r ...CUT PRICES... In Men's Shoes displayed in Furnishing Good's Window .., We have just received another shipment of Daring January and Feb ruary wo will give to ovory person buying One Dollar s worth of goods at our store a n m on cbaneo on a Sixty-Dollar Satin Oil Calf $1.25 Veal Calf $1.25 Oil Grain $1.25 Pointed and Square Toes. Pointed and Square Toes. u ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN Fl CURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles-Daily Chronicle. MONDAY WAY f 1 Vv T star ANUAKY 17, 189S GLEANINGS. i was at 'TuT ibe Ui Howe; Sturgeon hooks, cotton nnd sisal rope at Maier & Benton's. 13 Weather Tonight aud tomorrow, oc casional snow; cooler. Go to the Colombia Candy Factory for freBh oysters in every style. tf Choice plain, mixed nnd dill pickles, olives and pigs' feet in bulk ut Commis sion Co.'a. ' jlT-tf The Prize Medal cigar is strictly band-, made and filled with the finest grade of Havana tobacco. 6-tf Kin, Cole brand Baltimore oysters, the beBt on tne market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them. At Varney & Co.'e. H-tf The site bus been purchased for the 200-barrel flouring mill which will be built near Milton, in Umatilla county, near the O. It. &. N railway track. Testimony for the defenso is being taken today in the divorce case of Eng lish vs. English. DougluB Dufur is tak ing the testimony and acting as referee. Persona having trouble with their eyes should call and have them cxam-yj ined by Dr. A. B. Richmond. Olhci second door from cornor of Court an Second streets. 12-lw Dr. Lannorberg wishes to inform his patrons that ho will be in the city for n short time and can be found In bis oflice at the usual hours. Anyone desiring to have their eyes exaniinod will do well to call on him. Two carloads of fine etall-fud beef cat tle are in the stockyardo today awaiting shipment. They were boaght fiom Robert Mays by tiie Union Meat Co., of Portland, and will bo shipped to their packing house at Troutdale, tonight. Today Jim Benton left for Dufur, where he will be employed for some time in doing the plumbing in the club rooms at that place. Wo understand that the rooms are ubout completed and that they reflect much credit on the town. n the thumb of a man: If so, the man was at least 23 feet tall. e high scores for the past week at! Umatilla House alleys were as fo!4 Monday, F. Pundt 00; Tuesday, J. Benton 69; Wednesday, F. Pundt 54; Thursday, N. Sinnott, 50; Friday, A. Johnson 46; Saturday, J. McCoy 54; fySjimhiyJEBtebeiinet 58. Tonight a meeting of The Dalles Com mercial and Athletic Club will be held in Schanno's hall, over Brown's grocery store, to consider the matter of giving a minstrel and vaudeville show in the near future. All members of the club are expected to be present'. The high scores for the week ending yesterday were as follows at the club alleys: Monday, Nolan and Tolmie, Gl ; Tuesday, Ketchum 57 ; Wednesday, Bonn, Sr., 53; Thursday, Phillips 55; Friday, Menefee 61 ; Saturday, Hoetett ler 54 ; Sunday, T. J. Seufert 52. PartieB who attended the meeting of the Northwestern Fruit Growers Asso ciation state that Wasco county bad the finest display of fruit on exhibition. This is flattering for our county and should encourage our fruit-growers in their effort to raiee fruit second to none in the land. I .Workmen are putting in the Etoue kfirnnflii'n 1 L- liutlvttf.n Krunch'fl lmnk nnd the Commission Co.'s today, and from all appearauceb it will be a great im provement over the old Btyle plank walks. They cost about $75 each, but they last much longer and are in need of little or no repairs, making them chejkpeTtn-the end. '-'The attendance at the M. E. church yesterday, both morning and evening sevices, were very good. The subject of the evening discourse was, The second coming of Christ to judge the world in righteousness. This coming will bo in all His glory, attended by His heavenly hosts. The eternal destiny of all men will then bo fixed according to their works, whether they bo good or evil. Three persons were received into the church. The meetings will continue during the week, commencing at 7:30. A most cordial invitation and welcome is extended to all persons. The Christian church was again taxed to Its utmost capacity last night. At I Two cty tickets have been placed in the close of the sermon four were added i tie ueid jor Vuo t.lty election at Wusco, to the church, making twenty-seven in I UIJj excitement is running high. The Nuiiiluutril III Wmtco. two weeks. Toniifht Elder Boltz will take lor his theme "Mind Your Own Business." Attention is called to the fact that in all school districts throughout the coun ty Bpeciul meetings for levying school tax, under the new law, must be held during the mouth of January and the returns Bent to tho county clerk on or before February 1st. The Ontario News says that A. J. Quuckenbusb dug a well on his ranch in Malheur county, a short time ago, He dug 32 feet and struck gravel. After go ing down three feet in the gravel he un earthed the remain! of a prehistoric an imal, Tbe bone was examined, and It was concluded to be the second bone of election will be held Jauuary 31st. The tickets follow: People's Mayor, George M Crossfield ; recorder, W F Johnson ; marshal, II II Walker; treasurer, VC Brock: coun cllmen, W M Booth, W M Reynolds, W A Murchle, L Clark, P L Kreuer aud James Hoag. Citizens', or prohibition Mayor, W M Barnett; recorder, E M Leslie ; mar shal, Angus Cemerou; couucllmen, W H Biggs, J E McPherson, L Clark, W 8 Clayton, W 8 Bargee and II Kraus. Mc Kid ley Oluu Meeting. was well attended by prominnt Repub licans. The object of the meeting was to elect delegates to attend Ate Republi can League couvention, which is to be held in Portland in the near future. Following is the list of those elected J C Hostettler. Fred ;W Wilson, G J Farley, Roger Sinnott,, Frank Menefee, T J Driver, Thos Hudson, H H Riddel!, Robert Mays, B S Huntington, W H Wilson, S S Johns. Chas Dietzel. A M WCelsay, C W Phelpe, H L Kuck, B F lauguun, tj jacobsen, Jos iionn. fBBSOSAI. MENTION, George Johnston of Duiur is in the city. Earnest Mahew is in from Tygh Ridge today. Richard Sigman.of Dufur is in this city today. Otto Birgfeld left on the morning train for Portland. Chas. Stotan came in from his farm near Dufur, today. Henry Hudson is in from his farm near Dufur, today. M. A. Donland is over from his home at Goldendale today. Joseph T. Peters returned from a bus iness trip to Portland, last evening. E. Jacobsen left this morning for a (lying triu to Portland and tne Sound. Mr. Arnhold is down from Baker City, where he is preparing to net out a special edition of tbe Baker City Demo crat. Mre. G. St. John of Tacoma, and Mrs. H. A. Moss of San Francisco, who have been visiting their mother, Mrs. R. Lusher, in this city since Christmas, left for San Francisco this morning. NEWS NOTES. Latest advices from Havana say that an outbreak at that'placo may be looked for at any time. The summer home of ex-President Cleveland was entered Saturday night and robbed. Advices received last night stato that Chas. M. Shortridge, formerly editor of the San Francisco Call, was dying. Advices received this morning state that Ben Butter worth, the statesman and politician, is dead. President Dale, of Hawaii, arrived in in this country yesterday, on his way to Washington. Yesterday Senator, Hanna made a hasty depaiture for Washington. Late advices from Dawson stato that tho miners want mail woiso than they want food, as they have not heard frqm the outside world'siiice last August. Kid McCoy has ottered challenges to FiUsimmon.) and Corbett. A meetlnit of tbe McKinley Club was held in the county courthouse Saturday L. E. Crowe presided, and It held iu tulght. Titled Tlilvtv. A princess, a eotmtcHH, a diu-bc ss nnd the daughter of u reifrniiitf prlnu were umoiiff the 4,000 thieves, professional nnd unprofessional, arrested in ParU during tho first six months of hut year. Origin of Milliard. The origin of billiards Ik obscure, but the best authorities on the subject de clare tluit the game wus brought from tbe eust by the Crusaders. It was cer tainly played by the' early Knights Tumplur and the Knights of Malta, und in medieval times wus exceedingly popular among the monks in tlw monasteries of France und Italy. Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON ISI1U Allowed. Following is a portion of the bills al lowed at the January term of the county court: Chas Chandler, appraising road.. $ 2 00 W H Perry, do do . . 2 00 H H Hibbard, do do . . 2 00 A M Kelsay, salary clerk 166 60 Simeon Bolton, deputy clerk.... 100 00 T J Driver, sheriff 216 66 R Kelly, deputv sheriff 100 00 C L Gilbert school supt 75 00 John Fitzgerald, janitor 60 00 C L Phillips, county treasurer. . . 66 66 M M Cashing, care county poor. 125 00 Robert Maye, county judge 250 00 R B Sinnott, justice fees 10 80 J M Filloon, justice fees 94 45 W H Butts, coroner's fees 14 60 George Prather, justice fees 1!. 55 O C Hollister, wit justice court. . 1 50 Ed Kurtz, do do . . 1 50 Joe Bonn, do do 1 50 Dick Nolan, do do 1 50 C Neberger, do do 1 50 J M Marden, juror justice court 100 M T Nolan, do do 1 00 L Lane, do do 1 00 C F Lauer. constable fees 11 20 F M Hill, constabte fees 91 05 W A Johnston, coroner's juror. 1 00 1 00 00 I) S Dufur, do do H C Nielsen, do do ENewlin, do do .. 1 00 C F Stephens, do do . . 1 00 M Randall do do . . 1 00 Fred Williams, witness 1 50 J J Wiley, do 1 50 William Spencer, do 1 50 E K Russell, ser supervisor 142 40 W R Winans do W FJackson do John End J P Watson Ike Ilixon, C A Stewart do do do do do do do do do do 27 50 102 00 50 00 83 50 100 00 13d 00 20 00 84 CO 63 00 Win Michel), burial of pauper. . . Chris Dethinun, serv. supervisor S B Fisher. do C E Stewart, witness feos 7 50 Times-Mountaineer, pub 4 00 Dalles Commission Co., supplies to paupers. J F Elliott, work on road I) A Cooper, do Mrs Susie Hardman, witness . . . J W Koontz, serv us supervisor . E K Russell, court juror 8 00 Florence CrittentonRefugo Home donation , J B Haver!', serv as supervisor . A N Varnoy, coroners jury. . . A Everding, do H C Nielsen, do John Burgraf, do J II Wood, do J B Crate, do Joe Dufley, witness coroners jury D McLelfan, do E Thibodean, do C J Dielsman, do Tom Ryan, do Frank Pol in, do John Dutl'ev, do D S McBrido, do A Mason, do 5 0!) 6 75 3 00 6 40 30 75 60 00 118 56 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 90 3 00 3 90 3 90 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 3 '90 FC Sexton, coroners jury 1 00 C F Stephens, r W Wilson, L Lime, I) S Dufur, A A Urquhart, do do do do do E Kelly, witness, coroners jury, , J r isreimi), uo R E Buruoy, ' do Dan Crosby, do 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 no 1 50 1 60 1 HlKheHt Tuxetl Country. Roumunia is the highest taxed coun try iu tho world. Every bottle of for eign wine, has to pay a abiding- duty. A case of whisky went from the army and navy stores the other day. The transport tax stamps aud other duties amounted to more thun the price of t he whisky. Theie Is a tax even on female servants. And can now supply our customers. The Uiilson is tho cfnly Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE, We. have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. SUBSCRI BE FOR THE TWICE fl WEEK FOR THE HOjMlCliE And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING RATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World .".$2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER FOUR GREfl T mm In OliUtn Tlmi'S. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial ed'ects, nnd were satistiod with transient action ; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome hubit- iinl constipations, well informed people will not buy other laxatives, which net for a time, but finally injure tho system. IJuy tho genuine made by the California Fig Syrup Co. MoiiiIkiis or tilt) MuKlliluy Ulult of Tho llllllUH. t You nro lieroby requested to bo pies- ent at a meeting of tho McKinley club, to be held at tho court house, Saturday evening January 15th, at 8 o'clock for tho purpose of electing representa tives to attend a meeting of tho repub I lent) league of Oregon, to be held in Portland, Tuesday February 1, 1S0S. L. E. Onowis, Pros. G. J. Faui.kv, Sec. Cttuli In Your CliuukH. All countv warrants registered prior to Nov. 13, 18!);!, will bo paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th, 18S8. O. I.. Pmi.i.ii'H, Countv Treasurer. ltiU Wanted. Bills for furnishing 150 cubic yards building sand will be received by tho Wasco warehouse up to January ISth. ThorigLt is received to reject any or all bids, Bids miiBt be accompanied with a sample of sand. The Dalles, Jun. 11, 1SDS. Choice Shoahvutor Hay oysters served in every stylo at tho Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial uiul wo will endeavor to please you. When you want n good smoke, be sure and call for Touts' high-grade cigars. For sale by all first-class dealers, tf Call and see what tl'o Commission Co. can do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf If yon have money to bum, burn it by smoking Fouls Prteo Medal and Hoso Qneon cigars. i G-tf All Books At Cost During this month, Except Dictionaries, Musio Books and Sohool Books, I. C. Nickelsen Book & musie Company,