Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1898 NO 322 a l)c Dalles FINAL VOTE THURSDAY i Kate of Teller's Resolution to be Settled Then. McKEXNAS NOMINATION COFIKMEI) 'l'ln CiiyV KiiIiikh 111 lloth Itrntictie of lint t.ovuriiiuciil Attack mi Nntrntnry Kiln. Washington, .liin.'Jl. The senate Iiiib nuri'iul to votu on thu Teller resolution next Thursday, before the adjourn ment. W'AMMNdTON, .Inn. 21. McKenna's nominiition hits been confirmed. Wamiiinoton, .fun. 12J. The resolution of Allen, of Nebraska, asking tlio hcc retiiry of the interior concerning the dis iniHHul from the pension ofiice of Mrs. Huberts, was luid before thu Hcnute. GulliiiKer moved to refer tlio resolution to the committee on civil service and retrenchment. Pending it vote Allen, mud he desired to speak briefly on the mutter. "I wunt to Bay," mud Allen "Unit no Helf-reepeeting gentleman would treat u woman as thin woman Iihb hi'en treated by the Hecrotary and the commissioner of pensions. If this nil. ministration 1h willing to injuro itself in this way, I urn willing. If the commis sioner desired to displace MrB. Koberts for Nome hanger-on, why did he aim u liu'mon dart at her? He must 'be u cow ard, indeed, who will make a covert charge uguinet a woman and then refuse to juBtify it." The matter wub referred to tiie com mittee on civil uervice and retrench ment. Lodge then moved thut the senate go into executive session. Before the mo tion wuh put, VeBt desired to make a brief statement: "J gave notice yesterday," said lie, that the teller resolution would be fur ther considered tuday. Bovoral senators suggested that we let the Matter run over till next Tuesday, und that u vote un any ameudmeuts be taken at 4 p. m., Wednesday. I winli to say this arrange ment is ugreeable to me, und, so far ub I know, to my colleagues on this side of the chamber." Turpie,of Indiauu, proposed thut a final vote be taken on Thursday uud this proposition was agreed to. Perkins, of California, announced that tie would call up the pension appropri ation bill Monday. Upon Lodge'H mo tion the senate then went into executive session. Thu senate devoted its principal at tention in executive session today to the nomination of Attorney-General Mc Ktmnu to be justice of thu supreme court. Allen took thu floor in contin uance of his attack upon the uttorney eenerai. He presented a large number of documents in support of iiis conten tion that McKonna wuh not competent to dischurge thu duties of the high ofiice oi justice of the supremo court of the I'nited Status. Washington, Jun. ill. The stormy scenes of thu post fuw (layH in thu house were followud by comparative quiet to day. At thu opening of thu suasion to day a hill was presented to grunt the eoininiHsiouer of Dale county, Alu., the fiKht to construct two bridges across thu eiiattahooclile river. Under tho rules litis was privato bill day, but Cannon, chairman of the uouiiuittoo on appro priations, antagonized tho meusuro with n matioii for consideration of tiiu senate Royal make the lood pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure NOYL lUKIfcO t-OWDCR CO., hCW VOAK. It's a Fact that iutlamiition from any cause can be speed ily reduced by the. iren tlu application of Gar land's "Happy Thought" Halve. 60 cents Wortli doublo thu money. For sale by DONNELL, TllC DrnfiL&iSt amendments to tho urgent deficiency appropriation. His motion was carried by n vote 1U5 to 31. The senate Nicara raguu canal commission was not con curred in. Tho main fight came on the senate amendment striking out the pro vision in the bill requiring the deposi tors of bullion hereafter to pay the cost of transportation from tho assay ofiice to the mint. Tho house finally voted to concur in the senate amendment to the urgent de ficiency bill, striking out the provision compelling depositors of bullion to pay the cost of transportation 'from the as say office to the mint. The house passed the Lucy bill to ex tend the public land laws to Alaska and grant a general right of way to rail roads. How' Til): Wo oiler one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West ct Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, 0., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Pricot 75c. per bottle. Sold by ull druggists. Testimonials free. 1-5-H Luetgert ou the Stand. CincAoo, Jan. Ll. Adolp L. Luetgert went ou the witness stand today and told to the jury the story of his doings in his sausage factory ou the niglitof May 1st, in an endeavor to explain the mystery surrounding the diaappearnuco of his wife, for whose murder he is being tried. During the examination, when mention was made of his wife, Luetgert broke down aud commenced crying like a child. His attorneys asked for a re cess, but Judge Gary refused to allow it, uud after a few momenta Luetgert re gained control of himself. HullHfhollI Gods. Tho Ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were tho gods who attended to tho welfare and prosperity of tho family. They were worshipped as household gods in every home. The household god of today is Dr. King's New Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds und for nil aileetions of Throat, Cheat uud Lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter of u century Biid is guarunteed to cure, or money returned. No house hold should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and n safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free bottles at Dlukeley k Houghton's drug store. 2 Sltuitlloii Kiilliotid, San Fisanoisco, Jun. 21. During the nast IS hours seventeen vessels, carry ing in the aggregate more than 4,000,000 feet of lumber, have passed iu through tho Golden Guto. Tho arrivul of so manv lumber laduu vessels is duo whol ly to thu unprecedented demand for tonnage to engage in the Alaska trade. Tho arrival of tho fleet relioves to a greut extent the situation iu the lumber market created by tho same domnnd that will cuuee the scarcity of lumber- carriers, HoiiHitlilUK tu Know. It may bo wortli something to know that tho very beBt medicine for restoring tho thud out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Klectric Bitters, This medicine is purely vegetable, acta by giving tone to the nerve centers in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing ofl" impurities in the blood. Klectric Bitters improves tho appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as tho very best blood purifier and nervo tonic. Trv it. Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at Dluke ley & Houghton drug store. 2 WIDOW QUITE PHILOSOPHICAL. I'lwtor'd Condolence on Itor IIinb.un!'n IX'stth Vnry Graciously Acknowledged. A North .side Lutheran pastor recent ly assigned (o a fashionable congrega tion is wondering whether hereof Icr it will be policy for him to offer con dolenciw when yt nng matrons of his lloek lo.M" their husbands, or forever keep his peace, lie is very much per turbed ovcrnn incident w hich occurred finite recently, says the Chicago Chron icle. Some time last summer and 1cforc lie had been assigned to this particular church tiie invalid husband of one of his prominent church members went to the far west in the hope that a change of climate might restore him to health, liut- the rn rifled atmosphere of the moum-iins instead of benefiting the in valid, who was a consumptive, rather hastened the progress of the disease and within n very few weeks lie died. Last week the young wido.v returned. What more natural than that the par son should offer his sympathies to the bereaved one. "You 'have my sincerest sympathy,' he said to the young woman. "Hut, after all, you hae this consolation that the dear one is now past all suffering and probably much happier." "You aie too kind, parson," answered the young -widow. "Indeed, he lasted much longer than I thought he would. 1 expected he would go much enoner. It tH a hopeless case." Sueli a philosophic view of t!e case rather startled the good man. It came m unexpectedly that it left him noth ing more to say and he beat as hasty a retreat as he could. ..GHAS. F-WK- Butchers and Fatrmeits ..Exchange.. Keep nti draught the celebrated COl.t'MItlA HKKK, ncknowl edfied tho hot beer In The Dulles, nt the iimiiiI price. Come In, try It nml he convinced. Alo tho Vinci brand of Wines, Liquors and CIems. anduiiehes of nil Kinds always on hand. i EYELASHES MADE TO ORDER. Singular I'lan of Operations Adopted by u Chicago l.'iilnlrcnuer. In a fashionable hairdiessiug parlor on one of the downtown streets? one reads the sign: "IJyeloshes made to onler." "I do not know that there is any tiling particularly novel about it," said the blot.d young woman who wus asked for in.fonnation. "We have done this sort of work for months." "And have vou manv patrons in that lineV" "Not so many as we have in the other branch of our business, the removal of hair or wrinkles by means of electric ity, but still hc hae some." And then she explained the process of making artificial eyelashes. An ex ceedingly delicate little iiusldimcnt is used. Jt consists of a needle operated t tin ugh a spring by means of the finger. At one end of the needle a hair N 'inserted. When the operator la ready to work on the person she take the eyelid between two fingers of the left hand. The neelle is then thrust into thv- fleshy part of the eyelid as close to the eye as possible and the tiny hairs are uetua'ly bewed on. Ky lushes thus manufactured are warranted to last two weeks without repairs-. Of course the process hurts the patieni, but what woman will not willingly submit to suffering to retain her beauty anil her powers to eluuinV Corsica. according to a iiritish consular re port, invalids in search of a winter sta tion might do worse than try the cap ital of the Island of Corsica. The av erage temperature is thiree to four de grees higher than thut of the Kivient. Ajaeeio, moreover, being thoroughly sheltered by the surrounding moun tains and the aspect of the bay being due south, the dreaded "mistral" is un known. It is admitted, however, that there are some drawbacks. Lhing in the is-laud is dear, nearly all articles of consumption usually required by for eign residents having to be imported Altogether, affairs in Corsica do not ap pear to be in a satisfactory state. The island and its opulatlon arc described as "eminently poor," nnd were it not for the assistance bestowed by France Uio Corsicaus would be forced either to starve or bestir themselves the latter alternative appearing to be one from which they are decidedly nverse. MournliiK Color In Ilruzll. At the funeral of an unmarried wom an in scarlet is the mournii'.g hue. Tho coliln, the hearse, the trap pings of thu horses and tho livery of the driver must, lie Kcuiiet. When yon can not sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aide ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre uouts any tendency toward pneumonia. For Bale by Blakeley & Houghton. He Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFACTUKKK8 OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Our mm Clearance 9k Makes easy buying for you in our Pants Dep't. We have taken from our recular stock a quan tity of our $3.50 and $4.00 pants, and have reduced the price to $2.37 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSACT A GEXEKAL BANKING BUB1.NES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IS8"" All sizes and a treat variety of patterns. .Better Pants. All panta left over from our suit stock.and also a large and fine lot of $5.00 values, taken from tho reg ular pants assortment, make up the bargain table at $3.37 Special numbers to sell at $1.50 and . $2.50 a pair. Boy's Knee Pants at Reduced Prices. Special Reduction on.... Caps. 18 a Week. ISO Tapers a Year It stands first among ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication ueeliiiess, variet and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at tho low price o a weekly ; and us vast list ot subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a Ion series oi stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Con un Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, Ktanley Weyman, Mary K. Wllkins Anthony Hope, liret llarto, llrauiler Matthew, Ktc. We offer this unequaled newspaperand The Dalles Trt-ice-a-Week Chronicle to- getlier one year for sfli.OO. The regular price of the two papers is $d.ou. " Sheriff's Sale."" ...All Styles... Golf, Yacht and Windsors. Special Assortment 15, 25 and 50c. Showing the best assort ment of styles. A. M WILLIAMS & CO. who has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. N'ntlfu fs liorcuv dveii that under und liv vlr- tuu ot un execution tuul order of Mile Ubimi out of the Wicult C'ouit of tho State of Oregon for thu County of Whmjo. uud to 1110 directed mid delivered, upon n Ji'dgmeut and decree rendered tmd entered in 3til comt on tho fctli ilny of No vein bur, WJ7, In Tavorol A. 1). Join's, plnlntlir, and iiKiilnst i:. K. Ken el- defendant, for the Mini of two liurdiid and teventy-bix and U3-100 (J'-'TC.'.'i) dollars, together with Interest thereon, bliicu .Vuy 1, 1MM, m the nitu of tell percent per annum, and thirty (f.'fll dollurs attorney fees; and thu fuitbcr muu of eleven (111) dollars cots. whloli t-aid Judinieut wi& eniolUd and docketed In the otllcu o thueleik of t-ald court la hald county on thoSlh day of November, lhO"; and whcieuyil wui. juriner ornercu aim ueereeu ny thu Court that thu following deci!bcd iioK.'rty, "lieKiniilifg in point 18.:w chains wet of the linn hi'tui'i'ii NiiitlniiH ihlrtv-llvu and thlitv Mx. u towin-htp Unco north of range ten eubt of the viuaiiieuo Jicilinaii, newt? me. wesieiu leiiu iims of tho not Ih boundary lino of thu James lleiiMin Dom Hoii Land C'latm; thenco uoith 0.85 duilim, thenco eat b.S.5 chains, thence ninth (i.Nr) chains aud tlieneo wcsi !.m ciuuis io iitnci'iif liiL'liinlnir. eoiit ilnliiir six aeies. nioiu or lets, mul buliii? thu same premise mI1 by tho Mild ., II, Jones io uiu muii it, -. i cnu, in Wasco County, Oregon, bo mjUI to sullsl'y sild iiulKniout, attorney fees, costs aud acrruliiB costs, 1 will, on Tuesday, the 8th day of tt-hruary. lNW, at 'i o'clock p. in, of said day, at thu flout door of thu courthouse in Palles City, Waseo Co., Or.,sell all the rlh'lit. title aud interest of the said It, K, Kcwel iu aud to the above described property, at public auction to thu highest bidder tor cash In huii'l, thu pro couds arlsiUK Jrom bald sale to bo uppUcxl to the satisfaction of said Judgment, attorney's fee, costs aud accrulnv costs, aud the surplus, if uiiy theie be, to bu paid into court, and there to re uiaiu until tau lurther order of this court. i nmuwii I Buerlft'of Wtiseo Countv, Or, C. F. STEPHENS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s?1T1!l ?eSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- rk ITlmil Tiiia Flour is manufactured expressly for family liVJlX X IU til . UBtJ . every sack ia uaranteeil to give satisfaction, We sell our goods lower than any liouee In the trade, and if you don't think so call aud ijet our prices aud be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wlwat, Barley and Oats.