The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 22, 1898, Image 3

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In Men's Shoes displayed in Furnishing
Good's Window ..,..
We have just received
another shipment of
During January and Feb
ruary wo will givo to ovory
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
1111509 lir-Jit J-atrs
Satin Oil Calf
Pointed aiid Square Toes. Pointed
The Dalles Duly GhroniclB.
HATUUDAf VlANUAlty 2-', 189S
M . .
Weather tonight unci Sunday, ooca
Hional snow.
Sturgeou hooks, cotton and Bisal rope
at Maior & Kenton's. I3
Goto ttiu Columbia Candy Factory for
fresh oysters in every style, tl
School closed at Hood River yester
day for lack of fundB to pay the teachers.
Out-of-town dealers in -cigars are in
vited to call and examine the choice
lino told by S. F. Fonts. '-'0
JtiHt received Choice Sweet Patutoes,
Caulifl owor, Pineapples and Orunges at
the D alles CommlBHion Co.
King Cole braud Kaltimore oysters,
the heat on the market; Medium,
Standard and Extra Select. Try them.
At Tariiey & Co.'b. 11-tf
The subject for the morning sermon at
the ChriHtian church tomorrow will be
on the second chapter of Revelation;
for evening, "Pardon ; ItB Means and
Its Evidences."
lWniis huvini! trouble with their
eyes should call und have them exam
ined bv Dr. A. K. Richmond. Of lice,
ceeond door from cornor of Court and
Second streets. 12-lw
Unite a number of members of River
side Lodue. A. 0. U. W., and Decree of
Honor are expected up from Hood River
this evenhiK to listen to brand Lecturer
Tate at the opera house.
... The remnlns of D. L. DeWolfe will ar
I live in this city on the 5:20 train this
' evening, and the funeral, which will be
under the aiiBpicea of the Woodmen and
Workmen, will bo held at 2 p. m. to
v v niorrowf
Strayed : This morning. Two span-
iel puppies and mother. Puppies two
months old, and have very large ears
Mother wuiii-h collar with name. R. L.
l'rets-.or. Suitable reward for their re
turn to Pacific Express ofllce. Puppies
for sale.
A class in the rudiments of music
will bo organized by Prof. A. W. Lun-
dell at 7:30 noxt Saturday evening in
the basement of the Lutheran church.
Terms, $1.50 for ten lessons. Anyone
who duHlri'H in luarn to read 'music
should take advantage of this excellent
opportunity. 18-22
S S. JLa Franco lias purchased the
notion store of M. II. Niekelson at Hood
Hiver, Mr. Nlckslsen is a brother of
our fellow towuBuiun, 1. 0. Nickelsen.
Mr, LuFrance is well and favorably
known in The Dalles und Eastern Ore
gon, where he hus worked for a musical
' rin for many years.
The Vancouver, U. 0., foot-ball team
arrived in Portland
i,.uf ..i..i t. fnr
big Rugby match against the Multno
muli team todiy. bo us to give every
body a chance' the game wus not to be
called, until 3 o'clock. The captain of
the Vancouver team wrote the Multno
mah Club that he had to draw on the
Oil Grain $1.25
Knniiinn mirl Ylctnriiinluhn rather tha
not bring a full team 'down with him, so
this will make the visiting team much
stronger than it otherwise would bo, and
should victory rest with the Multno-
mabB it will bo all the more creditable.
W. S. Hubbard, who holds an office
under Commisf-ioner MoGuire, and who
has cliarge of the numerous fish hatch
eries, was iu the city last night. He
came here from the new hatchery on the',
White Salmon, and states ttiat about
8,000,000 eggs have been put in the
hatching troughs on that river recently.
The all-day meeting at the Methodist
church yesterday was, aB had been
hoped, a season of refreshing from the
Lord. The afternoon attendance was
verv irood, and a deep, consecrated, joy
ous feeling was experienced by all en
gaged in the EorviceB. Last evening s
service was also interesting and profita
ble. There will bo no service this even-
Sheep Inspector C. S. Roberts, who
has recently returned from a trip of in
spection through the county, states that
he found 154.000 head of sheep in a6co
county, free from any disease.) This
Bpeaks veU for the care which Wasco
county sheep men give to their Hocks,
and at the same time is encouraging to
those who are interested in this great
An Interesting meeting of the Odd
Fellows wiic h. Id In their hall last night.
Claude Uiue,,, I Salem, grand master ol
the state of Oregon, made an extended
speech to the lodge, and addresses were
also made by other members. Some im
portant Iodise business was uttended to,
ami the pleasures of the evening came
to a climax when the banquet wa6
spread. All did justice to the same, af
ter which the meeting closed.
The Oregon Lime, Plaster and Ce
ment Coinpanv's workB, on Kurnt river.
live miles west of Huntington, on the O.
R. & N., which were destroyed by lire
hist year, are to bo immediately recon
structed. The revival of business
throughout the entire state, aud the
consequent ivMimption of buildlug, car
ries with it the guarantee of a steady de
mand for the company's out Hit aud an
assurance of reasonable dividends on the
large investment involved.
According to yesterday's Telegram it
is believed that the case of the United
States vs. Seufert Bros, the action con
cerning a right of way fortheCelilo
boat railway, will come up for trial
Monday. This is the third time that
the case has been tried, and it will un
doubtedly bo u hard-fought case by both
parties. Judge Webster aud A. S. Ken
nett will appear for the defendants,
while United Stutes Attorney Hall, with
other assistants, will act on tlto part ol
the government.
The Kauk oi ;Goldondale went out of
IbuBltiess Thursday, and postod coiiBplo
. --- - . - ,
uously on the trout tioor me iimuwwg;
'The management of this institution
decided to retiro from the bank
ing biiHinos, hereby gives notice to all
local depositors to call at the sine uoor
land withdraw their deposits 111 juii ana
Veal Calf
$L25 ..
and Square Toes.
without delay. Dated January 20. 1898."
he First National bank was started
about ten years ago, and in 1890 went
into voluntary liquidation and was suc
ceeded by the Bank of Golderidale. The
retiring of the present bank leaveB
Klickitat county without a bank, which
is regretted by many business men.
A number of our townspeople who
live 111 quiet neighborhoods where our
city marshal andnigbtwatchman scarce
ly ever find it necessary to go, are com
plaining about trampB and beggars both
ering themior eatables and clothing
When such nuisanceB come around, the
city officials who attend to such matterB
should be at once informed by the par
ties molested, ana through this means
the town could be kept clear. It is im
possible for an officer to Bee everything
that goes 011 in the city, and it is the
duty of every citizen to inform him as
to anything of this kind, which we are
sure be would not be slow in attending
The Dramatic Mirror Bays: "E. Alma
Stuttz, wife of the well-known actor and
manager, J. G. Stuttz, died at Manti,
Utah, Jan 3d, from tt ti effects of burns
received while she and her husband
were mixing up a patent red fire. The
chemical exploded while she, her hus
band and daughter were in the room
The daughter escaped uninjured; but
Mr. Stuttz received burns which will
compel him to keep his bed for several
weeks, while Mrs. Stuttz' injuries caused
her death. She siillered untold agonies
for live day's, the accident occurring
Dec. 30th." The Stuttz company has
played in The Dalles several times, and
the victim of thia accident was well
known by mauy of our townspeople.
The Dufur Dispatch says: "J. P
Ronton, The Dalles plumber, is an ex
pert mechanic, aud somewhat of a tjil-
liardist. Our local players are as yet
mostly novices at the game. Rut being
possessed of that commendable article
called 'sand,' they tackled Jim one
after another, then doubled up on him
then tribled, aud quadrupled. Finally
fivo of the local player C. P. Rnlcl
Waldo Rrlgham, A. J. Douglass, Harry
Temple aud J. A. Stevens, challenged
Mr. Ronton, the latter making 5S points
while the live homo players only rolled
up 22. Rut then, they were satisfied
for if thev didn't make points, they got
pointers." The Dalles foot-ball players
have confidence enough In themselves to
think that they can also give Dufur's
football team a few pointers In that
manly sport. Wo hopo they will have
the ''sunt!" to give us a trial in this Hue
In Olden Time.
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects, and were
satisfied with transient action ; but now
that it is geuoraliy known tiiut Syrup of
Figs will permanently overcome habit
ual constipations, well informed people
will not buy other laxatives, which act
for a time, but finally injure the system
Ruy the genuine made by the California
Fig Syrup Co.
Everybody reads Thk Ciikonicj.k.
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
Epping, who was found guilty of at
tempting to rob the registry department
of the Portland postoffice, was fined $1,-
000 and one day in jail.
The fight which was to have come off
in Portland last night was Btopped by
the police, in the second round. Caee
had the best of it throughout.
The war department is ready to make
contracts for the transportation of 500
reindeer and 150 Laplanders from New-
York to Seattle. It is claimed that Dr.
tVeldon Jackson haB procured both the
reindeer and Laplanders for Alaska.
The new Democratic congressional
committee last night elected as chair
man Senator White, of California. The
election of secretary, wh!ch had been
expected, was postponed to await action
by an organization of seven, which will
bo appointed by the new chairman.
A horrible accident occurred in East
Portland yesterday. It was caused by
the explosion of escaping gas while an
excavation was being made for a now
cess pool. At present one man is dead
and another dving from the effects of
the exnlosion. while two more had a
narrow escape.
The opening session of the national
conference on practical reform of pri
mary elections was called to order at
New York yesterday in the rooms of the
New 'ork board of trade and transpor
tation, by John h. Milholland, chairman
of the temporary organization. The con
ference will last two days.
Secretary Rliss has dismissed the up
peal of the Portland water committee in
the caee against John H. Runyard, in
volving a quarter section of land in the
Hull Run watershed. The secretary says
that, a patent having been issued to
Runyard, he has no authority to set it
aside, and has 110 jurisdiction, even if
the patent was wrongfully obtained, as
A. O. IJ. W, Kntertuluineut.
This (Saturday) evening Past Supreme
Master Tate will deliver an ad
dress in the N'ogt opera house iu the in
terest of the A. O. U. W. In all cities
he is greeted with crowded houses.
Come out and hear this eloquent speak
er, whether you are interested in his
subject or not. The following musical
program will bo rendered :
Overturn 1'liino iluot
Mis.-u.s Almu hcliaiiiio ami OuorKlu Sampson
Vociil -olo--"l Gamut Help loviiR Thee". .
Alios Myrtle Mlciiell
Cornet Solo- J; iuBrK,chM' ' Dawwn
Vocal Solo "Your Voice,. Sirs. A. N, Vnrney
Exercises will begin promptly at 8
o'clock. A cordial invitation to the
public. No admission.
llitllt'B I'uliliu Hc-liuoU.
Following is the assignment of teach
ers for the spring term :
East Hill Primary Miss Nan Cooper,
1st and 2d ; Mrs Roche, 3A, 4A aud 5A.
Academy Park Miss Phirman, 1st;
Mrs Baldwin and Miss Flint), 2A, 3B
und3A; Miss L Rintoul, OR und OA;
Miss T Rlutoul, 7R and 7A.
Union Street Miss Rowe, 1st; Miss
And can now supply our customers.
The UVilsor; is the only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
And reap the benefit of the following
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World 2 00
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75
CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25
CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25
K Cooper, 2R and 2A; Miss Snoll, 4R
and -1A ; Miss Cheese, 4B and till.
Union Street Annex Miss Rail, BR
and 5A.
Court Street Miss Michell, 7A and
8R; Miss Hill and Mr. Landers (.high
school). 8A, 9th, 10th and 11th.
John Gavin, Principal.
Attention- Itegruo uf Honor.
All members of Fern Lodge No. 25,
Degree of Honor, are requested to nyjdt
at their hall tomorrow, Sunday, at 1:30
p. in., to attend the funeral of our late
brother, I). L. DeWolfe, By order of F. Stkimikns, Recorder.
Lui.u R. CitANi)AU.,.C. of H.
Woodmen, Attention!
All members of tho'Woodmen of the
World are requested to bo present at
their hall tomorrow afternoon at 1
o'clock to arrange for the funeral of our
departed neighbor, 1). L. DeWolfe.
By order of Jami:s Snipus, O. (J.
All Workmen are requested to meet
at their hall tomorrow (Sunday) after
noon at 1 o'clock to arrange for the fun
eral of Brother D. L. DeWolfe. By
order of the master workman.
S. II. FitAzimt.
Weekly J.vtirlou to the Kat.
A touriBts sleeping car will leave Port
land every Tuesday morning at 0 o'clock
via the O, R & N., without change to
Boston, and under the supervision of
experienced conductors. No change of
have strictly First-Class
J. T. Peters & Co.
cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago,
Bullalo and Roston. The ideal trip to
the east is now before you. Remember
this service when going East and con
sult O. R. k N. agents or address
W. H. IIunuiuiST, Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Portland, Oregon.
Wood Fur Sale.
Good Fir Wood ean bo had of J. F.
Reynolds, 'phone 199. jlS-St
All Books
At Cost
During this month,
Except Dictionaries,
Musio Books
and School Books,
1. C. Nickelsen
fiook & music Company,