Both the method and results when Syrup of Fins is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels.' cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the onlv remedy of "its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist vrhot may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sah mrncaco. cal iduryiue, jrr. EW YOSK, H.r. AdvertUinc liatf. Per inch . n w ... 1 CO One Inch or Ic In Dally Over two inches aud under (our inches . . Over four Inche end under twelve Inches. Over twelve inches DAILY AND WEEKLY One inch or less, per Inch Over one inch and under four Inches. Over (our inches and under twelve iuchw Over welve inches 75 50 U SO 2 CO 1 50 1 00 1'EBSOSAL MENTION- Frank Leiblin of citv on business. Kingley is in the Judge Mnye went to Portland on the morning train today. J. D. Bowman, the Kingley hotel keeper, is in the city. Misses Effie and Vesta Bolton went to Portland this morning. Mrs. A. H. Huntington of Baker county is in the city visiting relatives. E. Jacobsen returned last night from a trip to Portland and the Sound cities. Tom Burgess of Bakeoven was in the city last night, and left for on the morn ing train for Portland. Mrs. H. J. Qainton, who has been visiting the Hnott family on S-Mile, re turned to Portland today, Eev. Iliff, who occupied the pulpit at ihe Methodist church last night, re turned to Portland this morning. Dr. Hollister was called to Hood River this morning to consult with Dr. Bro eius, as the latter'e little girl is very eick. Herbert Lewis, who has been spend ing a few days with the family of his tincle, Mr. O. J. Lewis, returned to "Bittteyille, Or., today. Mr3. W. H. Vanbibber, accompanied ?ov her sister, Mrs. Willis of Colfax, left -tfiis morning far Portland. The latter is on her way to Sau Francisco. Mrs. R. Barter and Mrs. H. Bulger, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. md Mrs. F. Huott. on 8-Mile, re turned to Portland this morning. Mr. Claud Gatch of Salem is in the citv in the interest of Odd Fellowship. Mr". Gatch is a son of Prof. T. M. Gatch, iormerly principal of the Academy in this city. W. W. Brannin. the superintendent of -circulation in Oregon for the Morning Tribune, ie in the city today. He re ports that a large number of subscribers are being Eecured for that paper in all parts of the state. ''Superintendent Gilbert arrived in the city last niaht, after having been in St. j Vincent's hopital in Portland for the I last six weeks. We are delighted to an- Bounce that he ia much improved, and V will soon be able to attend to his duties. . In Olden Time. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects, end were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habit ual constipations, well informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally iujure the system. Buy the genuine made by the California Fig Syrup Co. Cash In Your Check. AH countv warrants registered prior to Isov. 13, 1693, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, 1898. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. FOR SALE. Remint(ton Typewriter with walnut table. Nearly new. Will eell cheap. Call on or addre A. G. Geigki:, jl8.3t The Dalles, Or. Tbe Bom Queen ie the bst make on the market for, fie cent, and when you emoke tbem your money ataye at home. 20-tf OSTRICH WANTED A SMOKE. He Bwallotra thr Lighted Clfr, to th Consternation of III Kreper. ThoreVnn a performance In tlic or "trlch department of tliesyiitlicnteshows the other tiny, says the Tucson (A.T.) Star, which had not been advertised. It took the plaee of thestronp-nmn fea ture which was advertised but didn't come oft. Sanunie Hughes was stand ing near the ostrich conservatory mak ing n scientific study of the birds and smoking n freshly -lighted ten-cent eisar. An ostrich suddenly lengthened his neck about a foot and removed the eisiir from Mr. Hughes' mouth aud swallowed It. lire aud all. The lencrth of an ostrich's neck furnishes a wonder 'u opiKjrtunity for a lighted cigar, and it burned every inch of the way to the prompting of his Indiscriminate appe tite. A geutlemnn connected w ith the show in the capacity of elinnilet timid for the ostriches saw the cigar disap pear w ithin the bird's bill. He accused Mr. Hughes of having made a voluntary vVt,0T.r,,T:: WHICH wuh licmifi juui.ii mi showing that the spiritual trainlnc ot this great educational menagerie is not what it is cracked up to be. He threat ened to eject Mr. Hughes from the prem ise?. Mr. Hughes tried to explain that he was the chief loser by the transac tion and that the whole thing was an affair between himself and the ostrich. Deputy United States Marshal I'zefciel nho began to say that the ostrich had brought the trouble on himself. The showman pushed Mr. I'.zekiel aside, and the oflicer was compelled to exhibit his sun as his badge of authority. In the meantime the cigar had been extin guished in the bird's giz2ard, and he seemed to have forgotten the episode of the cigar and was looking longingly at au empty soda-water bottle which lay on the ground just out of reach. TRICKS IN HIGH DIVING. Kspertd llo Not r.nn an Many ISUks a 3lot People Supptwe. --"i'.'- i . most iteoplc who think the subject, said Kent-! "What bothers aiivthinff about nev I Speed v, a hiprh diver, who, re cording to the New York Herald, began his public career by jumping-head first from the St. Louis bridge four or live years ago, "is how a dive of lifty or six ty feet can be made into a tank of thirty-six inches of water. You see they confuse diving with bridge jumping quite a different thing. Bridge jump ers are neither jumpers nor divers they're droppers; that is, they reach the lower rods of the bridge truss aud drop feet foremost into the water. The trick is to maintain the perpendicular. They must have plenty of water under them. too. The high diver, as you have seen, makes a clear dive, head first, just a boy does from a springboard in swimming. 1 do it in very shallow water. I weigh, stripped, one hundred and eighty pounds, and never do any training. 1 have been diving from the top of a circus tent all summer into a tank but seven feet wide and into water but three feet deep. The shallow water dive is possible from the same principle that a cannon or riile shot meets the most resistance the more powerful the impact. You see, I glw my body and head a slight inclination upward at the instant I strike the water, which causes me to pop out os a board would do or an oar on the feather. I learned this trick in the St. I.ouis natatorium when a boy practicing in shallow water and from a greater height. Then there is a certain elasticity in the water known to the high diver, but the trick is in the strike and turn, for water will break liones and crush chests, as many a man knows." BOYS ARE CRITICAL. In Wrltlnjf Stories for Thcra Authors 3Imt lie Sure of Kaet. In an interesting article on "How to Write Stories for Hoys," in the Writer, James Otis, the popular juvenile writer, gives an amusing illustration of the necessity of accuracy in stating facts in lioy's stories. "Carelessness in stating alleged facts," he says, "is a serious offense in the eyes of the boy. He will forgive a glaring improbability when it is boldly lalwled fiction; but you deliberately insult him when you state that which he can ascertain from books of refer ence is absolutely incorrect. This is best illustrated by an exiierience of mine in connection with one of my bonks. "The incorrect statement made was regarding the depth of water at a cer- tuin point on Tampa bay, and I gained my information from an old chart of tin Florida coast, carelessly giving no heed to the fact tlmt there might Ik- ii h.t r publication bearing on the sub ject. In less than thirty days from the issuance of the book four letters were n (.fivcii from as many readers, uiwiiicii the mistake was ixjinted out,. ith more or less sarcasm as to the wisdom of the author. "The latest coast mirvey hnd discov ered that this particular portion of the ( bay was dry at lou water, and nt least four boys hud made themselves ac-, (juainted with thliat fact. "It was an error such as an older reader would have passed by unnoticed, . or with a smile of pity because of the author's ignorance; but a boy does tint allow anything of the kind to go with-1 out rebuke, aud always rememlKirs it to tbe disparagement of the writer," Jl b IIUnil.VfiTOK. II 6 WILiOX Hl UNTINGTOK A WILSON, ATTOBNKVH AT LAW, TIIK DALLES. OREGON Office over First Nat. Batik. Weak Lungs m ff If you have coughed and coughed until the lining mem- braneof your throat and lungs X is inflamed, Scott's Emulsion & of Cod-liver Oil will sooth strengthen and probably cure, The cod-liver oil feeds and strengthens the weakened tis- jjj 0! 8 :S Gi sues. The glycerine soothes w and heals them. The hypo- a shosohitcs of lime and soda m m impart tone and vigor. Don't m ncriect these coughs. One bottle of the Emulsion may do w more ior you now man icn w can do later on. Be sure you w get SCOTT'S Emulsion. All dnisi'" ' 5 J!id $ I SCOTT & BOWSE, ChemiiU, N.w "t ork. 4 '56g6CCCCCCC6 i Orillnntionn In (Mil Tlinrn. It. cost more to ordaiu. a minister in ' 1750 than itilws now. There was Itev. Solomon Lombard, the first settled mm-, ister at Gorham, .Me. His annual sal ary wa les than $450. yet S120 was raised to defray the expenses of his ordination, December 2'i. 1730. The supplies considered necessary on that occasion included two barrel of cider." two mllons of liranuy threu hush of uppl k six candles ,m two gallons of brandy, a barrel of flour. es, Ii!'; pouniis oi ; ot to burn on the , nltar, though), one teapot and one; pound of tea, four gallons of rum, one ounce of nutmegs, and the same quan tit y of jwpper. i iound of ginger and e bottle of vinegar. one Tl.i" Poor I.ovp Art. Those persons who profess to believe that among the jioorer and more ig norant classes art is not appreciated, should note the fact that when Mime years ago Toynbee hall. London, held an exhibition of paintings for the dwellers in Whitcchapel no less than 50.000 visited in five weeks. The ex periment was tried in N'ew York in 1VJ0, and in forty-one days the. exhibi tion was visited v over r.0,000 persons. The next year 50,000 came in six weeks, aud this year the attendance for thirty three days was 105.0"(5. Sir Wultor Scott, lawyer. An old man in Glasgow told .lames T Fields that he had once carried a law -.-aseto Sir Walter .Scott for adjustment. How did he manage if?" asked Mr. Fields. "Oh. beautifully:" returned the old client, "he told me a bonny sory about a coo and a calf in Dundee, and theu he sent me over the way to a brither lawyer, who. he told me, had a larger head for sieh affairs than him el lint it was a bra story that he told me about the cattle o" Dundee, aud it makes me laugh to this day when I think on't!" Mr. Eliaha Berry, of this place fcayg he never had anythinc do him so much pood and pive sucli quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain'.: l'aiu Balm. He was bothered greatly with j ehootinc pains from hip to knee until he used this liniment, which affords prompt t relief. B. i . Baker, rtruircist, St. Paris, f Ohio. For sale by Blakeley &. Hough- J ton. j Dr.GUNN'S Wot People That Are i I ft Sick or "Just Don't I I V Peel Well.' I ILLV ONLV ONE FOR A DOSE. Remote Pimples, curt HMUChe, Dyspepsia CostirtniH. 25ct. a box t druraUuor t.r mill bamplM t it, addicM Ot. 8onu Co. i'lilu. 1. JOSEPH SHflUflon HAS OI'E:'ED a HARNESS SHOP IS THE KAST KNP. In the Coluin bia Fetil Yrd, ojiMltH .-!.iltmarl t, wliuru be l rearlv to do ijflll Kinds of harness Work, j LDDDPD1SDN A 5PECIALTY llary illAiUli 1'OIriON perruancntlj curtfd In IS to 26 dT. You can bo treafM oi homo for ea mo prlco under lamoRuaraa tv. If tou prefer tocomo hero wewlllnin. tneltoparrallroadfareaodbouilblllLtod oebt: we fall to euro. If jaix baro taken mer , Intllde, and atlll bavo aches aol cury Dalns.Mucousl'atcliea In mouth, bore Throat. iWuiplea, fJupiior Colored KpoK, Utcvrt oa , smr wrtol the bodr.Iiulr or Eyebrow talllae .we boucii uie rani ituau atre tin This dbease baa lwai i moat asulaeiit nhvs a woriu ior a . inn rmnnrit rum Thu dlseaaa haa ilwiti ' baffi4 tbe eklll utitta ntt eaUaent ph jr elans. 50U,UOO capital behind our unogua UonalrMimotr. AbaulutajproafiiaflntaealedoQ pplloatkjo. Addreu COOK KKMKDV CO UllUaiMUc Xonplo, CU.VAtM Ulm. I a D THE 5 III. liii-m flftrnil fftULTINICKUlcnili. 5 LMEST CIHCOUTIOK W MT THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is (Morally Clean aim as a The Literature L.nsl to that of zincs It is interesting to thechil 3 drcn as well us nr HE INI ER OCEAN is I and while it brings to THE WORLD and gives its readers tuc pc divisions of aU questions of the day, it is in loll ?H with the ideas and aspirations of Jtn peoFlc and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.. SI.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$I.OO ii THE DAILY ATTD StmDAJ EDITtOHS OF THE IKTER OCEAn ARE BEST OF THEIR EIKD. Vrir.. f Di.ll v hy .....11 ' V" vrr'sviLi n.oo HBKipHBH" : por"m0re than fifty-six years it has never laiiea m . , , . . , nn , c- o-nrl ItS "WeeKiy visits to Liie uvmva j. itwiuoi ,v villagers throtigliout the United States. IT HAS faithfullv labored for their prosperity and happi lies?, for the iniprovement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. tv ttas nrh-'cful t.lw farmm" as to the most annroved meth- ods of cultivating and proper time to convert amount of money. IT HAS led in all matter? farmers and villagers, and held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one vear for $1.75, cash in advance. 11 There is a tide in the affairs oj MM Jiici, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune" The poet unauostlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALl 4 BURGET'S, Who are selling these M1CHELBA.CH goods BRIOK. Patronize the All kind o( work White Hhlrts n niecInUy. Kiimlly work at rwlucMl r K-.t. Wash collected uuil delivered tree. T.ilrplniiie No. uol. I A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. Boots and Shoes Jllade to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly doueul abort notice. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d 11 TVS JWUnca PAPER W THE WESTJ OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Peer. rmimj ru,- o! Its columns is tits best m:w fe the parents WNTP the family i ". BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. harvesting his crops, and the them into tne largesi possioie pertaining to for over half the welfare of! a century has out at greatly-red ucod rat - - UNIUS ST. A NEW MARKET. I "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, j i-OULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Ghickuna Dreitied to Order. Promt Delivery to uny jmrt of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washington Stb' Sheriff's Sale. ' Notice Ih herehv elven tlmt hr virion of n i.r. cciitloii lulled out of the C'ltoult court of the Hlato of Oiwiu lor ten County, it; the Mill t Iiiiini. Harvey W. Iliiiiu mid Mary Ilium and N. , Wheuldon. an udiuluiktriitnr ol the estate of I William H. Dunn, UeceiiK-d, are defiindmitH, I t ommiiiidiiie me to sell the uvtl iirui-jrly hero Inalter deMiilUil, I will, on Hatiinlay. tlio otli ' day of rehruary, Isw.nt the hour ol 1 o'clwk ' ' Dalles Citv. Oninin. sell lo tin. hlul in inu aiiernooii, at mo court bonne door In I J forcuiih in liMiiit.nll of lotli, and theeatit half ol , I loti, In block Wot lliiinakoirH lllull Addition in ijuiiei) uuy, urtumi! uatoiner with all and tliiKulnr the teiienieuU, hurulltameuU ami iii purteiwiiices thereunto bcloiiKiliK, or in any wise HpirUiiiiliiK, to satisfy the sum of 111 11,711, and accruing iutuivat, aud totliey'a lees.nnd costs and dlthiirsemeiits and the aceruliiK coits. JcuK-ll 8herlH ol aco County, Or, mi 0JR.N. TO TIIK EHST! OIVKS THE ("HOICK OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA- i Spokane i Minneapolis 1st. Paxil Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates -to all Eastern Cities OCKAN STI.A.lIKKf l.nvi .' tlkiiil Ktii' rlTH IlV 'r 'SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steiuiiern monthly from roriland to 1 YnltnlmiiiH and Hour Koiik via North em I'ncilii: Stenuitiliip Co., In connection withO. U. AN. I or'lull ileUll" cnll on O. K A Co. Agent R The lillw. r itildrviMi IlOlO.N, CAKl.tlX A CO.. (Ion. ARt.. .Sortli pHOtllf Hlfiuuililp Co. TiM k :,ni. ! Nil 1 to .Kimkimi' mill (irwit Northern nrrlvc ' ni J. p. m.. Ih "t (.-SO p. m. No. 3. to i'emlle; l.iii. linker City uml '"ii'"" l'cltlr,aTrlve nt 12 H I ii in., ik'imrln ut IS .ft) No ;i. from Hpoknne mill (Irent Northern, nt ! rl.i-M.iy .tin m.. (lc.rt nt 1 '& ; n. m. So. 1. Iron. IliiWr City ami I'nhi.i I'uclllc, arrive i.t j a so u. in. i ih'purts nt :. ai a. in. u, aimilSl.movliifiiiiitol Tim Unties, will ' rnrr. puijiiKor. No. arrive at 6 p. in , ik'iuirtf at 1 I ) p. n. I'linvJiiKors lor Ik'ppner take No 'i, leaving I liert-at Vj Wv. m. , W, 11. IIUIiLlll Ul, llfll. j . nui I'ortlninl, Onvnn EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route l)V T1IE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train IcnvL-nnd are iliiu t arrive at l'ortlaua lkavk. t f OVKUI.AND KX I nreju. Snldin, IIimo- 1 ImrB, Alilaiul, riao- a: li W I'. SI. I riunuiito, OK'lt'li.Hntl I PrHi.ulM-n. .MOlavi! I Uiy Aniit'li'ii.Kl ri 'iuhi Sew OrknilN and j; i i:ut ! 's:nu a. si. ilhwlilirn ami way hta (ilium ( Vln WiKulliiiru lor 1 .1 .... 1'. M Dally csccpt Buuiiayn. Dally except Sundays ; i Mt.Anpol, Sllvurtoii, ' Wini belli. lln)wn- vlllc.ijprUiKliuld anil Natron K'orvnlllH (Ktatlono wnyf SO I' SI l.S'DKl'KNDKNUi; 1'AHhKNOI'U. I.xprwi. trntu Dally (except buiulay). l:.VIp. m. (I.v. rortlaml Ar.i h:'JTa. in 7.:))p. m. Ai McSllnnvlllc l.v.J d.ia. in .vap. m. (Ar 1iii1chjihIciicc..1.v.) I.fa. m Dally. f Daily, exifjil htimii.y. DI.VI.Nli CAI'.S D.N OliDE.N llOt'TE. ITLl-MAN llt'KKCT Kl.F.Kl'KKH AND filXONII-CLAKh BLEI'J'INO CAUo Attiielnil to nil ThnniKli Triilu. Illreet r.Miiu'Ctltin tit fcnn KniiiclHti with Orel dt'iilnl mid Orlfiilul mid I'licltlu mini nti-iimhl llni' (or JAI'A.N mid CHINA. Sailing date on h vlicutloii. Ki.tu. ind tlrketK to LnKtfrn ikiIiiU nnrt Kit ro.Mj. AImiJAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLt l.l! uud A t' BTl'.AI.l A, lull Ih; olitiillii-il Irom J II. KIKKLANU, Ticket AKetit ThrniiKh Tleket Oltlcc, 1SI Third Htret't, where thioiiKh tli'kfU to nil H)lnti In the Kuxtt-rn Ht.ilt, Ciiniidn mid LttroH can he ohtaitied nt ItmeM mien (run. J. II. KIltKLANIl, Ticket AKdit. All nlxive ttitlliK arrive at and depart Iron. Craud Central btatUni, Filth mid Irvaii; atreeU YAMHILL 1UVIS10N. l'limuiiKer l)ut, fix.t of Jutlertou htieet. I.'iive (or OSWEOO, dally, exo;it Hitnday, nt 7ii D a. in.; VJ-..J), I'M, fi 16, C:aft, b:IV. p. in (anil II p. in. on hattinUy only, aud 1;W) n. in and .'!:) ). in. mi HuiidayH only;. Arrive nt I'ortlaiid dally at ii:IU ami h;Wl a m.. and 1 :'i, 115, i'j.'JIJ nml 7 :.V i. in., (mid lUiU'i a. in , il 1.1 o ld . m. oil bundayMiiilyJ. U-nve for Kherldan. week days, at l;a0i. m Arrive ut I'ortlaiid, U::il n. in. li'iive for AII'.I.IE on Moiidny, Wediiewlny and Friday my.lOa. m ri'lny iitU.IOn. in. Arrive at l'ort aud. 1u dav, 1 lilirtday and baturdiu H -'."j in. lirtday am I l'jicvit huiidny I it KOKIILEU, I iluliiu'er. Except Saturday. U, II. AMt. O. MAHKIIAM, F. 6i l'liDfi. Ak't i Dalles, More aod Antelope STAGE LINE. Through hy daylicht and CirunH llollonis, via (jra Valley, Kent DUIKIl.AH AliI.KN, V. AI. WIUTKI.AW, Tl.n DalleN. Aiitoloi. Klnueii leave The Dnllea from linatllla HoUte at" a. in., alto from Alitclniu nt 7,30 u. m. ovcry Miniday, Wednesday and Krlilay. (.'oiiiieutloiiK may. c vllle, M iiiude ut Antelope for I'rini: Itehull mid iHiltita beyond. Clint) iineutioiih inadoittTlie : 1'allen with ralhvayn, trains and IxmW. 8taKf ftom AiiIi-Ioiki reuch Tho Dalles Tue I .. .. . . "A"-H "r 'Aiit. "'""J to Ih-'M-'hllteM .... ... J " ?"" ;, I ', urn alluy i ! " M i ,,'1 ' .u',.'" Hollows. . .. .11 01 1 .VI i 'H 't uo i M t ai '.' ui , a do a w . w . b UO i ""'" '" nuuunn do do do do Kent (iruoh Valley. Morn Iealiuev, Dulles do X1 ATXyilNKV AT LAW. OflJec ovei First Natlljiiu.