j . : 1. . , waited SH Chtontcit VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 19, 1898 NO 3 J 9 DEPEW IS PRESIDENT New York .Republican Club Moots. THE XEW CHIEF OFFICER SPEAKS Kitmnim of thr I'lrlil if I.nlmr of the Cluli to Itirlmlr Ktvrjr Slatr Ailroratrd. New Yokk, Jan. IS. CliBuncey M. Depew was elected president of the Re publican club of New York at a meeting of that organization last night. In ac centing the presidency Mr. Depew said: "The conditions upon this annunl meeting make my elevation to a posi tion of president of the club one of pe culiar significance and gratification. The differences in our party are more acute and intense than they have been in a quarter of.a century. They found ex pression at the polls nt the last election, and are culminating in hostile organira ti m. The Republicans of New York are not alone in these troubles. They are found in Ohio, Maryland and other states. All these warring elements are conspicuously and ably represented in our duo. That theyt have united and unanimously elected me president is nt once a distinction nnd imposes a creat responsibility. It is full of suggestions and prophetic promises for happier times in the future. It demonstrates that Republicans can get together, and when events are sufficiently marked they will discover a method of party unity and party harmony." Mr. Depew spoke on the growing in fluence of clubs and of the increasing tendency of statesmen to come to New York to get in touch with the great life of the country, and then spoke of the future of the club, saying: "Our Democratic friends are building a club whose avowed intention is to have New York to control the Democratic par ty in state and country. Our purpose ii. this club should be broader. We should have in the club the Intelligent representative of theKepublican opinion of the whole country ; Republican opin ion crystallzing in the judgment, and discussion of Republicans from every part of the country. "Our members should be numbered by the thousands ; should be limited only by the boundaries ot the republic of the United States, aud our object should be to maintain a home where the (enator or the congressman, the bus liiths man, the lawyer, the artisan, the labor-leader from all over the country can find hospitality aud congenial minds, and our club Hhould be known as the National Republican Club. Arclileut In n Tuunrl. lVni.iA.Ms, Ariz., Jan. IS. An acci dent happened at the Fairview tunnel, iiiue miles west of here, In which one man was killed and one fatally injured. A number of others had an almost mi raculous escape. parks from the stack of a passenger engine Ignited the timbers in the roof of the tunnel. A gang of men were im mediately dispatched from this place under Foremen Matthews and Parker. The men fought bravely with the flames al last night. When the flames were all but out, the men were alarmed by a iond crash. In another moment a solid mass of rock and burning timbers came falling down. Roudm8ter Lyon and Foreman Matth ews vere caught under the mass of rock nnd timbers. They were soon taken out but Lyons died In a few .minutes, and it I I - I 9 A muil'le ii( GurlHuil'K B -MIA WV THOl'UHT" halve J ir fftEE... V. loiuiv t(Wif. Try It, 7 llivn U It bulu you buy a Jar y donnell, m mm Royal mike the food pure, wholesome and deliclnui. POWDER Absolutely Pure it is not believed Matthews will live un til morning. No through trains will be able to pass the tunnel for several days, as It is a sheet of fire from end to end. Passen gers are being transferred arround the mountain through the (now. Ch jjukl-ltyan Mill San Fiia.ncisco, Jan. 18. Boxing ib to be revived in this city during February. The board of supervisors have granted the Empire Club a permit for a boxing show some time next month. Applica tions from several other clubs were be fore the boare, but all of them were re jected. The Empire Club will bring off a 20 round go between Joe Choynski and Tut Ryan, the Australian. The preliminary bout will be between Tom Lansing and Henry Baker. The managers of the clubs which have been left out in the cold are somewhat at a loss to understand why their appli cations should have been rejected and the Empire Club tavored. The Occi dental Club made application for a 20 rouud contest between Ptjter Maher and Peter Jackson, but they were unsuccess ful. SuinethlUE tu Kuow. It may be worth something to know that the very oeet medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centers in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing ofl impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digeetion, nnd is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or if 1.00 per bottle at Blake ley & Houghton drug store. 2 Almoin u Trajfuly. Sr. Lous, Jan. 18. Dr. Charles F. Simmous, reputed millionaire, and president of the Simmons Patent Medi clue Company, shot Emil Davidson, bookkeeper of the St. Louis Trust Com pany, today. Simmons, who is an el derly, gray-haired "man, met Davidson on the street, passere-by heard angry words and the jiext instant Simmons drew a revolver and fired five times, each ehot taking effect. Davidson drop ped to the sidewalk seriously injured, but will recover. Simmons was placed under arrest. He told Captain Boyd that the man lie had shot betrayed tiis daughter, and he had simply avenged the wrong done her. This is Simmons third deadly ulfray. Several years ago ho stabbed his brother-lu-law, In Mississippi. Three vears ago he stabbed his bookkeeper, n man named McBrain, in a quarrel. A I. out HtrUKKle I'rolialilf. Biudkiori), Me., Jan. 18. The strike situation here is unchanged from yester day. There is every indication of a long struggle. I.kwision, Me., Jan. 18. Everything was quiet at the Lewieton cotton mills today. FrrciiniMiCi, Mass., Jan. 18. The wavers of the Hockago cotton uiille, who struck yesterday, returned to work today. Mr. Klisha Berry, of this place says he never had anything do him so much good aud give such quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was bothered greatly with shooting palne from hip to knee until ho used this liulment, which affords prompt relief. B. F. Baker, druggist, ht. Parif, Ohio. Foraleby Blakeley & Hough-ton. NEW USE FOR HAT PINS. ! 'Wdiiwn PI nil Them Very lacful In I Snpppeaslnsr "Crowder.'" J "That hat pin," said n young1 woman t on tlie elevated, rw she nnmnged her I hcwlpear, reports the Chiig Times j Herald, "lias In-en steeped in gore!" I "How awful!" whisperetl her friend, j "Vua it employed on n burglar?" i "No; on a crowder." I "A what?" j "A crowder is a creature who is po I puliurly o Chicago product. I ecrtnin- ly never met hhn in nny other city. He is the man who petsinto near where every seat is occupied ami crowds him fielf into the merwt scrap of room bc Uveen two persons; generally two wom en, who dare not reaont his imjerti nonce. Then he coolly reads n news paper." "I've met the specimen often, but whnt can you do?" inquired the friend. "Well." snid the athletic young wom an, "if I had been a mnn I would have 'bounced' liim from the ear. But in thai pii.e he would not have crowded. I dare say I looked ns meek as. Moses, but T had a scheme to pet even nnd I worked it. I took out my hat pin nnd gave Mr. Crowder n jab." "Did he jump?" "Not at first , so I jabbed again. The enr g-ive a lurch ami he yelled 'Mur der!' In the first degree and nii-hed out and off without asking the conductor to slop. I'm glad I saved the lint pin, as I limy need it ngnin." she concluded, sweetly, sis she impaled her head with the vicious thing. DIED WITH HIS CHUM. A Ifoble Conception of a Soldier's Dot)- to Ilia Friend. In the reminiscences of Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood, himself a brave English f.oldier, a touching instance of courage and self-sacrifice is given, says an ex change. One June day in ls5 a de tachment of English marines was cross ing the Woronzow rood under fire from the Russian batteries. All of the men leached -shelter in the trenches except a seanmn, John Blewitt. As he was running a terrific roar was heard. His mates knew the voice of a 'huge can non, the terror of the army, and yelled: "Look out! It is Whistling Dick!" Butat the moment Blewitt wasstruck by tlie enormous mass of iron on the knees nnd thrown to the ground. He called to his special chum: "Oh, Welch, save me!" The fuse wos hissing, but Stephen Welch ran out of the trenches and, F-izing the great shell, tried to roll it off of his comrade. It exploded with such terrific force that not an atom of the bodies of Blewitt or Welch was found. Even in that time, when each hour Imd its ex citement, this deed of heroism stirml the whole English army. One of the officers searched out Welch's old moth er in her poor home and undertook her support while she lived, and the story of his death heljel Us comrades to nobler conceptions of a soldier's duty. FOUR-LEGGED TRADERS. lllce Tlint lleplnre with Other Artl t'leM All the 'I'll I UK The)' Ktenl. There is a mouse in Florida locally known an the trading mouse. It In com monly a woods mouse, but it quickly adapts ithelf to human habitation. A. colony of such mice carried two bushels of shelled beans ,')0 feet during six nights recently nnd replaced, the leans v, ith seed poils of a wciil. Jewelry, too, has lx'i'ii taken by these little traders, says the New York Sun. One woman on the east coast of Florida at an Indian river winter resort found a number of reed instead of a iir of earrings that kic had left on the bureau. A search in the place where, the seeds had bwm taken disclosed the earrings. A man who had n lox of jxki'r chips in his room in an oiicn-toppcd box was surprised to find in their stead a string of prayer lends, a small crucifix, and a numlcrof shells. Hestuited an investi gation immediately. A priest wlio hiul roomed m ar by was equally puzzled by finding the eolorwl poker chips in his room. It Is generally U'lleveil that the trad ing mouse learns its curious ways by robbing squirrels or blue jays of nut I .i it 1 by for future use. Household IJiMtn The Ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity of thu family, They were worshipped as household gods In every home. The household god of today Is Dr. King's New Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs It is Invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter of a century aud is guaranteed to cure, or money returned. No house hold should be without this good angel, It is pleasant to take and a safe and euro remedy for old and young. Free bottles at Blakeley & Houghtoo'a drug store, 2 ..GHflS. F-WK- fiutehens and partners ..Exchange.. Kccpi on drmis'lit the celchrirtcd COU'Mltl.l HKKK, ncktmwl cdRiil the btol boor In The Dulles, ntthouMiul price. Conn in, try it iintl he poi'.vlnoed. Aim the Klnei-t brands of Wines, Liquors, mill Cignr. anduuiehes of nil Kinds nhvnys on hand. THe Coiumtiia PackiDQCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFACTUKERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BU31NES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointe on fav orable terms. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'lisea a Weuk. ISO I'aner a Year It Etands first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication freshness, variety and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, nil the latest fashions for women and a Ion series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Conun Doyle, Jerome K. .Jerome, Stanley Weymau, Mary K. Wilkin Anthony Hope, H ret llarte, ltraniler Matthew, Ktc, We ofTer this uneqnaled newspaper and The IXilles Twice-a- Week Chronicle tq. gether one year for $12.00. The regular price of the two papers is spj.ou. Sheriffs Sale. Notice fa hereby Kiveti Unit under ami by vir tue of iim execution mni order of sale UmjoI out of the Circuit Court of tho Statu of OrcKim for thu (onntv of Whmo. and to mo dliected and delivvred, upon a judgmcut and decree tendered ana eniereii in ham court on uiuniuiiay oi no vemher, lh'J7. in fuvorof A. II. Jones, ilulntlll', and against u, k, i'uwvl, defendant, for tho Mini o' two hundred and huvcnty-nlx and i'i 100 il-'TO.'J'i) dollars, together with Interest thereon, slnto Mai 1, lh'-Xl, at the ruto of ten percent pur milium, mid thirty (l;M) dollars attorney firs, and the further sum of eleven (111) dollars eoMn, which taid Judgment was enrolled and doeketcd in thu olllcu of thucleik of said coiiit in kiihl county on tliosthday of November, lh7. and whereby it was further ordered unit decreed by tlie Court that tho follovvin described properly, to-wlt Ik'KlnnliiK al a jtolnt lh.;f) chains west of the Hue between sections thirty-live and tlilrly tlx, in towuthlp three north of range ten east of tho Willamette Meiidlan, being thu western term, iuus of thu north boundary line of thu James lleuson DoiimIIom I41111I Claim; thence north CM chains, thence east H.bA chains, llienco 1.011th 0.M chains, aim thence west h.M ciums to place of beginning, containing six acres, more or less, and being thu same premises sold by thu said A, II. Jones to thu bald It. K, I'ewcl, in Wasco County, Oiegou, bo sold to satisfy mM Judgment, attorney fees, costs and accruing costs, f will, on Tuesday, thu hth day of rebtuary, IWa, at 'i o'clock p. 111, of said day, at thu front door of thu courthouse lu Dalles City. Wasco Co.,Or.,ell all tho right . II tlo aud Interest of the said It, 10, Kuwel In aud to thu above described propeity, ut public auction to thu highest bidder lor cash lu bain, the pro coeds arising from said sale to bu applied to thu sal Mac lion of said Judgment, attorney's feu, cost and accruing cost, and tho surplus, if any there hu, to bu paid into court, and there to re main until the lurtlier order of this court. T, J. UKIVKK, det-.'.'i Sheriff of Wtueo County, Or. r A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. Our Jan Clearance Makes easy buying for you in our Pants Dep't All sizes Boy's Knee Pants Special Reduction on.... ...All Styles... Golf, Yacht and Windsors. Special Assortment 15, 25 and 50e. Showing .the best assort ment ot siyles. A. M WILLIAMS & CO. who Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, of MulllFEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- rm TrirmY This Flour is manufactured expressly for family bVJIl lUUi. llao. evorv Ruck is KUitrunteed to ijivu mitiafaotlon. We sell our goods lower than any house In the trade, and if you don't think bo call and net our prices and be convinced. Highest Prioes Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats. ae We have taken from our regular Btock a quan tity of our ir3.u0 and $4-00 pants, and have reduced the price to $2.37 and a ureat variety of patterns. .Better Pants. All pants left over from our suit stock.and also a large and fine lot of $5.00 values, taken from the reg ular pants assortment, make up the bargain table at $3.37 Special numbers to sell at $1.50 and $2.50 a pair. at Reduced Prices. Caps. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to tie found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS.