r (lira ...CUT PRICES... In Men's Shoes displayed in Furnishing Good's Window ..., We have just received another shipment of During January and Feb ruary wo will give to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar M O- Satin Oil $1-25 Oil Grain $1.25 Pointed and Square Toes. Pointed and Square Toes. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES., The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WAYS GLEANINGS. Sturgeon hnokH, cotton and siBal rope nt Maior & Benton's. W Weather Tonight and Saturday, oc casional snow and cooler. Go to ttio Columbia Candy Factory (or fresh oysters in every style. tf MrJames Connelly, a prominent sheepman from Burnt Ranch, is in the eitv. " Choice plain, mixed and dill pickles, olives and pigs' feet in bulk at Commis sion Co.'a. jl7tf Out-of-town dualerB in cigars are in vited to call and examine the choice line sold by S. F. Fouts. 20 Kinjc Cole brand Baltimore oysters, the beat on tno market; Medium, Standard and Kxtru Select. Try them. At Varney & Co.'a. H-tf All mombers of Court The Dallen, No. 12, F. of A., are requested to uttend the meeting of the lodgu this evening, as a good time Is promised. Persons having trouble with their eyes should call and havo them exam ined by Dr. A. B. Richmond. Ollice, second door from rornor of Court and Second streets. 12-lw We underhtand that WinauH Bros, liave sold out their property on the Washington side of the river, to The Dalles Packing Co. and intend leaving for Klondike in the near luturo. , A consignment of beef cattle are in the stock yards today waiting shipment to the Union Meat Co. In Portland. They were brought from the country bouth of here, but we could not learn the name of the consignor. j Yesterday at the residence of Mr! llollntt. nn Kiihth street. In this cltyi William D. Norton and Darcie M. Hol-V lutt weru united m the bonds of matri niony, Justice Filloon ofliciated, and did his boat towards making the couple one. It waa expected that the remains of Daniel DeWolfe would arrive last night However, on account of some delay, they will not reach here before this evening, and it Ib impossible to say at present whon the funeral will take; place. At the Christian church tills evening the pastor will take for hie subject "The Ordinary and .Extraordinary Parte in Conversion. Tomorrow night the sub ject will be "Seeming Safety." There huve been seven additions to the church thus far this week. The RtUlibono Sisters had an interest lug session last night. An entertaining program was rendered, and the guosslng contest furnished an abundance of amusement for all. Mrs. E. E. Lytle won the drat prixe, a box of boa bona, wWJg J, B. Grossen got the booby. Afterwards all repaired to the dining hall, where the time was spent most FRIDAY jjANUAKy 21,"l8B8 IDE Calf p'easantly, and on leaving all voted that they knew of no place better than such a meeting in which to spend a pleasant evening. A class in the rudiments of music will be organized by Prof. A. W. Lun dell at 7:110 next Saturday evening in the basement of the Lutheran church. Terms, $1.50 for ten lessons. Anyone who desires to learn to read muBic should take advantage of this excellent opportunity. , 18-22 Yesterday was China New Years, and, as ia always the case, the Chinese are having an extended celebration. The same boys, too. are having all kinds of fun shooting of!' fire-crackera, which the Celestials are liberal enough to give them In largo quantities, while the Chinamen increase the hilarity of tbe occasion by punishing an abundance of China gin and rice whiskey. At the club meeting held laBt night, the principal subject to be considered waa the meeting of the Northwest Sheep Growers' Association. It was decided that It would be held in this city on the first Tuesday In March. A committee of five club members will bo appointed to arrange for the meeting, and it is ex pected that sheepmen from Montana, Idaho and Washington well as our own stale will bo present. The best speakers that can be found will address the sheep men of this section, and an interesting and profitable meeting will certainly be held. Jk. II. It. V. Kntrtlillillicllt. Tomorrow latmUiuV) evening rasi Supreme Muster Tate will deliver an ad dress in the Vogt opera house in the iu tore.i)LoI. tho A. 0. U. W. In all cities Tie- is greeted with crowded houses. Come out and hear this eloquent speak er, whether you are interested In bia subject or not. ThoJoHowing mjiaiiail 'progruiu will bo rendered: fWnrtiirp l'lnnn limit . MInm-s Alum hcliHimo mid Ciuorciii Biunwou Vocal Hole- "I Cuiiliot IIcl l-ovlim ''ee''' i Mli Myrtle Mlclii'll tnetBolo-j:i0,rkr,,e,, ' Vooul Solo -"Your Voice Mr. A. N. Variu-y Exercises will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. A cordial invltatiou to the public. No admission. UKluiiliiK eiHMi'. In the first primary departments of Union St., East Hill Primary and Acad emy Park schools beginning classes will bo organised on Monday, January M, 1898. Parents aud guardians will take notice that all beginners for tho spring terms are expected to enter school on tho above date. John Gavin, Principal. I. u. o. v. Columbia Lodge, No. 5. 1. O. O. F., at their regular meeting this evening will recolve an otllcial visit from Claud Gatch, grand master I. 0. O. F. of Ore. gon. All mombers and visiting broth, ers are urgently requoBted to be present. The war In Cuba has not prevented S, F. Fouts from securing a cholco lot of Havana tobacco, which he manufactures Into Prize Medal aud Guarantee cigars. bO-ti Veal Calf - $1-25 , PEASE & MAYS. NEWS NOTES. A daring attempt was made shortly after ? o'clock yesterday afternoon to rob the Citizens bank in East Portland. Tbe robber waB shot at, but escaped on a horse. Latest advices state that the United StateB Ib preparing for trouble with Spain. Tbe gunboats are kept in readi ness, where they can be reached by tel egraph. The merchants of Jackson county have effected a combination to bring suit against tbe state board of equaliza tion to prevent the entering up of the 50 per cent increase of assessment on merchandise and stock in trade in that county. A. E. Reames of Jacksonville left for Salem last night, where the ac tion will be begun, with White & Jacobs of Jackonville as plaintiffs. Efforts aro being made at Washing ton to have the pension list published, but It is not known that it will be sue ceasful. Commissioner Evans has rec' ommended such publication, ind some memberB of congress believe in it, but it ia probable that the great majority will oppose any action of this kind. The average congressman does net like to go contrary to the pensioners and old sol dlers of his district. All day Wednesduy the question of granting belligerent rights to the Cuban insurgents was argued in tbe house ; but as on Tuesday, tbe minority hurled itself against a stone wall. On the only vote taken, a motion designed to over rule the decision of tho speaker aud direct tbe committee on foreign affairs to report without further delay the Cuban resolution passed by the senate at the hist session, the Republicans stood solid aud voted to sustain the chair. Advertised Letter. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un called for January 21, 1898. Persons calling for tho same will give date on which they were advertised : Andrews, Martha Auderson.Mr Harry Barnes, Mrs A M Bolis, Mr Eugene Brown, D Colton & Came Campbell, Otis Coler. Mr Geo Coy, Mrs Mury Cribter Bros, Cooper, Mips Lizzie Elliott, Mr J 11 Fisher. Mr Clinton Fisher. Dan Ginger, Mrs Belle Goedderby, Albert Gros'e, Miss Sadie llardtle, Mr John lluorlu, G E Harris, Mr 0 II Uengule, Win Jacobsen, Mabel Johnston, Geo H Martin, J A Miller, MisB M Nilson, Karles Odell, W H Hansen. Mies Anna Hammond, Mrs F S Harguo, Claude Mc Hilton, Mr Fred Hutchesou, Sam Joss, James Laughlin,MiesLizzie Marshall, E J McKillop, Win Obrien, Laddybuck Patton, Mrs M B Smith, Miss Ida Rozella, 0 0 Townsend, Mr Elry J. A. Cuoshkn. Weekly Jtxeuralou to tbe KuHt. A tourists eleeptng car will leave Port land every Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock via the O. It& N., without change to Boston, aud under the supervision of experienced conductors, No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON Buffalo and Boston. The ideal trip to the east is now before you. Remember' this service when going East and con Eult O. R. & N. agents or address W. H. Hurlbukt, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Oregon iilll Allowed Continued. E B Wood, chainman on road. . . 8 00 8 00 CbP9 Cramer, do John Evans, marker on road. . . . 8 00 VIEWERS OF liOADS. D L Baldwin R B Gilbert M M Waterman J P Abbot Ben Foreman T H Button S Cox W W Foss T J Driver, sundry bills C L Gilbert, exam, teachers T J NefT, do John Gavin, do C L Gilbert, copy, asses.rolls T J Driver, capturing and con veying Lemon O D Doane. ex. insane J C Egbert, serv road supervisor, W II Butts, coroner's fees COItNNKltS JUIIV. C F Stephens W D James J Heebner D S Dufur John Blazer A L I.eese 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 193 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 75 00 G5 00 5 00 70 00 2 45 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 WITNESSES CORONEUS JUliY. Ch8 Jones J Powers I G Hayden R L Chenoweth C J Crandall J A Geisendorfer, med ex J M Toomey, exp insane perton. Joseph Puiser, gravel for county road H C Rooper, serv supv H 0 Powell, do John Doyn, lumber WITNESSES JUSTICE COURT. Mrs John Wpod II C Nielsen Jas Hogan Mrs C L Jones J B Goit, est sec corner J II Cross, supl to pampers F S Smith, labor on road Boys' and Girls Aid Society, al lowed by county '. 110UNTV OS WILD ANIMALS. Stockmen's Union W A B Campbell Henry Stewyer J P Snodcrass Frank Gabel J L Hanna II J Morehead Mat Busicki Ralph Doyle J F Smith 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 5 00 3 50 17 00 22 00 44 00 5 12 I 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 27 00 2 45 5 00 10 00 1(55 00 1(5 00 5 00 2 00 11 00 1 00 8 00 2 00 a oo 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 TFGrey Ray Taylor L C Frement C E Mackintosh , Harry Smith J dishing J W Elton Henry Boyen W R Winans C E Bland ; T J Porter G R Snipes John Murray Jce Calver Mat PnHlck Frank Johnson George Sturuweis A Y Mrash T J Bird Walter Hill., J G Fisher C F Sellinger F Kllndt 3 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 :i oo 1 00 10 00 4 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 8 00 :$ oo And can now supply our customers. The UNsod is tho only Air Tight stove with Outside Tuho draft. Sold only by RE7VfE7fBER, We Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Kates. Phone 25. FOR THE SUBSCRIBE f TWICE I R )) week; J HHONlGLtE And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING RATES. . P CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World $2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian : 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER E S Mays, serv as piijiv 44 05 I) S Kinisey, com fees 113 00 Ii A-ln Hodaou Company, oflico supplies 25 80 Irwin-Hodson Company, oflico Hipplies 20 00 A S Blowers, com feed 152 80 SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice ia hereby given to the legal voters of Echool district No. 12, of Wasco nnnntv BtlltH flf Ori'L'Oll. that 11 SDCCiul Pi-.linoi nieotinir of said district will held at tho brick schoolhotiBe on Court crrnr nti tlin "ftth (lav of JilllllftrV. 1898. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for tho fol lowing objects: To levy a tax lor mo ensuing year for school purposes, and to create a sinking fund to pay tho bonded indebtedness of said district. Dated this 17tli any 01 January, itwn. O. 1). Doank, minimum Bonrd Directors. Geo. 1 Moiu.an, District Clerk. Dr. Lannorberg wishes to inform patrons that he will be In tho city for a short time and can bo found In his oflico at tho usual hours. Anyone desiring to have their eyes examined will do well to call on him. Choice Shoalwater B.iy oysters served In every stylo at tho Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and wo endeavor to please you. Wood For Sule. Good Fir Wood can bo had of J. Reynolds, 'phono 109. jl8.!!t To Dure a Cold iu Olio Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quintno Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c. Everybody reads Tun Chuokiuxk. MAYS & CROWE, have strictly First-Class J- 1. tclcidoouu. FOR THE FOUR GRERT PIPERS 11 lit m Wunteil. Bids for furnishing 150 cubic yards building sand will bo received by tho Wasco warehouse up to January 18th. Therigl t iB received to rejVct any or all bids. Bids must bo accompanied with a sample of sand. The Dalles, Jan. 11, 1S93. Fresh Columbia river smelt at Varnoy & Co.'s. 10-lwk Try ScuMIhe'i Heht ioa anil balilug powder. bei All Books At Cost During this month, his Except Dictionaries, Music Books and Sohool Books, I. C. Nickelsen Book St music Company, will F.