The Dalles My Ctarafete. The only Kqntbliean Daily Xevspapft on Watco County. EASTERX OFFICE SSO to Si Temple Court, X. Y. City. F. KATZ, Agait. Weekly Clubbing Ktc. Chronicle and Oregonian ?2 25 Chronicle and Examiner 2 'J5 Chronicle and Inter Ocean . 1.S5 Chronicle and Tribune 1 "5 Chronicle and X. Y. World 2 00 31 OK DAY JANUARY 17, 1S95 THE MEAXS AXD TEE EXP. The following editorial from the Inter Ocean makes the best presents-: tion of arguments for Hawaiian an-1 negation we have seen. While there may be many things of weight said on the other side, yet this editorial presents the matter in a very favora ble light: "It is deplorable that many sena tors still close their eyes to the im portance of the Hawaiian question. It is amazing that, in a matter so -vital to our national safety and com mercial prosperity, the gentlemen whe hold the fate of the treaty in their bunds should palter over trifles and quibble over platitudes. The orient is being torn by many bands. The long arms of European powers are being stretched forth to all parts of the Pacific. The key to our west coast is in danger. The trade of a new commercial world is at stake. Yet the senate hesitates. 'Most of the opponents of annexa tion, whatever their motives may be, fortify themselves with the argument tbat annexation is against our na tional policy. They forgot, or do not care to remember, tbat a policy is not an end, but only a means ; that it is a line of conduct marked out to aerve some particular purpose. For instance: Bismarck wished to see the Hobenzollern dynasty rule a united Germany. To accomplish this he adopted first the war policy, -which he followed from 1SG4 to 1871, and then the peace policy, which he adhered to from 1S71 to 1890. He and all other statesmen of his sagacity have made national pol icy their handmaid, not their mis tress. "One heritage from the wise men -who brought forth and cradled this great republic has been the national determination to avoid foreign en tanglements, to keep far from our shores the dynastic quarrels and ceaseless controversies of Europe, and to develop in independence and safety the institutions on which we have sUked onr national existence. That was the purpose of our early statesmen national safety, tar re moved from the menace of foreign aggression. The policy tbat they followed to realize this purpose the varied with every passing decade. Sometimes it brought peace; some times war. But war or peace, the main purpose was kept ever in view and the policy fitted to its demands. 'In obedience to the same con siderations the United States govern, meat Las favored annexation of ter ritory at one time and opposed it at another. We took Florida; we took Louisiana; we took Texas. and we took the vast lands covered by the Mexican cession of 16-13 and the Gadsden purchase of lb'oS. So, through the first half of this century, we stood committed repeatedly to the policy of annexation. We stood thus committed because the policy of annexation served directly our pur- pose as designated by the far-seeing statesmen of revolutionar times and followed by their successors. 'Under such circumstances, it is folly lo fold our hands and shut our eyes. It is folly to bow dowu to the fetich of a policy but forty years old, and now utterly at variance with the changed conditions that confront us. Our main purpose in foreign affairs today, aa evar before, should be to maintain our splendid isolation, our 'safctv from foreign agression. To realize it we must do as our fathers ( and their fathers did take the most ; rtoTorcr:lt"o'ft Dales. Portal ail Astorit- meet emergencies oi omor uwt.s. What we did in 1SG0 of 1S70 can be; no standard af judgment now. If we do not take Hawaii, others will, j It is to be ours or theirs. The demand on the senate ior ac ( tion is loud and clear. Keep iu ! view the traditional purKse of this Ijroverumeut; hold off foreigu powers stand fast by the I I it V I" v- i principles of our wisest statesmen, and maintain them by all the means , thfit will strengthen us arrainst the i land hungry nations of Europe; meet the issues of today as our govern ment met similar issues in the first half of the century. Annex the islands." EFFECT Or iv'.JSIC. The "erou. Sytciu Influenced by IMf fereat Kind of MinnJ. The old story that Aiul when out of temper usetl to summon David to play the harp, and found the music to lie a sedathe, may prove to be aion- than a Minnie historic incident, for both Char cot and Tnrchanou have declared that mus-ical sounds are a remedial ajrency in disease which no physician can af ford to iirnore. says the New Ysrk Herald. Mr. Wat thin, of Miekiiran, who has riven a trreat deal of thought to this sub ject, ass-erts that different kinds of sounds- are nierreTiflective than drurs In the cure of disease. For instance, he boid'.y assures us that the musk of Valkyrie will increase perspiration, and. "therefore, cure certain forms of ailment caused by cheekier its llov. The operative enercy is not the music as such, "but the peculiar vibrations made by it. Tannhauser. on the o'her hand, is a vibratory soporific and in duces u serene state of mind and body. . M. Coriveaud. of Taris, asserts that violin playinir is at least a temporary remedy for sciatica. He adduces the in stance of a patient who found almost instant relief in that way and who suc cessfully resorted to it whenever threat ened with an attack. Perhaps this is- an appeal to the im agination, but what matters it if the patient is cured'? Perhaps. aratn. there is a law hidden somewhere in the pile of apparent impossibilities one which wilf some time be discovered for our benefit. We never smile with increduli ty at anything in the:-e wonder-working days. One million standard gold dollars rreirh 1 MO short tons, while the stand erd silver dollar weiphs -8 short ton: ner $1,000,000. One million dollars if the silver tea-cent pieco v.eiph j-" t short tons; of the live-cent nickel. 110 1-5 abort tons; of the one-cent bronze piece. S42 f7 short trns. and of tje "old" copper cent. l.tfM 5-7 short tons. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district Xo. l- of Wasco county, state ot Oreiron, tbat a special school tn2 eeting of said district will bei he brick schoolbouse on Court he 2''.h ciav of Janucrv. i I held at th stret oa tt,e at 2 o'clock in the atternoon, for the fol lowing objects : To levy a tas for the ensuing vear for school purpo-es, and to create a sinking fund to pay the bonded indebtedness of said district. Dated this 17th dav of January, 180?. O. D. Ddaxe. Chairman Board Directors. Geo. P. Moe&as, District Clerk. Fresh Columbia river smeit at Varney lOlwfc . - Dr.GUNN'S forPeoplo7rfi8tArell I A Sick or " Just Don'tfrii X Feel WelL" I IkbW ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Bemom PlmpKi. curM HMdaeh. Orspepala ut Cottlrentu. 25 cti. a box at druggruu or tr tsaU bamplea Fr, addreM Or. BManko Co. fhlla. II- LDDD POISOH ttory ULuoU pernjsr.iciy rnredln!5oS3UaTs.yoccacretre3tC(isj Ecme torsade price under ease rnartLt- tr. l(Tonprciertocomeber3wvvi:ian. r-a wi w wmfcl cn CTlfilfTffTL. joubiTstiieaiuer- ffik&Vtl3&S!S& ihS SSAngJii natc casts ami ciiuUtuce the world lor a tracttataTra!lmai1farer:1hnlhir!. M4 eiaon. ssocuoo capital ustime our ntcw-a. I ' 6 ' JOSEPH mm HAS OFE!D A t HARNESS SHOP ' IS THE EAST END. In the Colum bia Fctrtl Yard, ovpr-mite ealUcanbe etocljardi, where be it xeadr to do All Kinds of Harness Work. I n u Regulator Lane-V Navigation Co.' Meplaiori Dalles City, t FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN Tiie Dalles, Hood Klvcr, Cascade Locks and r j-t- land aiU.y,,T!,"r sunasy. ( DOWH THE VALLEY I Are yon eolcc , " T0 ( EASTERN OREGON 1 II so. save monev cad enjoy a fcoautlf cl trip on h rv,inn,ht Thf wp-,t.rmnd train arriro at The Dalles In ample time lor passencers to Uit the steamer, arrivinc in Portland In time for the outpoint Southern and Northern train : connu ptweneers arriving iu mi ni.a to take the EasMwund train. For further information apply to J. X. HARNEY, Apent. Oat Street Pock. Portland. Oregon, Or W C. ALLAWAY. lien. AC, The Dalles. Orccon fieux Year Expcmenees. 1 Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide yon through the new. You remember where yon have pains and pleasures. Good bealtu i brought the pleasure, bad liealth J b.ought the pain. If yon want good health you will pet it through good medicine. We nse nothing but the best ( aud finest drugs in Compounding. EELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES, Ll-vlilrf HJ 1 1 U V J Improuemer)t8. fir? ' louwuut VV" mates jour bolidar eniovment creater. You ,, . , . i . want nater which makes vonr hornf- . .. . V . T . . " pleasanter at all times, l on need Encli ih.dee.nd designs as will give more ' Leaut5- aod BOre corafort in our borne. ' WeEhow" -von etr,es tbat es"edany, . ever fceen here at prices never attempted , ' W- VAUbii, Third St. j Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmakerl Jeweler AU wort promptly attcaded to, and warranud. 174 VOGT BLOCK. i 3 ) situ ? ? n ? -y - NX 88 1 BlackwelE's Genuine BULL DURHAM I Ynn will find n& coupon Imltle enen : ounce u . . Bay a tug. tvau 4-e coupon and v how to gvt Wholesale. MflLtT LtlQUOHS, LUines and Cigaps. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH - HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing Out Sale OF FURNITURE f CARPETS PRINZ ( t Arergoing to cloe out their busines?, All neraons knowine tbemeeivB indebted to eaid firm are requested to call and rj ni i rv rj Soipes-Kmefsly Drug U Jb8 postoffiee PrmaQf.LS- CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drags and Wedieines. Toilet Artiile? and Perfumery, pist Ij of Telephone, 333. Imported PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries, GEORGE RUCH, Pionr 7VL Z. DONNELL, PHESCSlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Subscribe for The Chronicle This very best Smoking Tobacco made. . . . . i ... 1 1 n H..h J nitnn ImkC nnu i-...,,.... your sharu of 110,010 In. jirraf nu. and BEER on draught and In Dottles. a non-alcoholic HITSCHKE and they are oflennc thetr large stock at ar;d Domestic iars.jggiNGLES New Vogt Block FIRE BRICK, THE ALLES, OR ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. VAVU MINNKAI'OLI ni't.VTii KAlKil) mM run ClttlOKSTOS IVIXNU'KO IIKt.ENA an HUTTK Elegent Tourist TO Through Tickets CIMCAOO WAHl'5TON rmiAllELI'HIA 'EW YOUK IIOSTON AM ALL 1'OINTS KAST nrt SOUTH For Inlormatlon. time card. map and tlcketi, cal on or write to W. C. AI.LAWAY. Acent, The Dallt-a, Oregon Oh K. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G- P. A., iVV. Mr.rrion Cor. Thtnl. I'ortlaud Orecon Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass DOORS, WINDOWS, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. el g-'le nsr nsr. J. S. pctir.SK, l'rt-ldcut. 11. M. ', First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business traiuttctw Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. CoVectlons made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Skirt and Telegraphic Exchange sold o Nw York, 8an Francisco aud port land. DIKKOTOKS D. P. Thompsok. Jko, 8. ScHKScav Ku. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Liku U. M. Bbai.l. Strayed. Strayed from Dufur, Or., about tb last ot July, two bay horses, of abo0' 1000 pounds weight, both geldings; one a light Uy, branded on right bra ; to other a dark bay, branded UV (connect fd) on left shoulder. Information lead ing to the recovery of either, or both, o these horses will be rewarded by tb owner. Bav. John Evaxh. decll-lm-ll Columbus, Wash. N