lM M WMiMi M .. The Dalles Daily le. The only Republican Daily Neicspapei on Watco County. EASTERN OFFICE S30 to SSi TtmpU Court, X. 3. City. E. KATZ, Agent. county officiai.8. County Judge Bhcriff. Clerk Treasurer .Kobt. Mnys .'. A M. Kelnay C. L. I'htllUw T. J. Drlv Commissioners in. r. Klmsev (A. B. Blowers A-oor W,"jWiWlt S.un.y1r-.:v' D..hiiVibhMV.".R"i'ciitbcrt 7z2?rK . ; w. h. mitt STATE OFFICIALS Oavemor Secretary of State Treasurer opt. of l'ubllo Instruction. Attorney-General Btnatons '.'.."ll K Klncald .Phillip Mctchan V P. Inrrt u. a. irwin C. M. Idlermm Jj.tU. Mitchell I B Hermann Congressmen, atate Printer. W. li. Ellis . ....W.U.Leeds Weekly Clubbing Kates. Chronicle and Oregonian $2 25 Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.85 Chronicle and Tribune 1 "5 Chronicle and K. Y. World 2 00 SATURDAY JANUARY 22, 189S AN OPPORTUNITY TO PROMOTE HARMONY. It is fortunate for the Republican party that the meeting of Republican clubs takes place nest month. There is a widespread hope throughout the state that something may be done at this meeting looking towards har mony in part' action. The conven tion will consist of over 1200 dele gates, most of whom were chosen from the rank and file, and represent the people more than the politicians. Many, if not the greater portion, of the delegates were elected and ac cepted election for the sole purpose of aiding in the restoration of party peace, now so badly broken in Mult nomah county, and it ffill be strange if much good does not result from their deliberation. It is as well to look matters square ly in the face, and nothing is surer than that unless the discordant ele ments of ihe Republican party in Portland are coalesced, Republican success in the June election is seri ously endangered. It is idle to dis cuss where the blame lies for this unfortunate condition ; the fact of it being present is bad enough. The only course which remains open is to see how best the breach can be healed. The convention which meets in Portland on February 1st probabty represents the Republican party more fairlj than will the regular state con vention, which will be in session later. The delegates to the former meeting are a much larger number, and were not chosen by the mefhodj so peculiar to politicians, us are the representatives which nomirate men for lucrative offices. "Whatever action the Republican Club convention will take in this matter will probably be a wise one; but Tiie CiinoKioLR wishes to add that nothing can be done looking towords o, iseU'cment unless Multno mnti county be entirely left out of the deliberations. TJie population of Great Britain tind Ireland, is about 40,000,000 that o( the United States about 70, 000,000. During the year 1897, ac cording to "Wlnttakor's London Al manac, there died in Great Britain one person who left an estate valued in excess of 12,000,000; one leav ing property worth very netuty $9, 000,000 ; two leaving about S5,000, 000 each; five leaving properties that ranged between 2,o00,000 and $3,000,000 ; sis bequeathing estates worth $2,000,000 to $2,500,000, and twentj-nine leaving properties val ued at between $1,000,000 and $2, 000,000. Though the population of the United States is nearly double that ot Great Britain the probate courts of this couutry disclose no such massing of largo properties in ainglc hands. It is to be noticed also that not more than four of the wills recorded in Whitnker's list arc those of peers or members of the landed aristocracy; they arc the tes taments of merchants, manufacturers and broke xmmmmmmmmmmmmm Th2 rush to Klondike is making a large demand for woolen blankets. There should be a woolen mill at The Dalles to contribute a part of the supply. There is every argument in fovor of establishing such an indus try here, and none against it. The Dalles needs manufacturing enter prises of some kind and must have them if our commercial prestige is to be increased or maintained. That was a "retort clever" which Dinglcy made to the Democrats in the house when he said that those who were still "chattering" about the lack of reveuuc under the new tariff law had better be prompt about it, "For," he said, "your opportunity to chatter will soon be over. Yester day our receipts from customs were $850,000. The receipts themselves will soon silence these critics." HectnnlDf; Classes. In the first primary departments of Union St., East Hill Primary and Acad emy Park schools beginning classes will be organized on Monday, January 24, 139S. Parents and guardians will take notice that all beginners for the spring terms are expected to enter school on the above date. John Gavi.v, Principal. J-R8- GEISKNDOKFrEU & ItUEDY, Physicians and Surgeons. Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 32. Vogt Bloct. FHEE. FKEE. ' G) (9 We Will Give JkE Subrcribers and Persons subscribing and paying up in ad vance for the Weekly Ghfoniele IVill Answer Any Question You may Ask It Standard & American & Annual... Ready Jan. 1, iggg On All News stands. & J & Jt Ji S jj j! Larger, Bette A More Complete T.ftan Ever. Th' moat utidtlv said Annual Rifff ttta Boc j, 4,4 p0utical Manual publisbtd. '' THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. ; A Copy of The World Almanac 0 Encyclopedia Regulator Ldne ITU. - T.11. Tlllaa3 A ) i m4m Ml A r 'np. nanus niriiniin am as una Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE HKTWKEN The Dalles. Hood Klver, Can-atlc Locks and Port land daily, pTCit Sunday. ( DOWN THE' VALLEY Are you going " TO (EASTERN OREGON ? If so. save money mid enloy n beautiful trip on thp nnlnmhin. The west-bound train arrives at The Dalles in amiilc time for vascngcrs to take the steamer, arriving In Portland In time for the outgoing Southern and Northern train; East. oouuu passengers arriving in ine uuins iu unit to take the East-bound train. For further Information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W C. AM.AWAY. (Jen. Agt., The Dulles. Orcirou tfeui Year Experiences. Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide yon through the new. You remember where yon have paine and pleasures. Good health brought the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will get it through good medicine. We use r.othing but the beat and finest drugs in Compounding. EELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Secoiiu Street, THE DALLES, J-ioliday Improuemepts. You want paper which mafct's your holiday enjoyment greater. You "want paper which makes your home 'pleaeafiter'at all times. You need such shades and designs ara will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you atylea that exceed any ever seen here at prices neyer attempted for such quality. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchmakerlJeweler n All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. $250,000 fed D ""'iII'IUm'1-1! ,l' il'.r.i,,,.,. I'L Tho Dost A . . mi - m M i 5 omoKing 1 osaccu iviaoo Wholesale. MAIaT MQUOfrS, mines and Cigars. THE-CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Btisch Malt beverage, nnequaled as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing -OF- FURNITURE CARPETS PRINZ NITSCHKE . Are 'going to close out their husinesH, and thev are oflerinu their large stock at COST TRICES. Now ie the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowine themseives indebted settle their T?c Postoffiee pijrma, CLARKE & FALK, Prc; Pwz t)mQs and JWedisines. Toilet Articles '.tlu Perfumery, Ffist of Imported apd Domestic Qiars. Telephone, 333. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioar 7VL Z. DONNELU PESCniPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Subscribe for The Chroincle ToBi Given Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of BEackwell's Genuine yrham Tobacco You will find one coupon in side ench 2-ouncc bug, mid two coupons inside ench .i-outicc 1)cr. Iluynhng, rendthecoupon o iu " m end see how to get your ulinre. - BUSCH and BEER and In bottlos Nu trine, a non-alcoholic tonic. Out Sale to said iirm are requested to call a j account. J New Vogt Block. THE DALLES, OR ORTHERN PACIFIC RV. S Pullman Elegent Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car Tourist MT. I'AIIl. MINMCAPOH i)t;i.i:Tii fa is no okani rim CJKOOKSTON WINNITKO 1IKI.KNA an IJIITTK TO Through Tiekcts TO CHIUAO" WAHII1NOTON rilll.AIKI.ril!A NKW VIlltH IKINTON ANI ALL I'OINTH KAHT inl HtUITII For Information, tone card, map and tlckeu, cal on or write to W. C AL1.AWAY. Ajrent, The Dalleii, Orcon OK A. D. CHARLTON. AhbL G. P. A., AYi, Jlorrlnou Cor. Third. I'ortland Orwon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass m m I A 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. H. Gr ID IE ZLT JST. J, K, HCIIKIIK, l'ri'Hlilcnt, II, M, 11KAI. , C'HHlilvr First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Uenural liunking BusinesB tranaavted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ban Francisco and port land. DIKKOTOK8 D. P. Thomphon. Jmo. B. Bohikck. Eu, M, Wiu-iamh, Gko. A. Likbk. li. M. 13 K ALL. Taken Up. N Came to my place on 3-Mlle, about the '.'5th of November, a straw-bay roan mare, branded V P(connected)on the loft shoulder, about 5 years old, Owner can have same by payiug charges. M. B. Evanh, duc22.lin Tho Dalles, Or. 1 fJllitfMM