The Dalles Daily Ctariek. The only Republican Dailii Xevtpapa on i Waco Countv. , EASTERX OFFJCE-SSO to Sl TempU Court, .V. T. Citv. KATZ, Agtnt. Wrrkl Clubbing Kate. Chronicle and Oregonian -o Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ov-ean 1.S5 Chronicle and Tribune 1 "5 Chronicle and Y. World 2 00 - JAXCAKY 19. ISPS WEDNESDAY AX EXTRA SESSIOX. a widespread feeling in , There is the state that the time ha; come when Governor Lord should call an extra : session of the legislature. I tie act verse report mane o iue t-a- the senate committee to which was referred the application of Mr. Corbett to be ! seated, precludes any possibility of that gentleman becoming a senator from Oregon, either in fact or in , name. This state is, then, limited to one representative in tne uiguer , 1 lK)Ue until the next regular meeting ' of the legislature, unless Governor Lord is willing to divest himself of any factional prejudice and sail the legislature together in extra session. ; Tbe constitution provides that each & T Tw rt rtmli- r r n nnA tlin iurd. lie uaic vuij wuc, iuu appointee of the governor has been refused an admission, so that the only way by which we can gain our full representation is for the legislature to be called in session and placed in the responsible position of choosing 1 a Uuied States senator. , Inere is little yroni in unuusiiiuK , the shortcomings of the last legisla- j ture. The quicker tuey are torgoi ten the better, and while the people $ of the etate, should the question ever arise, will long rememoer oosepu, Simon as the man who, more than : anyone else, is most to blame for the deplorable situation, yet now that j it is past, we should leave the) things that are behind and turn ourj faces towards the future. j While of necessity, according tO present laws, the election of a sena-1 tor is one of the chief concerns of 1 the legislature, yet it is not the only one. There is much remedial legis lation which should be enacted. Many of the useless appropriations now in force should be cut off and unnecessary commissions abolished. Some way must be devised for re ducing the state's expenditure, and the need for such action is urgent There is another phase of tiie situ-, ation which deserves consideration and which, while soaie may call it ' a matter of party policy, yet has really passed beyond that point and j become a question of public concern. The present schism in the Republican ' party in Multnomah county bids fair' to hand the tate over to the Popu-' lists at the next election. This is not a pleasant statement, but a true one. The war between factions in Portland means, unless it is settled, , the temporary destruction of the state Republican organization, and the . 1 T 1. refusal of Joeph Simon, Agitator Mallory, et al. to listen to any com- promise means that a settlement is now impossible. "With the Populists in control of the legislature, Pennoj'er will be elected senator; or, if not be, then 1 Judge O'Day or Ed .vard Killefeatber late of the United States court). A Populist senator from Oregon would , be a calamity upon the name of tbe state, which we should struggle to prevent. As Republicans or citizens who have the common welfare in Bind, we should make every effort to elect some sound money, protec- tive tariff man to the senate, and the j nnnnrtunitv is nresent to do it. i Let Governor Lord call the legis- lature togemer anu we ire cuuuuchi , . . 1 3 I . uo Simon hold-up will again occur, but Oregou will be represented by two United States senators, working for tbe good of the state, instead of 1 a 1. How many people know that the United St.stcs produced last year one-fonith of the world s gold, or about CO,0 Colorado is , ,000,000 worth : And credited with about one- third of this as her share. These figures, furnished by Kobert K. Pres ton, director of the mint, tally very closely with those furnished by The Engineering and Mining .lournal, which gives 41.391,CG0 as the woild's total production of cold for 1897, an increase of more than 29,- (lo0000 ovfcr jjjpg. The gold found in the Klondike reakn wells the Canadian output from $2,510,000 in j 1S96 to perhaps 7,000,000 during last year. por.jautj has the advertisement I scheme down to a Qne point. After Klondike re ief exned t on has bfen exuaUite,i of a advertising noiinilities. the latest proposal is to sen1 a trtxin, loaded with supplies;' for Cuba acr0;S the continent, and tQ j,aC2rd lue n:tI,rfl: dptiilin iXnA npnoroitr Fvklentlv her s 1 ..;. f1n nnt h-1;pv. ; rom tbe right hand what is known to! the Jeftj but are 5nclincd t0 the opiu; Jon that a cood tb5nc 5U0Uid oei fforked for ali"lbere is iL j , , I I lift amlv one ro A DOSE. DIMM Plmptet. cum MasaeM. Pnnula awl CesUwmts. 26 et$- a box at druoruu or br mail bampla Fix, addraaa Dr. BstHUc. Co. ffaila. fa. Fref h Columbia river smelt at Varney ; & Co.'s. 10 lk j -jry schillings bi iea aua ikius poder , , t The World Almanac 0 Will Answer Any Qiiesiion You may Ask It Standard American Annual. Ready Jan. I, 1898, On All News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever, ( rgTfr moti aidtlf sold Annual Rtftf tnce Book and Political Mutual puhlisltd. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. JOSEPH sflflUUOH HAS OI'E:'D a ' ' J" PTTfifi SHOF t IN THK EAST EM. in tbe Colura bin I'etil Vrtl, (iii'Hit ettlunanhe DtLyardi, where be ii rvudv to do fill Kinds Of JfeMeSS WOfk.! J-KS-OtlKENliOltrrEi: KlEDl, Physicians and Surgeons, eiwcltl attention given to inrsery. Room 21 aud 21, Tel. 23. Vogt Block one, as now. governor .oru, iuc ; responsibility is upon you. ore trhli sirms inri '. Columbia, ine we-J-oouna train ravw sit cart wim.i.u. The Dalles In ample time for rasxjncersw take, rrnnrl tinr-tlritnrr Pnr. the steamer, arrlvlnp in Portland in time for the g ana lieraiamg 1 Ol .- mtn. southern and Northern tnUu: East- n aiihuio jUo forPeopleThat Xro I O Sick or'Just DontU I V Feel Well." W ILbV Encyclopedia R II Si Ewyclopeoia PRICE gjg) CENTS Regulator IAne-V m mm nraui Navigation Co.' FREIGHT AND PASSENGER BETWEEN The Dalk. Hood Klvcr.C&wade Locks and I'ort land dally, (""' aundny. ( DOWN THE VALLEY Are yon eo ( EASTERN OREGON ? If jo, save money and enjoy a fceantifnl trip on j tadJlnp.lnTheDl,wlnamc ;o iue me luiduudu iiaui. For farther Information apply to J. X HARNEY, Afrcnt, Oat Street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Apt.. The Dalles. Oregon Jiexju Year Experiences. 0 L- -zi- 1 i I n .' Wo Y ( Let the memorv of the old year be tbe I experience that shall guide yon thronjrb ' the new. You remember where yon 1 have paics and Dleasures. Good health brought the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will get it through good medicine. We use tothing but tbe best . ' and finest dregs in Compounding, ',RE LIABLE PHARMACISTS 175 Sbcqiiq Street THE DALLES holiday Improuemeits. , j ou wane paper wuicn macee your , holiday enjoyment greater. You j want paper which makes your home pleaeanter at all times. You need each ebaaes and deeigns ae will t'ive more , beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you stylee that exceed any , ever seen here at pricee never attempted i for such quality. I. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL If rtalcr All work promptly attcaded to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. B rU3L SSr Pullman Slsckwcil's :si4eiuiaWDaii(si' $mm Durham I IsSSSSSM -s ?nkQAM IsSSSsW Watchmake LINE iH Srn'-JMilg I wmwvv TO IIHIHiHHHHHIl Wholesale JVIALiT LtlQUOfrS, Uiines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH HOP GOLD Anhenser-Bnsch Malt Nutrine, beverage, nneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing - FURNITURES CARPETS PRINZ c NITSCHKE Arefpoinp to clofe ont Mieir bnsiness, COST PRICES. -Now is tbe ti time All persons knowine tberaeives indebted settle thfcir Jbe postoffiee Parma, CLARKE &. FALK, Proprietors. - - Pure Drugs and JVledieines.:DOORS' Toilet Articles and I'erfuinerv, WINDOWS, .piist Ijo of Imported ar?d Domestic $iars. SHINGLES Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. T?T-pxr' T'RTPTT PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioar Z. DONNELL, PfESCHlPTIOH DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. 11. Williame & Co., THE DALLES, OR Subscribe for The Chroniele i and BEER on draught and In Dottles. a non-alcoholic I Out Sale OF - and ther nre oflerine their large etook at' to buy good Fnrniture cheap. I to said firm are reqoested to call and account. ill QRTHERN PACIFIC RY. Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. I'AIU. MINNKAI'OI.l Dll.lTII VA !((( r.KA.Mi ni: CKOOKNTON WINNITKO IIKI.KNA mi Ill'TTK .Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON i rmi.Anei.riMA yew yokk HOHTOK AM ALL rOIXTH KAST nrt SOUTH For ItiliiramtHra. time crd, ram aud Uckeu, I cl on or write to C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Tliff 1)1U, Oregon Oh A. I). CHARLTON. Asat. G. P. A., M, Morriniu Cor. Third. I'orUmnl Orceon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snip-talj Drat 6. TUm FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, 1 Window-Glass and i Picture Moulding. i llEi. a-IE JST ILSJ J. ti. bCHEXK. I'rwildent. II. M. Dka- Oublir First National Bank. I THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted I Deposits received, subject to Sight : Draft or Check. ! Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dur of collection. , Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold , New York, San Francisco an! port on land. niRBOTOKS D. P. Thompbo. Jko. S. Schkuck. Eu. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Liub. U. M. Bb&ix. Strayed. Strayed from Dufur, Or., about the last oi July, two bay horses, of about 1000 pounds weight, both geldings; one a light bay, branded 5 on right hip; th other dark bay, branded HF (connect ed) on left shoulder. Information lead' ing to tbe recovery of either, or both, o these horses will be rewarded by the owner. Kkv. John Eyakb. declMui.l! Columbus, Wash. TSHi'lM""'""!