Both the method and results when of Fics is taken: it is pleasant tcm effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constination. Svrmi of Figs is the oniv remedv of "its 'kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared onlv from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro care it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CAUF0MM FIG SYRUP CO. SAK HUHGOCO. CAL mmaiE, at. hew rout. .r. l-EKSOXAL MENTION. F. A. Seufert left for Portland this morning. Fred W. Wilson went to Hood River this morning. M. 33. Znmanlt of Tygh Valley is in the city today. D. 5. Miller is in from nis home at Tygh Valley today. Horatio Farger and wife of Nansene are in the city today. Mrs. H. 5. Wilson was among the pas sengers who left on the Regulator this morning. Mr. E. B. McFarland, manager of the Columbia Telephone Co. of Portland, is in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winters of Newberg came up on the boat last night and ore visiting Mr. Winters' uncle, Julius Wi ley. They report fine weather, bat lots ot rain. George Ramsey, Jr., was called to Hood River veeterdav to help search for .'the body of Mr. Foster, he being pres- ent at the burial. The bodv was found when he arrived. Charles D. Rockatraw, who is, as near as we could find oat, inspector of Indian agencies for Uncle Sam. arrived in this city last night and left for Warm Spring, Agency this morning. Something to Knuw, "It mar he. worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervons system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by ;itr,r,0 n thM norr fpntpra in stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. .Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it aE the very bett blood purifier and nerve tonic Trv it. Sold for 50c or $1-00 per bottle at Blake- ley & Houghton drug store. corn a i enunni MPPTifon "Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 12, of Wasco conntv. Etate of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said district will be held at the brick schoolhouse on Court etret.on the 28th day of Jannarv, 1893, at li o'clocfe in the atternoon, lor tne ioi - lowing objects : To levy a tax for the ensuing year for school purposes, and to create a sinking fund to pay the bonded indebtedness of said district. Dated this 17th dav of Januarv, 189S. 0. D. Doane, Chairman Board Directors. Geo. P. Mobgas, District Clerk. Id Oldau Time. Feople overlooked the importance permanently beneficial effects, and were satisfied with transient action ; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habit ual constipations, well informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, hut finally injure the system. Buy the genuine made by the California , Fig Syrup Co. FOR SALE. Remington Typewriter with walnut table. Nearly new. Will sell cheap. Call on or address ' A. C. Geigeii, jl8 3t The Dalles, Or. To Cure m Cold In One May. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c. fit ft s HCirrmoTOX. U S W1UON. rUNTINOTON t WILSON, ATXOKNK1TH AT U, - i nr. vAituiJ, uj;luu.- Office over Finit Nat. Bank. Bill Allowed Continued. WITNESSES, GRAND JIT.Y. Tim Edmundson Richard Nolan K Bordt n D E Thnrber Chas Nenburger David Touregene I J Britton James Brldger K H Darneille tannic Howland. F W L Skibbe Emile -Veil Hurrr Allen Iindolph Mell .lulins Wiley I 4. I S go' t nn ' 00 1 12 00 o nn ' Bonner Frank S 00 S CK: o GO. V Thompson t D Djaue P X Sharp 2 DO; 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 23 20 5 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 6 9 4 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 0 00 41 00 4 00 2 00 34 20 2 00 G 00 4 00 2 00 8 50 46 00 45 40 Ida Orneg ;i:on, cincrrr cornr. John 1)av;s ;;; ( yy p Jone6 . a A Bouney. . . . J W Adams . . . . 1 g , M j banning...! J n,os Harris , r T Nicholas . Baker. - w G obrj5t " ' ' " Grant Ashbv W H Bodenhiser. . . . M W Hovle J P Hillstrom Wm Fiord CI. Schmidt John W Carey Phil Brogan David CooDer John W Hinrichs. . . Hans I-aee WB Rodman 4S (0 J C Mems 4 00 L A Bunch 2 00 Chas Kohler 2 00 F A Abernethv 40 00 J H Bhikenev 2 00 JEBarnetU 2 00 C H Stranaban 45 60 MVRand 44 80 J M Elliot 43 00 H C Bateham 45 60 Geo MillerJ 49 00 Geo Cooper 40 40 Hueh Farmer 40 00 L L McCartnev 40 30 LLLane 2 00 F C Sexton! 2 00 M Dichtenmuller 43 20 C E ChriEman 8 20 H H Johnson 5 00 F H Button 16 40 W N Wilev 26 00 Trnman Butler 12 00 FMChilders 4 00 H Rice 4 00 C W Haight 4 00 J A Parish 12 00 E L Smith 16 40 M B Potter 17 00 Mrs Mary Childers, witness Cir cuit Court" " : European House, board and lodg ing Wickham children E J Collins fc Co, supplies pauper A A Jayne, Dist Atty fees E J Collins & Co, supplies pauper Dalles Lumbering Co, wood and lumber M Z Donnell, medicine for pau 4 00 12 25 3 SO "5 00 4 35 per 6 50 t 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 65 4 35 43 00 6 00 5 00 S 00 j Maler & Bent0D' SBPP!,es for Pau per I X Whealdon, interpreter j Jno Palmer, wit Circuit Court 1 Chronicle Pub Co, publishing Ma-r? CrwKe. PPS- nd re Tintr mnrt Vinnofi Oregon Telephone and Telegraph ( Co, messaee? and rent . . . Crandall & Burget. burial of pau- .i x uoit, fcurveyor L J Middleswert, viewer county road W H Husbaude, viewer couuty road '. Geo Ireland, viewer county road. ISucltlen'e Axinc salve. The best salve in the world for cms, bruises, eoreE, ulcers, salt rheum, feei eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi - cively cm "s piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect sat satiafac- tio. mnnfi r.fnnf5pj Price s cents per box. For sale Dy Elakeley and Houghton, drnesicts. " Cah iu lour Check. i All nnnntv warrants r.fif.t.rHl nrinr will be paid at my i ases after Jan. loth,1 1 to Jov. 13, lb3, i office. Interest ceases 18S8. C. L. PuiLtiPS, Conntv Treasnrer. When you can not sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It , always gives prompt relief. It is moat excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex , pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre ' uente anv tendencv toward nnenmonia. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. omlv ouk ram a dobe. Wwiwi PImm. cum Htmaaet, ortftatli aaa CotdrtiMH. 26 cu. box at drunitu or by mall baiDplw 1 1, addrwi Br. iMtankoCo. rhu. 1. JOSEPH SHANNON ii a B ope:;ed a HARNESS SHOP IN THE EA8T END, in the Colum bla Feed Yard, opilte Saltmanibc' otockyaidi, where he 1 ready to do fill Kinds of Harness Work. For People Tfiat Are f I flick, or "Juirt Doo'tUII I V . fmi wen." r ILLW I THE FUNNEL TRICK. ! Am IatarwtlBC rroblrtn Uf tk1 by Spart Ire Cllfornlaii. Jcrrv Lynch has Anally learned the funnel trick. He took it in two doses one on one cveninp rind the other the next. The senator sauntered up to the Bohemian club the other tray nml saw , 2 00 twoorthreeontieyounpernieiniH.r.-ui-2 00 J tempting- a now eat, ami he watched 6 00 , tficin with interest. One of them, says 4 00 tj,c san Tranciseo News letter, stuck " W '' a funnel inthetcpof histrousrrs, threw 0 0(1 ; v,: ,.,n,i IiukI i-'iippil n riO.eont niece on his forehead an I trictl to Irop vt in tin funnel try low'v lowering his head. 1 1 After all 'had f"lled .Icrry inf Isto-d on tryinp it, tlioui h all had tried t J ; dissuade liim from at tempt inp a feat too diflicult for t' m. 1 lie funnel wa placed in th v .-list band of hi, troisrrs and hr hrovt bark hi head to j receive the cor n his cxpaimivp brow . At that juncture a pitcher of ic wai-r . was ernpne.i .rto tnr lnnnCT.anu r nu lime Jerry got throiurh danetn? th jokers had vanished. The M-nator temper improved w;th dry raiment an 1 the net nsirht at the club he started in to show a couple of friends the funnel trick. . - "It's this way," lie explained, "you put the funnel in the top of your panta loons, so, then throw your head back, so. and wow I" -Apain Jerry was forced to chance Vis raiment, and he is not showing people what he knows about the funnel trick. HARD ON CATS. A French Government Commlioner Cen- I ure the Conduct of Official CiU. Tho French government, lias just had , occ-ision to appoint a commi-sion to I inquire into the grievances of the c .ts in its employ. 1 heir report is ;.n anius inc exhibition of official stupidity, and will rouse a righteous indigration .n thv bosom of all friends of the ust'ul mou'-er. It appears that cati are kept in some of the French military, magazine to keep down the surplus popuhit'Ot of rats and mice. Their food is -vgn.nti d by ministerial decree according to cir cumstances, and at present t'icre i a regulation in force authorizing an tx pendilure of 2s centimes per cat per diem. But this does not set-in cii'ti'gh, as the unfortunate governmental cts have grown extremely thin. Bu at l;' the ministry appointed specialist- to inquire into the matter. Thrse 1. u gravely rejxjnetl that "the cars of the army are very slow to aecustrm tin n.-Nehei- to the diet prescribed by thvgo ernrrent circular. Thus they seidem cat bread, and never lap up greasy v a ter unless actually driven thereto b pangs of hunger, so that they bt d. ing off or else abandoning the military mag azines." A Chinese I'lledrlver. Piles were being dqven in one ofrthc new buildings for a foundation for a punch. They were eight inches in diameter and fourteeen feet long. ' The statring was bamboo, and so was the frame for the hammer, which was a round piece of cast iron, with a hole in the center for a guide rod. Attached to the hammer block were 27 rojies. car ried up to the top of the frame and down on the outside, looking very much like the old-fashioned Maypole. Twenty seven women had hold of the ends, and with a sing-song, all together, pulled down; up the rod, four feet, trav eled the hammer; then, at a scream, all let go, and down it came on top of the pile, which was protected by a band or ring. The women were paid 20 cents in gold er daj-. This Maypole driver is in general use throughout Japan and China. REVERSING NATURE'S PROCESS. borne Tfalnsa Thnt Won 111 Happen If ' Ezperlmentallata Had Their Way. The reversibility of the physical . procescie of nature has latterly btwn the j j Cskr-H Magazine. Lord Kelvin, for, exstmple, has been credited with Baying 1 that all of them, no matter how com- . pltac thev might apjjear to the human j senses, consist in reality of the motions I of invisible molecules, and if, therefore, bj' tsome means, all these molecules , . ' could, at the tame time In- made-to move exuetly the ophite direction, and each with the same velocity that it jx.sesv4ed at tlie moment, all the world would begin and continue to move Ixick ward; waterfalls would flow up tin Bides of cliff; rivers would run upward ! from the wa.; rain would rite; full-! blown flowers would shrink iuto bud ' and plants dwindle into eedlings, nuai himself would become j-oung again, 'Hissing from old nge. to infancy. Just wlmt kirul of jiicturefi Kuch a topny turvy world woidd present may be sc.ti with a kinetoticope running wiekwnnl. ; I'rof. Queroult, ncconliug to rujort, lias , math- observat ,ons h, this line, and mjuic ' time ago communicated theiu to tho French ticadetiir of science. i LP DP POISON A 8PEOA1J YIS ! tlary ULOOO 1'OltiON penaaBontly 1 euredinl5toUdara.Youcanbetreat!(lit ' nome tor aom prioe nnder aorao Kunraa- 1 Ir. It ion orefer to coma here we i n tract to xrsrrftl troftd Uxenna bedel biiiiwi Lift. If we fj.ll tnr dm. lfWmi ham Lkr nm- SSSi ' wot im'i u im vuar. niur or cjiuruwi luuinr Hb tt to tbi ttoootuUiy UVOOU tOIuo.f w narsBUte to car. We Kdiclt U Bxt otwii. worla for a. mtm waanotciire la dimm boa aiwari py- kaa, mumOMOU aanli Ut tablaa our uccoodV SE2&mnt& llonalfBarastr. Atwuiat B Boehi o 1 1 Weekly nter 0rn .?J LURGEST CIRCDLATIOnJYMML PAPER IN THE WEST J It is radically Republics, advocating tn?CArtl docile, of that party witn anility ana crni.-ui-- i thp WFEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND EEST It Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature oi lis columns Is ciiuzl to that of the best mags r:m.s. It is interesting to the chil dren ::s well as the patents. . - ..,-r rrn ." a M !. i and while it brings to 5 THE WORLD ana gives its reaatrs wc ccs im "" - Hisctusions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people ana 5 disctasei literature and polities from the Western standpoints i ha nmnr nur rift I I BCB VClR-f l.flQ dm m M TKt DAILY AKD SWDAT EDlTJOHS OTTIK mi OCIAH AM BEST OF THEIR UTO. Price of nll v l.y nmll J. OO per yrar Trier or Sunday by mull . J " J "J m M AH AH AM AM AH AH AB AH Formore than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ol farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi- ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and Uie proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. TT HA.S lod in all matters farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. "There is a tide in the affairs of men ivhich taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unauestlonablv had reference to tho Closing Oat Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selllne those goods MICHELBACH BRICK. TDq i "ha j JL X LI UJJ. IZjC Li-tC IiAUjiDRY. All kind of work. White hlilrl u nr-Iahy. Family uork at reduced rate. Vaih eollecP-d aud delivered iree, Telcjilione No. aoi. j A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. W 1 af Jl Aw V I Boots end ShoSS Made to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly done at short notice. i Union St. bt. 1st and 2d S MMMMM ABut It can wAd SSi OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CUR RENT LITERATI! RE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. - TTrcTITDW 'NTH a'Kl'AKtK. the family THt NEW OF II wWH BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. nertainine to the welfare of out - at greatly-reduced rat UNIGi. HT. A NEW MARKET. ! "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ,-t-OULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY. Phone 12. Third and Washington St b Sheriff's Sale. Notice la licrnbv clvuu ti nt lit- vlrlnr. I.I nn .... I . ecutlon imued out of the Circuit court ot the i Mate ol Ureeou lor Whm o County, In the Milt ' ' therein twiidiiiB, wherein II. A. OtKoud 1 plaint. Ill alld Ida lUIill. Kliencer W. Dunn. if Dunn, Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn mid N When don. uk ,.r nf ..ii,,,.. ..! iWlltlain II. Dunn, deceased, are delenditui.! W i 'oininui.dliiK me to net the leal prorty here-5,liia(U-r (kcrlU-l, I will, on bulurduy, the Mh m day of hebruary, law, ut the hour ol 'i o'clock . in me iiiicrnoon, in tno courthoiidu door in W Dalle f ity. Oregon, Mill to the hlKhet bldler 0 , for uuth in IiHtid, all of lot C, nml the i iutt half of i( lot Mil block Vi of Ilurnaoir Hiull Addition , to Duller. Ollv. Orevon: u.L-rtlu,r win, ..n ...... Miifrular the teueimmu, herwliturneuu and no purtenuiiced therauiitobelouKiiiiC. or in any m lie appertaiuliiK, to atify the uin ol 111 H.Tu. and accruinc inicreat, ana oo attorney') coU and dliburacuiuuu and th a K attorney' fee, and aim me acoruiiiK T.J.DKIVKK. WW. JnuMI Bherin of Waco County, Or. m O.R.N. TO THE ERST! G1VK3 THE CHOICE OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. Spokane Minneapolis St. Paxil Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates'to all Eastern Cities IICRAN KTKAMKKW Lm I'ortUnd Kirrr Five I1V Tor SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to 1 v,,t-n)mnin and Hone Kong via North ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with 0. 11. & N. For lull detail! call on 0. K A Co. Agent a The talli. or edJrt liODSON, CAKUI.L A CO., Gen, ArU., .North rnclfic Stcaimihiji Co, TIME CAI1D., No. 4. to Spokane and Great NorUiern arrtvei , ii m . i.i-.h. Mi h 3D n. in. o. to rendu- ' toil, linker htr and Vnloti 1' 12 15 a. tn , dejxirU! at 1U '' M. ! No S. ltdin eixikane and fireat Northern, ar rives at 9 a) a. m., dejuirt at 1' . a. in. No. 1, lr:a llaV-r City utid t nlo.. Pacific, arrive at j 3. a. m., deiuru at 30 a, m. Nt. !3 and !, movliiK eH of The Dalle, will ' rarry paoratieeni. No. S3 arrive at 5 p. tn detiart at 1 li l. rn. PnHetiKer lor Hcppucr take No 2, leavlnj bete at ViM v. m. W, It. HCKUICKT, Ocn. 1'aaa.AEt Portland, Qreton EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave and ure uuc to arrive at Portland LEAVE. OVEP.1.AND EX-1 Saletn, Koe-1 C:l)0 P. New urU-niit an . i tun A M i"hurg and way ta-' I f Via Woodburn tor ) i t,.ii 1 ' Mt-AtiKel, bllierton, .. Jtilt stl0' Hrowim- y fcl2 vIlle.sprlUKtleldaud bunaay (.Natron I. 1. M Dally vxerpt slindayi. (Corvlll ( rtatloiif and way) :::: a. ii. ; V M I INDEPENDENCE PAS-sENCiEU. Exprew train Dallv (except eunday) l.Wp m. tLv. JNirtlnnd Ar i f-2Jaiii ..sin. in. i ieiiDuviiie i-v ., .,! h SO p. in. (Ar IndeiK:rideace S 1.1 1 .0 u. m Dally. Dmiy, exeept sunaay. D1NINO Cvlis ON OUDEN KOl'TE. PULLMAN Ul'EEET BLEEPEU5 AND tiECOND-CL.3 fcLEEPINU CAPj AttuclieU to all Through Tralu. Dlntt oouni-rtlon nt t-an Eranel.soo with Owl dental and Oriental mid Pnclttc mail UauiihJi llnex (or JAPAN unci CHINA. enlllUE dato oi ntplleatlon. KHten and tlekeU to Euterit ikiIiiU and Ku r..i-. Alio JAPAN', CHINA. HUNOLt'LC aud AChiTP.Al.IA. tan he otitnlned limn J. 11. kll'.KLAND, Ticket Acvnt Through Tlekul Olllet, 1KI Third utrevt. where throuch tlekeU lo nil intnt in the Kantern ntateti, Catiudii and Euro)e eau he obtained at lowest rateo from J. H. KIllKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above train arrlvu ut and depart I torn Uruud Central station, Elltli nnd Irving btreeU YAMHILL DIVISION. PaiMOKer Dejot, licit ol Je!2eron trect IjMxe lor 0-WEOO, dally, except Sunday, at 7 M a, in.; 12 ao,, 6 lo. i. IS, e:l)o p. in (mid 1 1 ::aj p. m. on haturday only, and V'.uO n, m and 8.30 p. m. on riuiida) only). Arrive at I'ortlaml oally at 'GilO and b:'." a m. . and 1 S, I IS, C JO utid 7 M p. Hi., (and 10:03 a. in , 3 11 i 1U p. in. on Hunday only). N-ave lur Klierldmi, week dy, at 1.30 p. m Arrive at Portlutid, l-:tt) a. m. U avc lor A1P.L1E on Monday, Wednesday r'rirtuy ut:IOa. in. Anlr- ut Portland,'!' dnr, Tliurodny and tuiturduj it 3.0fi p. in. Except Suuduy. 'Except bnturday. and ui- P.. KOEIILEIl, Maunder. (i, II. MAKKHAM, Aunt. U. F. A- Pa. Art Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Through by daylight via Ornsii Valley, Kent and UroxD Hollowi. DUCOl.AH AI.I.KN, Tli llailel. V. M. 1UIITKI.AU', Aiitelopc. bbiKl-a leave The Dalle iroui I'matllla IIouc ut 7 ii. in, aUo from AuteloiM? at T.JO . m. every ti,ii1,.. ve.i.,..... ...... . .i mude at AuteloK' lor Prluevl L-vllle, Mitchell unu iKilntx Ia;y0iir. Uloo ociiueotlou made at The iaue wuti rallHiiyn, train, and boat. HlORe fro-n utelope reach The Dalle Tues day, 'Jhurdii; aim Kitturday at 1:30 p. in. 1 ,, , , K M M. Dalle to DekChutea ... .11 CO .. I W . . 5! V5 3 00 .. 4 M . 1 W . . U 00 .. 3 0 ,, DM i W 5" ;Vt0,r do Cro Hollow. . Autuloi to Cro Hollow . do Kent do Ura Valley .... do Moro do Docliueea do Dalle 7RED. W. W1IJ40N. ATTORN KY AT LAW, ., . v. .Kit lALLKB,OBCOU.. Ofucc ovci Flrit Nat Bank. , imrs, Aniiiaiia, r-ac-1 ,, i raraentn. Oeden.Han I . M- Kraiiclneo, Mojavc, ( I Lof Anuele,KlPaiM