The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 21, 1898, Image 1

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    CI) guiles i$p Cljrcrotclc.
THE DALLES, OREGON. Fill DAY, JAN U Alt Y 21, 1898
NO 321
Wcylcr's Volunteers Not in
the Plots.
Ni'M upaprr Attack on L.oynl 8innlnnl
Calmed Tlinni Trnoi Still
In UnTHiia.
Havana, .Inn. 20. Since Saturday the
riotcrfl linvo lieon quiet, with exception
of ft dynaruito explosion in the Plaza
tli Colon, which did no harm. The rn
mor that the volunteers would revolt
iipnitiBt the government has had no
foundation. Nevertheless, on Saturday
nud Sunday several uenerals arrived
here from Matnnzas and Havana prov
inces with additional reinforcements.
About 15,000 men nre now located with
in the city limits and in the outskirts.
Certain persons have circulated n ru
mor that the volunteers would join in
the riote. and bare still further increas
ed popular passion by saying that the
government intended to disarm them
It bus also been nsserted that the vol
unteers would not have the
ballot, because they are in the puy of
the government, which 1b not a fact, as
only Impure and u few others arc puid.
The rect are merchants and elerks nerv
ing without pay. Those responsible lot
circulating these minors are interested,
it is usserted, in breeding trouble be
tween the government and the volun
teers, so us to have the latter disarmed,
and to lie assured of 80,000 men less
against the insurgents.
Now that the disturbance has quieted
down, the greatest part of the troops
have returned to their respective sta
tions. Among the government's supporters,
the riots are explained as spontaneous
and wholly without previous arrange
ment. They are ascribed to not only
the violent attacks upon urmy officers,
but uleo upon prominent loyal Spaniards
eucIi us the Murquis of I'inur del Iiio
nud Mudume Eva Cane!, the well-known
newspaper woman. The soldiers on thb
other hand hlume the authorities for!
tolerating newspaper attacks prohibited
by law Though without social ttuud
iug, the rioters insist upon their patriot
ism. Kxprct Iltmry Trutllc.
San Kisancihco, Jan. '20. The local
trniiMportatlou companies are preparing
to accommodate the rush to Klondike.
The Pacific Coast Steamship Company
lmu arrutiged a schedule that will give a
five-day steamship service from today
between Suu Francisco aud Alusknn
jiortH, The company expects to handle
at least 10,000 prisoners out of this port
next month, and during the season the
total tonnage in this port is calculated to
aaommodute 50,000 people.
About Juno let steamers will be placed
on the run between this place and St.
Michaels. The Alaska Commercial Co.
will operate the steamers St. Paul, Dora,
Uerthtt und Portlund, with iiu uverage
tarrying cupaelty of fully 300 passengers
each. These vessels will connect with
the river steamers upon the breaking up
of the ice, and not less thuu two Blips u
month will leave this place.
The Pacific Steam Whaling Company
will run steamers to Cook's inlet aud
Alaska. The means of getting .to the
fields will be greatly augmented when
the vessels now in course of construe
tiou are completed.
NouietliliiK t KuomtP
It may ho worth something to know
that the very best medicine for restoring
It's a Fact
that lnflfttmitlon from
any ciuho can be speed
ily reduced by the pen
ile application of Gar
laud's "Happy Thought"
Salve. CO cents Worth
double the money, For
sale by
Royal makci the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
nom tAKixa rowotn co., new vork.
the tired out nervous tystem to a
healthy vigor is Electric Hitters. This
medicine is purely vegetablo, acts by
giving tone to the nerve centers in the
stomach, gently stimulates the Liver
and Kidneys, and aids these organs in
throwing off impurities in the blood.
Electric Bitters improves the appetite,
aids digestion, and is pronounced by
those wiio have tried it as the very best
blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it.
Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at lllake
ley & Houghton drug etor!. 2
To Mvel lu the Itlnc
San Fua.ncisco, Jan. 20. The sports
of San Francisco will witness within the
next two months a series of contests be
tween three pairs of heavy-weight box
ers which may determine who is the
coming champion. The Choynski-Ky-an
20 round contest, which will take the
place under the auspices of the Empire
Club, is looked lor the evening of Feb
ruary 11th, at Mechanic's pavilion.
Peter Jackson is training faithfully
across the bay in Alameda for anything
that may turn up in the wa of a match.
Peter is tolerably confident of meeting
Maher in the near future. At any rate
Jackson has taken time by the forelock,
and to the surprise of his friends is
training faithfully, and will give a good
account of himself.
Jtffries is ulso at work in Alameda for
his prospective match with Sharkey.
limine hold (Suit.
The Ancient Greeks believed that the
Penates were the gods who attended to
the welfare and prosperity of the family.
They were worshipped us household
godB in every home. The household god
of today is Dr. King's New Discovery.
For consumption, coughs, colds and for
all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs
it ie invuluuble. It has been tried for u
quarter of u ceuturv und is guaranteed
to cure, or money returned. No house
hold should be without this good angel.
It is pleasant to take und a safe aud sure
remedy for old and young. Free bottles
at Hlukeley & Houghton's drug store. 2
Tli Murder or Mm. Merry,
CiucAtio, Jan 20. James Smith,
compauion of Peddler Chris Merry, told
the story today of the murder of Mer
ry's wife.
"The truth is that neither E. Hickey
nor I was there when Merry killed his
wife," said Smith. '"We were across
the street. We could hear him pound
ing her head upon the floor. She did
not cry; she couldu't. He was choking
Smith also told about burying the body
in a ditch outside the city, and the jour
ney south of the murderer and his com
panions'. When court was called, Attorney
Wade, for Smith, mude IiIb closing ud
dress aud wus followed by Colonel Da
viesou for Merry.
Muckleu' Annua Halve.
The best sulve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains.
cor us, and all skin eruptions, aud posi
tively cuies piles, or uo pay required
It is iruuranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 26 cents
per Iwx. For sale by Illukeley and
Hough ton , d rHKirijHte
Tht) Lady Mauvabeei.
Milwaukee. Jan. 29. The l4idv Mac
cabees of the World, who claim to be the
strongest insurance order for women in
existence, will hold their annual con
vention In this city tomorrow. About
400 delegates are expected. Mrs. Lillian
Hollbiter. of Detro t. Mich., wiio is su
preme commander of order in this!
V V .: -f .' f,Mi
ciuntry, and Mies Mlna West, of Port
Huron, supreme recorder, arrived here
Iho business session will he conclud
ed this evening, to bo followed by
When you can not sleep for coughing
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
always gives prompt relief. It is most
excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex
pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre
uents any tendency toward pneumonia
For sale by Blakcley & Houghton.
Throatnneil the Captain.
Boston, Jan. 20. When the schoone
Viking came into port last evening, the
harbor police boat was summoned and
its men placed under arrest for members
of the crew, one the charge of having
attempted mutiny, while on the high
seas, on January 10th.
It is alleged that on the trip f-om Bal
timore several of the soilors became an
gry with Captain Dothiday and threat
ened his life. With the assistance of
the mate and other members of the
crew, the captain had trie men placed in
Mouru Their Dead Leader.
Pamicah, Ky., Jan. 20. Trainmen
arrived in this city from the tramp
camp, near the Illinois Central track
two miles from this city, report that the
ragged occupants were preparing to at
tend Berry's funeral in a body whenever
it may occur. Eight of their number
have been selected to volunteer as pall
bearers at the interment.
Mrs. Sadie Miller Berry and her at
torney, F. G. Flood have left for Mount
Vernon, III. Mrs. Berry departed with
out making a second visit to see her
husband's body.
Trimim on ihe Frontier.
Berlin, Jun. 20. Considerable excite
ment has been caused here bv a dispatch
from St. Petersburg to the Cologne Ga
zette, announcing that Russia has
formed two uew army corps on the Ger
man and Austrian frontiers at Vilna
and KlelT.
A Kattlrr with Threo Fangs Shuffle OS
HIh Mortal Coll.
A Tinted States cavalryman, stu
tinned nt Fort .Meade, S. D., writes to
Forest und Stream as follows in regard
to the self-destruction of a three-fanned
"Ak to the suicide of the creature, I
am forced to aMc for an explanation.
The snake at first sight, coiled up in
the usual manner for a prime .strike,
made a vicious lungr at my legging',
then drew buck and closely scrutinized
me from hat to shoe. Instantly a
change of expression came over his
features, and ferocity gave way to a
look that might have been horn of dis
gui.t and resignation. I watched him
e'oely, rot Knowing what might lx;
his next move. He suddenly astonished
me by plunging headlong into the
Belle Fourche. Motionless he sank, and
lay at full length at the bottom. I con
tinued to wateii him until the last ves
tige of his leptilious breath had risen
to the placid surface in a pearly bub
ble, and then with the aid of a stick I
raised him from the water, placed him
in the sunshine and satisfied myself
that life was extinct. I had never
known or heard of a rattler taking to
water, and here I was confronted by
the plainest ease of suicide by drowninr
In broad daylight. 1 have since then
lost all faith in snakes. I have adopted
and discarded every theory thnt n'ght
HWrn polut'on in this ease, and am now
tlriwn to the belief that this snake de
liberately suicided because it had eoni
mitU'd the blunder of wasting a well
meant three-f.'iiged strike en a I'litH
.States eawilrymari. , Hen-after I shall
travel incognito in those parts."
Mollie "Do you like trolley par
ties?" Dollie "I just love 'em. You
know I'm engaged to one; bo's a mo
tormau." Yonkers Statesman.
After the Summer. Hinks
"Where did you spend your vacation?"
Binks "I didn't spend it My wife
and daughter spent everything else I
hud, and I thought I'd bettor save
something. "Detroit Free Press.
Uelletiold I say that the laws
ought to bo made stronger." Bloom
field"! don't know that I quite com
prehend your meaning." "Well, as
the laws now 6taud, even comparative
ly week people can break them."
Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
The eollie dog, it is said, was named
from the shteplt was trained to care for
on the hills of Scotland. These sheep
hod black faces uiu black legs, and their
name waH derived from the Anglo-Saxon
word "col," which meonu bluek.
..CJ1AS. FSflflK-
and Fafmcfs
Keepi on draught tho celebrated
edged tho Lot beer In The Duller,
nt tho uuul price. Come. In, try
it mid be convinced. Also tho
t'liipst brandy ot Wines, Liquors
und Clk'iirf-.
of nil Kinds always on Iinnd.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Letters of Credit issued available in the
EaBtern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
iransiers sold on JNew York, Unicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in uregon ana Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
IK I'ni;es a Week.
ISO I'uper a Year-
It stunds first among ''weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication
ireenness, variety und reliability of cor.
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly : and its vast list of
subbcribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features nre a flue humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a Ion
series of stories by the greatest living
American aim luiglisti authors,
Coiinu JJoyle, Jerome K. Jerome.
Htanley WeyniNii, Mnry K. W liking
Anthony iloue, Ilret liarte,
l( r under Blattliuwi. Ktc.
We ofler this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles 1 .vice-a-Week Chronicle to.
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price ol the two papers is if.i.lH).
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice ft hereby el veil that under und bv vir
tue of mi execution mid order of Mile itstsiicd out
of tlio Circuit Court of the Stnto of Ori'ton lor
tho County of Whm'o, mid to mo directed mid
delivered, iijiun a judgment aud decree rendered
and entered lu tald court on the Mh diiy of No
vomber, li'J7. In favor of A. II, Jones, pluiiitllt',
and tiguliifct It, K. Kewel, defendant, for the Mini
of two hundred and soveiity-idx mid as 100
fitCh'iV dollar, together with Interest thereon,
aire .Miiy , lb'.), in iiu rate oi ion per cent ioi
annum, mid thirty (?.)) dollarn attorney lees;
ana me lurtuer hum oi eleven (uaoiitirif comn,
which mid Judgment was enrolled and docketed
lu the ollleo of the clerk of said court in Mild
county ou the Hth day of Nuveinlier, 1'J7; mid
.... A... ...-.I...- ....I........ 1 .J,w.-,..l 1...
Wlieieuj II un nuuiei oniric mm iii-i;ii:vii ii)
the Court that the following derlLied property,
Beginning at a point'J chains west of the
Hue between notions thirty-live aud thlity-Mx,
In township three north of range ten east of the
Willamette .Meridian, being the western term-
iiiUN of the jioitli boundary Hue of tho James
lieiiKou Donaiioii l.nnd Claim; thence north
(X chains, thence east chains, thence
toutli ii.h.r chains, and then'co west h.t clulns to
..I mi I .... nAnt..lilil ulw nflriu mnrn
iinvv ui iiii;iiiiiiif;, i uumiiiiiiH pi hvu., minu
or lcm, and being, lliosaiiiu preinlse sold by the
Mini A . 11. join's in uiu sum i i.. .'uni-i, in
Wasco Count)', Oregoiii
be sold to satisfv mid ludgnicut. attorney fees.
costs a ml accruing costs, I will, on Tuesday, tho
hlh day olrebruary, 1MW, at 'i o'clock p. m. of
said day, at the front door of the courthouse in
Dulles City, Wasco Co., ()r.,svll all tliuright.litlo
and interest of thosuld It. K. t'eucl In and to the
abovo described property, at public unction to
the highest bidder lor cash lu Iihici, tho pro
ceodn arising from said Hale to bo applied to the
vatlsfactloii of said judgment, attorney's fee,
coats aud accruing costn, and the surplus, If any
there be, to bo paid Into court, and .there to re
wain uutll the lurther order of thin court.
t. J. univr.ii,
dec'.".'-! Sheriff of Wano County, Or.
Bur Jan mm
Makes easy buying for you in our
Pants pep't.
All sizee
Boy's Knee Pants
Reduction on....
...All Styles...
Golf, Yacht and Windsors.
Special Assortment
15, 25 and 50c.
Showing the host assort
ment of styles.
C. F.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, "mTL'Sd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
toil "EM mil" 'l''1'8 F'our ,s manufactured expreBBly for fumlly
vJl xvni. 0. evt,ry suck U Ktuuanteed to give Butisfaotion.
We eeil our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call aud get our prices aud he convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
We have taken from our regular stock a quan
tity of our $3.50 and $4.00 pants, and have reduced
the price to
and a great variety of patterns.
.Better Pants.
All pants left over from our suit stock, and also a
large and fine lot of $5.00 values, taken from the reg
ular pants assortment, make up the bargain table at
Special numbers to sell at $1.50 and
$2.50 a pair.
at Reduced Prices.
has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to be found in a
first-class Dry Goods Store.
i i ..