nrc exioys Both tho method and results vrhcn Svrupof Figs is taken: it is pleasant and rVfreslnag to tbc taste, and acta jentlv yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels." cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of "its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt hi its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manv excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moet popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FK STROP CO. SAM RtAKOSCO, CAL zouwaiE. at. romc .r. Adrerti'ins Hate. OneJncii or Jess ia Dally ... Jl f OTer twv iaehe and under ton: incbe 1 CO Over four iache and under twelve lncbo 75 Over twelve iuche- .... JO DAH.T AND KTEEEtT One Inch or less, per Inch . 12 3) Over one Inch and under four Inches. - w Over four lnchos and under twelve inches . 1 M Over welve Inches . 1 CO PERSONA 1. MENriOS Ed Synnott of Moro is ia the city. R. C. Craven of Moro is at the Uma tilla. R. C. Wallace is in the city from ilorotodav. L. Gates of Cascade Locks was in ' ,citv last evening. E. P. Ash of Cascade Locks is at the Umatilla House. George X. iladdocfc, the Goldendale .attorney, was in the city last night, and JeitJor "Portland today. " Mrs. J. Barter and Mrs. M. Bulger came up from Portland last nizbt, and will visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank flnott, at 5-Mile. Miss Lownsdale of Salem, who has been visiting in the city for some time, left ior Portland this morning, where ehe will spend the remainder of the winter. viwru. At the home place in Hood River val ley, Saturday, Jan. 15, 1S95, Mrs. Davis Divers, aged'abont 30 years. BOBS. In Hood River, Saturday, Jan. loth, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wright, a daugh ter. LIFE IN GREAT CITIES. It 1 Le4 l!ueraUns Than That In Isolated Communities. And as to the tendency of tho growth of great cities tot-nervate natic.rtb. there is no proof of it at ail. unlets v e identi fy the life of great cities with the jws eion for idleness and pleasure and self indulgence which .soinetimei. but by no means univt-rsaJIy, accompanies their growth, says tin- London Spec tator. When you get a large proletari at, living, as that of ancient Iiome end possibly of Xineveh and IJabylon. did, on the alms of the rich and poweiful, then no doubt you have the conditions of a thoroughly rnnatual and unhealthy life, nnd no one can wonder at the rapid decay of such cities and of the nations which gloried in them. Hut where the honest -working class far out number the pro'.'-tarict, where he middle clasps of distributorstnd man ufactureri and jirofessional m-n. are 1ft boriota, and MV'-getic, and even the class that lives on its accuraulnJed wealth contains c considerable sprink ling of serious and disinterested wcrk ers, we do not believe tlait th'-re is the smallest evidence of any create.-danger in the life of the grieu!tura! village or the pastoral trlli. Indeed, v .should egard Olive Sch-c iner's picture of the life of the modern Ucx-Ts tis indicating a condition of things more prolific of morbid element, with its almost com plete absence of nny stirring intelligence, than any kind of modern life that h honestly laborious at nil. The Boer life is too tiW-py. too des-ti. tutc of stirring thought or effort, to be altogether natural. It needs at least ihe old element of danger a'id iK-ces-earj vigilance to render h even bracing. Over's Wonderful Scent. The power of fent i Messed by a deer is wonderfully aeut". These mil. ma Is have been known toiake fright at the scent of a rrian 24(hour after he luul passed the spot. r .in. an.-.- ciim. cake would DC as com " S dinger, coroner's fee WITNESSES JUSTICE COt'KT. John Greenwood J J Wiley Frank Epp J M Toomev John Palmer Kabe Wellington Hugh Frsrier Charles Heroux Earnest Goelner Jacob Whittafcer ipnrce Monir Ru-hard Southwell Jo?eph Herst Rxhard isrookhouse Charles Hoak Ihjaia? Ryan tieorpe Martin J -ha Palmer J M Too tn er V Moore LBJoslin M Jvj 70 TO 50 50 rt ! ?! ?rV W CO -VI'EKV!SO!i. Go Smith Aies McLeod J P Aceideres E.i Hintnan CM Harper , Joseph Purser J W Forbes Alt x Fraer Ar.drew Urqnhart O M Weshart A Field 1 Fleming , D ? Crapper MIj-CEIXAXEOUS. Joseph T Peters & Co, lumber Ward & sons, lumber 17 50 71 50 44 40 S9 00 22 50 106 50 71 50 56 00 24 00 32 00 45 00 32 00 45 25 13 S6 217 47 25 00 1 61 3 50 12 15 21 25 IS 00 D S Dnfnr. clerical services Harbison Bros, lumber . M H Tomlinson, work on road . , Henry Ryan, do do E P Koontz, do do X Harris, blankets for jail . ... Baldwin Restaurant," meals for jury Mrs C Nelson, meals for jiry . . . Umatilla House do Wm rrazier, constable fees. . Louie Brown, interpreter Ward & Robertson, taatn bill Glass & Prndhomme, supplies . . W E Garretson, repair clocks . 1 Far'.ev & Frank do 6 75 7 00 9 75 1 50 12 00 5 00 fiO 00 42 50 2 03 104Sa 164 00 1 00 4 50 Chronicle Pub Co, printing ... W H Whipple, saisryTi??esso"r J H Harris, removal nuisance . . i Lewis & Dryden Co, seppiies Dalles City, water rent Oregon Telephone and Tel Co. rent and messages Mays & Crowe, mdse ! M Thorburn, lnuiber O C Hollister, eiam insane. Johnston Bros, supplies pauper . Same, supplies county road .... Dr H Logan, attendance on pan- per j Umatilla Hocse, board panper . I J H Aldricb, drawing jury liat . . ! B K Tucker, lumber jJFMarkham, service as super- ! visor . , Mays k Crowe, mdse .... . Jos'T PeterE & Co, mdse . ( Jas Hasan, care pauper . . . ! O C Hollister, med services . . ' H W Gilpin, esp pauper . . 13 00 10 60 3 4o 9 00 5 3 14 22 00 1 25 40 90 S 50 15 00 30 00 10 50 4 25 3 20 10 15 3 00 v 1 isardner, expense commit ting Wickhams J H Cross, supplies panper Fred Fisher, supplies panper Maier & Benton, supplies panper Dalles Lumber Co, mdse Swi Town Ctlllze thr Mountain tresni for Manufacturing larpoe. ' '..,i-r.o.r ini;f,ii!,tini,s. 5-it7 (c-rland is full of .small power plant cearl v everv town in that land of mouc- j ; tains and waterfalls being well pup jpliud with jower from the "white coal.' ! the melting pdow on the mountain i Mdes ba well betn called. When there ' re no large fctrearns, i?ays Ca.iert. i Magazine, many small one are im- pounded and collected in reservoirs on. tne tiillFines, ana it if rare to una a place of any size which is not well light ed by the power of some mountain stream. At Montreux the electric tramway ' gets its power in this way, and from j the old I'oman tow n of A ever to the j medieval ca.tle of C hillon one may ride I in a trollev car propelled by the power i of an insignificant little ttrettm which mav or mav not be noticed when climb- in? up the hilfeidet just above. The capabilities of this general utili zation of natun.1 power are beginning to be understood tverwkt're, and with the appreciation of the possibilities of the bt methods of long-difctance trans mission, the development of many mountain fctreams ixu-t surely come. There are innumerable htreamfc which, while very small, are yet very high, and can with comparatively little dif ficult v be iroiiounded and carried dow ii many hundreds of feet, thu, making up for their lack of volume by the great impure readilv obtainable, and, either i .. 4i , .. , ,'i ;.,..;..:., by the u-e of electncitv or compres-it-J air, tl;e power may ue traruiniiueq to many joints of application witb but little loss. NO USE FOR LEATHER APRONS. Saruantha Mann Decline to Trade Jrlly Cake (or Cold Uurktrheata. ; When the children uetl to go to Pos ! bum Walk fichoolhoue the dinner hour I w a a time when the gathfred together and compared t he content of their dirt ! :ierbafiketi and traded with each other. ! Two doughnuts for a piece oj pie, one rooki for a red apple, etc. Some of the Jidiolart were children of the poorer liws nf tennrtt fTrmersc ?.nl tlipir Vim. uae ol tenant farmer and tlietr has- j kets were not filled with anything like o appetizing an outfit as the bankets of the others. Mary Jane Spurltng, for instance, uw:d to come to Kchool with buekvvhea cakes for dinner. They were of the large kind, about 10 inches round ind a quarter of on inch thick. Tlwy had leen huttered thinly while hot, but the butter would melt quickly find the cake would be a cold as tombatonea br the noon hour. 10 50 Still, they wcrr the fest uim .Mary ; Jane hnd. and as the spirit of barter I -0 ' beat In her humble hrcnsi she essayed i 50 to exchange a couple of these pieces dc 1 50 resistance to Samantha Mnnn for n 1 50 ' slice of jelly c.ike. Samantha turned 1 50! upjier snub nose a trifle higher and said 1 50 1 in a scornful tone: 1 501 "Oh. yes; now. Mary Jane ?purlin 2? ; von don't cit rue to trade any o' my niet I ?2:iellv cake fur one o' your ole hither ' aprons. I And Mary Jane Spurling never smile-l ' again. ABSURD THEORIES. The Ancient' Kxplanitlnn of the nilnR t tnt'lni nf tl,, (.till. " ' " -..... ... . ... . The n-wnt death of a man who had maintained nl! his life that the rarth . , . ... t .5 ... was rtva . !. run'u entertained l the &cient to ex; :u.:n the rising and' of tbc sur. : the e York .laurtal. Thc thvuf ! t the earth was flat anI weretrreatiy . siled to kno'.v how the same sun V plunrwl into the wean at a fa.:. distancf in the west could reappear the nest moraine at an equally preat cl s tance in the east. A r.v.niK-r of remarkable theori- uere advance! and every one of th- wronr. The old mythology assert that after the sun had clipped i- t: western ocean at snaset (the Il r . i- and other ancisst nations actur"- r apsned that they could hear the ! is- . of the waters when the c"low:r.e ir'"' was plunccd thereiiO he was e.f 1 i' Vulcan and placeil in a polden c.bkt This stranee craft, with itsastor is., in? carpo nuvirated the ocean I'' . northerly course, so as to reach ti. " e. ceain in time for susrise the fol.ov. if morninr. Araor. the more solier phys;'-'. -ts o' old. related bv Aristotle, it wts be- ! liel that in some manner b s-. v s conveyed by nisrht a;,roit' the nr -' -r rerions and that darkness was i'- ' lofty mountains, which screened off the sunbeams during the voyage. DISTRIBUTING NATURAL GAS7- Sx;nt Lone I)ltncr Through l'tp Mcana of Air Praurc The trr.nsmision or coevryanee of gas under pressure to Ion? distances. 10 00 j - yeari an ,s aon a fixed fact, repre 5 0 1 entd by the present ue of aliout 72,000,000 jf;t of pipe uH-d in the dis tribution of natural ras. On the &rm discoverv of this article, suv. tae I'hila- 10 delphia Bulletin, the- pressure at the J9 J well was sufScient to drive it through I Ut.r Ui iii IU . U3 . L ua U-, .Til I VI . t I . tnii. prwsure oeclimnxr tome additional metnods were rjeeet6itat!d, tne well-' known air compressor being reported : to to pump the ras: end. as showing ' its etHciency, there are at Greenland, in ! Indiana, cas v. -ells which have long car- ; ried suppiiei to Chicaro. There are ' two eight-inoh pipe lines us-d, the gas. b-iicg jumjed a distance of about 1C0 t miles. There is at Kedky, Ind.. a pumping station of this character that 1 supplies the townof Springfield, Tiffin, i Limaa. Dayton, Piqua and other placta ! in the we&tern part of Ohio. Scar h s a cafc tiiant which I puraps -0.000.000 cubic feet every 24 . ! houn for use in mills, the puxnpinir of ( this Iteicg- withont the least, difficulty; and ihe Philadelphia company pumps many millions of cubic feet a day. There are Xevv England air compresson. that are pumping: every day, at various- Etations in the United States, the enor - mous quantity ol nearly lOO.OOO.OW cubic feet. A Lentby Court-iUlp. A couriBhip remarkable for it length hip remarkable for it length i t AJfli 011 'J lfl 1 si'Ciosm On Sale o lurm lire and krpets I the scsne is Damascus,, a . A Q is that of end .Mi&s -ecre, and quaint littl Qualter villasre of Ken tucky. Both bride and groom arc j anion? the wealthiest members of the So;iety of Friends in that state, and I lor 40 years met each other on Sunday at the old church m the.r quaint villajre. The attachment between thz-m begin when Miis Williams v. as a rosy checked girl of 1", but th; only love making was a smil and a minute's con versation at the church door oncfc a wrek, year in and year out. SUMMONS. JH THE CIUCCJT COCHTof the state oi Ore 1 son lor Wasco County. i j Emaa Golden plalutirr ; Golden. atfnetnt. j i To bewitt GoMen. the above named defendant: In th name of the state of Oreiron, you ere , hereby rmulred to apj-ear end anwer the corn- inatnt niea ai;ainri you in toe mm t enuiteu i court and cue on or before the first day ol the next term fif jilrt eriiirt fntlovint' the eTTilmtlfin 1 of the time tittcrlll in the order for the- jiub- i licatfon of this nuraraont, trewit ou or More ' the nth day of February, l':e and If you fail to 1 to acinar and tmwer, or othervrffce tilead, lu said ' catm, the iiulullQ for want thereof will atpj.l y , to the Court for the relief prayed for tn the com- ' ; jilalnt filed herein, to-wit that the bond of matrimony eilntlns between jilaintiff and an- ' ' fendaut be dlo)ved, that the plaintiff l awarded the custody of the ralfor child men. ' tloned In tald eorujilalct, Zola Maud Golden 1 that the plaintiff have and recover ber wot and dliburwmenU made and expended In thl nult. und for BUth other and further relief a to the Court may evm equitable, 1 I ThU aummoui 1 rved upon you by publlca ' Hon thereof br order of Hon. Y . L. 13radhaw. 1 Judge of said court, which order bear date of i eepternler 'JStb, W7. and wai made and dated al ' chamber In Lalles City, W'anco County, Oregon ,on theatb day of Beptcmbei, l7. ,I KEl W. WILSON'. Attorney for HalntifT. GKIHCNUOKrrKB KVKUX, PhyBicians and Surgeons, ' Special attention given to tuntery. Koomi 21 and 22, Tel. ZA. Vogt Block i 1 Weekly Inter Ocean lJ. SuMEST CIRCUIiTIOKJMPOlML PAPER IK THE WESTJ hrmaatsaaawmi,sH THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BESTCURRENTUTEKAJj Morally Clean and as a It U Th 'iterzturs era.? ro that of the test mia zincs. It if interesting to the chit drca ss well as the parents. H : - HE IN 7 ER OCEAN is a OF ana whilt it bring, to the fanuly TV?.9J A THE TORLD and fives its readers the best and -blest f 'i !. !. lull t e T Fl V discusses literature and poUtics SI.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$!.00 fosca SE HTTER 0CFJL5 ARE i-rice r i..u j i.r ...-H I Si! For-rmore than fifty-six years it has never failed in "its weekly visits to the homes ol larmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfullv labored for their prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. ' jrp T-f A S told at the fireside, .i stories of the doings ol tne worm, tne nation auu tunus. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tho proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. TT TT AS lwl in nil matter? farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TKIBUWii, and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for SI. 75, cash in advance. ! IX " . ,.,-,t rr !" There IS a tide tn tflC affairs leads on to forttinc." The poet unauestlonablv had reference to tho at CRANDALl Who are selling those MICHELBA.CH goods BRICK. Patronize the All kind of work. White fihlrt. a (specialty. Family work at reduced tle. Wash collected aud delivered free, Telrphope So, 301, A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. i Boots and Shoes Made to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Kepairing neatly done at abort notice. Union St btt. 1 stand 2d t " I OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL Family Pspcr Is without a Peer. r of its columns . ;r. of Western people and from the Western standpoint BEST OF THEIR KUCD. .;5 V yr BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. interesting and instructive i i i i i 1 i i nertainimr to the welfare of i r - i j t j j n Oj t JUltCl taken at its JlOOO &. BURGET'S, out at greatlv-reduced rat UNIGi KT. A NEW MARKET. j FRUIT, VEGETABLES, irOULTRY, FISH AND GAME. , Chickene DreaBt'd to Order. I Promt Delivery to uny part I of the city. A. N. VARNEY, , Phone 1'.'. Third and Washington St a Sheriff's Sale. Notice I hereby Riven that by virtue of un ex ecution Uiued out of the Circuit Court of the fctate of Oiecou for ax:o County, in the Milt m therein i-cndlng, wherein 11. A. 0ko1 l plaint- 0 - in mm im uunii, nixnicvr n . uunil, ueorge II. uunn, iiarvey . jiuun ana ary u I Mary Dunn aud N. vvtienldon, a admlulhtrator of the elate of William If. Dunu, deceated, are defendant, r-ominandlng me to ell the real projicrty here' Inalk-r decrllxl, 1 will, on Hctunlay, the Mh day of Tebruary, is'JS. at the hour ol 2 o'clock lu the afternoon, at the courthoute door In pallet C ity, Oregon, Hell to the hlKheat bld'lcr for cab In hand, all of lot C, and the e.ut half of lot ft. lu block &! of Huinaoii 11 1 n IT Aitmii..,. K0alla Olty, OteKon. tcKether with all and kincalar the tmienienu, heredltamenU and ap-' purtenancta ineaniutoieioni:'Ki or In any wle apprUluln, to aatUly the autn of $IH1.7!, and accrulnt Intereat, aud Ku attorney lixt.Hui 125.10 coU and dlaburaeiueuu and the accruliir ta. T, J.UKIVKK. JuuHl Bherlfl of Waco County, Or. 8li O.R.N TO THE EHST! ClVKS T1IK HOIC K OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE, . via- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates'to all Eastern Cities OCEAN NTn.XStEKS Lmir Portlnil Ktrrv rlTti Iav for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from I'oriland to Yokohama and Honk Koim via North ern Pacific Steamship Co., In connection with O. U. A N. i For lull dctjdl call on O. K A Co. ARcnt t ; Tbv lIlf. or dilrv lOD;ON. CAIU.1I.L A CO , Gen Act , North rnrlttcdtcamlill . TIME C.Kt. No 4, to iolur itud (irct Northern rrivfi at s X n. ra., irv- t 6 no i. m. No. 2, to i'endlt ' ton. Hnt cttj- tJ I'nloti i'Bti!lc.Hrrtvft i: is n in., Jt-fMirU at 12 50 a. m. No S, from ?H)taiie Hiid (ireat Northern, a?. rlv e t JO a. in.. ilH'arU t 9 15 . in. No. 1. lrtim llaltr (Ity and I'nlon rcl0c, arrive at I 8 11' a. tn., dcjiart at S.30 n. 111. Nov 25 antt II, tnorltic ( The Dalle, will l t-arry immuncer. Nt. arrives at 5 p. tn. ucn at i. ji. iu. rn.fiit:iT lor IlcpJ'nrr taic No 3, Icavini here at 1J:WJ li. tn W, U. lIURLlll'KT, Oua 1'iwa. Apt I'nrtland. On-con EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave and are due to nrrlre at 1'ortlatia AKKITK , OVKHLANll EX : tire, halftn, I ImrR, Athlaud, fino ., .. i raincntn, ORdenian I ' y Krticlf, M()hvc, f i Ix AnKvl.Kl raw, j . I New urlvuti aud I 6:00 I Kt I llosfburs and way ta- e:ro A. M. r. m Dally CXCCJit Sunday. 1 f Via Woulliurri lor I MLAncel. pllrerton, 1: Dally exrejit bunday t et Wlo, Brown. llle.snnnencld aud I Nittruti U'orvallt rntatlotl' and wayf I 17 30 A. JI. 50 r M. JNDKl'KNDKNCK 1'AgaENGKIt. Exj-rfsi train Daily (CiCtTt feunday;. l.V)i. m. (I.v I'nrtlnnd Ar.i Za. tr T-30i. ra. '.Al McMtnuvllle Lv 6'a,ni hoj.. m. (Ar Inflijitdcuce l.v J l.iOa. m Dally. Dliy, cxcet onnrtaj. DINING CAi:SONCK,DKN KOt'TE. 1'CI.LMAN WCFKLT KLEETEKS AND tiKCOND-CI-v-s HLEEI'lNlr CAKs Attnclied to all Tliroucli Train. Dlr:t eounccUon at ssun rrnnelcn with Ofcl dental mill Orli-ntul and 1'ucilir mull twmhlp IliR-K lor J.M'AN and CHINA, talllnc date on H lllll'tltlOIl. Katun Mid ticket to Hat-turn ikiIuI and Eu roi. AloJAIAN, CHINA. JIONOLl'U and AU8TI1ALIA. t'HU U-obtnttit-d (torn J. H. KII1KI.AND. Ticket Agent ThrotiKli Ticket Ollice, lilt Third atreet. w here through tlckuU to ull jiuliit in the Katern htHt;, Camidu ulid Eutoe tuu be obtained at luwt-U rate Ironi J. 11. K1I1KI.AND, Ticket Agent. All above train urrlve ut and depart I rum Urand Central citation. Kltth and irrttic direct yamhiLl DIVIION. 1'nn.cnKirr, loot of JeCerott tlrect. Ijuuve lor OWKUO, dmly, exoeiit Sunday, at 7:.0 h. m.; 12. SO, 1 5,'., U l... 0 Z, ji in (and II .10 ). in. on hstttnliiy only, and 9W0 a. ra und 3:30 ji. ra. on hundav only; Arrive at I'orttand oally nt G: 10 and h ;:t) a ra.i nndl . 1.15, o.'.m ami 7;f5i. ta (mid 10:01 a. in , a U fi lO j i. m. on etuiday only). lavr for Hherldnit, week Arrive at 1'ortlnud, K:.T0 a. ra. day, t :'J0p. m U-ave lor All'.I.IK on Mondnv. Wudnekdar and KrioBj- nt 10 a, in. Arrive nt l'ortlalid, lue ' dav, Thurixlay and Saturdaj it3;0jp. m. I 'Except Kunday. Kxcept hiittuday. K. KOKHLUK Manager. (.. II AU G, MAKKIIAM, K, A: Phm. Att Dalles, Moro aod Antelope STAGE LINE. Throuiili by daylight via Gtai Yalley, Keut auiVCro Uoltoti. UOUUI.AH ALLKN, C. M. U'lllXKLAU'i The lialle. Auteloe. i bbK( leave Tho Dalle from Umatilla Houne 1 nt 7 a, in . also from Antelope at a. in. every j Monday, Weduerday and Kriday. Uonnartlon ) tingle nt Aliteloiie tor Prlnevlltc, Mitchell and IKiltit beyond. CIomj ccnnuctioui made at The , JJallva with rallttuy. truln and boat. r-tauoii from Antelope reach The Dalle Tut , day, Tuuridy and naturdayii at 1 :ao p. in. Dalle to Deadline .. II1 do Moro. 1 . do (iiuki, Valley. . 2 25 I do Kent ...... SW do Cron Uollow 1 5 Antelope to Cro Hollows . , I no Kent , v w do (ita Valley.. . I do Moro 8 W do Deochuee. If do Dalle 6 W 17IKKD, W, WIfON. 1 ATIOHNKY AT LAW, u, THB DALUM, 08K09N. Oflice ovei fint .Vat Bank. -