut
liMiriV'llHppyTlinuKlit" Salve, GO cunts Wortli
double tlio money. For
Sale by
BUNNELL, The Dimist
Ciiiluiiil if Hoimih for AIhhku.
Hi:iTNKi:,.lan. 22. A carload of horses
bought by V. D. Maddock for the Alaska
trade, will bo shipped tonight. Mr
Maddock also bought u number of multti
which will be driven to Pendleton for
shipment. He will he here again next
March to buy up all he con find suitable.
tor the puppose.
llllMHI-Ullltl UoiIr.
The Ancient Greeks believed that the
Penates were tliu gods who attended to
the welfare aud prosperity of the family.
They were worshipped as household
gods in every home. Tho household god
of today is Dr. King's New Discovery.
For consumption, coughs, colds und for
all atl'ections of Throat, Chest and Lungs
it is Invaluable. It lias been tried for a
quarter of a century aud is guaranteed
to cure, or money lelurned. No house
hold should he without this good angel.
It Is pleasant to take and a sufo aud sure
remedy for old and young. Free bottles
ut Blukoley it Houghton's drug store. 2
Trunin tiy A round tliu liupldx,
Vii'ToitiA, Jan. '22. M. S. MauConly,
who has just arrived from Alaska, has
under construction u steel tramway
around the Canyon und White Horse
rapids. He Is nuilding four tracks, aud
by Iho time the river opens, he says ho
will bo iibhi to handle GOO tens daily,
taking boats aud all.
HoumtliiiiK to Know.
It may be worth Bomothiiifc to know
that the very oest medicine for restoring
tho tired out nervous system to a
healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This
medicine is purely vegetable, acts by
giving tone to tho norvu centers in the
stomach, gently stimulates thu Liver
and Kidneys, mid aids these organs In
throwing off impurities in the blood.
Kluctrli! Bitters improves thu appetite,
aids digestion, and is pronounced by
those who have iried it as the. very beet
blood purifier und nerve tonic. Try it.
Sold for 50c or If 1.00 per bottle tit Blake
ley & Houghton drill! store. 2
11 o ii n U I a K tho Morn.
Kio t)K Jankiuo, Jan. 22. The steam
ship Oity of Columbia, eurouto for Alas
ka with a party of goldhuntere, bound
I for the Klondike, arrived hero without
J incident. Tho party hails from New
i Yoik.
' When you can not sleep for coughine
j take Chamberlain's Cough Kemcdy. It
I always yives prompt reliuf. It is most
excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex-
I twHnrntinri. rHliovr.p Mm luncra niwl nrn.
nents any tendency toward pneumonia.
Fur tale by Bakeley fc Houghton.
Snow In Illinois.
Pkoiiia, .Jan. 22. The heaviest snow
storm of tho teneon prevailed here eince
e.iriy this moining, and there is no sign
of its abating.
Ilicy l.lve Nr Detroit, and Keprogent n
I'sixt t.'t'iitnry.
Out iii the region of the St. Clair flats,
near Detroit, lici a peculiar triliu
known in general as the mushrnl,
French. No whore else in the United
States is there n community Mich ns
this in language and customs. Despite
Die fnct that their ancestors have lived
there for a century and a hnlf, says the
New York Sun, they speak English that
ih barely intelligible to the average citi
:-en, while their French, it is said, is to
tally beyond the ken of u Parisinn. In
one respect they are particularly nota
ble that is in their ability as story
tellers. I lie Dctroitcrs understand
them, and the mushrat Fjcnch know
it, so that as raconteurs they are not ut
their best before them, but let them get
hold of a guilelcbs easterner and they
will (ill him full of the most marvelous
tales of hunting and iishingndventures
that ever came from the mouth of man.
As n means of earning money they
hunt, and fish, selling their prey to the
nmrkets. Their own staple food ar
ticle is the musk-rat, called "mushrat."
which abound out there; hence their
name, mushrat French. Against all
ridicule they will maintain that no
beast, bird or fish is more delicate, sus
taining and healthful than this animal.
"Take coin fat," said one of them ton
New Yorker, who spent part of his a
cntion on the flats, "take eem fat, stofi"
cem up with airb (herbs) an speece
(spice), put eem on fire an' roast eem,
un' sh! what will you? lie is pairfect.
You shall not tll eem from duck. Cen
tillium of New York come 'ere to eat
duck. We give eem mushrat cook
comme il fait. He say: 'Ah, heaven!
Ah, Cod! Neva ire have I eat such n
duck!' He thought it was a duck, that
Wnpltl anil the Ki'tl Deer In Central Park
I'lKlit ii Duel.
War was proclaimed in Central park.
The wapiti and the red deer bucks were
spoiling for a fight. It is a way they
have at this, season of t lie year, says tho
New York Ueeordcr, and in the forests
many a duel to the death is fought, with
no seconds standing by, and with no
human or other appreeiativeeyeto wit
ness'thu valor displayed.
For the past few days the wapiti and
the biggest of the red deer bucks have
glared at each other across the barbed
wire fence w hieh separates them. Then
they began charging at each other, and
their antlers came together with many
a resounding crash. After much ma
neuvering Keeper Snyder got a rope
over the horns of Mr. Wapiti, but the
buck did not mind it in the least. Tan
a do.en keepers got hold of the lariat,
and with great difficulty forced the
wapiti away front his panting rival, and
lie was put into a paddock- where there
were only young fellow bucks whose
antlers had scarcely begun to sprout
and w hoiu, of course, lie w ould not con
descend to attack.
The blood of the led stag, however,
seemed boiling, and having no longer a
foeinan worthy of his horns he chased
and prodded the poor ladies of his
harem. The keepers, at the risk of
their lives, sawed off his antlers and
his martial spirit seems to be knocked
out of hint forever.
and Farmers
Keriis on ilraucht tlic celebrated
COM'MWA ilEKIt, neknnwl
cilRtil the best beer In The Dalles,
at Hie tisiiul iirlce. Come In, try
it anil be fonvlnrcd. AIo the
FIiifM brands ot Wines, Liquors,
mid C'lsari'.
lot all Kinds always on hand.
Tlie CoMia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Letters of Credit issued available in
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and variouE points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
18 I'liecN Wrok.
150 I'jiikt a Vr
Trained by A j;rlciilUirltii 10 Act thu l'art
of Carrier l'lueoin.
An apleulturist has commenced train
ing bees for letter carrying purposes.
After n few preliminary trials, he says,
he took a hive of them to the house of
a friend four miles distant. After some
t'ays, when tho bees had become fa
miliar with their new surroundings,
some of them were liberated in a room,
where they soon settled on a plate of
honey which had been specially pro
pai ed for t hem. While t hey were busy
eating it their trainer placed on their
backa the tiniest of dispatches, fastened
with the thluuest of thread, mid so ar
ranged them us to leave the head and
wings absolutely free. They wero then
thrown Into the nlr and soon arrived at
their homo with the letters on their
baoK'i, The writing was magnified and
quite legible. Here, then, says the
London Telegraph, Is an opening for a
new Industry. In time of war bees
would have the advantage over pigeons
ot invisibility, und might go through
tbe enemy's line with impunity,
It stands first among 'wceklv" papers
in eme, frequency of publication
freshness, variet and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a dailv at the low
price o a weekly: and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for thu accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its Bpecial features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashioiie for women and a Ion
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Vnnaii Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley Weyiimn, ftlury K. Wilklna
Anthony llot, Itret llurte,
Jlranrier Matthew, Ktc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to.
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice n hereby Rivim Hint under and by vir
tue of mi execution und older of tide ifcoued out
of tho Ciiouit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Wmm-o. and to mo directed mid
delivered, tijioa a Judgment and decree rendered
and entered in mid court on the Mh day of No
vember, ls'J7, in favor of A. II. Jones, pluiutiH'
and iiKtiliiht It. K. l'ewol, defendant, for thu Mini
of two Iiutuliul and teventy-fclx and 'Jo 100
if.'Tfi.'JS) dollars, together with Interest thereon,
hiiico May 1, lS'Jii, at thf rate of tea iHTt'cnt ix;r
annum, aud thlity (f.'W) dollars attorney fees;
ii ml thu further sum of eleven (til) dollars ro&ta,
wiilun miki judgment was enjoin i
d ami docketed
In the olllc.e of thooleik of said eon it in tald
county oa tho bth day of November, 1M)7; and
wheeoy it wan farther ordered mid decreed by
the Court that the following det.ciibed property,
Beginning at a point 18.&) chains west of the
linu between Mictions thirty-live and thirty-six,
in township three north ot rtiugo tea vast of thu
Willametto Meridian, being tho western term
inus of the north boundary lluo of tho James
Benson Donation Laud Claim; thence iortli
(.&' cliaiuti, tlieui'o vast S.sO chains, thence
south I1.S5 chains, aud thence west ch tins to
place of beginning, containing six acres, uioie
or less, and being tlio same premises sold by thu
said A. B. Jones to thu said H. I'., 1'ewel, in
W'lisco County, Oregon,
bo sold to satisfy s ild Judgment, attorney foes',
costs aud accruing costs, 1 will, on Tuesday, the
bth day of i-ebnuiry, lsys, ut 'i o'clock p, m. of
said day, at tbe front door of thu courthouse in
Uallea City, WaseoCo.,Or.,sell ull the right, title
and IntcicM of the said it. K. Kcwel in and to thu
above desorIlvi property, at imbllo auction to
thu highest bidder for cash in liuu l, tho pro
ceeds arising from said sale to bo applied to the
satisfaction of said judgment, attorney's fee,
costs aud accruing covin, mid tho surplus, If any
there bo, to bo paid into court, and there to re
main until the further order oi this court.
dcc'.M Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Third Great Offering of
Our Clearance Sale..
If you are in need of good Shoes at less
mono' than has ever before been placed
on the market, now is tUe time to pur
chase. We offer the
tions for this week. '
Wine, Box Calf, calf lined, heaw winter shoe $5 CO
Ox Blood, Coin Toe, Russian Caif " 4 50
Dark Green, Bulldog, Willow Calf " 4 50
Ox Blood, Seal, Coin Toe, heavy sole 3 00
Black Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 4 50
Kangaroo, Narrow Square Toe, Cap, Dress Shoe, lace and
congress 4 00
Calf, Square Toe, Cap, lace and congress 3 00
Satin Calf. Plain Square Toe, lace and congress 2 50
Satin Calf, Coin Toe, lace and congrass 2 50
Satin Calf, Plain Toe, Tap Sole, lace and congress 2 25
$3 40
2 95
2 95
2 30
3 45
3 05
2 25
1 85
1 85
1 45
Glove Grain, Bal., medium heavy 1 75 1 35
Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 50 1 15
Youths Glove Grain, medium heavy 1 50 1 20
Youths Grain, Narrow Square, Tap Sole 1 25 1 10
See Cur
Bargain Table.
Cleaning up of old style (3, $4 and $5 Turns and Welts, very
finest and best of quality, to go at 1 00
Lace, Dark Green, Box Calf, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00 2 60
Lace, Dark Green, Kid, Welt, Coin Toe 4 00 2 60
Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, Welt.Coin Toe 3 50 2 40
Lace, Ox Blood Russia Calf, McKay.Coin Toe 3 00 2 10
Lace and Button, Black Kid, Welt.Coin Toe, patent tip .... 2 75 1 95
Button, Plain, Common Sense Toe 2 50 1 70
Lace and Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 2 00 1 55
Lace, Box Calf, Bulldog, Heavy Welt Sole 4 00 2 95
Lace and Button, Spring Heel, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 50 1 30
MISSES' SHOES. fetso2. "
Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip 1 25 1 00
Grain, Button, Common Sense Toe, stock tip 1 25 95
Kangaroo Calf, Coin Too, Patent Tip, school shoe 1 45 1 10
Kine Kid, Cloth Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip 1 90 1 40
Fine Kid, Kid Top, Square Toe, Patent Tip 1 90 1 40
Kangaroo Calf, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 5 to 8 1 00 65
Kid, Button, Coin Toe, Patent Tip, 8 to 11 1 00 75
Kangaroo Calf, Com. Sense Toe, stock tip, school shoe, S-ll. 1 15 85
Cloth aud Kid Top, Button, Square Toe, Pat. Tip, dress shoe 1 50 1 15
This list does not cover all discounts on Shoo Salo,
as wo have specials on most every line in stock.
Also specials previously offered, on this Clearanco
Sale still continues. As wo must reduce stock so as
to make room for now goods, now boing purchased by
our two representatives in New York.
We wish to call tho attention to Lady customers
that on Saturday next, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., wo
will place on saio at a great "Reduction something to
their interest. See advertisement later.
has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to he found in a
flrst-olass Dry Goods Store.