ons enjoys Both the method and results 'when Svmp cf Figs is taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts jxentlvvet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem eSectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation Syrup of Figs is the onlv remedy of "its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA FIG SWAP CO. SAX RtAKSSCO. CL 10U!SY111. AT. TOOK. M.T. LI HEXG ND-G-HDlA. f Tne Great 2das's Relations with the Common People, Be Hu a Very Difficult Ftwltlon to Xalntaln ud 1 Too Pro prttslve lor the Slow Going CelrtUl. That was a stranre collocation of a single day's dispatches which told how Iii Hcnr Chanc, upon his arrival at Pe king, had been made minister of for- j tign affairs and had been reprimanded j for omitting one or more of the proper j forms in paying respects to the dow- j nrer empress. It was known before that j the lady was a great stickler for eti- , quette. though in this r-he doe not j differ from some Christian fcovereiens I af .her sex. She is a srreat stickler also for more substantial thinrr? and is be lieved to have done her fall share to--ward fettinz the middle kingdom into jts recent scrapes. The conjunction of reprimand and promotion would be -very incredible anywhere else, but it is no more incredible in China, than thino that have indubitably happened, as, for example, the quick succession of the privation of the yellow jacket and its restoration, followed by the bestowal of a confidential mission which any where else would denote a man whom the king delighted to honor. It is quite hop-less for an occidental , t . v ,1 . , . ; .... i tr1.1 .u, kingdom is laid open by conquering in vaders the les do we understand what :s disclosed. The want of apprehension seems to be shared by nyn who have given their lives to understanding. For a generation or so Great Britain has been conciliating China and treating Japan with contempt, upon the theory that China was a valuable ally aeainst T.i g cin ftr-TAwsinn TAipn firt-a? Tir'tT- p.in liad succeeded in alienatinr Japan 5 4t, tV.o cn-w,cr tntprpt of Thina. and ' Japan had conquered China, it suddeii Iv ap;ears that it Ls Russia which p-ts the ultimate benefit of all the jiroeeed icjrs. For there dos notieemtobeany doubt that the concession of a Chines outlet for the Siberian railway has in 'act been made. There is reason to doubt, however, that Li EunrChaErhas-ben mad-minister of forirn affairs. In the first place there is no mich minister and, in deed, no such ministry; and in China that Is rather more than a detail. Of the administrative boards whichamonjr them mismanage the empire, not one of them is specifically a department of ioreijrn afa;rs. and if they were it would be a board and not an individual. "Abroad" is as much irnored in all Chi nese official arrangements as Mr. Me Kinley would like to se it in the in dustrial exchanire. or Mr. Bryan in finance. In the next place th rewrt does not take amount of the dead weight of inertia that the mandarin classcar. and do"s op;o-e toanyatt-mpt J fitinTra as pnnc royal. Emperor W:l to assimfliat- their oonntry to the rest ! liam of Germany is of like opinion, wiv of the world, or to put it in line with the Swr yorkTiws. modern proprvss. The contempt of I Baron de Krohlk. who has jiiHt W-j mere ipnorance. surh as the untutored 1 appointed a grand crow of the I "' Chinaman exhibit for foreinerF, Jp Eajjle order, was foraerlf colonel of th nothing to the contempt of Chinnmen i tutored after the Clin?e mode of edu cation. Li Hunj: Chanxr is an enerptrtle person, but lie U quite helplefK aTnimtt this inert resistance. We mav quite sure that a Chinaman who believe Unit the isolation of China ouprht to be modi fied is looked upon either bf a harm Jess visionary or dangerous radical. Li IIunj Chanrj cannot be put in the former class, and bo lie must bejonp to the latter. In the coarse of his voyat around the world h ha esr" swd him e"1t In favor of fullr- and ?rr rade with his own cormtrv. nnd thi. i to the Traidar'ns a fcr'm-it nJa-minc nml -rroliricmary. Tboucb the Inrovator 5t an oM man in the sen?? of hurnrr. life h i, a raerp hoy in that of CMc- 5 1 v i!i:atjrn and it rfXffprta';. who coast ticsnselw. some C.wn rrr.-s older and con.iequently wiser than he . Har per' Weekly. THE STAMP COLLECTORS. S.xne enterprisinc sreEtirtiH'n in a r xi. have prooeJ to wise tin.- tst i.ft'x and run it as a basines. hy o-V-rff unlimited quantiti-. of pcwtusn .-:;.ns; upon, the dealers- ad collectors , ' -t of tbe world Ti- 5Vruviaa rovernment ha- rea' ir a profit rf S18.950 from tbe s:tk' . int last commemorative ie. A as collectors keep on purrhaii'nc -.it-- comnwiaoj-ative issuer- the ?ou'l'. m-rvan covemmccts will find evecu v.. v -tr.menioraU'-" The stamp dealers are cettinc ovei 'he r-carc caused by the arrest of the YiasiincKHi clerk who wascaucht ,:ur pof-tace due aad periodieai stamps Powerful influence is at w-ork 10 ?r.' h-m from punishment. A sie has beet f-und v. ho thinks he rennrtilrs civinc th.. .stamps to -the clerk, and final'v the claim is made that f rn .stamps are 20 rood eayhow. being oaly proof sheets. Perhaps iiw crtest rarity taraiar up tie past year us a pair of two-cent , circular stamps of P.ritish Guiana, is sued ic and they are probably 1 worth, upward of $3.0W. The stamp--were first found by a woman n-sidinc a the colony, and were afterward ac .;u;rvd by s. prominent Temerara col lator. A few weeks aro tbey were r urrba-ed by one of the fair London firms for s wealthy Enclish collector, and may now l.- fsud-ro form the prin- ' t ipal rem of this crentleman's mac- ! r.ifioer.t collection. FIGURES OF ALL SORTS. Of the ;i.'00 brewenes estimated to be in the world. 20.000 are in Germaay. The total va?ue of gold in tine world at the present time is about 53.000. 000,000. Tne vaJue of the grounds and build ings devoted to edix-ation in the United ?tates is S9j.543,Cfl. One hundred and twenty firemen are required to feed the furnaces of a first class Atlantic steamer. A nail -making machine produces as many nails in a given time as were for merly made by 1,000 men. The number of public houss in Lon don is i.104, in addition to beer houses. 21? hotels, 120 clubs and 219 restaurants, making a total of T.9&4 li censed 'houses. Official esthnat of the world's raw sugar product for this years, is as fol lows: Bevt. 4,960,000 tons; cane. 2.CJi. f00 toni. Stock on hand, 1.150,000 tons . total, .765,000 tons. Estimated con sumption for ensuing year, 7,350,000 tons. It takes eaen year 200.000 acres of forest to supply cross ties- for the rail-read- of the United Stat,. It take 15,000.000 ties to supply the demand, for which, the contractors ret on an av erage 35 cents, opiece. making in the ag rrepate 55,250,000. LITERARY LIGHTS. Charles lieadi v once rave as a recipe for writinc novels: "ilahe Vm laush; make 'em cry; make 'em wait." After waiting years the town pf Venosa, -the ancient Yenu&iuin, where Horace -was bom, has decided to erect u monument to his memory. ilark Twain, who is now in London, is about to publish a volume of essays under the title of one of them, "flow to Tell a Story," it will include the "De fms: of Harriet Shelley," which ap- pd n one of the American month- He not long ago. Mr. Kipling is quoted as licvjnp said recentiv that he counts the lontr novel the essential thine for t. writer of ! fiction. "Independent firing' by marks men is a pretty good thing, but it is the volley-urine of a full liattalion that clears the front," he says in support of his claim, ICichard Le Gallinne was married the other day and such, a move on bis part was received with much surprise by his friends. Ever since the death of his first wife he had carried out the je culiar custom of calling the attention of ids friends by little notes to the an niversary of her death and dilating on the distress which the sad event still jtsv biin. MAGNANIMOUS WILLIAM. n Did Not Take Keveiice for an Id- ault. Louis XIJ. wa of the opinion that was UDtvonby of the king of France v revenpe tiirMelf for the iuhhf. he liutr regiment in which the emperor cn a youth first did military service. One nipm at mebs. toward the dose of a banquet at which the yuunp prince, then a mere cajitcin, had invited 1m. friend, Archduke KwloJpb, the contrr satjcm turned -to the projected reforms in the cavalry. William declared himself a partisan of these reforms end defended bin opin ion with ho milch Impetuosity that Col. von Kroslk, very much excited, sudden ly interrupted him. "It is an absurd!- ISSL' ill riiiiiifii in Children can be overcome in almost all cases by the use of Scott's Emelsion of Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex istence, in SCOTT'S EMULSION it is not only palatable, bat it is already digested and made ready for immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with the nypopnospniteSfWnjcn supply a food not only for the tissues of the body, but for the bones and nerves, and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. Be ssn yec ftt SCOTT'S Enulsioc S tiu! th cia ir-i Est: art oe tht vnpe:. AB drjirat : vsc aid Jl.ro. SCOTT S BOWXE, O.jaaia, Nc Vorfu tr." said he In a loud voice prd fmptuont. tone as W ridieu!-J b put forth by the prince. "It is well." replied the prince dav vou are mv superior afSwr. . must bow beiore you. but our jks ' may change." When his somv?r subord'.n-'-ccaded the throne Darou vrn Kr v fully esportetl m see ni name j-u the retired list. But the rw: - ;. polr'.ei h;m a genera!, rave h'a: n portant d:r'-c-orbip of tbe Cavalry, of P.nover. and bop w treated bsm with therre:est resoeet. It is not long inefe the emperor cc Austria detinitely settled the suf.5 ion to the throne on h:s nephew. Are!. duke Otto, passimr over the lattc: '? eli' r brother. Franci Ferul-.and. becau? lie was on tlie jioint of Jeath iron con .uciption. Francis is apparently re fverinr his health, however, and it ib hinted that he was no sofTc leg s.r much from consumption as from Lllrht d affection. lie has long wished to mnrry Archduchess Stephcnie, the wid ow of Crown I'rinee Hudolph. who1--tragic death at Meverliag a few yean--ngo will be recalled, and he was con stitutionally debarred from doing fo while he remained in the direct line of succession to the throne. .. Cnrloc. Krnirdy. A centenarian in the Xewry (Ireland workbou'e. beini: troubled with astli-. r.2. tried to relieve himjelf b.v opening lis chest with a cobbler's knife, as he j taid "to Jet out the wind." It was houcht to be cn attempt at suicide,! ut th" man had don the same thing t fort- and had obtained relief in ( recthi!7. he said. i Execntor's Notice. Nonet U berebr dvec that the undersigned ha tn dulv afijmtDt! eawutor o the iast will and testament oi ilarj Bill. dceal. A", person having cUims ssintt the estate of told dw.tad crt herthv uollhed to prefect tht sume. witn tb riroiver voucher thtf(ur. tn cie at my o2:ce in The Iiallei. Orepot.. within hlx mon: troni the date of this noun. Imtwl s---n:eintr If., l-sr. MS-ii JuHS MAUD EN. Eiecuto: Executor's Notice. Nonce Ik hereby (riven thai the undersicned Im? Ureu rtuiy splinted and i now the quail -hed and acun; eiecutor of the last will and te- i.iz'M) bavinr claim acaiatt laid estate art notified to pre-T!t then; to me, with the jirojir oacber therelur, at the off.ee of the trmniy clert of Waco County. The Dalles. Oregon, wltnic six montfai (rem the date hereof. Date-l atjitemher 10. lssrr, apUVl ilX'EON BOLTON, Executor. SUMMONS. T-S" THE f'lRCt'lT COCKTof the State of Ore X (ron lor W bjco County. Emma Goldec plaintiff. Vi lewltt Ooldeii, oefmdant. To lrwj;t Ooiden. the shove named defendant: In the name of the state of Oreson, too are hereby required lu appear and aimwer the who plaint 81ea against you In the above entitled court and caue on or before the fimt day ot the next term of oid court followirir the expiratlor. of the time piewrited in th. order for the pub lication of thi lumwiii, trwlt on or b-.-fore the 1 Ith dei of February. and if tou fal! m fo aipear and aruner. or otherwle pleud. lruald WUK. intuu ju lur VHiib WJU Upjily to the ' "urt for the relief placed for ic the am, plaint f.ied herein. U wit tnat the b iud of matrimony exiitllns between p:amtlff and de fendant duiolved that tue plaintiff be awarded the cuitody of the mii-or child men tloued in said eornpUint. Zola Hand Ooldet that the plaintiff hare and recover her ttu and dnbureroenu made and expended in tbu unit, and fur aucb other and further relief a to the tonrt may eem equlf.ble. ThU numrnon l ened uijn you by publlta tion thereof by order of Hon . L. Iiradthaw, judge of Mid court, which order heart date of September Stn, l:iT. and wat made and dated at chamber in tallta City, Watco County, Ortjron, on the 25th day of fcepterabei. l37. FUED W. WILSOK, il Attorney for Haintlff. jyus-UKisKSuourrzii ki'euv, Physicians and Surgeons, 6 pedal attention given to urjrry. Boom '.n and 22, Tet Ms. Vogt Block ItJSiraOtHilSI 5 LARGEST CKCOLiTIOS OF AMY v ihtpp a u a a A K & 15 THE KEVSArcD SEST Clccc and as a It !s Mora - forfajTaai honest rrpots of aU P i 8 with ahi!ir- aai cacst3.trs.A mjxzrxn'-- Th: Literature of Us iofumns Is c.rti ro :hit of the best mazs sin:', it is ir.tersstisg to the Cfli7 dr?n as v.-ell as the pzrsnts. H TKS INT ER OC.N is a ni vaii.- it brines to A tup w-;- t r, .j - - - 2 -t .it wire thf iiiras a i aspirin discusses iiteraturt ani roliucs o M iS m m r SI.OO-PSICE Oh'E DOLLAR PER YEAR $1.00 iS!i tet daily AsTsrsPATmwsDrraE I5TEE 0CEA5 AEE BEST 0T TKXIE EOT. rrirt-nrnailT t.rmalt W Tr Jr lTirri.r-iiiuU b mall SOOprrjrar Dailv and Minilsv ly Taalt ' Vim Formore than fifty-sis years it has never failed m its weekly visits to the homes oi iarmers and i I villagers thronghont the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi- " ness, for the improvement of their business and home! i interests, for education, ior the elevation oi American manhood and true womanhood. ilT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive I tories of the doinps of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ! ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the i proper time to convert them into the largest possible i amount of money. !lT HAS led in all matters farmers and villagers, and IT held their conndence and esteem. IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75. cash in advance. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unauesttonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of at CRANDALl Who are selling those Roods MICHELBACH BRICK. Patronize the All kind of wort b,ie lhlrtj' a ipei.-laUy. Family wors at reduced rate? Wash collected and delivered free. , Telejiliooe o. 3U1 . A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. r I. liQadlz- I Boots and Shoes JIade to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly done at short notice. Union St. bt. 1st and 2d i POLITICAL PAPER IK THE UESTg n always br rthfd on. OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL - 5lZJl!5Zii---' Family Psrtr Is Without a Peer. K 0 0 YffNFTS OF thr family THE NE5iy cj j.. icxs tiic best aci ailcst t,, u it in fall svmcathy ens of Vcstcm froai thr Western standpamt..'. $G.O0 jht rr 90Baa09all BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. m pertaining to the welfare ofj:T!PA- for over half a century has j Furniture and Carpets 6l BURGET'S, out at tfreatlv-reduced rat UKI0: FT. A NEW MARKET. ! FRUIT, VEGETABLES, VOULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Drested to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the citr. A, N. VARNEY ' Phone 12. Third and Wa.biogton sJZSSl&iS:?11 rU V.vr.Ki ; j UOUULAh AI.I.KN, The Halle.. Sheriff's Sale. otlce It hereby siveu that by virtue of an ex tion iMUed out of the Circuit l.ourt of the ecu stub' n yirara ior LOUUtv. In the tnii '-von for m s fv,it,,. therelu tHidIlic. whtm-in It. A fi...,t l. ,.loi, i l!.u"n; "rvey . Imnn and Mary Dunn and . ' ii !'.!?1,1ou,'. lrolUtriiUr of the i-tatc of tlliam H Hunn. deceased, arc defendauu. , .mmandlne me to tell the real property here in-lter deMjrtbefl, 1 will, on baturdaVthe .th day of Jebruary, W-. at the hour ot o'ci t n o"rnu,n, nt the courthouw door in , jahe t itr, Oregon, Mill to the hlgheat bldler or cab m band, all of lot C. and the tut half It !?Vr i'tR b', "aot lurr AddU m tolr.lle. Olty. Oresou Ketlier with all an IhKuUr the tenewenu, horedlbimeuu and m.' , purtenancathereuiiUiUili-.rnfir.ir ... 1 apirtininr, toaatUly the ,uin,of lllll.7, aiid Jfcrulnc lutere.t,.nd VO attorney' fee a d lJ3.coaU and dUburaemenu and the wrui, JinUl Bberlfrof Wai County, dr. O.R.&N. TO THE ERST! GIVES THK C ll.Jil i: OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES OREGON SHORT LINE. NORTHERN RAILWAY. VU- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Chicago Low Ratesito all Eastern Cities IK KAN sTKDIKIh l,rir I'lirtland Kirn I'll tor SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. m earners monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hons Konc via North ern I'ncinc steamship Co., in connection wilhO. It. v X. rtv loU dutall. call on 0. K A Vn. A Bent The iHtlU. or a4Jrv IKI?OX. CAHULL A PCI . (.irn Act Norili l"rll!c -lciml)ii t a Tiir AUI. Vo 4. U IOl.l atid litcat .S'nrthcm arrive : - .' u in., leave" l 1- la. Na U l"ttKHe U'D. Httz lltj- bikI I'nlnn Vcatic,rrlvealU t a u: , de.t at i: a m. v.. x lm ?o-cne aad Great Sorthcra. ar rio at X a. m.. deirt at V a m No. 1. Imn laltr tit)' and L'niuu i'aclllc, arrive at , j a is . deprt at a. m. ' Na. IS ami 21. nwrliiR eut ot The lUuIw.w lll I crrj j-iirv No- -S arrive at 5 p, ta dejairt- at 1 lb ta. ai-Maieerr for Ilri'i'acr take No 2, IraVis; ' beat' t U .V p. in. tt. it. arilUlPIiT. Oen. I-a. Ac: ! i'nrtUna. Oregon EAST and SOUTH via i The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Compy. Tralr. iwtvcand are due U arrive at 1'ortland itfcivr OVEKLAM1 EX iire. nalcm. llc- i bars, Aihlaud, i-al ii t-m v i rawooto, Ojfdtman " rncio. jicynre, ' 1 1 tm Altcclut.Kl l'aM, ' I Sew Orkaiii aud ' I It . . .) t :30 A. M. Ktiurc ana way la tiimt .... ,'Vla w(lliurn lor"1 i Mt-Ancd, sllrcrton. ( West rto. Brown. rUle.rjinccltolfl aud VNaUoa r m Dally Uicrj.t auadayt. Ilally cxrtt tuuday IS CerTaltU and way! I 50 r M :.VEl'EXIEJ.''.E I'AasKNGER. I .xytvn trx.a Uallr (cxtei't renday) i:WjuBi. iIa. .i'oulaud A' i Z a. ro -.Xiym. ijii McMUini Ilk Lr a. " "JO p.m. t At In!epedtii(v .L ' I .Oil 'Daily. t Daily, oiucl't Sunday a DtXIXU CARi ON WVZS BOCTE. 1'CI.UMA.V BCPKET SLEEl'EKB AKll KKCOS'!-CLAha hlEl tS-j I Alls AUuchiti to all Thmuch Tralnt. Mraet emif-tlm at - an rraneiM'o wit1 'K duulai and UrtentMl a:Kl factlu' n.ait rleti.. P Ulie for j'AI'a.N aud i'HINA. nai!ni; dates On a; littcatkHt. Eater .ud UCLvU to Eahteru pnir u and u r.iv Alo JAT'AX. CHIN A. HONOL' LI ani At sTllAUA. can U- obtained frtim J B KtUKLANU. Ticket Aec' Thrmih Ticket OllKt, lt Third atrwt where '.lirixirt tlekeU to all pii!it in the Katlern Stattnu, (.aiuxla and Euroi-e can be obtained at towent rater from J. h KtHKUSH, TltkitAprot All above truluf arrive at and depart roa' Grand Central ntatloa. fifth and lrrias trve! YAMHIU. PIVlelOS. I'atkuacur Ihivt, foot of Jc2erou trcct. Le for OsAVKW, dalJy. except Bnuday at :Al a. in., U.lin, 1.S6. h 1. c i "h iKi p ra (and 11:30 p. in. on raturdy only, aud (U a. ro uud J: p. m. on .Sunday rrul)".. Arrive at Cortland daily at G:I0 and a m. aud 1 &, I la, t .'.V and T..V j.. tn., (uud IP 0 f. n. in . !- & 10 p. in. on eniida) only lave for Sheridan, week ArrH e at I'ortland, v.SJ a. ra. dayi, at 1 30 p m U.-ave for AIRUK on Monday, Wednesday and friaar att 10 a. w. Arrtv at I'ortlaud, latf dav. Tburday and tatiitdaj jts.06p. m Eieept rtunday. Eitit pnturdny. '. KOKH1.KK, Manager. (. II Aunt (i ! AKKIIAM A W At' t Dalles, Mora afld Antelope STAGE LINE. v. W. WIIITKLAW. Aiitelope. I Mae leave The Dallw ln,m t'lnatllla llaune , at 4 a. in.. aUo from AnMoj at a, m every ; Monday. W ednewley and Friday, liniiw tloii' mwSt at Antelope for I'rliievlllc, Mitchell and iwlni U-yond. Clo.e c iiiitctlou made at The Ualle with rulluay, trulu aud Uu, Slase, from Antelope reach The Pallw To day. Tburday and rjatufdaya at 1 ;S0 p. in. Dalle lo Dcachutv do Moro .. . do Ura Valley do Kent . ... do Ciom Hollow. Antelope to Crrui Hollow do Kent do Ora Valley... do Moro do iKwiChueen do Dalle SI CO 1 M 2J i to t 1 M .' CO 31 3 W . I CO . aw KKD. W. WllAoif. ATTOKNKY 1XMW, Oflicc o ei nrat Nat. Bu .