The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 19, 1898, Image 3

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In Men's Shoes displayed in Furnishing
Good's Window ,,
We have just received
another shipment of
During .January and Feb
ruary we will give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixtv-Dollar
Satin Oil
Pointed and Square Toes. . Pointed
The Dalles
Weather Tonight and Thursday, fair
Sturgeon hooks, cotton and sical roj
at Moier & Benton's. 13
Go to the Colombia Candy Factory fo
freeh oysters in every style. tf
Choice plain, mixed and dill nickleB,
olives and pigs' feet in bulk at Commie-
Bion Co.'b.
The Prize Medal cigar is strictly hand
made and filled with the finest grade 0f
Havana tobacco. 6-tf
The subject of this evening's discourse
at the Christian church is "The Mcb
Huge of Jesus to John the Baptist." All
are invited.
Kins Cole brand Baltimore oysters,
the best on tne market; Medium,
Standard and Kxtra Select. Try them.
At Varney & Co.'s. 11-tf
I'ereons having trouble with their
eyes should call and have them exam
ined by Dr. A. B. Richmond. Ollice,
fcecoud door from cornor of Court and
Second streets. 12-1 w
This morning Juniper bridge, on the
0. R. it N. line, was washed out and the
H'okanu train was forced to go round
via Pendleton, which deluyed it about
two hours. Jt arrived shortly before
noon in place of the usual time.
All the club members should be pres
ent at the special meetftig held tomor
row evening at 8 o'clock, at the club
rooms. R. C. Judson, industrial agent
for the 0. 11. A N. Co., will be present
and matters of Importance will bo con-
"A class in the rudiments of music
will be organized by Prof. A. W. Luii
doll at 7:U0 next Saturday eveulng in
the basement of the Lutheran church,
terms, $1.30 for ten lessons. Anyone
who desires to learn to read music
(should take advantage of this excellent
opJ'OrUmity. 18-22
W. II. Moore, the general manufactur
ing carpenter and undertaker of Dufur,
was in the city and made uh a pleasant
cull today. Undertaking is a new line
ol business in that vicinity, and as there
is a largo section of country around Du
fur, there is no reason why Mr. Mooro
should not do welljin it.
H'u make a splendid offer to persons
subscribing and paying in advance for
the Vukk!.y CmtoNJCM. We will give
to all subscribers paying up and in ad
vauce, a copy of tho World's Almanac
for 1898. This is an Invaluable refer
erenco book, and no home can afford to
l' without it, Subscribe for Tnii
Ciihonjci.k and get one free, i See our ad
in another column.
TIiIb morning Venis Bauer was united
in marriage to Miss JuiiaA. Neabeck.
The ceremony took place at the Farm
era' Hotel in this city and was per
formed by Justice Fllloab. The young
couple are both from tuejfanaeue neigh
r a
ii)v in mnc
s - -
Oil Grain $1.25
borhood, in this county, and are well
and favorably known. Mr. Bauer being
an enterprising youne farmer in com -lortable
circumstances. ' The Chroni
cle gives them its. benediction and
wishes them long lives and an abund-
happiness. '
E. E. Lytic and 1). C. O'Riley, presi
dent and general manager, respectively,
of the Columbia Southern railroad, say
that twentv miles more of their road will
comnleted this summer. J Thev have
no idea of going to AlftBfea", as the coun
try their road runs through is richer
than Klondike, and the gold can he
turned up with a gang plow. They have
also some idea of starting a stock farm,
un the plan suggested by t'.ieirold friend
J. D. Woodworth, of the 0. R. & N.,
whose ideas they immagiue they can
successfully carry out.
Considerable excitement was caused
in Colfax at an early hour Friday morn
ing by the report that two of William
Codd's sons had been Kidnaped. Mrs
Codd entered the bedroom of her two
sons and found the bed empty and the
boys gone. She gave the alarm and a
searching party was organized, and,
after diligent eaich, the boys were
found near tho home of their grand
mother, coastitig. Tho boys had awak
ened, ami. thinking that daylight had
arrived, aioio, dreesen and bet out to
coast. It was 2 o'clock in the morning
when their absence was discovered.
The A. 0. U. W. and Degree of Honor
are making great preparations for the
coming of their distinguished guest,
Past Supremo Master Tate, who will de
liver an address here on Saturday even
ing at tho Vogt opera house. A good
musical program, by some of our lead
ing local talent, will be rendered and
will bo published later in the week.
Tho Klks have kindly consented to
leave the most of their decorations in
tho hall, and this will add materially to
i . r
the nccotihtic properties. A general in
vitation is extended to the public
for everyone.
Fuuerul of Mr. Mary I.hujsIiIIu
The funeral of tho late Mrs. Mary
Laughlin took place from her residence
this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and it was
attended by relatives and a number of
friends of tho deceased, who took advan
tage of this hist means of showing re
spect to their departed friend and
Kev. J. N. Wood, of the Methodist"!
church, ollVred prayer and tho choir
sang two beautiful and appropriate te
lections, "Asleep in Jesus" and "How
Sweet the Hour of Closing Day." The
address by Rev. Curtis of the Congre
gational church, was brief, but con
tained many words ol consolation to the
bereaved ones.
The bearers of the poll were selected
from old friends of the deceased, and
were: Robert Mays. Sr., S. L. BrookH,
John Marden, Ben Snipes, John Cates
and George Ituch.
Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served
in every style at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give us a trial and we will
endeavor to please you.
Veal Calf
and Square Toes.
The Woodmen Inntall.
J The seats in Fraternity hall were in-
uequuiu iu accommodate tne targe num-
ber of members and guests that attend
ed the public installation of the officers
of the Woodmen of the World and Pacific
Circlelastnight. The evening's pro
grfltri was began by the singing of the
opening ode, in which all present joined,
altar which Installing Officer Mann pre
eentedthe badge of office to the foliow-
fC. C, James Snipes; A. L., James
layior; a., u. L. 1'nillipe ; C, M. D.
larper; M., C. H. Brown; P., Dr.
Sshelman: E.. M. A. Gosaer: M.. J.
Filloon; S., J. B. Goit.
J Another ode was sung, after -which
aire. Inez Filloon, grand manager of the
p'acific Circle, Women of Woodcraft, in
stalled the following officers :
Past guardian neighbor, Ella dishing ;
guardian neighber, Katie Williams; ad
viser, Ollie Stephens; clerk, Louiee Rin
toul; banker. Ella Dawsen ; magician,
Eva Keynote; attendant, Viola Korden;
inner sentinel, Belle Berger; outer sen
tinel, Jas. Taylor; captaiirof guards,
Minnie Gosser: physician, Hello Rine
hart; manager, Anna Blakeney ; musi-
jan, Mate Uushmir. ,
After tne installation tho tables were
spread with an abundance of good
things, and when all had feasted royal
ly, dancing was indulged in, and at the
time of going homo all were unanimous
in the thought that tho evening had
been extremely pleasant and interesting
Ex-Detective Welch of Portland has
arrived from Klondike with lots of dust.
Judge Cleland, who has been elected,
to the judgeship to succeed Judge
Stearns.will take hia seat today.
A wreck occurred on the Southern Pa
cific near Colfax, California, last night in
which the engineer and fireman was
killed. It ie supposed that the wreck
occurred by the breaking of an axle.
About dusk last evening a daring at
tempt was made to hold upandruba
Portland young lady. Their attempt
was u failure, however.
Heavy snow storms have occurred
this week on the Chilkoot pass, und
travel has been practically impossible
for days at a time. Inspector Stuckland,
of tho Northwest mounted police, sta
tioned at Tugisii, was deluyed live days
near the summit by enow and wind,
A detachment, consisting of thirty
men of the Northwest mounted police,
have arrived at Skaguay, They were to
have been stationed at different posts in
the interior, but owing to the shortage of
provisions, and the cost of transporting
supplies, the detachment will remain at
Skaguay for the present.
Hpeclal Mttlug of I), V. & A. !lul.
There will be u special meeting of the
Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club
tomorrow evening, at which Mr. R. C.
Judson, industrial agent of the 0. R. &
N. Co., will ' be present. All members
are urgently requested to attend, as mat-
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
ters of interest will be dicuesed. Meet
ing will be called to order at 8 o'clock
sharp. H. M. Beall, Sec.
E. C. Pease, Pres.
John Wood went down on the delayed
train today.
Mrs. C. Johnston left for a trip to
Portland this morning.
Sheriff Driver went to Portland on
busiuees this morning.
Mr. Chas. Hoggard and wife of Grants
were in the city yesterday.
W. H. Wileon was among the passen
gers for Portland on the morning train.
Mr. A. A. Bonney and Iub son, Clyde.
are in from their farm at Tygh Valley.
Mr. Hugh Jackson and wife came
over from their home at Goldendale to
day. H. E. Owen of Eugene is in the utv
visiting his sister, Mrs. William Mans
I). L. Cates and E. P. Ash returned to
their homes at Caecade Locks this
morning. Mr. Ash intends leaving for
Dawson city about the middle of Febru
ary. Messrs. E. M. Williams and John
Weieel will leave tonight for New York
City, where they will purchase goode
for the firm of A. M. Williams & Co.
Thev will bo absent about three weeks.
Mrs. Ada C. Freeman and daughter oi
Southwest Harbor, Maine, arrived at
The Dalles Sunday and will visit for
some time with Mrs. Freeman's sister,
Mrs J. C. Johnson, of Deschutes Kidge,
in tliis county.
W. R. Russell, Mrs. II . J. Quinton
and II. M, Hickman of Portland, came
up last night and left today for 8-Mile,
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huott, and
be present at the celebration of the 80th
anniversary of that coupleH wedding.
Il Olileu Time.
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial ellecte, and were
satisfied witli transient action ; but now
that it is generally known that Syrup of
Figs will permanently overcome habit
ual constipations, well informed people
will not buy other laxatives, which act
for a time, but finally injure the system,
Buy the genuine made by the California
Fig Syrup Co.
Huclclau'a AriuoM naive.
The best salve in tiie world for curs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and ul! skin eruptions, and posi
tively cm hb piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per Ik)x. For sale by Blakeloy and
Houghton, dniKtristH.
When you can not sleep for coughing
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
always gives prompt relief. It is most
excellent for colds, too, us it aids ex
pectoration, relieves tho lungs and pro
uen t s any tendency toward pneumonia.
For sale by Blnkeley & Houghton.
Dr. Lannerberg wishes to inform his
patrons that ho will be in the city for a
short time and can be found In his oflico
at the usual hours. Anyone desiring to
have their eyes examined will do well
to call on him.
Everybody reads The Ciiko.nici.e,
And can now supply our customers.
The Uiilsoi? is the only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
I a J
And reap the benefit of the following
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World $2 00
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune '. 1 75
CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25
CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Exaniiner 2 25
Hole tlin Nation' Uuuxt.
Washington, Jan. 18. Arrangements
nro making for tho entertainment of
President Dole, of Hawaii, on a tcaie be
fitting his rank as chief magistrate of a
friendly nation. It has been decided tie
shall be regarded as the nation'd guest,
and that the government shall bear the
exnenso of his entertainment in Wash
Wooil lrnr Sulii.
Good Fir Wood can bo had of J. F.
Reynolds, "phono 10lJ. jlS lit
A Srw Dihli to llliu.
Corn" calls to inind the duke of Marl
borough's first experience with green
corn on the cob, The incident w unre
lated by a gentleman who happened to
travel in the name (rain with the duke
the day he arrived in New York. It
was the Newport train. Presently the
duke went into the dining car to get
n bit of luncheon. It- happened to be
in the green corn scaf-on, and lu no
ticed that nearly everybody in the car
was eating the corn from tin cob. lit
had never seen anything like. it. before,
lie asked the waiter what it was, or
tiered a portion, ami, receiving it, bit
into it us he would bite into an apple,
lie had attempted to bite into the cob
and had evidently received a shock
too great a shock to try the experiment,
again; for, upon being told that he
must spread butter, salt, and pepper on
the corn and bite gently, he perversely
took his fork and patiently picked the
kernels, one by one, from the cob.
Trilby cannot bo used ns u trade
mark in Kugland, the nninu being em
ployed too generally. So the court of
chuncery has just decided,
J. T. Peters & Co.
Itlds Wanted.
Bids for furnishing 150 cubic yards
building sand will bo received by tho
Waseo warehouse up to January 18th.
The rigl t is received to reject any or
all bids. Kids must bo accompanied
witli a sample of sand.
The D.illea, Jan. 11, 1S9S.
If you have money to burn, burn it
by smoking Fonts' IVh'.o Medal and
Rose Queen cigars. O tf
All Books
At Cost
During this month,
Except Dictionaries,
Musio Books
and School Books,
I. C. Nickclscn
Book & music Company,